name: timerep version: 2.0.0 category: Web, Time synopsis: Parse and display time according to some RFCs (RFC3339, RFC2822, RFC822) description: . Parse and display time according to some RFC's. . Supported: . * RFC822 * RFC2822 * RFC3339 . Special thanks to Koral for all the suggestions and help in solving some bugs . build-type: Simple maintainer: Hugo Daniel Gomes author: Hugo Daniel Gomes copyright: Hugo Daniel Gomes cabal-version: >= 1.8 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE source-repository head type: git location: git:// library build-depends: base < 5, monoid-subclasses, text, time >= 1.5, time-locale-compat, attoparsec exposed-modules: Data.Time.RFC3339 Data.Time.RFC2822 Data.Time.RFC822 other-modules: Data.Time.Util extensions: TypeSynonymInstances FlexibleInstances test-suite Tests type: detailed-0.9 hs-source-dirs: test test-module: Test build-depends: base < 5, Cabal >= 1.20.0, cabal-test-quickcheck, QuickCheck, text, time >= 1.2, time-locale-compat, timerep >= 1.0