{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {- | Copyright: (c) 2018-2020 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 Maintainer: Kowainik This module implements common utilities for writing custom codecs without diving into internal implementation details. Most of the time you don't need to implement your own codecs and can reuse existing ones. But if you need something that library doesn't provide, you can find functions in this module useful. @since -} module Toml.Codec.Combinator.Common ( match , whenLeftBiMapError ) where import Control.Monad.State (modify) import Validation (Validation (..)) import Toml.Codec.BiMap (BiMap (..), TomlBiMap, TomlBiMapError) import Toml.Codec.Error (TomlDecodeError (..)) import Toml.Codec.Types (Codec (..), TomlCodec, TomlEnv, TomlState, eitherToTomlState) import Toml.Type.AnyValue (AnyValue (..)) import Toml.Type.Key (Key) import Toml.Type.TOML (TOML (..), insertKeyAnyVal) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap {- | General function to create bidirectional converters for key-value pairs. In order to use this function you need to create 'TomlBiMap' for your type and 'AnyValue': @ _MyType :: 'TomlBiMap' MyType 'AnyValue' @ And then you can create codec for your type using 'match' function: @ myType :: 'Key' -> 'TomlCodec' MyType myType = 'match' _MyType @ @since 0.4.0 -} match :: forall a . TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a match BiMap{..} key = Codec input output where input :: TomlEnv a input = \toml -> case HashMap.lookup key (tomlPairs toml) of Nothing -> Failure [KeyNotFound key] Just anyVal -> whenLeftBiMapError key (backward anyVal) pure output :: a -> TomlState a output a = do anyVal <- eitherToTomlState $ forward a a <$ modify (insertKeyAnyVal key anyVal) {- | Throw error on 'Left', or perform a given action with 'Right'. @since -} whenLeftBiMapError :: Key -> Either TomlBiMapError a -> (a -> Validation [TomlDecodeError] b) -> Validation [TomlDecodeError] b whenLeftBiMapError key val action = case val of Right a -> action a Left err -> Failure [BiMapError key err]