{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |Run processed connected to Top
module Network.Top.Run (
  ) where

import           Data.ByteString        (ByteString)
import           Network.Top.Types
import           Network.Top.Util
import           Network.Top.WebSockets
import           ZM

-- |Permanently connect an application to a typed channel.
-- |Restart application in case of network or application failure.
-- |NOTE: does not provide a way to preserve application's state
runAppForever :: (Model (router a), Flat (router a),Show (router a),Flat a,Show a) =>
  Config       -- ^ Top configuration
  -> router a  -- ^ Routing protocol
  -> App a r   -- ^ Application to connect
  -> IO r      -- ^ Value returned from the application
runAppForever cfg router app = forever $ do
      Left (ex :: SomeException) <- try $ runApp cfg router $ \conn -> do
        liftIO $ dbgS "connected"
        app conn

      -- Something went wrong, wait a few seconds and restart
      dbg ["Exited loop with error",concat ["'",show ex,"'"],"retrying in a bit."]
      threadDelay $ seconds 5

-- |Connect an application to a typed channel.
runApp ::
  (Model (router a), Flat (router a),Show (router a),Flat a,Show a) =>
  Config       -- ^ Top configuration
  -> router a  -- ^ Routing protocol
  -> App a r   -- ^ Application to connect
  -> IO r      -- ^ Value returned from the application
runApp cfg router app = do
      dbg ["run",show router]
      runAppWith cfg (typedBLOB router) (\conn -> app (Connection (receive conn) (send conn) (close conn)))

-- |Connect an application to a typed channel
runAppWith :: Config                     -- ^ Top configuration
           -> TypedBLOB                  -- ^ Routing protocol
           -> App ByteString r           -- ^ Application to connect
           -> IO r                       -- ^ Value returned from the application
runAppWith cfg routerBin app = run cfg 1
    run _   4 = errIn "Too many redirects"
    run cfg n = do
      res <- runWSApp cfg $ \conn -> do
        send conn routerBin
        r::WSChannelResult <- receive conn
        dbgS $ unwords ["Received CHATS answer",show r]
        case r of
          Failure why  -> errIn why
          Success      -> Right <$> app conn -- (Connection (receive conn) (send conn) (close conn))
          --Success -> Right <$> app (Connection (receive conn) (send conn) (close conn))
          RetryAt addr -> return (Left $ Config addr)
      case res of
        Left cfg' -> run cfg' (n+1)
        Right r   -> return r
    errIn msg = dbg ["Failure",msg] >> error msg

-- |Send a value on a typed connection
send :: (Show a,Flat a) => WSConnection -> a -> IO ()
send conn v = do
  let e = flat v
  output conn e
  --dbg ["sent",show v,"as",show $ L.unpack e]

-- |Receive a value from a typed connection
receive :: (Show a,Flat a) => WSConnection -> IO a
receive conn = do
  e <- input conn
  either (\ex -> error $ unwords ["receive error",show ex]) return $ unflat e

-- receive :: Flat a => WSConnection -> IO (Maybe a)
-- receive conn = do
--   mbs <- input conn
--   return $ case mbs of
--     Nothing -> Nothing
--     Just bs -> eitherToMaybe $ unflat bs
-- -- |Setup a connection by sending a value specifying the routing protocol to be used
-- protocol :: (Show r, Model r, Flat r) => Connection ByteString -> r -> IO ()
-- --protocol = setProtocol (return ())
-- protocol conn routerType = do
--   dbg ["protocol",show routerType]
--   send conn . typedBLOB $ routerType
--   r::WSChannelResult <- receive conn
--   case r of
--     Failure why  -> err $ T.unpack why
--     Success      -> return ()
--     RetryAt addr -> err (show $ RetryAt addr)
--    where
--      err msg = error msg -- unwords ["Failed to establish connection:",msg]

-- setProtocol onSuccess onFailure  conn router = do
--   dbg ["protocol",show router]
--   send conn . typedBLOB $ router
--   r::WSChannelResult <- receive conn
--   case r of
--     Failure why  -> onFailure err $ T.unpack why
--     Success      -> onSuccess --
--     RetryAt addr -> err (show $ RetryAt addr)
--    where
--      err msg = error msg -- unwords ["Failed to establish connection:",msg]

-- setProtocol conn routerType = run 1
--   where
--     run 4 = errIn "Too many redirects"
--     run n = do
--       dbg ["protocol",show routerType,"attempt",show n]
--       send conn . typedBLOB $ routerType
--       r::WSChannelResult <- receive conn
--       case r of
--           Failure why  -> errIn (T.unpack why)
--           Success      -> Right <$> app conn -- (Connection (receive conn) (send conn) (close conn))
--           --Success -> Right <$> app (Connection (receive conn) (send conn) (close conn))
--           RetryAt addr -> return (Left $ Config addr)
--       case res of
--         Left cfg' -> run cfg' (n+1)
--         Right r   -> return r
--     errIn msg = dbg ["Failure",msg] >> error msg