module Main where import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time (fromGregorian) import Toml.Bi (BiToml, (.=)) import Toml.Edsl (mkToml, table, (=:)) import Toml.Parser (ParseException (..), parse) import Toml.Printer (prettyToml) import Toml.Type (DateTime (..), TOML (..), Value (..)) import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import qualified Toml data Test = Test { testB :: Bool , testI :: Int , testF :: Double , testS :: Text , testA :: [Text] , testM :: Maybe Bool , testX :: TestInside , testY :: Maybe TestInside } newtype TestInside = TestInside { unInside :: Text } insideT :: BiToml TestInside insideT = Toml.dimap unInside TestInside $ Toml.text "inside" testT :: BiToml Test testT = Test <$> Toml.bool "testB" .= testB <*> "testI" .= testI <*> Toml.double "testF" .= testF <*> Toml.text "testS" .= testS <*> Toml.arrayOf Toml._Text "testA" .= testA <*> Toml.maybeT Toml.bool "testM" .= testM <*> Toml.table insideT "testX" .= testX <*> Toml.maybeT (Toml.table insideT) "testY" .= testY main :: IO () main = do TIO.putStrLn "=== Printing manually specified TOML ===" TIO.putStrLn $ prettyToml myToml TIO.putStrLn "=== Printing parsed TOML ===" content <- TIO.readFile "test.toml" case parse content of Left (ParseException e) -> TIO.putStrLn e Right toml -> TIO.putStrLn $ prettyToml toml TIO.putStrLn "=== Testing bidirectional conversion ===" biFile <- TIO.readFile "examples/biTest.toml" TIO.putStrLn $ case Toml.decode testT biFile of Left msg -> Toml.prettyException msg Right test -> Toml.encode testT test myToml :: TOML myToml = mkToml $ do "a" =: Bool True "list" =: Array ["one", "two"] "time" =: Array [Date $ Day (fromGregorian 2018 3 29)] table "" $ do "aInner" =: 1 "listInner" =: Array [Bool True, Bool False] table "1" $ do "aInner11" =: 11 "listInner11" =: Array [0, 1] table "2" $ "Inner12" =: "12" table "" $ "Inner2" =: 42