#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
module Debug.Traced.Internal
( Traced, traced
, named, nameTraced
, unknown, unTraced
, tracedD
, TraceLevel(..), Traceable(..)
, TracedD(..), unTracedD
, binOp, unOp, apply
, liftT, liftFun, Liftable(..), baseLiftT
, Fixity(..)
, showAsExp, showAsExpFull
, pPrintTraced
, reShare, simplify
) where
import System.Mem.StableName
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
import Data.Typeable
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
import Data.Data(Data(..), mkNoRepType)
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 610
import Data.Data(Data(..), mkNorepType)
import Data.Generics(Data(..), mkNorepType)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import Data.List(group, sort)
import Data.Char(isAlpha)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import qualified Debug.Traced.StableMap as SM
data Traced a = Traced (Maybe TracedD) a
deriving (Typeable, Data)
instance (Read a, Traceable a) => Read (Traced a) where
readsPrec p s = [ (traced x, r) | (x, r) <- readsPrec p s]
data TraceLevel = TLValue | TLExp | TLFullExp
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data)
class (Typeable a, Show a) => Traceable a where
trPPrint :: TraceLevel -> Int -> a -> Doc
instance (Typeable a, Show a) => Traceable a where
trPPrint _ p x = text (showsPrec p x "")
data TracedD
= NoValue
| forall a . Name Bool Name TracedD
| forall a . (Traceable a) => Con a
| forall a . (Traceable a) => Apply a Name Fixity [TracedD]
| forall a . Let [(Name, TracedD)] TracedD
deriving (Typeable)
type Name = String
instance Data TracedD where
gfoldl _ z c = z c
gunfold _ _ _ = error "gunfold: TracedD"
toConstr _ = error "toConstr: TracedD"
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "Debug.TracedInternal.TracedD"
dataTypeOf _ = mkNorepType "Debug.TracedInternal.TracedD"
instance Show TracedD where
showsPrec _ NoValue = showString "__NoValue__"
showsPrec p (Name _ _ v) = showsPrec p v
showsPrec p (Con a) = showsPrec p a
showsPrec p (Apply a _ _ _) = showsPrec p a
showsPrec p (Let _ v) = showsPrec p v
instance Eq TracedD where
x == y = compare x y == EQ
instance Ord TracedD where
compare NoValue NoValue = EQ
compare NoValue _ = LT
compare (Name _ _ _) NoValue = GT
compare (Name b1 n1 v1) (Name b2 n2 v2) = compare (b1, n1, v1) (b2, n2, v2)
compare (Name _ _ _) _ = LT
compare (Con _) NoValue = GT
compare (Con _) (Name _ _ _) = GT
compare (Con a1) (Con a2) = compareValues a1 a2
compare (Con _) _ = LT
compare (Apply _ n1 f1 as1) (Apply _ n2 f2 as2) = compare (n1, f1, as1) (n2, f2, as2)
compare (Apply _ _ _ _) (Let _ _) = LT
compare (Apply _ _ _ _) _ = GT
compare (Let bs1 t1) (Let bs2 t2) = compare (bs1, t1) (bs2, t2)
compare (Let _ _) _ = GT
compareValues :: (Traceable a, Traceable b) => a -> b -> Ordering
compareValues x y = compare (uniq x) (uniq y) where
uniq a = seq a $ hashStableName (unsafePerformIO $ makeStableName a)
data Fixity = InfixL Int | InfixR Int | Infix Int | Nonfix
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
eLet :: [(Name, TracedD)] -> TracedD -> TracedD
eLet [] e = e
eLet bs e = Let bs e
traced :: (Traceable a) => a -> Traced a
traced a = Traced Nothing a
nameTraced :: (Traceable a) => String -> Traced a -> Traced a
nameTraced s t@(Traced (Just (Name False s' _)) _) | s == s' = t
nameTraced s t@(Traced _ a) = Traced (Just $ Name False s $ tracedD t) a
named :: (Traceable a) => String -> a -> Traced a
named s a = nameTraced s $ traced a
unknown :: (Traceable a) => String -> Traced a
unknown s = Traced (Just (Name False s NoValue)) (error $ "Data.Traced: unknown `" ++ s ++ "' used")
unTraced :: Traced a -> a
unTraced (Traced _ a) = a
tracedD :: (Traceable a) => Traced a -> TracedD
tracedD (Traced (Just d) _) = d
tracedD (Traced Nothing a) = Con a
unTracedD :: (Traceable a) => TracedD -> Maybe (Traced a)
unTracedD e = case e of
NoValue -> Just $ trcd (error "unTraced: no value")
Name _ n NoValue -> Just $ trcd (error $ "unTraced: no value: " ++ n)
Name _ _ v -> liftM (trcd . unTraced) $ unTracedD v
Con a -> liftM trcd $ cast a
Apply a _ _ _ -> liftM trcd $ cast a
Let _ v -> liftM (trcd . unTraced) $ unTracedD v
where trcd = Traced (Just e)
apply :: (Traceable a) => a -> Name -> Fixity -> [TracedD] -> Traced a
apply r op fx as = Traced (Just $ Apply r op fx as) r
class Liftable a b | a -> b, b -> a where
liftT' :: Name -> Fixity -> [TracedD] -> a -> b
instance (Traceable a, Liftable b tb) => Liftable (a -> b) (Traced a -> tb) where
liftT' n fx as f = \ x -> liftT' n fx (tracedD x:as) (f (unTraced x))
baseLiftT :: (Traceable a) => Name -> Fixity -> [TracedD] -> a -> Traced a
baseLiftT n fx as r = Traced (Just $ Apply r n fx (reverse as)) r
instance Liftable Integer (Traced Integer) where liftT' = baseLiftT
instance Liftable Int (Traced Int) where liftT' = baseLiftT
instance Liftable Double (Traced Double) where liftT' = baseLiftT
instance Liftable Float (Traced Float) where liftT' = baseLiftT
instance Liftable Bool (Traced Bool) where liftT' = baseLiftT
instance Liftable Ordering (Traced Ordering) where liftT' = baseLiftT
instance Liftable () (Traced ()) where liftT' = baseLiftT
liftT :: (Liftable a b) => Name -> Fixity -> a -> b
liftT n fx = liftT' n fx []
liftFun :: (Liftable a b) => Name -> a -> b
liftFun n = liftT n Nonfix
binOp :: (Traceable a, Traceable b, Traceable c) =>
(a->b->c) -> (String, Fixity) -> Traced a -> Traced b -> Traced c
binOp f (n, fx) x y = apply (unTraced x `f` unTraced y) n fx [tracedD x, tracedD y]
unOp :: (Traceable a, Traceable b) => (a->b) -> String -> Traced a -> Traced b
unOp f op x = apply (f $ unTraced x) op Nonfix [tracedD x]
instance (Eq a) => Eq (Traced a) where
x == x' = unTraced x == unTraced x'
instance (Ord a) => Ord (Traced a) where
x `compare` x' = unTraced x `compare` unTraced x'
instance (Show a) => Show (Traced a) where
showsPrec _ (Traced (Just (Name _ s NoValue)) _) = showString s
showsPrec p v = showsPrec p $ unTraced v
instance (Traceable a, Num a) => Num (Traced a) where
(+) = binOp (+) ("+", InfixL 6)
() = binOp () ("-", InfixL 6)
(*) = binOp (*) ("*", InfixL 7)
negate = unOp negate "negate"
abs = unOp abs "abs"
signum = unOp signum "signum"
fromInteger = traced . fromInteger
instance (Traceable a, Fractional a) => Fractional (Traced a) where
(/) = binOp (/) ("/", InfixL 7)
fromRational = traced . fromRational
instance (Traceable a, Integral a) => Integral (Traced a) where
quot = binOp quot ("quot", InfixL 7)
rem = binOp rem ("rem", InfixL 7)
div = binOp div ("div", InfixL 7)
mod = binOp mod ("mod", InfixL 7)
toInteger = toInteger . unTraced
quotRem x y = (quot x y, rem x y)
instance (Traceable a, Enum a) => Enum (Traced a) where
toEnum = traced . toEnum
fromEnum = fromEnum . unTraced
instance (Traceable a, Real a) => Real (Traced a) where
toRational = toRational . unTraced
instance (Traceable a, RealFrac a) => RealFrac (Traced a) where
properFraction c = (i, traced c') where (i, c') = properFraction (unTraced c)
instance (Traceable a, Floating a) => Floating (Traced a) where
pi = named "pi" pi
exp = unOp exp "exp"
sqrt = unOp sqrt "sqrt"
log = unOp log "log"
(**) = binOp (**) ("**", InfixR 8)
logBase = binOp logBase ("logBase", Nonfix)
sin = unOp sin "sin"
tan = unOp tan "tan"
cos = unOp cos "cos"
asin = unOp asin "asin"
atan = unOp atan "atan"
acos = unOp acos "acos"
sinh = unOp sinh "sinh"
tanh = unOp tanh "tanh"
cosh = unOp cosh "cosh"
asinh = unOp asinh "asinh"
atanh = unOp atanh "atanh"
acosh = unOp acosh "acosh"
instance (Traceable a, RealFloat a) => RealFloat (Traced a) where
floatRadix = floatRadix . unTraced
floatDigits = floatDigits . unTraced
floatRange = floatRange . unTraced
decodeFloat = decodeFloat . unTraced
encodeFloat m e = traced (encodeFloat m e)
exponent = exponent . unTraced
significand = traced . significand . unTraced
scaleFloat k = traced . scaleFloat k . unTraced
isNaN = isNaN . unTraced
isInfinite = isInfinite . unTraced
isDenormalized = isDenormalized . unTraced
isNegativeZero = isNegativeZero . unTraced
isIEEE = isIEEE . unTraced
atan2 = binOp atan2 ("atan2", Nonfix)
ppTracedD :: TraceLevel -> Int -> TracedD -> Doc
ppTracedD _ _ NoValue = text "undefined"
ppTracedD _ _ (Name _ n NoValue) = text n
ppTracedD TLValue p (Name _ _ x) = ppTracedD TLValue p x
ppTracedD TLValue p (Con x) = trPPrint TLValue p x
ppTracedD TLValue p (Apply x _ _ _) = trPPrint TLValue p x
ppTracedD TLValue p (Let _ x) = ppTracedD TLValue p x
ppTracedD TLExp p (Name False _ v) = ppTracedD TLExp p v
ppTracedD TLExp _ (Name True s _) = text s
ppTracedD TLFullExp _ (Name _ n v) = text n <> text "{-" <> trPPrint TLValue 0 v <> text "-}"
ppTracedD b p (Con v) = trPPrint b p v
ppTracedD _ _ (Apply _ f _ []) = text f
ppTracedD b p (Apply _ "negate" _ [x]) =
ppParens (p >= 6) (text "-" <> ppTracedD b 7 x)
ppTracedD b p (Apply _ op Nonfix as) =
ppParens (p > 10) $
text op <+> fsep (map (ppTracedD b 11) as)
ppTracedD b p (Apply _ op f [x,y]) =
let (ql,q,qr) = case f of
InfixL d -> (d,d,d+1)
InfixR d -> (d+1,d,d)
Infix d -> (d+1,d,d+1)
Nonfix -> error "ppTracedD: impossible"
op' = if isAlpha (head op) then "`" ++ op ++ "`" else op
in ppParens (p > q) $
sep [ppTracedD b ql x <+> text op', ppTracedD b qr y]
ppTracedD _ _ (Apply _ _ _ _) = error "ppTracedD: bad binop"
ppTracedD b p (Let bs v) =
ppParens (p > 0) $
sep (text "let" : map (nest 4 . ppBind) bs ++ [text "in " <> ppTracedD b 0 v])
where ppBind (n, e) = text n <+> equals <+> ppTracedD b 0 e <>
if b == TLFullExp then text " {- " <> equals <+> text (show e) <> text " -}" <> semi else semi
ppParens :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
ppParens False d = d
ppParens True d = parens d
showAsExp :: (Traceable a) => Traced a -> String
showAsExp = render . pPrintTraced TLExp 0
showAsExpFull :: (Traceable a) => Traced a -> String
showAsExpFull = render . pPrintTraced TLFullExp 0
pPrintTraced :: (Traceable a) => TraceLevel -> Int -> Traced a -> Doc
pPrintTraced b p = ppTracedD b p . tracedD
reShare :: (Traceable a) => Traced a -> Traced a
reShare = fromMaybe (error "impossible reShare") . unTracedD . share . tracedD
share :: TracedD -> TracedD
share e = unsafePerformIO $ do
(v, (_, _, bs)) <- runStateT (share' e) (0, SM.empty, [])
let unknownBind (n, Name False n' NoValue) = n == n'
unknownBind _ = False
return $ Let (filter (not . unknownBind) $ reverse bs) v
share' :: TracedD -> StateT (Integer, SM.StableMap TracedD TracedD, [(Name, TracedD)]) IO TracedD
share' e@NoValue = return e
share' e@(Con _) = return e
share' e = do
(i, sm, bs) <- get
sn <- liftIO $ e `seq` makeStableName e
case SM.lookup sn sm of
Just ie -> do
return ie
Nothing -> do
let n = case e of
Name _ s _ -> s
_ -> prefix ++ show i
ie = Name True n e
put (i+1, SM.insert sn ie sm, bs)
e' <- case e of
NoValue -> return e
Name b m a -> liftM (Name b m) $ share' a
Con _ -> return e
Apply a m fx as -> liftM (Apply a m fx) $ mapM share' as
Let _ _ -> error "share': Let"
(i', sm', bs') <- get
put (i', sm', (n, e') : bs')
return ie
prefix :: String
prefix = "_"
simplify :: Traced a -> Traced a
simplify (Traced d a) = Traced (fmap simplifyD d) a
simplifyD :: TracedD -> TracedD
simplifyD elet@(Let binds body) =
let onceVars = S.fromList $ map head $ filter ((== 1) . length) $ group $ sort $ getVars elet
getVars NoValue = []
getVars (Con _) = []
getVars (Let bs e) = concatMap (getVars . snd) bs ++ getVars e
getVars (Apply _ _ _ es) = concatMap getVars es
getVars (Name True v _) = [v]
getVars (Name False _ e) = getVars e
isTriv NoValue = True
isTriv (Con _) = True
isTriv (Name True _ _) = True
isTriv _ = False
subst _ NoValue = NoValue
subst _ e@(Con _) = e
subst _ (Let _ _) = error "Traced.simplify: Let"
subst m (Apply a op fx es) = Apply a op fx (map (subst m) es)
subst m (Name b v e) = case M.lookup v m of
Nothing -> Name b v (subst m e)
Just e' -> e'
shareVar v = take (length prefix) v == prefix
(bs', bm) = foldr step ([], M.empty) (reverse binds)
step (v, e) (ds, m) =
let e' = subst m e
in if shareVar v && (v `S.member` onceVars || isTriv e')
then (ds, M.insert v e' m)
else ((v, e') : ds, m)
body' = subst bm body
in eLet (reverse bs') body'
simplifyD e = e