{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings, PatternGuards, ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns #-}
module Tip.Pretty.Why3 where

import Text.PrettyPrint

import Tip.Pretty
import Tip.Types
import Tip.Utils.Rename (renameWith,disambig)
import Tip.Rename
import Tip.Core (ifView, DeepPattern(..), patternMatchingView, topsort, makeGlobal, exprType)

import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe

import Data.Generics.Geniplate

import qualified Data.Set as S

data Why3Var a = Why3Var Bool {- is constructor -} a
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

instance PrettyVar a => PrettyVar (Why3Var a) where
  varStr (Why3Var b x) = (if b then toUpper else toLower) `mapHead` addAlpha (varStr x)
    mapHead :: (Char -> Char) -> String -> String
    f `mapHead` []     = [f 'x']
    f `mapHead` (x:xs) = f x:xs

    addAlpha :: String -> String
    addAlpha s@(x:_) | isAlpha x = s
    addAlpha s                   = "x" ++ s

why3VarTheory :: forall a . Ord a => Theory a -> Theory (Why3Var a)
why3VarTheory thy = fmap mk thy
  cons = S.fromList [ c | Constructor c _ _ <- universeBi thy ]
  mk x = Why3Var (x `S.member` cons) x

block :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
block d c = (d $\ c) $$ "end"

pcsv, csv, csv1 :: [Doc] -> Doc
csv = fsep . punctuate ","

csv1 [x] = x
csv1 xs  = pcsv xs

pcsv = parens . csv

separating :: ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> [Doc] -> Doc
separating comb seps docs = comb (go seps docs)
    go (s:ss) (d:ds) = s <+> d : go ss ds
    go _      []     = []
    go []     _      = error "separating: ran out of separators!"

escape :: Char -> String
escape x | isAlphaNum x = [x]
escape _                = []

ppTheory :: (Ord a,PrettyVar a) => Theory a -> Doc
ppTheory (renameAvoiding why3Keywords escape . why3VarTheory -> Theory{..})
  = block ("module" <+> "A") $
    vcat (
      "use HighOrd" :
      "use import int.Int" :
      "use import int.EuclideanDivision" :
      map ppSort thy_sorts ++
      map ppDatas (topsort thy_datatypes) ++
      map ppUninterp thy_sigs ++
      map ppFuncs (topsort thy_funcs) ++
      zipWith ppFormula thy_asserts [0..])

ppSort :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Sort a -> Doc
ppSort (Sort sort []) = "type" $\ ppVar sort
ppSort (Sort sort n) =
  error $ "Can't translate abstract sort " ++ show (ppVar sort) ++ " of arity " ++ show (length n) ++ " to Why3"

ppDatas :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => [Datatype a] -> Doc
ppDatas (d:ds) = vcat (ppData "type" d:map (ppData "with") ds)

ppData :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Doc -> Datatype a -> Doc
ppData header (Datatype tc tvs cons) =
  header $\ (ppVar tc $\ sep (map ppTyVar tvs) $\
    separating fsep ("=":repeat "|") (map ppCon cons))

ppCon :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Constructor a -> Doc
ppCon (Constructor c _d as) = ppVar c <+> fsep (map (ppType 1 . snd) as)

ppQuant :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Doc -> [Local a] -> Doc -> Doc
ppQuant _name [] d = d
ppQuant name  ls d = (name $\ fsep (punctuate "," (map ppLocalBinder ls)) <+> ".") $\ d

ppBinder :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => a -> Type a -> Doc
ppBinder x t = ppVar x <+> ":" $\ ppType 0 t

ppLocalBinder :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Local a -> Doc
ppLocalBinder (Local x t) = ppBinder x t

ppUninterp :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Signature a -> Doc
ppUninterp (Signature f (PolyType _ arg_types result_type)) =
  "function" $\ ppVar f $\ fsep (map (ppType 1) arg_types) $\ (":" <+> ppType 1 result_type)

ppFuncs :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => [Function a] -> Doc
ppFuncs (fn:fns) = vcat (ppFunc "function" fn:map (ppFunc "with") fns)

ppFunc :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Doc -> Function a -> Doc
ppFunc header (Function f _tvs xts t e) =
   ((header $\ ppVar f $\ fsep (map (parens . ppLocalBinder) xts) $\ (":" <+> ppType 0 t <+> "="))
     $\ ppExpr 0 e
   ) $$
   ("(*" <+> vcat [ ppVar f $\ fsep (map ppDeepPattern dps) <+> "=" $\ ppExpr 0 rhs
                  | (dps,rhs) <- patternMatchingView xts e ] <+> "*)")

ppDeepPattern :: PrettyVar a => DeepPattern a -> Doc
ppDeepPattern (DeepConPat (Global k _ _) dps) = parens (ppVar k <+> fsep (map ppDeepPattern dps))
ppDeepPattern (DeepVarPat (Local x _)) = ppVar x
ppDeepPattern (DeepLitPat lit) = ppLit lit

ppFormula :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Formula a -> Int -> Doc
ppFormula (Formula role _ _tvs term) i =
  (ppRole role <+> ("x" <> int i) <+> ":") $\ (ppExpr 0 term)

ppRole :: Role -> Doc
ppRole Assert = "lemma"
ppRole Prove  = "goal"

ppExpr :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Int -> Expr a -> Doc
ppExpr i e | Just (c,t,f) <- ifView e = parIf (i > 0) $ "if" $\ ppExpr 0 c $\ "then" $\ ppExpr 0 t $\ "else" $\ ppExpr 0 f
ppExpr i e@(hd@(Gbl Global{..}) :@: es)
  | isNothing (makeGlobal gbl_name gbl_type (map exprType es) Nothing) =
    parIf (i > 0) $
    ppHead hd (map (ppExpr 1) es) $\ ":" $\ ppType 0 (exprType e)
ppExpr i (hd :@: es)  = parIf (i > 0 && not (null es)) $ ppHead hd (map (ppExpr 1) es)
ppExpr _ (Lcl l)      = ppVar (lcl_name l)
ppExpr i (Lam ls e)   = parIf (i > 0) $ ppQuant "\\" ls (ppExpr 0 e)
ppExpr i (Let x b e)  = parIf (i > 0) $ sep ["let" $\ ppVar (lcl_name x) <+> "=" $\ ppExpr 0 b <+> ":" $\ ppType 0 (lcl_type x), "in" <+> ppExpr 0 e]
ppExpr i (Quant _ q ls e) = parIf (i > 0) $ ppQuant (ppQuantName q) ls (ppExpr 0 e)
ppExpr i (Match e alts) =
  parIf (i > 0) $ block ("match" $\ ppExpr 0 e $\ "with")
                        (separating vcat (repeat "|") (map ppCase alts))

ppHead :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Head a -> [Doc] -> Doc
ppHead (Gbl gbl)   args = ppVar (gbl_name gbl) $\ fsep args
ppHead (Builtin b) [u,v] | Just d <- ppBinOp b = u <+> d $\ v
ppHead (Builtin At{}) args = fsep args
ppHead (Builtin b) args = ppBuiltin b $\ fsep args

ppBuiltin :: Builtin -> Doc
ppBuiltin (Lit lit) = ppLit lit
ppBuiltin IntDiv    = "div"
ppBuiltin IntMod    = "mod"
ppBuiltin Not       = "not"
ppBuiltin b         = error $ "Why3.ppBuiltin: " ++ show b

ppBinOp :: Builtin -> Maybe Doc
ppBinOp And       = Just "&&"
ppBinOp Or        = Just "||"
ppBinOp Implies   = Just "->"
ppBinOp Equal     = Just "="
ppBinOp Distinct  = Just "<>"
ppBinOp IntAdd    = Just "+"
ppBinOp IntSub    = Just "-"
ppBinOp IntMul    = Just "*"
ppBinOp IntGt     = Just ">"
ppBinOp IntGe     = Just ">="
ppBinOp IntLt     = Just "<"
ppBinOp IntLe     = Just "<="
ppBinOp _         = Nothing

ppLit :: Lit -> Doc
ppLit (Int i)      = integer i
ppLit (Bool True)  = "true"
ppLit (Bool False) = "false"
ppLit (String s)   = text (show s)

ppQuantName :: Quant -> Doc
ppQuantName Forall = "forall"
ppQuantName Exists = "exists"

ppCase :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Case a -> Doc
ppCase (Case pat rhs) = ppPat pat <+> "->" $\ ppExpr 0 rhs

ppPat :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Pattern a -> Doc
ppPat pat = case pat of
  Default     -> "_"
  ConPat g ls -> ppVar (gbl_name g) $\ fsep (map (ppVar . lcl_name) ls)
  LitPat l    -> ppLit l

ppType :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => Int -> Type a -> Doc
ppType _ (TyVar x)     = ppTyVar x
ppType i (TyCon tc ts) = parIf (i > 0) $ ppVar tc $\ fsep (map (ppType 1) ts)
ppType i (ts :=>: r)   = parIf (i > 0) $ fsep (punctuate " ->" (map (ppType 1) (ts ++ [r])))
ppType _ (BuiltinType Integer) = "int"
ppType _ (BuiltinType Boolean) = "bool"

ppTyVar :: (PrettyVar a, Ord a) => a -> Doc
ppTyVar x = "'" <> ppVar x

why3Keywords :: [String]
why3Keywords = words $ unlines
    [ "equal not function use import goal int"
    , "and or"
    , "forall exists"
    , "module theory"
    , "ac"
    , "and"
    , "axiom"
    , "inversion"
    , "bitv"
    , "check"
    , "cut"
    , "distinct"
    , "else"
    , "exists"
    , "false"
    , "forall"
    , "function"
    , "goal"
    , "if"
    , "in"
    , "include"
    , "int"
    , "let"
    , "logic"
    , "not"
    , "or"
    , "predicate"
    , "prop"
    , "real"
    , "rewriting"
    , "then"
    , "true"
    , "type"
    , "unit"
    , "void"
    , "with"
    , "sign Nil Cons"
    , "div"
    , "mod"