{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, NoMonomorphismRestriction, TypeSynonymInstances, DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Todos.Parser (parsePlain, parseAlternate) where import Prelude hiding (putStrLn,readFile,getContents,print) import Prelude.Unicode import Data.List import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Data.Char import Text.Regex.PCRE import Todos.Types import Todos.Dates import Todos.Config type TParser a = GenParser Char BaseConfig a strip ∷ String → String strip = reverse ∘ p ∘ reverse ∘ p where p = dropWhile isSpace pSpace ∷ TParser Char pSpace = oneOf " \t" pSpace' ∷ TParser String pSpace' = do pSpace return " " pSpaces ∷ TParser String pSpaces = many pSpace pDeps ∷ TParser [String] pDeps = do string "(" ws ← (many1 $ noneOf ",)\n\r") `sepBy` (char ',') string ")" return $ map strip ws pTags ∷ TParser [String] pTags = do ts ← between (char '[') (char ']') $ word `sepBy1` pSpace pSpaces return ts where word = many1 (noneOf " \t\n\r]") pItem ∷ String → DateTime → TParser TodoItem pItem prefix date = do pr ← if null prefix then return "" else do w ← many1 (noneOf " \t\n\r") if w =~ prefix then return w else fail $ "Internal error: invalid prefix: " ⧺ w ⧺ " =~ " ⧺ prefix pos ← getPosition s ← pSpaces conf ← getState stat ← if skipStatus conf then case forcedStatus conf of Just fs → return fs Nothing → return "*" else do rs ← pWord case forcedStatus conf of Just fs → return fs Nothing → return rs dates ← (try (pSpecDates date) <|> return []) tags ← (try pTags <|> return []) namew ← many1 pWord pSpaces deps ← (try pDeps <|> return []) pSpaces descr ← many (noneOf "\n\r") pSpaces many $ oneOf "\n\r" return $ Item { itemLevel = fromIntegral $ length s, itemPrefix = pr, itemName = unwords namew, itemTags = tags, depends = deps, itemStatus = stat, itemDescr = descr, startDate = lookup StartDate dates, endDate = lookup EndDate dates, deadline = lookup Deadline dates, fileName = sourceName pos, lineNr = sourceLine pos, itemNumber = 0} pWord ∷ TParser String pWord = do w ← many1 (noneOf " \t\n\r") (try pSpace') <|> (return w) return w pItems ∷ String → DateTime → TParser [TodoItem] pItems prefix date = do its ← many (pItem prefix date) eof return its unwords' ∷ String → [String] → String unwords' prefix lst = let (hd:tl) = map (filter (/='\r')) lst addLines = filter (not ∘ (prefix `isPrefixOf`)) tl in case addLines of [] → hd _ → hd ⧺ " {" ⧺ unwords addLines ⧺ "}" filterN ∷ (Num a, Enum a) ⇒ Int → String → [String] → ([a], [String]) filterN n prefix lst = let zipped = zip [0..] lst good = filter (isGood ∘ snd) zipped lns = map fst good sub k l = (take l) ∘ (drop k) ans = map (unwords' prefix) [sub j n lst | j ← lns] regex = makeRE prefix isGood x = x =~ regex in (map (+1) lns, ans) makeRE ∷ String → String makeRE x = "^(" ⧺ x ⧺ ")" filterJoin ∷ Int → String → String → ([Int], String) filterJoin n prefix str = let (ns, lns) = filterN n prefix (lines str) in (ns, unlines lns) -- | Read list of TODO items from plain format parsePlain ∷ BaseConfig → DateTime -- ^ Current date/time → SourceName -- ^ Source file name → String -- ^ String to parse → [TodoItem] parsePlain conf date path text = case runParser (pItems "" date) conf path text of Right items → items Left e → error $ show e -- | Read list of TODO items from alternate format parseAlternate ∷ BaseConfig → Int -- ^ Number of lines after matching to include to item's description → String -- ^ Prefix to match → DateTime -- ^ Current date/time → SourceName -- ^ Source file name → String -- ^ String to parse → [TodoItem] parseAlternate conf next prefix date path text = let (ns, filtered) = filterJoin next prefix text renumber lst = zipWith renumber1 ns lst renumber1 n item = item {lineNr=n} in case runParser (pItems (makeRE prefix) date) conf path filtered of Right items → renumber items Left e → error $ show e