-- |
-- Module      : Network.TLS.Context.Internal
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.TLS.Context.Internal
    -- * Context configuration
    , ServerParams(..)
    , defaultParamsClient
    , SessionID
    , SessionData(..)
    , MaxFragmentEnum(..)
    , Measurement(..)

    -- * Context object and accessor
    , Context(..)
    , Hooks(..)
    , ctxEOF
    , ctxHasSSLv2ClientHello
    , ctxDisableSSLv2ClientHello
    , ctxEstablished
    , withLog
    , ctxWithHooks
    , contextModifyHooks
    , setEOF
    , setEstablished
    , contextFlush
    , contextClose
    , contextSend
    , contextRecv
    , updateMeasure
    , withMeasure
    , withReadLock
    , withWriteLock
    , withStateLock
    , withRWLock

    -- * information
    , Information(..)
    , contextGetInformation

    -- * Using context states
    , throwCore
    , usingState
    , usingState_
    , runTxState
    , runRxState
    , usingHState
    , getHState
    , getStateRNG
    ) where

import Network.TLS.Backend
import Network.TLS.Extension
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Compression (Compression)
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
import Network.TLS.Hooks
import Network.TLS.Record.State
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.Measurement
import Network.TLS.Imports
import qualified Data.ByteString as B

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Exception (throwIO, Exception())
import Data.IORef
import Data.Tuple

-- | Information related to a running context, e.g. current cipher
data Information = Information
    { infoVersion      :: Version
    , infoCipher       :: Cipher
    , infoCompression  :: Compression
    , infoMasterSecret :: Maybe ByteString
    , infoClientRandom :: Maybe ClientRandom
    , infoServerRandom :: Maybe ServerRandom
    } deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | A TLS Context keep tls specific state, parameters and backend information.
data Context = Context
    { ctxConnection       :: Backend   -- ^ return the backend object associated with this context
    , ctxSupported        :: Supported
    , ctxShared           :: Shared
    , ctxState            :: MVar TLSState
    , ctxMeasurement      :: IORef Measurement
    , ctxEOF_             :: IORef Bool    -- ^ has the handle EOFed or not.
    , ctxEstablished_     :: IORef Bool    -- ^ has the handshake been done and been successful.
    , ctxNeedEmptyPacket  :: IORef Bool    -- ^ empty packet workaround for CBC guessability.
    , ctxSSLv2ClientHello :: IORef Bool    -- ^ enable the reception of compatibility SSLv2 client hello.
                                           -- the flag will be set to false regardless of its initial value
                                           -- after the first packet received.
    , ctxTxState          :: MVar RecordState -- ^ current tx state
    , ctxRxState          :: MVar RecordState -- ^ current rx state
    , ctxHandshake        :: MVar (Maybe HandshakeState) -- ^ optional handshake state
    , ctxDoHandshake      :: Context -> IO ()
    , ctxDoHandshakeWith  :: Context -> Handshake -> IO ()
    , ctxHooks            :: IORef Hooks   -- ^ hooks for this context
    , ctxLockWrite        :: MVar ()       -- ^ lock to use for writing data (including updating the state)
    , ctxLockRead         :: MVar ()       -- ^ lock to use for reading data (including updating the state)
    , ctxLockState        :: MVar ()       -- ^ lock used during read/write when receiving and sending packet.
                                           -- it is usually nested in a write or read lock.

updateMeasure :: Context -> (Measurement -> Measurement) -> IO ()
updateMeasure ctx f = do
    x <- readIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx)
    writeIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx) $! f x

withMeasure :: Context -> (Measurement -> IO a) -> IO a
withMeasure ctx f = readIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx) >>= f

contextFlush :: Context -> IO ()
contextFlush = backendFlush . ctxConnection

contextClose :: Context -> IO ()
contextClose = backendClose . ctxConnection

-- | Information about the current context
contextGetInformation :: Context -> IO (Maybe Information)
contextGetInformation ctx = do
    ver    <- usingState_ ctx $ gets stVersion
    hstate <- getHState ctx
    let (ms, cr, sr) = case hstate of
                           Just st -> (hstMasterSecret st,
                                       Just (hstClientRandom st),
                                       hstServerRandom st)
                           Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
    (cipher,comp) <- failOnEitherError $ runRxState ctx $ gets $ \st -> (stCipher st, stCompression st)
    case (ver, cipher) of
        (Just v, Just c) -> return $ Just $ Information v c comp ms cr sr
        _                -> return Nothing

contextSend :: Context -> ByteString -> IO ()
contextSend c b = updateMeasure c (addBytesSent $ B.length b) >> (backendSend $ ctxConnection c) b

contextRecv :: Context -> Int -> IO ByteString
contextRecv c sz = updateMeasure c (addBytesReceived sz) >> (backendRecv $ ctxConnection c) sz

ctxEOF :: Context -> IO Bool
ctxEOF ctx = readIORef $ ctxEOF_ ctx

ctxHasSSLv2ClientHello :: Context -> IO Bool
ctxHasSSLv2ClientHello ctx = readIORef $ ctxSSLv2ClientHello ctx

ctxDisableSSLv2ClientHello :: Context -> IO ()
ctxDisableSSLv2ClientHello ctx = writeIORef (ctxSSLv2ClientHello ctx) False

setEOF :: Context -> IO ()
setEOF ctx = writeIORef (ctxEOF_ ctx) True

ctxEstablished :: Context -> IO Bool
ctxEstablished ctx = readIORef $ ctxEstablished_ ctx

ctxWithHooks :: Context -> (Hooks -> IO a) -> IO a
ctxWithHooks ctx f = readIORef (ctxHooks ctx) >>= f

contextModifyHooks :: Context -> (Hooks -> Hooks) -> IO ()
contextModifyHooks ctx f = modifyIORef (ctxHooks ctx) f

setEstablished :: Context -> Bool -> IO ()
setEstablished ctx v = writeIORef (ctxEstablished_ ctx) v

withLog :: Context -> (Logging -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withLog ctx f = ctxWithHooks ctx (f . hookLogging)

throwCore :: (MonadIO m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwCore = liftIO . throwIO

failOnEitherError :: MonadIO m => m (Either TLSError a) -> m a
failOnEitherError f = do
    ret <- f
    case ret of
        Left err -> throwCore err
        Right r  -> return r

usingState :: Context -> TLSSt a -> IO (Either TLSError a)
usingState ctx f =
    modifyMVar (ctxState ctx) $ \st ->
            let (a, newst) = runTLSState f st
             in newst `seq` return (newst, a)

usingState_ :: Context -> TLSSt a -> IO a
usingState_ ctx f = failOnEitherError $ usingState ctx f

usingHState :: Context -> HandshakeM a -> IO a
usingHState ctx f = liftIO $ modifyMVar (ctxHandshake ctx) $ \mst ->
    case mst of
        Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Misc "missing handshake"
        Just st -> return $ swap (Just <$> runHandshake st f)

getHState :: Context -> IO (Maybe HandshakeState)
getHState ctx = liftIO $ readMVar (ctxHandshake ctx)

runTxState :: Context -> RecordM a -> IO (Either TLSError a)
runTxState ctx f = do
    ver <- usingState_ ctx (getVersionWithDefault $ maximum $ supportedVersions $ ctxSupported ctx)
    modifyMVar (ctxTxState ctx) $ \st ->
        case runRecordM f ver st of
            Left err         -> return (st, Left err)
            Right (a, newSt) -> return (newSt, Right a)

runRxState :: Context -> RecordM a -> IO (Either TLSError a)
runRxState ctx f = do
    ver <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
    modifyMVar (ctxRxState ctx) $ \st ->
        case runRecordM f ver st of
            Left err         -> return (st, Left err)
            Right (a, newSt) -> return (newSt, Right a)

getStateRNG :: Context -> Int -> IO ByteString
getStateRNG ctx n = usingState_ ctx $ genRandom n

withReadLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withReadLock ctx f = withMVar (ctxLockRead ctx) (const f)

withWriteLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withWriteLock ctx f = withMVar (ctxLockWrite ctx) (const f)

withRWLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withRWLock ctx f = withReadLock ctx $ withWriteLock ctx f

withStateLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withStateLock ctx f = withMVar (ctxLockState ctx) (const f)