This file lists the user-visible interesting changes between releases. For a full list of changes to the source, see the ChangeLog. time-interval 0.1.1 2016-05-30 =================================== General, build and documentation changes: * Add stack.yaml for building with stack and latest stackage LTS * Better docs, new usage scenario as the previous one was invalid New APIs, features and enhancements: * Several new conversion functions, and `time` is deprecated now * `TimeInterval` has `Num`, `Integral` and `Real` instances Bug fixes: * (None) Dependency changes: * (None) time-interval -- 2015-09-10 =================================== General, build and documentation changes: * (This is the first release, so everything is new) New APIs, features and enhancements: * (This is the first release, so everything is a new feature) Bug fixes: * (This is just the first release) Dependency changes: * (This is the first release)