{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- | This module contains some empty configs definitions and some function fields of defaultConfig
module Todos.Default.Utils where

import System.Console.ANSI
import Data.Dates

import Todos.Types
import Todos.Dot
import Todos.Default.CmdLine
import Todos.Default.Config
import Todos.Default.Print
import Todos.Tree

-- | Empty BaseConfig
emptyBaseConfig  BaseConfig
emptyBaseConfig = BConfig {
  outOnlyFirst = False,
  outColors = False,
  outIds = False,
  outHighlight = False,
  sorting = DoNotSort,
  pruneL = Limit 20,
  minL = Limit 0,
  commandToRun = JustShow,
  prefix = Nothing,
  outputFormat = "%s %D%t%n  %d",
  indentString = "  ",
  skipStatus = False,
  groupByFile = False,
  groupByTag = False,
  groupByStatus = False,
  forcedStatus = Nothing,
  topStatus = Nothing

-- | Default empty DefaultConfig (nullConfig field of defaultConfig)
emptyConfig  DefaultConfig
emptyConfig = DConfig {
  baseConfig = emptyBaseConfig,
  query = Empty }

-- | Default Todos config
defaultConfig  TodosConfig DefaultConfig
defaultConfig = Todos {
  parseCommandLine = parseCmdLine,
  filterTodos = defaultTodosFilter,
  statusConsoleColor = statusColor,
  itemConsoleColor = defItemConsoleColor,
  highlightColor = (Vivid, Magenta),
  itemColor = getColor,
  itemShape = getShape,
  printTodos = defaultPrintTodos,
  nullConfig = emptyConfig

-- | Make a list transformer
composeAll  DateTime  DefaultConfig  (Todo  [Todo])
composeAll date conf =
  let pred = compose date $ query conf
      bc = baseConfig conf
  in  pruneSelector bc pred

-- | Default filter for TODOs (filterTodos field of defaultConfig)
defaultTodosFilter  DateTime  DefaultConfig  [Todo]  [Todo]
defaultTodosFilter dt conf todos =
  let t = delTag "-" todos
      bc = baseConfig conf
  in  if outHighlight bc
        then t
        else concatMap (composeAll dt conf) t

-- | Parse command line (default function)
parseCmdLine  DateTime              -- ^ Current date/time
              DefaultConfig         -- ^ Default config
              [String]              -- ^ Command line args
              CmdLineParseResult DefaultConfig
parseCmdLine currDate dc args = 
  case parseCmdLine' currDate args of
    Right (opts, files)  case opts of
                           Help  CmdLineHelp
                           _     Parsed (buildQuery (baseConfig dc) opts) files
    Left str             ParseError str

-- | Prepare PrintConfig for console output functions. Is called from realTodos.
mkPrintConfig  (RuntimeConfig c)  DateTime  c  TodosConfig c  PrintConfig c
mkPrintConfig dt conf tcfg = PConfig {
  printConfig      = conf,
  printStatusColor = statusConsoleColor tcfg,
  printItemColor   = itemConsoleColor tcfg,
  printHighlightColor = highlightColor tcfg,
  doHighlight      = getPredicate dt conf }