{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Algorithm.OmegaTest
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2011
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- (incomplete) implementation of Omega Test
-- References:
-- * William Pugh. The Omega test: a fast and practical integer
--   programming algorithm for dependence analysis. In Proceedings of
--   the 1991 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing (1991), pp. 4-13.
-- * <http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~michaeln/pubs/arithmetic-dps.pdf>
-- See also:
-- * <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/Omega>
module Algorithm.OmegaTest
    ( Model
    , solve
    , solveQFLA
    , Options (..)
    , defaultOptions
    , checkRealNoCheck
    , checkRealByFM
    ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.VectorSpace

import Algebra.Lattice.Boolean

import Data.ArithRel
import Data.DNF
import qualified Data.LA as LA
import Data.Var
import Util (combineMaybe)
import qualified Algorithm.FourierMotzkin as FM
import Algorithm.FourierMotzkin.Core (Lit (..), Rat, toLAAtom)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

data Options
  = Options
  { optCheckReal :: VarSet -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> Bool

defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions =
  { optCheckReal =
      -- checkRealNoCheck

checkRealNoCheck :: VarSet -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> Bool
checkRealNoCheck _ _ = True

checkRealByFM :: VarSet -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> Bool
checkRealByFM vs as = isJust $ FM.solve vs as

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

type ExprZ = LA.Expr Integer

-- 制約集合の単純化
-- It returns Nothing when a inconsistency is detected.
simplify :: [Lit] -> Maybe [Lit]
simplify = fmap concat . mapM f
    f :: Lit -> Maybe [Lit]
    f lit@(Pos e) =
      case LA.asConst e of
        Just x -> guard (x > 0) >> return []
        Nothing -> return [lit]
    f lit@(Nonneg e) =
      case LA.asConst e of
        Just x -> guard (x >= 0) >> return []
        Nothing -> return [lit]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

leZ, ltZ, geZ, gtZ :: ExprZ -> ExprZ -> Lit
-- Note that constants may be floored by division
leZ e1 e2 = Nonneg (LA.mapCoeff (`div` d) e)
    e = e2 ^-^ e1
    d = abs $ gcd' [c | (c,v) <- LA.terms e, v /= LA.unitVar]
ltZ e1 e2 = (e1 ^+^ LA.constant 1) `leZ` e2
geZ = flip leZ
gtZ = flip gtZ

eqZ :: ExprZ -> ExprZ -> (DNF Lit)
eqZ e1 e2
  = if LA.coeff LA.unitVar e3 `mod` d == 0
    then DNF [[Nonneg e, Nonneg (negateV e)]]
    else false
    e = LA.mapCoeff (`div` d) e3
    e3 = e1 ^-^ e2
    d = abs $ gcd' [c | (c,v) <- LA.terms e3, v /= LA.unitVar]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

(ls,us) represents
{ x | ∀(M,c)∈ls. M/c≤x, ∀(M,c)∈us. x≤M/c }
type BoundsZ = ([Rat],[Rat])

collectBoundsZ :: Var -> [Lit] -> (BoundsZ,[Lit])
collectBoundsZ v = foldr phi (([],[]),[])
    phi :: Lit -> (BoundsZ,[Lit]) -> (BoundsZ,[Lit])
    phi (Pos t) x = phi (Nonneg (t ^-^ LA.constant 1)) x
    phi lit@(Nonneg t) ((ls,us),xs) =
      case LA.extract v t of
        (c,t') -> 
          case c `compare` 0 of
            EQ -> ((ls, us), lit : xs)
            GT -> (((negateV t', c) : ls, us), xs) -- 0 ≤ cx + M ⇔ -M/c ≤ x
            LT -> ((ls, (t', negate c) : us), xs)   -- 0 ≤ cx + M ⇔ x ≤ M/-c

isExact :: BoundsZ -> Bool
isExact (ls,us) = and [a==1 || b==1 | (_,a)<-ls , (_,b)<-us]

solve' :: Options -> [Var] -> [Lit] -> Maybe (Model Integer)
solve' opt vs2 xs = simplify xs >>= go vs2
    go :: [Var] -> [Lit] -> Maybe (Model Integer)
    go [] [] = return IM.empty
    go [] _  = mzero
    go vs ys | not (optCheckReal opt (IS.fromList vs) (map toLAAtom ys)) = mzero
    go vs ys =
      if isExact bnd
        then case1
        else case1 `mplus` case2
        (v,vs',bnd@(ls,us),rest) = chooseVariable vs ys

        case1 = do
          let zs = [ LA.constant ((a-1)*(b-1)) `leZ` (a *^ d ^-^ b *^ c)
                   | (c,a)<-ls , (d,b)<-us ]
          model <- go vs' =<< simplify (zs ++ rest)
          case pickupZ (evalBoundsZ model bnd) of
            Nothing  -> error "solve': should not happen"
            Just val -> return $ IM.insert v val model

        case2 = msum
          [ do eq <- isZero $ a' *^ LA.var v ^-^ (c' ^+^ LA.constant k)
               let (vs'', lits'', mt) = elimEq eq (v:vs') ys
               model <- go vs'' =<< simplify lits''
               return $ mt model
          | let m = maximum [b | (_,b)<-us]
          ,  (c',a') <- ls
          , k <- [0 .. (m*a'-a'-m) `div` m]

chooseVariable :: [Var] -> [Lit] -> (Var, [Var], BoundsZ, [Lit])
chooseVariable vs xs = head $ [e | e@(_,_,bnd,_) <- table, isExact bnd] ++ table
    table = [ (v, vs', bnd, rest)
            | (v,vs') <- pickup vs, let (bnd, rest) = collectBoundsZ v xs

evalBoundsZ :: Model Integer -> BoundsZ -> IntervalZ
evalBoundsZ model (ls,us) =
  foldl' intersectZ univZ $ 
    [ (Just (ceiling (LA.evalExpr model x % c)), Nothing) | (x,c) <- ls ] ++ 
    [ (Nothing, Just (floor (LA.evalExpr model x % c))) | (x,c) <- us ]

elimEq :: ExprZ -> [Var] -> [Lit] -> ([Var], [Lit], Model Integer -> Model Integer)
elimEq e vs lits = 
  if abs ak == 1
      case LA.extract xk e of
        (_, e') ->
          let xk_def = signum ak *^ negateV e'
          in ( vs
             , [applySubst1Lit xk xk_def lit | lit <- lits]
             , \model -> IM.insert xk (LA.evalExpr model xk_def) model
      let m = abs ak + 1
          xk_def = (- signum ak * m) *^ LA.var sigma ^+^
                     LA.fromTerms [(signum ak * (a `zmod` m), x) | (a,x) <- LA.terms e, x /= xk]
          e2 = (- abs ak) *^ LA.var sigma ^+^ 
                  LA.fromTerms [((floor (a%m + 1/2) + (a `zmod` m)), x) | (a,x) <- LA.terms e, x /= xk]
               -- LA.applySubst1 xk xk_def e を normalize したもの
      in case elimEq e2 (sigma : vs) [applySubst1Lit xk xk_def lit | lit <- lits] of
           (vs2, lits2, mt) ->
             ( vs2
             , lits2
             , \model ->
                  let model2 = mt model
                  in IM.delete sigma $ IM.insert xk (LA.evalExpr model2 xk_def) model2
    (ak,xk) = minimumBy (comparing (abs . fst)) [(a,x) | (a,x) <- LA.terms e, x /= LA.unitVar]
    sigma = maximum (-1 : vs) + 1

applySubst1Lit :: Var -> ExprZ -> Lit -> Lit
applySubst1Lit v e (Nonneg e2) = LA.applySubst1 v e e2 `geZ` LA.constant 0

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

isZero :: ExprZ -> Maybe ExprZ
isZero e
  = if LA.coeff LA.unitVar e `mod` d == 0
    then Just $ e2
    else Nothing
    e2 = LA.mapCoeff (`div` d) e
    d = abs $ gcd' [c | (c,v) <- LA.terms e, v /= LA.unitVar]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

type IntervalZ = (Maybe Integer, Maybe Integer)

univZ :: IntervalZ
univZ = (Nothing, Nothing)

intersectZ :: IntervalZ -> IntervalZ -> IntervalZ
intersectZ (l1,u1) (l2,u2) = (combineMaybe max l1 l2, combineMaybe min u1 u2)

pickupZ :: IntervalZ -> Maybe Integer
pickupZ (Nothing,Nothing) = return 0
pickupZ (Just x, Nothing) = return x
pickupZ (Nothing, Just x) = return x
pickupZ (Just x, Just y) = if x <= y then return x else mzero 

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

solve :: Options -> VarSet -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> Maybe (Model Integer)
solve opt vs cs = msum [solve' opt (IS.toList vs) lits | lits <- unDNF dnf]
    dnf = andB (map f cs)
    f (Rel lhs op rhs) =
      case op of
        Lt  -> DNF [[a `ltZ` b]]
        Le  -> DNF [[a `leZ` b]]
        Gt  -> DNF [[a `gtZ` b]]
        Ge  -> DNF [[a `geZ` b]]
        Eql -> eqZ a b
        NEq -> DNF [[a `ltZ` b], [a `gtZ` b]]
        (e1,c1) = g lhs
        (e2,c2) = g rhs
        a = c2 *^ e1
        b = c1 *^ e2
    g :: LA.Expr Rational -> (ExprZ, Integer)
    g a = (LA.mapCoeff (\c -> floor (c * fromInteger d)) a, d)
        d = foldl' lcm 1 [denominator c | (c,_) <- LA.terms a]

solveQFLA :: Options -> VarSet -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> VarSet -> Maybe (Model Rational)
solveQFLA opt vs cs ivs = listToMaybe $ do
  (cs2, mt) <- FM.projectN rvs cs
  m <- maybeToList $ solve opt ivs cs2
  return $ mt $ IM.map fromInteger m
    rvs = vs `IS.difference` ivs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

zmod :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
a `zmod` b = a - b * floor (a % b + 1 / 2)

gcd' :: [Integer] -> Integer
gcd' [] = 1
gcd' xs = foldl1' gcd xs

pickup :: [a] -> [(a,[a])]
pickup [] = []
pickup (x:xs) = (x,xs) : [(y,x:ys) | (y,ys) <- pickup xs]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------