{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Server where import Config import Parse import ToodlesApi import Types import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) import Data.Aeson.Types import Data.Either import Data.IORef import Data.List (find, nub) import Data.Maybe import Data.String.Utils import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Yaml as Y import Servant import System.Directory import System.Directory.Extra import qualified System.IO.Strict as SIO import System.Path.NameManip import Text.Blaze.Html5 (Html) import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as BZ import Text.Printf import Text.Regex.Posix data ToodlesConfig = ToodlesConfig { ignore :: [FilePath] , flags :: [UserFlag] } deriving (Show) instance FromJSON ToodlesConfig where parseJSON (Object o) = do parsedIgnore <- o .:? "ignore" .!= [] parsedFlags <- o .:? "flags" .!= [] return $ ToodlesConfig parsedIgnore parsedFlags parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Invalid config" invalid app :: ToodlesState -> Application app s = serve toodlesAPI server where server :: Server ToodlesAPI server = liftIO . getFullSearchResults s :<|> deleteTodos s :<|> editTodos s :<|> serveDirectoryFileServer (dataPath s) :<|> showRawFile s :<|> root s root :: ToodlesState -> [Text] -> Handler Html root (ToodlesState _ dPath) path = if null path then liftIO $ BZ.preEscapedToHtml <$> readFile (dPath ++ "/html/index.html") else throwError $ err404 { errBody = "Not found" } showRawFile :: ToodlesState -> Integer -> Handler Html showRawFile (ToodlesState ref _) eId = do storedResults <- liftIO $ readIORef ref case storedResults of (Just (TodoListResult r _)) -> do let entry = find (\t -> entryId t == eId) r liftIO $ maybe (return "Not found") (\e -> addAnchors <$> readFile (sourceFile e)) entry Nothing -> error "no files to show" where addAnchors :: String -> Html addAnchors s = let codeLines = zip [1::Int ..] $ lines s in BZ.preEscapedToHtml (unlines $ map (\(i, l) -> printf "
" (show i) l) codeLines) editTodos :: ToodlesState -> EditTodoRequest -> Handler Text editTodos s@(ToodlesState ref _) req = do storedResults <- liftIO $ readIORef ref case storedResults of (Just (TodoListResult r _)) -> do let editedList = map (\t -> if willEditTodo req t then editTodo req t else t) r editedFilteredList = filter (willEditTodo req) editedList _ <- mapM_ recordUpdates editedFilteredList _ <- updateCache s editedFilteredList return "{}" Nothing -> error "no stored todos to edit" where willEditTodo :: EditTodoRequest -> TodoEntry -> Bool willEditTodo editRequest entry = entryId entry `elem` editIds editRequest editTodo :: EditTodoRequest -> TodoEntry -> TodoEntry editTodo editRequest entry = let newAssignee = if isJust (setAssignee editRequest) && (not . T.null . fromJust $ setAssignee editRequest) then setAssignee editRequest else assignee entry newPriority = if isJust (setPriority editRequest) then setPriority editRequest else priority entry in entry { assignee = newAssignee , tags = tags entry ++ addTags editRequest , priority = newPriority , customAttributes = nub $ customAttributes entry ++ addKeyVals editRequest } recordUpdates :: MonadIO m => TodoEntry -> m () recordUpdates t = void $ updateTodoLinesInFile renderTodo t data UpdateType = UpdateTypeEdit | UpdateTypeDelete deriving (Eq) updateCache :: MonadIO m => ToodlesState -> [TodoEntry] -> m () updateCache (ToodlesState ref _) entries = do storedResults <- liftIO $ readIORef ref case storedResults of (Just (TodoListResult currentCache _)) -> do let idsToUpdate = map entryId entries newCache = TodoListResult ((++ entries) (filter (\item -> entryId item `notElem` idsToUpdate) currentCache)) "edits applied" _ <- liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' ref (const (Just newCache, Just newCache)) return () Nothing -> error "no stored todos to update" renderTodo :: TodoEntry -> [Text] renderTodo t = let ext = "." <> getExtension (sourceFile t) comment = if commentType t == SingleLine then fromJust $ singleLineCommentForExtension ext else fromJust $ multiLineOpenCommentForExtension ext detail = renderFlag (flag t) <> " (" <> T.pack ( Data.String.Utils.join "|" (map T.unpack $ [fromMaybe "" $ assignee t] ++ listIfNotNull (fmap (T.pack . maybe "" ((\n -> "p=" ++ n) . show)) priority t) ++ tags t ++ map (\a -> fst a <> "=" <> snd a) (customAttributes t))) <> ") " fullNoComments = mapHead (\l -> detail <> "- " <> l) $ body t commentFn = if commentType t == SingleLine then (\l -> comment <> " " <> l) else id commented = map commentFn fullNoComments in mapLast (\line -> if entryHeadClosed t then line <> " " <> getMultiClosingForFileType ext else line) . mapHead (\l -> if entryHeadOpened t then leadingText t <> getMultiOpeningForFileType ext <> " " <> l else leadingText t <> l) . mapInit (\l -> foldl (<>) "" [" " | _ <- [1 .. (T.length $ leadingText t)]] <> l) $ commented where listIfNotNull :: Text -> [Text] listIfNotNull "" = [] listIfNotNull s = [s] renderFlag :: Flag -> Text renderFlag TODO = "TODO" renderFlag FIXME = "FIXME" renderFlag XXX = "XXX" renderFlag (UF (UserFlag x)) = x -- | Given a function to emit new lines for a given todo, write that update in -- place of the current todo lines updateTodoLinesInFile :: MonadIO m => (TodoEntry -> [Text]) -> TodoEntry -> m () updateTodoLinesInFile f todo = do let startIndex = lineNumber todo - 1 newLines = map T.unpack $ f todo fileLines <- liftIO $ lines <$> SIO.readFile (sourceFile todo) let updatedLines = slice 0 (fromIntegral $ startIndex - 1) fileLines ++ newLines ++ slice (fromIntegral startIndex + length (body todo)) (length fileLines - 1) fileLines liftIO $ writeFile (sourceFile todo) $ unlines updatedLines where slice :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a] slice a b xs = take (b - a + 1) (drop a xs) deleteTodos :: ToodlesState -> DeleteTodoRequest -> Handler Text deleteTodos (ToodlesState ref _) req = do storedResults <- liftIO $ readIORef ref case storedResults of (Just refVal@(TodoListResult r _)) -> do let toDelete = filter (\t -> entryId t `elem` ids req) r liftIO $ doUntilNull removeAndAdjust toDelete let remainingResults = filter (\t -> entryId t `notElem` map entryId toDelete) r let updatedResults = foldl (flip adjustLinesAfterDeletionOf) remainingResults toDelete let remainingResultsRef = refVal { todos = updatedResults } _ <- liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' ref (const (Just remainingResultsRef, Just remainingResultsRef)) return "{}" Nothing -> error "no stored todos" where doUntilNull :: ([a] -> IO [a]) -> [a] -> IO () doUntilNull f xs = do result <- f xs if null result then return () else doUntilNull f result -- If we delete an entry, we need to decrement the line-numbers for the -- other entries that come later in the file adjustLinesAfterDeletionOf :: TodoEntry -> [TodoEntry] -> [TodoEntry] adjustLinesAfterDeletionOf deleted = map (\remaining -> if (sourceFile remaining == sourceFile deleted) && (lineNumber remaining > lineNumber deleted) then remaining { lineNumber = lineNumber remaining - (fromIntegral . length $ body deleted)} else remaining) removeAndAdjust :: MonadIO m => [TodoEntry] -> m [TodoEntry] removeAndAdjust [] = return [] removeAndAdjust (x:xs) = do removeTodoFromCode x return $ adjustLinesAfterDeletionOf x xs where removeTodoFromCode :: MonadIO m => TodoEntry -> m () removeTodoFromCode t = let opening = [getMultiOpeningForFileType $ getExtension (sourceFile t) | entryHeadOpened t] closing = [getMultiClosingForFileType $ getExtension (sourceFile t) | entryHeadClosed t] finalList = if length opening /= length closing then opening ++ closing else [] in updateTodoLinesInFile (const finalList) t setAbsolutePath :: ToodlesArgs -> IO ToodlesArgs setAbsolutePath args = do let pathOrDefault = if T.null . T.pack $ directory args then "." else directory args absolute <- normalise_path <$> absolute_path pathOrDefault return $ args {directory = absolute} getFullSearchResults :: ToodlesState -> Bool -> IO TodoListResult getFullSearchResults (ToodlesState ref _) recompute = do result <- readIORef ref if recompute || isNothing result then do putStrLn "refreshing todo's" userArgs <- toodlesArgs >>= setAbsolutePath sResults <- runFullSearch userArgs atomicModifyIORef' ref (const (Just sResults, sResults)) else do putStrLn "cached read" return $ fromMaybe (error "tried to read from the cache when there wasn't anything there") result runFullSearch :: ToodlesArgs -> IO TodoListResult runFullSearch userArgs = do let projectRoot = directory userArgs configExists <- doesFileExist $ projectRoot ++ "/.toodles.yaml" config <- if configExists then Y.decodeFileEither (projectRoot ++ "/.toodles.yaml") else return . Right $ ToodlesConfig [] [] when (isLeft config) $ putStrLn $ "[WARNING] Invalid .toodles.yaml: " ++ show config let config' = fromRight (ToodlesConfig [] []) config allFiles <- getAllFiles config' projectRoot parsedTodos <- concat <$> mapM (parseFileAndLog userArgs config') allFiles let filteredTodos = filter (filterSearch (assignee_search userArgs)) parsedTodos resultList = limitSearch filteredTodos $ limit_results userArgs indexedResults = map (\(i, r) -> r {entryId = i}) $ zip [1 ..] resultList return $ TodoListResult indexedResults "" where filterSearch :: Maybe SearchFilter -> TodoEntry -> Bool filterSearch Nothing _ = True filterSearch (Just (AssigneeFilter (AssigneeFilterRegex query))) entry = fromMaybe "" (assignee entry) == query limitSearch :: [TodoEntry] -> Int -> [TodoEntry] limitSearch todoList 0 = todoList limitSearch todoList n = take n todoList parseFileAndLog :: ToodlesArgs -> ToodlesConfig -> SourceFile -> IO [TodoEntry] parseFileAndLog userArgs config f = do -- the strictness is so we can print "done" when we're actually done !_ <- putStrLn $ fullPath f !result <- return (runTodoParser (userFlag userArgs ++ flags config) f) !_ <- putStrLn "done" return result getAllFiles :: ToodlesConfig -> FilePath -> IO [SourceFile] getAllFiles (ToodlesConfig ignoredPaths _) basePath = E.catch (do putStrLn $ printf "Running toodles for path: %s" basePath files <- listFilesInside (return . not . ignorePath) basePath let validFiles = filter isValidFile files mapM (\f -> SourceFile f . (map T.pack . lines) <$> E.catch (SIO.readFile f) (\(e :: E.IOException) -> print e >> return "")) validFiles) (\(e :: E.IOException) -> putStrLn ("Error reading " ++ basePath ++ ": " ++ show e) >> return []) where ignorePath :: FilePath -> Bool ignorePath path = let p = T.pack path in T.isInfixOf "node_modules" p || T.isSuffixOf "pb.go" p || T.isSuffixOf "_pb2.py" p || any (\r -> path =~ r :: Bool) ignoredPaths fileHasValidExtension :: FilePath -> Bool fileHasValidExtension path = any (\ext -> ext `T.isSuffixOf` T.pack path) (map extension fileTypeToComment) isValidFile :: FilePath -> Bool isValidFile path = (not $ ignorePath path) && fileHasValidExtension path mapHead :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] mapHead f (x:xs) = f x : xs mapHead _ xs = xs mapInit :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] mapInit f (x:xs) = x : map f xs mapInit _ x = x mapLast :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] mapLast f xs | null xs = [] | otherwise = init xs ++ [f $ last xs]