{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, GADTs #-} module Main where import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import Data.ByteString.Lex.Lazy.Double import Text.Regex.PCRE import Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString import Debug.Trace import System import System.Exit import System.Console.GetOpt import Data.Time hiding (parseTime) import Data.Time.Parse import Data.Accessor import Graphics.Rendering.Chart import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Gtk import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Grid import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Event import Data.Colour import Data.Colour.Names data Edge = Rise | Fall | Pulse deriving (Eq,Show) data InEvent = InEdge Edge | InValue Double | InAtom S.ByteString data OutFormat = PNG | PDF | PS | SVG | Window class HasDelta t where type Delta t :: * add :: Delta t -> t -> t instance HasDelta Double where type Delta Double = Double add d t = t + d instance HasDelta LocalTime where type Delta LocalTime = NominalDiffTime add d t = utcToLocalTime utc (addUTCTime d (localTimeToUTC utc t)) instance Read NominalDiffTime where readsPrec n s = [(fromIntegral i, s') | (i,s') <- readsPrec n s] data (Ord t, HasDelta t) => ChartKind t = KindEvent | KindHistogram { binSize :: Delta t } | KindQuantile { binSize :: Delta t, quantiles :: [Double] } | KindBinFreq { binSize :: Delta t, delims :: [Double] } | KindBinCount { binSize :: Delta t, delims :: [Double] } | KindFreq { binSize :: Delta t, style :: PlotBarsStyle } | KindCount { binSize :: Delta t, style :: PlotBarsStyle } | KindValue | KindNone data Conf = forall t . (Ord t, HasDelta t, Read (Delta t), PlotValue t) => Conf { inFile :: FilePath, parseTime :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (t, B.ByteString), chartKindF :: S.ByteString -> ChartKind t, outFile :: FilePath, outFormat :: OutFormat, outResolution :: (Int,Int) } readConf :: [String] -> Conf readConf args = case (words $ single "time format" "-tf" ("date %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) of ["num"] -> readConf' (fmap (int2double *** id) . B.readInt) "date":f -> readConf' (strptime (B.pack $ unwords f)) _ -> error "Unrecognized time format (-tf)" where int2double = fromIntegral::Int-> Double single desc name def = case (getArg name 1 args) of [[r]] -> r [] -> def _ -> error $ "Single argument expected for: "++desc++" ("++name++")" readConf' parseTime = Conf {inFile=inFile, outFile=outFile, outFormat=outFormat, outResolution=outRes, chartKindF=chartKindF, parseTime=parseTime} where inFile = single "input file" "-if" (error "No input file (-if) specified") outFile = single "output file" "-o" (error "No output file (-of) specified") outFormat = maybe PNG id $ lookup (single "output format" "-of" (name2format outFile)) $ [("png",PNG), ("pdf",PDF), ("ps",PS), ("svg",SVG), ("x",Window)] where name2format = reverse . takeWhile (/='.') . reverse outRes = parseRes $ single "output resolution" "-or" "640x480" where parseRes s = case break (=='x') s of (h,_:v) -> (read h,read v) chartKindF = kindByRegex [((=~regex), parseKind (words kind)) | [regex,kind] <- getArg "-k" 2 args] where kindByRegex rks s = case [k | (p,k) <- rks, p s] of k:_ -> k _ -> defaultKind parseKind ["hist", n ] = KindHistogram {binSize=read n} parseKind ["freq", n ] = KindFreq {binSize=read n,style=BarsClustered} parseKind ["freq", n,s] = KindFreq {binSize=read n,style=parseStyle s} parseKind ["count", n ] = KindCount {binSize=read n,style=BarsClustered} parseKind ["count", n,s] = KindCount {binSize=read n,style=parseStyle s} parseKind ["event" ] = KindEvent parseKind ["quantile",b,q] = KindQuantile {binSize=read b, quantiles=read ("["++q++"]")} parseKind ["binf", b,q] = KindBinFreq {binSize=read b, delims =read ("["++q++"]")} parseKind ["binc", b,q] = KindBinCount {binSize=read b, delims =read ("["++q++"]")} parseKind ["value" ] = KindValue parseKind ["none" ] = KindNone parseKind ws = error ("Unknown diagram kind" ++ unwords ws) defaultKind = parseKind $ words $ single "default kind" "-dk" "event" parseStyle "stacked" = BarsStacked parseStyle "clustered" = BarsClustered -- getArg "-a" 2 ["-b", "1", "-a", "2", "q", "r", "-c", "3", "-a", "x"] = -- [["2", "q"], ["x"]] getArg :: String -> Int -> [String] -> [[String]] getArg name arity args = [take arity as | (t:as) <- tails args, t==name] readSource :: (B.ByteString -> Maybe (t,B.ByteString)) -> FilePath -> IO [(t, S.ByteString, InEvent)] readSource readTime f = (justs . map parseLine . blines) `fmap` (if f=="-" then B.getContents else B.readFile f) where justs xs = [x | Just x <- xs] blines = B.split '\n' strict = S.concat . B.toChunks parseLine s = do (t, s') <- readTime s (_, s'') <- B.uncons s' (c,rest) <- B.uncons s'' case c of '>' -> return (t, strict rest, InEdge Rise ) '<' -> return (t, strict rest, InEdge Fall ) '!' -> return (t, strict rest, InEdge Pulse) '=' -> do let (track, val') = B.break (==' ') rest (_,val) <- B.uncons val' if B.null val then Nothing else do case B.head val of '`' -> do return (t, strict track, InAtom (strict $ B.tail val)) _ -> do (v,_ ) <- readDouble val return (t, strict track, InValue v) _ -> Nothing makeChart :: forall t . (HasDelta t, PlotValue t) => (S.ByteString -> ChartKind t) -> [(t, S.ByteString, InEvent)] -> Renderable () makeChart chartKindF [] = emptyRenderable makeChart chartKindF events@((t0,_,_):_) = renderLayout1sStacked plots where track2events = reverse `fmap` foldl insert M.empty [(s, (t, e)) | (t, s, e) <- events] where insert m (s, r) = M.alter (Just . maybe [r] (r:)) s m plots = [ plotTrack k es | (k, es) <- M.toList track2events, case (chartKindF k) of {KindNone -> False ; _ -> True} ] timeBounds = (head times, last times) times = sort $ [t | tes <- M.elems track2events, (t,_)<- tes] commonTimeAxis = autoAxis times plotTrack name es = case (chartKindF name) of KindHistogram bs -> withAnyOrdinate $ plotTrackHistogram name es bs KindFreq bs k -> withAnyOrdinate $ plotTrackFreq name es bs k KindCount bs k -> withAnyOrdinate $ plotTrackCount name es bs k KindEvent -> withAnyOrdinate $ plotTrackEvent name es KindQuantile bs qs -> withAnyOrdinate $ plotTrackQuantile name es qs bs KindBinFreq bs vs -> withAnyOrdinate $ plotTrackBinFreqs name es vs bs KindBinCount bs vs -> withAnyOrdinate $ plotTrackBinCounts name es vs bs KindValue -> withAnyOrdinate $ plotTrackValue name es KindNone -> error "KindNone should not be plotted" edges es = [(t,e) | (t,InEdge e) <- es] values es = [(t,v) | (t,InValue v) <- es] atoms es = [(t,a) | (t,InAtom a) <- es] lag xs = xs `zip` tail xs ourPlotBars :: (BarsPlotValue a) => PlotBars t a ourPlotBars = plot_bars_spacing ^= BarsFixGap 0 0 $ plot_bars_style ^= BarsStacked $ plot_bars_alignment ^= BarsLeft $ defaultPlotBars plotTrackHistogram name es bs = layoutWithTitle (plotBars plot) name where plot = plot_bars_values ^= barsData $ ourPlotBars barsData = [(t,[n]) | ((t,_),n) <- edges2bins bs t0 (edges es)] plotTrackFreq = plotTrackAtoms atoms2freqs plotTrackCount = plotTrackAtoms atoms2counts plotTrackAtoms f name es bs k = layoutWithTitle (plotBars plot) name where plot = plot_bars_style ^= k $ plot_bars_values ^= vals $ plot_bars_item_styles ^= itemStyles $ plot_bars_titles ^= "":map show vs $ ourPlotBars itemStyles = none:[(solidFillStyle (opaque c), Nothing) | c <- colors] vals = byTimeBins ((0:).f vs) bs t0 as as = atoms es vs = M.keys $ M.fromList $ [(a,()) | (_,a) <- as] plotTrackEvent name es = layoutWithTitle (toPlot plot) name where plot = plot_event_data ^= edges2events (edges es) $ defaultPlotEvent plotTrackQuantile name es qs bs = layoutWithTitle (plotBars plot) name where plot = plot_bars_values ^= toBars (byTimeBins (getQuantiles qs) bs t0 (values es)) $ plot_bars_item_styles ^= quantileStyles $ plot_bars_titles ^= quantileTitles $ ourPlotBars quantileStyles = none:(zip (map (solidFillStyle . opaque) colors) [Just $ solidLine 1 (opaque black) | i <- [0..n+1]]) quantileTitles = [""]++[show p1++".."++show p2++"%" | (p1,p2) <- lag percents ] where percents = map (floor . (*100)) $ [0]++qs++[1] n = length qs colors = cycle [green,blue,yellow,red,orange,brown,grey,purple,violet,lightblue] binTitles vs = [low]++[show v1++".."++show v2 | (v1,v2) <- lag vs]++[high] where low = "<"++show (head vs) high = ">"++show (last vs) binColor n i = opaque (colors !! i) plotTrackBinFreqs name es vs bs = plotTrackBars vals (binTitles vs) name (binColor n) where vals = byTimeBins ((0:).values2binFreqs vs) bs t0 (values es) n = length vs plotTrackBinCounts name es vs bs = plotTrackBars vals (binTitles vs) name (binColor n) where vals = byTimeBins ((0:).values2binCounts vs) bs t0 (values es) n = length vs plotTrackBars :: (BarsPlotValue a) => [(t,[a])] -> [String] -> S.ByteString -> (Int -> AlphaColour Double) -> Layout1 t a plotTrackBars values titles name clr = layoutWithTitle (plotBars plot) name where plot = plot_bars_values ^= values $ plot_bars_item_styles ^= binStyles $ plot_bars_titles ^= "":titles $ ourPlotBars binStyles = none:[(solidFillStyle (clr i), Just $ solidLine 1 (opaque black)) | (i,_) <- [0..]`zip`titles] none = (solidFillStyle transparent, Nothing) toBars tvs = [(t,diffs vs) | (t,vs) <- tvs] diffs xs = zipWith (-) xs (0:xs) plotTrackValue name es = layoutWithTitle (toPlot plot) name where plot = plot_lines_values ^= [values es] $ defaultPlotLines layoutWithTitle plot name = layout1_title ^= "" $ layout1_plots ^= [Left plot] $ layout1_bottom_axis .> laxis_generate ^= (\_ -> commonTimeAxis) $ layout1_top_axis .> laxis_generate ^= (\_ -> commonTimeAxis) $ layout1_left_axis .> laxis_title ^= S.unpack name $ layout1_margin ^= 0 $ defaultLayout1 edges2events :: (Ord t) => [(t,Edge)] -> [Event t ()] edges2events tes = longs `merge` pulses where merge [] ps = ps merge ls [] = ls merge (l@(LongEvent t1 t2 _):ls) (p@(PulseEvent t _):ps) | t1 Delta t -> t -> [(t,Edge)] -> [((t,t), Int)] edges2bins binSize t0 es = gather 0 0 0 es $ iterate (add binSize) t0 where gather :: (Ord t) => Int -> Int -> Int -> [(t,Edge)] -> [t] -> [((t,t), Int)] gather 0 _ _ [] (t1:t2:ts) = [] gather n _ _ [] (t1:t2:ts) = [((t1,t2),n)] gather nmax nopen npulse ((t,e):tes) (t1:t2:ts) | t=t2 = ((t1,t2),nmax):gather nopen nopen 0 ((t,e):tes) (t2:ts) gather nmax nopen npulse ((t,Rise ):tes) (t1:t2:ts) = gather (nmax `max` (nopen+npulse+1)) (nopen+1) npulse tes (t1:t2:ts) gather nmax nopen npulse ((t,Fall ):tes) (t1:t2:ts) = gather nmax (nopen-1) npulse tes (t1:t2:ts) gather nmax nopen npulse ((t,Pulse):tes) (t1:t2:ts) = gather (nmax `max` (nopen+npulse+1)) nopen (npulse+1) tes (t1:t2:ts) values2timeBins :: (Ord t) => [t] -> [(t,a)] -> [[a]] values2timeBins (t1:t2:ts) [] = [] values2timeBins (t1:t2:ts) tvs@((t,_):_) | t ([a] -> b) -> Delta t -> t -> [(t,a)] -> [(t, b)] byTimeBins f binSize t0 tvs = times `zip` map f (values2timeBins times tvs) where times = iterate (add binSize) t0 getQuantiles :: (Ord a) => [Double] -> [a] -> [a] getQuantiles qs = \xs -> quantiles' (sort xs) where qs' = sort qs quantiles' [] = [] quantiles' xs = index (0:ns++[n-1]) 0 xs where n = length xs ns = map (floor . (*(fromIntegral n-1))) qs' index _ _ [] = [] index [] _ _ = [] index [i] j (x:xs) | ij = index (i:i':is) (j+1) xs | i==i' = x:index (i':is) j (x:xs) | True = x:index (i':is) (j+1) xs values2binFreqs :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> [Double] values2binFreqs bins xs = map toFreq $ values2binCounts bins xs where n = length xs toFreq = if n==0 then const 0 else (\k -> fromIntegral k/fromIntegral n) values2binCounts bins xs = values2binCounts' bins $ sort xs where values2binCounts' [] xs = [length xs] values2binCounts' (a:as) xs = length xs0 : values2binCounts' as xs' where (xs0,xs') = span ( [a] -> [a] -> [Int] atoms2counts as xs = map (maybe 0 id . (`M.lookup` m)) as where m = foldl' insert M.empty xs insert m a = M.alter (Just . maybe 1 inc) a m inc n = n `seq` (n+1) atoms2freqs :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> [Double] atoms2freqs as xs = map toFreq (atoms2counts as xs) where n = length xs toFreq = if n==0 then const 0 else (\k -> fromIntegral k/fromIntegral n) showHelp = mapM_ putStrLn [ "", "tplot - a tool for drawing timing diagrams. See http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Timeplot", "Usage: tplot [-o OFILE] [-of {png|pdf|ps|svg|x}] [-or 640x480] -if IFILE [-tf TF] ", " [-k Pat1 Kind1 -k Pat2 Kind2 ...] [-dk KindN]", " -o OFILE - output file (required if -of is not x)", " -of - output format (x means draw result in a window, default: extension of -o)", " -or - output resolution (default 640x480)", " -if IFILE - input file; '-' means 'read from stdin'", " -tf TF - time format: 'num' means that times are integer numbers less than 2^31", " (for instance, line numbers); 'date PATTERN' means that times are dates", " in the format specified by PATTERN - see http://linux.die.net/man/3/strptime,", " for example, [%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] parses dates like [2009-10-20 16:52:43]. ", " Default: 'date %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'", " -k P K - set diagram kind for tracks matching pattern P to K ", " (-k clauses are matched till first success)", " -dk - set default diagram kind", "", "Input format: lines of the following form:", "1234 >A - at time 1234, during event A has begun", "1234 > exitSuccess let conf = readConf args let render = case (outFormat conf) of { PNG -> renderableToPNGFile ; PDF -> renderableToPDFFile ; PS -> renderableToPSFile ; SVG -> renderableToSVGFile ; Window -> \c w h f -> renderableToWindow c w h } case conf of Conf{parseTime=parseTime, inFile=inFile, chartKindF=chartKindF, outFile=outFile, outResolution=outResolution} -> do source <- readSource parseTime inFile let chart = makeChart chartKindF source let (w,h) = outResolution render chart w h outFile