{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Network.TLS.Server
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- the Server module contains the necessary calls to create a listening TLS socket
-- aka. a server socket.

module Network.TLS.Server
	( TLSServerParams(..)
	, TLSServerCallbacks(..)
	, TLSStateServer
	, runTLSServer
	-- * low level packet sending receiving.
	, recvPacket
	, sendPacket
	-- * API, warning probably subject to change
	, listen
	, sendData
	, recvData
	, close
	) where

import Data.Word
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (intersect, find)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.State
import Codec.Crypto.RSA (PrivateKey(..))
import Data.Certificate.X509
import qualified Data.Certificate.Key as CertificateKey
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Packet
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Sending
import Network.TLS.Receiving
import Network.TLS.SRandom
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import System.IO (Handle, hFlush)

type TLSServerCert = (L.ByteString, Certificate, CertificateKey.PrivateKey)

data TLSServerCallbacks = TLSServerCallbacks
	{ cbCertificates :: Maybe ([Certificate] -> IO Bool) -- ^ optional callback to verify certificates

instance Show TLSServerCallbacks where
	show _ = "[callbacks]"

data TLSServerParams = TLSServerParams
	{ spAllowedVersions :: [Version]           -- ^ allowed versions that we can use
	, spSessions        :: [[Word8]]           -- ^ placeholder for futur known sessions
	, spCiphers         :: [Cipher]            -- ^ all ciphers that the server side support
	, spCertificate     :: Maybe TLSServerCert -- ^ the certificate we serve to the client
	, spWantClientCert  :: Bool                -- ^ configure if we do a cert request to the client
	, spCallbacks       :: TLSServerCallbacks  -- ^ user callbacks

data TLSStateServer = TLSStateServer
	{ scParams   :: TLSServerParams -- ^ server params and config for this connection
	, scTLSState :: TLSState        -- ^ server TLS State for this connection

newtype TLSServer m a = TLSServer { runTLSC :: StateT TLSStateServer m a }
	deriving (Monad, MonadState TLSStateServer)

instance Monad m => MonadTLSState (TLSServer m) where
	getTLSState   = TLSServer (get >>= return . scTLSState)
	putTLSState s = TLSServer (get >>= put . (\st -> st { scTLSState = s }))

instance MonadTrans TLSServer where
	lift = TLSServer . lift

instance Monad m => Functor (TLSServer m) where
	fmap f = TLSServer . fmap f . runTLSC

runTLSServerST :: TLSServer m a -> TLSStateServer -> m (a, TLSStateServer)
runTLSServerST f s = runStateT (runTLSC f) s

runTLSServer :: TLSServer m a -> TLSServerParams -> SRandomGen -> m (a, TLSStateServer)
runTLSServer f params rng = runTLSServerST f (TLSStateServer { scParams = params, scTLSState = state })
	where state = (newTLSState rng) { stVersion = TLS10, stClientContext = False }

{- | receive a single TLS packet or on error a TLSError -}
recvPacket :: Handle -> TLSServer IO (Either TLSError Packet)
recvPacket handle = do
	hdr <- lift $ L.hGet handle 5 >>= return . decodeHeader
	case hdr of
		Left err -> return $ Left err
		Right header@(Header _ _ readlen) -> do
			content <- lift $ L.hGet handle (fromIntegral readlen)
			readPacket header (EncryptedData content)

{- | send a single TLS packet -}
sendPacket :: Handle -> Packet -> TLSServer IO ()
sendPacket handle pkt = do
	dataToSend <- writePacket pkt
	lift $ L.hPut handle dataToSend

handleClientHello :: Handshake -> TLSServer IO ()
handleClientHello (ClientHello ver _ _ ciphers compressionID _) = do
	cfg <- get >>= return . scParams
	when (not $ elem ver (spAllowedVersions cfg)) $ do
		{- unsupported version -}
		fail "unsupported version"

	let commonCiphers = intersect ciphers (map cipherID $ spCiphers cfg)
	when (commonCiphers == []) $ do
		{- unsupported cipher -}
		fail ("unsupported cipher: " ++ show ciphers ++ " : server : " ++ (show $ map cipherID $ spCiphers cfg))

	when (not $ elem 0 compressionID) $ do
		{- unsupported compression -}
		fail "unsupported compression"

	modifyTLSState (\st -> st
		{ stVersion = ver
		, stCipher = find (\c -> cipherID c == (head commonCiphers)) (spCiphers cfg)

handleClientHello _ = do
	fail "unexpected handshake type received. expecting client hello"

expectingPacket :: (Either TLSError Packet) -> ProtocolType -> TLSServer IO ()
expectingPacket pkt expectedType = do
	apkt <- case pkt of
		Right x       -> return x
		Left tlserror -> fail ("expecting packet but got error " ++ show tlserror)
	when (packetType apkt /= expectedType) $ do
		fail ("unexpected packet received, expecting " ++ show expectedType)
	return ()

expectingHandshake :: (Either TLSError Packet) -> HandshakeType -> TLSServer IO ()
expectingHandshake pkt expectedType = do
	hs <- case pkt of
		Right (Handshake hs) -> return hs
		Right _              -> fail ("unexpected packet received, expecting handshake " ++ show expectedType)
		Left tlserror        -> fail ("expecting handshake but got error " ++ show tlserror)
	when (typeOfHandshake hs /= expectedType) $ do
		fail ("unexpected handshake received, expecting " ++ show expectedType)
	return ()

handshakeSendServerData :: Handle -> ServerRandom -> TLSServer IO ()
handshakeSendServerData handle srand = do
	sp <- get >>= return . scParams
	st <- getTLSState

	let cipher = fromJust $ stCipher st

	let srvhello = ServerHello (stVersion st) srand (Session Nothing) (cipherID cipher) 0 Nothing
	let (_,cert,privkeycert) = fromJust $ spCertificate sp
	let srvcert = Certificates [ cert ]

	-- in TLS12, we need to check as well the certificates we are sending if they have in the extension
	-- the necessary bits set.
	let needkeyxchg = cipherExchangeNeedMoreData $ cipherKeyExchange cipher

	let privkey = PrivateKey
		{ private_size = fromIntegral $ CertificateKey.privKey_lenmodulus privkeycert
		, private_n    = CertificateKey.privKey_modulus privkeycert
		, private_d    = CertificateKey.privKey_private_exponant privkeycert
	setPrivateKey privkey

	sendPacket handle (Handshake srvhello)
	sendPacket handle (Handshake srvcert)
	when needkeyxchg $ do
		let skg = SKX_RSA Nothing
		sendPacket handle (Handshake $ ServerKeyXchg skg)
	-- FIXME we don't do this on a Anonyous server
	when (spWantClientCert sp) $ do
		let certTypes = [ CertificateType_RSA_Sign ]
		let creq = CertRequest certTypes Nothing [0,0,0]
		sendPacket handle (Handshake creq)
	sendPacket handle (Handshake ServerHelloDone)

handshakeSendFinish :: Handle -> TLSServer IO ()
handshakeSendFinish handle = do
	cf <- getHandshakeDigest False
	sendPacket handle (Handshake $ Finished $ L.unpack cf)

{- after receiving a client hello, we need to redo a handshake -}
handshake :: Handle -> ServerRandom -> TLSServer IO ()
handshake handle srand = do
	handshakeSendServerData handle srand
	lift $ hFlush handle

	recvPacket handle >>= \pkt -> expectingHandshake pkt HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg
	recvPacket handle >>= \pkt -> expectingPacket pkt ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec
	recvPacket handle >>= \pkt -> expectingHandshake pkt HandshakeType_Finished

	sendPacket handle ChangeCipherSpec
	handshakeSendFinish handle

	lift $ hFlush handle

	return ()

{- | listen on a handle to a new TLS connection. -}
listen :: Handle -> ServerRandom -> TLSServer IO ()
listen handle srand = do
	pkt <- recvPacket handle
	case pkt of
		Right (Handshake hs) -> handleClientHello hs
		x                    -> fail ("unexpected type received. expecting handshake ++ " ++ show x)
	handshake handle srand

	return ()

{- | sendData sends a bunch of data -}
sendData :: Handle -> L.ByteString -> TLSServer IO ()
sendData handle d =
	if L.length d > 16384
		then do
			let (sending, remain) = L.splitAt 16384 d
			sendPacket handle $ AppData sending
			sendData handle remain
			sendPacket handle $ AppData d

{- | recvData get data out of Data packet, and automatically renegociate if
 - a Handshake ClientHello is received -}
recvData :: Handle -> TLSServer IO L.ByteString
recvData handle = do
	pkt <- recvPacket handle
	case pkt of
		Right (Handshake (ClientHello _ _ _ _ _ _)) -> do
			-- SECURITY FIXME audit the rng here..
			st <- getTLSState
			let (bytes, rng') = getRandomBytes (stRandomGen st) 32
			putTLSState $ st { stRandomGen = rng' }
			let srand = fromJust $ serverRandom bytes
			handshake handle srand
			recvData handle
		Right (AppData x) -> return x
		Left err          -> error ("error received: " ++ show err)
		_                 -> error "unexpected item"

{- | close a TLS connection.
 - note that it doesn't close the handle, but just signal we're going to close
 - the connection to the other side -}
close :: Handle -> TLSServer IO ()
close handle = do
	sendPacket handle $ Alert (AlertLevel_Warning, CloseNotify)