module Test.Toml.Codec.Code ( codeSpec ) where import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe) import Toml.Codec.BiMap (TomlBiMapError (..)) import Toml.Codec.Code (decode, decodeExact) import Toml.Codec.Error (TomlDecodeError (..)) import Toml.Parser (TomlParseError (..)) import Toml.Type.AnyValue (AnyValue (..), MatchError (..)) import Toml.Type.Key (Key) import Toml.Type.Value (TValue (..), Value (..)) import Toml.Type.Edsl (mkToml, table, tableArray, (=:)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Toml.Codec as Toml codeSpec :: Spec codeSpec = describe "Codec.Code decode tests on different TomlDecodeErrors" $ do it "fails parse as unclosed bracket" $ decode ( "a") "a = 'foo" `shouldBe` Left [ ParseError $ TomlParseError $ Text.unlines [ "1:9:" , " |" , "1 | a = 'foo" , " | ^" , "unexpected end of input" , "expecting '''" ] ] it "fails decode text as" $ decode ( "a") "a = 'foo'" `shouldBe` Left [ matchErr "a" TInteger $ AnyValue $ Text "foo"] it "exact decode" $ decodeExact ( "a") "a = 4" `shouldBe` Right 4 it "fails to decode exact when there is other field" $ decodeExact ( "a") "a = 4\nb = 'foo'" `shouldBe` Left [ NotExactDecode $ mkToml $ "b" =: "foo"] -- table it "fails to decode table on missing field" $ decode (Toml.table ( "x") "foo") "" `shouldBe` Left [ TableNotFound "foo"] it "fails to decode table on missing field" $ decode (Toml.table ( "x") "foo") "[foo]" `shouldBe` Left [ KeyNotFound "foo.x"] it "exact decode table" $ decodeExact (Toml.table ( "x") "foo") "[foo]\nx = 5" `shouldBe` Right 5 it "fails to decode exact table on missing field" $ decodeExact (Toml.table ( "x") "foo") "[foo]\ny = 'abc'\nx = 5" `shouldBe` Left [ NotExactDecode $ mkToml $ table "foo" $ "y" =: "abc"] -- lists it "fails to decode arrayOf when field is missing" $ decode (Toml.arrayOf Toml._Int "foo") "" `shouldBe` Left [KeyNotFound "foo"] it "fails to decode arrayNonEmptyOf when field is missing" $ decode (Toml.arrayNonEmptyOf Toml._Int "foo") "" `shouldBe` Left [KeyNotFound "foo"] it "fails to decode arrayNonEmptyOf when list is empty" $ decode (Toml.arrayNonEmptyOf Toml._Int "foo") "foo = []" `shouldBe` Left [BiMapError "foo" $ ArbitraryError "Empty array list, but expected NonEmpty"] it "decodes to an empty list when field is missing" $ decode (Toml.list ( "i") "foo") "" `shouldBe` Right [] it "decodes to an empty list when empty list" $ decode (Toml.list ( "i") "foo") "foo = []" `shouldBe` Right [] it "fails to decode list when internal field is missing" $ decode (Toml.nonEmpty ( "i") "foo") "foo = [{a = 42}]" `shouldBe` Left [KeyNotFound "foo.i"] it "fails to decode nonEmpty when field is missing" $ decode (Toml.nonEmpty ( "i") "foo") "" `shouldBe` Left [TableArrayNotFound "foo"] it "fails to decode nonEmpty when empty list" $ decode (Toml.nonEmpty ( "i") "foo") "foo = []" `shouldBe` Left [TableArrayNotFound "foo"] -- table arrays it "exact decode table array" $ decodeExact (Toml.list ( "x") "foo") "[[foo]]\nx = 1" `shouldBe` Right [1] it "fails to exact decode table array with redundant field" $ decodeExact (Toml.list ( "x") "foo") "[[foo]]\nx = 1\ny = 'abc'" `shouldBe` Left [NotExactDecode $ mkToml $ tableArray "foo" $ ("y" =: "abc") NE.:| []] -- map it "map: decodes to an empty map when field is missing" $ decode ( ( "key") (Toml.text "val") "foo") "" `shouldBe` Right Map.empty it "map: fails to decode when key and value mismatch type" $ decode ( ( "key") (Toml.text "val") "foo") "foo = [{key = 'a', val = 42}]" `shouldBe` Left [ matchErr "key" TInteger $ AnyValue $ Text "a" , matchErr "val" TText $ AnyValue $ Integer 42 ] it "map: fails to decode when value is missing" $ decode ( ( "key") (Toml.text "val") "foo") "foo = [{key = 42}]" `shouldBe` Left [ KeyNotFound "val"] it "tableMap: decodes to an empty map when field is missing" $ decode (Toml.tableMap Toml._KeyText "foo") "" `shouldBe` Right Map.empty it "tableMap: throws error on invalid key type" $ decode (Toml.tableMap Toml._KeyInt Toml.text "foo") "foo = {a = 'a'}" `shouldBe` Left [BiMapError "a" $ ArbitraryError " no parse"] -- custom it "fails to decode via read when non-existing value" $ decode ( @Ordering "foo") "foo = 'EQUAL'" `shouldBe` Left [BiMapError "foo" $ ArbitraryError " no parse"] it "fails to decode via enumBounded when non-existing value" $ decode (Toml.enumBounded @Ordering "foo") "foo = 'EQUAL'" `shouldBe` Left [BiMapError "foo" $ ArbitraryError "Value is 'EQUAL' but expected one of: LT, EQ, GT"] it "fails to validateIf" $ decode (Toml.validateIf even Toml._Int "foo") "foo = 5" `shouldBe` Left [BiMapError "foo" $ ArbitraryError "Value does not pass the validation for key: foo"] it "fails to hardcoded" $ decode (Toml.hardcoded "bar" Toml._Text "foo") "foo = \"baz\"" `shouldBe` Left [BiMapError "foo" $ ArbitraryError "Value '\"baz\"' doesn't align with the hardcoded value '\"bar\"'"] where matchErr :: Key -> TValue -> AnyValue -> TomlDecodeError matchErr key valueExpected valueActual = BiMapError key $ WrongValue $ MatchError {..}