# tn This is a command-line program for keeping your own journals, written in [Haskell][hs] and licensed under the [ISC license][iscl]. You can find a copy of the ISC licensein the [LICENSE file][license-file] ## History I've been trying on and off to write this program since 2014, but have never gotten to the point where I've actually had a usable program. Hence, why we're on version 4.0, and I still don't have a usable version yet. Each new major version has been a complete rewrite because the previous version was a disaster. tn is licensed as such because I originally wanted to use it as a tool to record the food I was eating. The natural name would be `fj`, for "food journal". However, I use the [Colemak keyboard layout][2], and typing `fj` is somewhat awkward. Moreover, in 2014, I had only begun using the Colemak layout. Hitting the key immediately under left index finger, followed by the key under the right index finder yielded the sequence `tn` in Colemak. ## Specification * `tn "some string"` records the journal entry to `~/.local/share/tn/journal.yml` with the time. * adding `--stdout` prints the output to stdout * adding `-` takes the input from stdin * adding `--stdin` takes the input from stdin ## Installing The version on Hackage is out of date, and also really terrible, so don't try to `cabal install tn` just yet. You'll need [git][git-install] and [The Haskell Stack][hs-stack]. git clone https://github.com/pharpend/tn.git cd tn stack setup stack build I welcome any contributions anyone wants to make. If you find a bug or a feature request, use the [GitHub bug tracker][issues]. If you want to contribute, use the normal method of contributing to projects on GitHub. ## Usage There is no usage yet! Check back later! ## Contacting me You can contact me at `peter@harpending.org`, or `pharpend` on FreeNode. [colemak]: http://colemak.com/ [git]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git [github-bug-tracker]: https://github.com/pharpend/tn/issues [gpl-gnu]: https://gnu.org/licenses/ [iscl]: https://www.haskell.org/ [hs]: https://www.haskell.org/ [hs-stack]: http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README.html [mkdn]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown [license-file]: LICENSE [pandoc]: http://pandoc.org/