module Test.Torch.Run (run) where

import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad.Writer (execWriterT)

import Test.Torch.Types hiding (run)
import Test.Torch.Report (makeReportWithHook, zeroHook)
import Test.Torch.Build (Builder, runBuilder, getTests)
import Test.Torch.Hook


  'run' takes a builder (do block contains some tests such as 'is' or
  'notOk'), and build test from builder, run it, and report to stdout.

  You can define your own 'run', see 'makeReportWithHook'.


run :: Builder a -> IO ()
run builder = do
  tests <- getTests builder
  report <- get_report tests
  print_report report

get_report :: Tests -> IO Report
get_report = flip makeReportWithHook $ asHook $ do
               onPass $ putChar '.'
               onFail $ const $ putChar 'f'
               beforeTest $ \ts ->
                 putStrLn $ "Running " ++ show (length ts) ++ " tests."

print_report :: Report -> IO ()
print_report r = do
  if failed r == 0
    then putStrLn "\nOk, All tests passed."
    else do
      putStrLn $ '\n' : show (failed r) ++ " test(s) failed."
      forM_ (failures r) $ putStrLn . describe