{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Tip.Utils.Specialiser
    (specialise, safeRule, Rule(..), Expr(..),
     Void, absurd,
     Closed, subtermRules, subterms, Subst, Inst) where

#include "errors.h"
import Tip.Fresh
import Tip.Utils
import Tip.Pretty

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)

import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Data.Generics.Genifunctors

import Text.PrettyPrint

import Debug.Trace

data Expr c a = Var a | Con c [Expr c a]
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)

data Rule c a = Rule
  { rule_pre  :: [Expr c a]
  -- ^ The trigger(s).
  , rule_post :: Expr c a
  -- ^ The action. The variables here must be a subset of those in pre.
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)

return []

bimapRule :: (c -> c') -> (a -> a') -> Rule c a -> Rule c' a'
bimapRule = $(genFmap ''Rule)

mapRuleOrd :: (c -> c') -> Rule c a -> Rule c' a
mapRuleOrd c = bimapRule c id

instance (Pretty a,Pretty c) => Pretty (Expr c a) where
  pp (Var x)    = pp x
  pp (Con k es) = pp k <+> parens (fsep (punctuate "," (map pp es)))

instance (Eq a, Pretty a,Pretty c) => Pretty (Rule c a) where
  pp r@(Rule ps q) = parens (fsep (punctuate "," (map pp ps))) <+> "=>" $\ pp q
                    $\ (if badRule r then " (bad rule!!)" else Text.PrettyPrint.empty)

-- ok : a b c -> b c
-- bad: b c -> a b c
badRule :: Eq a => Rule c a -> Bool
badRule (Rule ps q) = or [ qv `notElem` concatMap F.toList ps | qv <- F.toList q ]

safeRule :: Eq a => Rule c a -> Maybe (Rule c a)
safeRule r
  | badRule r = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just r

subtermRules :: Rule c a -> [Rule c a]
subtermRules (Rule p q) = map (Rule p) (subterms q)

subterms :: Expr c a -> [Expr c a]
subterms e = e : case e of Var a    -> []
                           Con _ es -> concatMap subterms es

ruleVars :: Ord a => Rule c a -> [a]
ruleVars (Rule ps q) = usort $ concatMap go (q:ps)
  go (Var x) = [x]
  go (Con c es) = concatMap go es

type Closed c = Expr c Void

data Sk c = Old c | Sk Int
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)

instance Pretty c => Pretty (Sk c) where
  pp (Old c) = pp c
  pp (Sk i)  = int i

instance Ord c => Name (Sk c) where
  fresh = Sk <$> fresh

instance PrettyVar (Sk c) where
  varStr _ = show ""

unSkolem :: Closed (Sk c) -> Expr c Int
unSkolem (Con (Old k) es) = Con k (map unSkolem es)
unSkolem (Con (Sk i) [])  = Var i

varOf :: Eq a => a -> Expr c a -> Bool
x `varOf` Var y    = x == y
x `varOf` Con _ es = any (x `varOf`) es

specialise :: forall d c a . (Ord d,Ord c,Ord a) =>
    [(d,[Rule c a])] -> ([(d,Subst a Void c)],[d])
specialise decl_rules = (which (usort (go [close [] s | (_,Rule [] s) <- named_rules])), scary)
  free0,free,scary :: [d]
  (usort -> free0,usort -> scary) = separate [ (d,r) | (d,rs) <- decl_rules, r <- rs ]
  free = free0 \\ scary

  named_rules :: [(d,Rule c a)]
  named_rules = [ (d,r) | (d,rules) <- decl_rules, d `elem` free, r <- rules ]

  go :: [Closed c] -> [Closed c]
  go insts
    | traceShow ("go" $\ sep ["insts:" $\ pp insts
                             ,"new_insts:" $\ pp new_insts
                             ,"new:" $\ pp new
                False = undefined
    | null (new_insts \\ insts) = new_insts
    | otherwise                 = new_insts `union` go (new_insts `union` insts)
    new_insts = usort $ map (snd . snd) new
    new = step named_rules insts

  which :: [Closed c] -> [(d,Subst a Void c)]
  which cls = usort [ (d,i) | (d,(i,_)) <- step named_rules cls ]

-- Return the safe rules, and the scary rules
separate :: (Ord c,Ord a) => [(name,Rule c a)] -> ([name],[name])
separate = go []
  go rs ((n,r):xs)
    | terminating (r:rs) = let (a,b) = go (r:rs) xs in (n:a,b  )
    | otherwise          = let (a,b) = go rs     xs in (  a,n:b)
  go _ _ = ([],[])

terminating :: forall a c . (Ord c,Ord a) => [Rule c a] -> Bool
terminating (map (mapRuleOrd Old) -> rs) = go 10 S.empty (usort (inst rs))
  go :: Int -> Set (Closed (Sk c)) -> [Closed (Sk c)] -> Bool
  go i visited new
    | traceShow ("go" $\ sep ["i:" $\ pp i
                             ,"visited:" $\ pp (S.toList visited)
                             ,"new:" $\ pp new
                False = undefined
  go 0 _ _  = False
  go _ _ [] = True
  go i visited new =
    let both = visited `S.union` S.fromList new
    in  go (i-1) both (unnamedStep rs new \\ S.toList both)

union :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
union (S.fromList -> s1) (S.fromList -> s2) = S.toList (s1 `S.union` s2)

(\\) :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
(\\) (S.fromList -> s1) (S.fromList -> s2) = S.toList (s1 S.\\ s2)

inst :: (Ord a,Ord c) => [Rule (Sk c) a] -> [Closed (Sk c)]
inst rules = runFresh $
  do i <- fresh
     return (concatMap (instPre i) rules)

instPre :: (Ord a,Ord c) => Sk c -> Rule (Sk c) a -> [Closed (Sk c)]
instPre c r =
  let su = [ (v,Con c []) | v <- ruleVars r ]
  in  map (close su) (rule_pre r)

close :: Eq a => [(a,Closed c)] -> Expr c a -> Closed c
close su (Var v)    = fromMaybe (ERROR("Unbound variable, did you run --type-skolem-conjecture?")) (lookup v su)
close su (Con c es) = Con c (map (close su) es)

unnamedStep :: (Ord c,Ord a) => [Rule c a] -> [Closed c] -> [Closed c]
unnamedStep rs = usort . map (snd . snd) . step (map ((,) ()) rs)

step :: (Ord name,Ord c,Ord a) => [(name,Rule c a)] -> [Closed c] -> [(name,Inst a c)]
step rs es = usort [ (name,i) | (name,r) <- rs, i <- activateOne r es ]

type Inst a c = (Subst a Void c,Closed c)

activateOne :: (Ord c,Ord a) => Rule c a -> [Closed c] -> [Inst a c]
activateOne (Rule ps q) es = [ (su,close su q) | su <- go ps ]
    go []     = [[]] -- success, return the empty substitution
    go (p:ps) = [ su
                | e <- es
                , Just sua <- [match p e]
                , sub <- go ps
                , Just su <- [merge sua sub]

type Subst a b c = [(a,Expr c b)]

merge :: (Ord a,Ord b,Ord c) => Subst a b c -> Subst a b c -> Maybe (Subst a b c)
merge xs ys =
  do guard (and [ maybe True (e ==) (lookup v ys) | (v,e) <- xs ])
     Just (unionOn fst xs ys)

merges :: (Ord a,Ord b,Ord c) => [Subst a b c] -> Maybe (Subst a b c)
merges = foldM merge []

match :: (Ord a,Ord b,Ord c) => Expr c a -> Expr c b -> Maybe (Subst a b c)
match (Var x) e = Just [(x,e)]
match (Con c xs) (Con d ys)
  | c == d
  , length xs == length ys
  = merges =<< zipWithM match xs ys
match _ _ = Nothing

data Void = Void !Void
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

absurd :: Void -> a
absurd (Void v) = absurd v

instance Pretty Void where
  pp = absurd