-- | Interface to B+ tree based DBM. See also, -- for details module Database.TokyoCabinet.BDB ( -- $doc -- * Constructors BDB , ECODE(..) , OpenMode(..) , TuningOption(..) , CMP(..) -- * Basic API (tokyocabinet.idl compliant) , new , delete , ecode , errmsg , tune , setcache , setxmsiz , setcmpfunc , open , close , put , putkeep , putcat , putdup , putlist , out , outlist , get , getlist , vnum , vsiz , range , fwmkeys , addint , adddouble , sync , optimize , vanish , copy , tranbegin , trancommit , tranabort , path , rnum , fsiz ) where import Data.Int import Data.Word import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafePackCStringLen) import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Storable (peek) import Foreign.Marshal (alloca) import Database.TokyoCabinet.Error import Database.TokyoCabinet.BDB.C import Database.TokyoCabinet.List.C import Database.TokyoCabinet.Internal import Database.TokyoCabinet.Storable import Database.TokyoCabinet.Sequence -- $doc -- Example -- -- @ -- import Control.Monad -- import Database.TokyoCabinet.BDB -- import qualified Database.TokyoCabinet.BDB.Cursor as C -- @ -- -- @ -- main :: IO () -- main = -- do bdb <- new -- -- open the database -- open bdb \"casket.tcb\" [OWRITER, OCREAT] >>= err bdb -- -- store records -- puts bdb [ (\"foo\", \"hop\"), (\"bar\", \"step\"), (\"baz\", \"jump\") ] >>= -- err bdb . (all id) -- -- retrieve records -- get bdb \"foo\" >>= maybe (error \"something goes wrong\") putStrLn -- -- traverse records -- cur <- C.new bdb -- C.first cur >>= err bdb -- iter cur >>= putStrLn . show -- -- close the database -- close bdb >>= err bdb -- where -- puts :: BDB -> [(String, String)] -> IO [Bool] -- puts bdb = mapM (uncurry $ put bdb) -- @ -- -- @ -- err :: BDB -> Bool -> IO () -- err bdb = flip unless $ ecode bdb >>= error . show -- @ -- -- @ -- iter :: C.BDBCUR -> IO [(String, String)] -- iter cur = do -- [key, value] <- sequence [C.key cur, C.val cur] -- case (key, value) of -- (Just k, Just v) -> C.next cur >> iter cur >>= return . ((k,v):) -- _ -> return [] -- @ -- data CMP = CMPLEXICAL | CMPDECIMAL | CMPINT32 | CMPINT64 | CMP (ByteString -> ByteString -> Ordering) -- | Create a B+ tree database object. new :: IO BDB new = BDB `fmap` (c_tcbdbnew >>= newForeignPtr tcbdbFinalizer) -- | Free BDB resource forcibly. -- BDB is kept by ForeignPtr, so Haskell runtime GC cleans up memory for -- almost situation. Most always, you don't need to call this. -- After call this, you must not touch BDB object. Its behavior is undefined. delete :: BDB -> IO () delete bdb = finalizeForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) -- | Return the last happened error code. ecode :: BDB -> IO ECODE ecode bdb = cintToError `fmap` withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) c_tcbdbecode -- | Set the tuning parameters. tune :: BDB -- ^ BDB object -> Int32 -- ^ the number of members in each leaf page. -> Int32 -- ^ the number of members in each non-leaf page. -> Int64 -- ^ the number of elements of the bucket array. -> Int8 -- ^ the size of record alignment by power of 2. -> Int8 -- ^ the maximum number of elements of the free block -- pool by power of 2. -> [TuningOption] -- ^ tuning options -> IO Bool -- ^ if successful, the return value is True. tune bdb lmemb nmemb bnum apow fpow opts = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ \bdb' -> c_tcbdbtune bdb' lmemb nmemb bnum apow fpow (combineTuningOption opts) -- | Set the caching parameters. setcache :: BDB -- ^ BDB object -> Int32 -- ^ the maximum number of leaf nodes to be cached. -> Int32 -- ^ the maximum number of non-leaf nodes to be cached. -> IO Bool -- ^ if successful, the return value is True. setcache bdb lcnum ncnum = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ \bdb' -> c_tcbdbsetcache bdb' lcnum ncnum -- | Set the size of extra mapped memory. setxmsiz :: BDB -> Int64 -> IO Bool setxmsiz bdb xmsiz = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ \bdb' -> c_tcbdbsetxmsiz bdb' xmsiz -- | Set the custom comparison function of a B+ tree database object. setcmpfunc :: BDB -> CMP -> IO Bool setcmpfunc bdb CMPLEXICAL = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ flip c_tcbdbsetcmpfunc c_tccmplexical setcmpfunc bdb CMPDECIMAL = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ flip c_tcbdbsetcmpfunc c_tccmpdecimal setcmpfunc bdb CMPINT32 = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ flip c_tcbdbsetcmpfunc c_tccmpint32 setcmpfunc bdb CMPINT64 = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ flip c_tcbdbsetcmpfunc c_tccmpint64 setcmpfunc bdb (CMP func) = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ \bdb' -> do cmpfunc <- mkCMP mycmpfunc c_tcbdbsetcmpfunc bdb' cmpfunc where mycmpfunc :: TCCMP' mycmpfunc k1buf k1siz k2buf k2siz _ = do key1 <- unsafePackCStringLen (k1buf, fromIntegral k1siz) key2 <- unsafePackCStringLen (k2buf, fromIntegral k2siz) case func key1 key2 of LT -> return (-1) EQ -> return 0 GT -> return 1 -- | Open BDB database file. open :: BDB -> String -> [OpenMode] -> IO Bool open = openHelper c_tcbdbopen unTCBDB combineOpenMode -- | Close the database file. close :: BDB -> IO Bool close bdb = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) c_tcbdbclose -- | Stora a record (key-value pair) on BDB. Key and value type must -- be instance of Storable class. Usually, we can use `String', -- `ByteString' for key, `String', `ByteString', `Int', `Double' for -- value. put :: (Storable k, Storable v) => BDB -> k -> v -> IO Bool put = putHelper c_tcbdbput unTCBDB -- | Store a new record. If a record with the same key exists in the -- database, this function has no effect. putkeep :: (Storable k, Storable v) => BDB -> k -> v -> IO Bool putkeep = putHelper c_tcbdbputkeep unTCBDB -- | Concatenate a value at the end of the existing record. putcat :: (Storable k, Storable v) => BDB -> k -> v -> IO Bool putcat = putHelper c_tcbdbputcat unTCBDB -- | Store a record with allowing duplication of keys. putdup :: (Storable k, Storable v) => BDB -> k -> v -> IO Bool putdup = putHelper c_tcbdbputdup unTCBDB -- | Store records with allowing duplication of keys. putlist :: (Storable k, Storable v, Sequence q) => BDB -> k -> q v -> IO Bool putlist bdb key vals = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ \bdb' -> withList vals $ \tcls -> withPtrLen key $ \(kbuf, ksize) -> alloca $ \sizbuf -> do num <- c_tclistnum tcls putlist' bdb' (kbuf, ksize) tcls sizbuf num where putlist' bdb' (kbuf, ksize) tcls sizbuf = put' 0 where put' n num | n < num = do vbuf <- c_tclistval tcls n sizbuf vsize <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek sizbuf res <- c_tcbdbputdup bdb' kbuf ksize vbuf vsize if res then put' (n+1) num else return False | otherwise = return True -- | Delete a record. If the key of duplicated records is specified, -- the first one is deleted. out :: (Storable k) => BDB -> k -> IO Bool out = outHelper c_tcbdbout unTCBDB -- | Delete records. If the key of duplicated records is specified, -- all of them are deleted. outlist :: (Storable k) => BDB -> k -> IO Bool outlist = outHelper c_tcbdbout3 unTCBDB -- | Return the value of record. If the key of duplicated records is -- specified, the first one is returned. get :: (Storable k, Storable v) => BDB -> k -> IO (Maybe v) get = getHelper c_tcbdbget unTCBDB -- | Retrieve records. getlist :: (Storable k, Storable v, Sequence q) => BDB -> k -> IO (q v) getlist bdb key = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ \bdb' -> withPtrLen key $ \(kbuf, ksize) -> do ptr <- c_tcbdbget4 bdb' kbuf ksize if ptr == nullPtr then empty else peekList' ptr -- | Return the number of records corresponding to a key. vnum :: (Storable k) => BDB -> k -> IO (Maybe Int) vnum bdb key = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ \bdb' -> withPtrLen key $ \(kbuf, ksize) -> do res <- c_tcbdbvnum bdb' kbuf ksize return $ if res == 0 then Nothing else Just $ fromIntegral res -- | Return the size of the value of a record. If the key of duplicated -- records is specified, the first one is selected. vsiz :: (Storable k) => BDB -> k -> IO (Maybe Int) vsiz = vsizHelper c_tcbdbvsiz unTCBDB -- | Return list of keys in the specified range. range :: (Storable k, Sequence q) => BDB -- ^ BDB object -> Maybe k -- ^ the key of the beginning border. If it is -- Nothing, the first record in the database is -- specified. -> Bool -- ^ whether the beginning border is inclusive or not. -> Maybe k -- ^ the key of the ending border. If it is Nothing, -- the last record is specified. -> Bool -- ^ whether the ending border is inclusive or not. -> Int -- ^ the maximum number of keys to be fetched. If it -- is negative value, no limit is specified. -> IO (q k) -- ^ keys in the specified range. range bdb bkey binc ekey einc maxn = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ \bdb' -> withPtrLen' bkey $ \(bkbuf, bksiz) -> withPtrLen' ekey $ \(ekbuf, eksiz) -> c_tcbdbrange bdb' bkbuf bksiz binc ekbuf eksiz einc (fromIntegral maxn) >>= peekList' where withPtrLen' (Just key) action = withPtrLen key action withPtrLen' Nothing action = action (nullPtr, 0) -- | Return list of forward matched keys. fwmkeys :: (Storable k1, Storable k2, Sequence q) => BDB -- ^ BDB object -> k1 -- ^ search string -> Int -- ^ the maximum number of keys to be fetched. If it -- is negative value, no limit is specified. -> IO (q k2) -- ^ keys matches specified string (in forward matching). fwmkeys = fwmHelper c_tcbdbfwmkeys unTCBDB -- | Increment the corresponding value. (The value specified by a key -- is treated as integer.) addint :: (Storable k) => BDB -- ^ BDB object. -> k -- ^ Key. -> Int -- ^ Amount of increment. -> IO (Maybe Int) -- ^ If successful, a new value is returned. addint = addHelper c_tcbdbaddint unTCBDB fromIntegral fromIntegral (== cINT_MIN) -- | Increment the corresponding value. (The value specified by a key -- is treated as double.) adddouble :: (Storable k) => BDB -- ^ BDB object. -> k -- ^ Key. -> Double -- ^ Amount of increment. -> IO (Maybe Double) -- ^ If successful, a new value is returned. adddouble = addHelper c_tcbdbadddouble unTCBDB realToFrac realToFrac isNaN -- | Synchronize updated contents of a database object with the file -- and the device. sync :: BDB -> IO Bool sync bdb = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) c_tcbdbsync -- | Optimize the file of a B+ tree database object. optimize :: BDB -> Int32 -- ^ the number of members in each leaf page. -> Int32 -- ^ the number of members in each non-leaf page. -> Int64 -- ^ the number of elements of the bucket array. -> Int8 -- ^ the size of record alignment by power of 2. -> Int8 -- ^ the maximum number of elements of the free block -- pool by power of 2. -> [TuningOption] -- ^ tuning options -> IO Bool -- ^ if successful, the return value is True. optimize bdb lmemb nmemb bnum apow fpow opts = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) $ \bdb' -> c_tcbdboptimize bdb' lmemb nmemb bnum apow fpow (combineTuningOption opts) -- | Delete all records. vanish :: BDB -> IO Bool vanish bdb = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) c_tcbdbvanish -- | Copy the database file. copy :: BDB -> String -> IO Bool copy = copyHelper c_tcbdbcopy unTCBDB -- | Begin the transaction. tranbegin :: BDB -> IO Bool tranbegin bdb = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) c_tcbdbtranbegin -- | Commit the transaction. trancommit :: BDB -> IO Bool trancommit bdb = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) c_tcbdbtrancommit -- | Abort the transaction. tranabort :: BDB -> IO Bool tranabort bdb = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) c_tcbdbtranabort -- | Return the file path of currentry opened database. path :: BDB -> IO (Maybe String) path = pathHelper c_tcbdbpath unTCBDB -- | Return the number of records in the database. rnum :: BDB -> IO Word64 rnum bdb = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) c_tcbdbrnum -- | Return the size of the database file. fsiz :: BDB -> IO Word64 fsiz bdb = withForeignPtr (unTCBDB bdb) c_tcbdbfsiz