module Main where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread, threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar, newTVarIO, readTVar, writeTVar) import Control.Monad (fail, forever, guard, void, when) import Control.Monad.STM (atomically) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Version (showVersion) import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime) import qualified Data.Text as Text import GHC.Generics (Generic) import System.Exit (exitSuccess) import System.Process.ListLike (shell) import qualified System.Process.Text as Text import System.FSNotify (eventTime, watchTree, withManager) import qualified System.FSNotify as FSNotify import Options.Generic (ParseRecord (..), type () (..), getWithHelp, lispCaseModifiers, parseRecordWithModifiers, shortNameModifier) import Brick import Brick.BChan import Graphics.Vty import qualified Paths_trackit as Trackit import ParseANSI data CmdOptions = CmdOptions { _watchDir :: Maybe FilePath "Directory to watch for changes in (not sub-directories). Cannot be used together with '--watch-tree'." , _watchTree :: Maybe FilePath "Directory tree to watch for changes in (including sub-directories). Cannot be used together with '--watch-dir'." , _command :: Maybe String "Command to run" , _maxLines :: Maybe Int "Maximum number of lines to show (default: 400)" , _stabilization :: Maybe Int "Minimal time (milliseconds) between the any file event and command update (default: 200)" , _version :: Bool "Print the version number" , _help :: Bool , _debug :: Bool "Show debug information the lower right corner" } deriving (Show, Generic) shortName :: String -> Maybe Char shortName "_watchDir" = Just 'd' shortName "_watchTree" = Just 't' shortName (_:c:_) = Just c shortName _ = Nothing instance ParseRecord CmdOptions where parseRecord = parseRecordWithModifiers lispCaseModifiers {shortNameModifier = shortName} data WatchDepth = Single | Recursive deriving (Eq, Show) data Options = Options { watchDir :: Maybe (FilePath, WatchDepth) , command :: Maybe String , maxLines :: Int , stabilization :: NominalDiffTime , debug :: Bool } deriving (Show, Generic) watchDirError = "The flags '--watch-dir' and '--watch-tree' cannot be used together." getOptions :: IO Options getOptions = do (CmdOptions {..}, showHelp) <- getWithHelp "trackit" if | _help -> showHelp >> exitSuccess | unHelpful _version -> do putStrLn $ showVersion Trackit.version exitSuccess | otherwise -> do watchDir <- case (unHelpful _watchDir, unHelpful _watchTree) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> return Nothing (Just d, Nothing) -> return $ Just (d, Single) (Nothing, Just t) -> return $ Just (t, Recursive) _ -> fail watchDirError let command = unHelpful _command maxLines = fromMaybe 400 $ unHelpful _maxLines stabPerMs = fromMaybe 200 $ unHelpful _stabilization stabilization = fromIntegral stabPerMs / 1000 debug = unHelpful _debug return $ Options {..} ansiImage :: Text -> Image ansiImage = foldMap mkLine . map parseANSI . Text.lines where mkLine ss = foldr (<|>) mempty [text' a s | Segment a s <- ss] -- | Make a 'Context'-aware 'Widget' with 'Fixed' size withContext :: (Context -> Widget n) -> Widget n withContext k = Widget Fixed Fixed $ do cxt <- getContext render (k cxt) -- | Limit the text to @n@ lines (because large buffers make the app slow) limit :: Int -> Text -> Text limit n t | length ls > n = Text.unlines (take n ls ++ [pruningNotification]) | otherwise = t <> eof where ls = Text.lines t eof = "\ESC[1m---------- End of output ----------\ESC[m" pruningNotification = Text.unwords [ "\ESC[1m---------- Lines beyond" , Text.pack (show n) , "pruned ----------\ESC[m" ] getStdOut :: (a, stdout, b) -> stdout getStdOut (_, o, _) = o helpText :: Text helpText = Text.concat [ "No command provided. Run 'trackit --help' for help.\n\n" , "Press 'q' to exit this window." ] -- | Run the command provided by the user, or print a helpful text if no command -- was given runCMD :: Options -> IO Text runCMD Options {..} = case command of Nothing -> return helpText Just cmd -> limit maxLines . getStdOut <$> Text.readCreateProcessWithExitCode (shell cmd) "" -- | Case-insensitive key-press recognizer keyPressed :: Char -> BrickEvent n e -> Bool keyPressed c (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c') [])) = toLower c == toLower c' keyPressed _ _ = False data AppState = AppState { theText :: Text , updateCount :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Show) initState :: AppState initState = AppState { theText = "" , updateCount = 0 } data View = TheView deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) theView :: ViewportScroll View theView = viewportScroll TheView drawApp :: Options -> AppState -> [Widget View] drawApp Options {..} AppState {..} = concat [ guard debug >> pure debugWidget , pure $ viewport TheView Both $ raw $ ansiImage theText ] where debugText = "Update count: " <> Text.pack (show updateCount) debugAttr = defAttr `withForeColor` black `withBackColor` white debugWidget = withContext $ \cxt -> translateBy (Location (availWidth cxt - Text.length debugText, availHeight cxt - 1)) $ raw $ text' debugAttr debugText withSize :: ((Int, Int) -> EventM View ()) -> EventM View () withSize k = mapM_ k . fmap extentSize =<< lookupExtent TheView updateApp :: Options -> AppState -> EventM View (Next AppState) updateApp opts s = do newText <- liftIO $ runCMD opts continue $ s {theText = newText, updateCount = updateCount s + 1} stepApp :: Options -> AppState -> BrickEvent View () -> EventM View (Next AppState) stepApp _ s (keyPressed 'q' -> True) = halt s stepApp _ s (VtyEvent (EvKey KDown [])) = theView `vScrollBy` 1 >> continue s stepApp _ s (VtyEvent (EvKey KUp [])) = theView `vScrollBy` (-1) >> continue s stepApp _ s (VtyEvent (EvKey KLeft [])) = withSize (\(w, _) -> theView `hScrollBy` (negate $ div w 2)) >> continue s stepApp _ s (VtyEvent (EvKey KRight [])) = withSize (\(w, _) -> theView `hScrollBy` (div w 2)) >> continue s stepApp _ s (VtyEvent (EvKey KHome _)) = vScrollToBeginning theView >> continue s stepApp _ s (VtyEvent (EvKey KEnd _)) = vScrollToEnd theView >> continue s stepApp _ s (VtyEvent (EvKey KPageUp [])) = withSize (\(_, h) -> theView `vScrollBy` (negate h)) >> continue s stepApp _ s (VtyEvent (EvKey KPageDown [])) = withSize (\(_, h) -> theView `vScrollBy` h) >> continue s stepApp opts s (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar ' ') _)) = updateApp opts s stepApp opts s (AppEvent ()) = updateApp opts s stepApp _ s _ = continue s myApp :: Options -> App AppState () View myApp opts = App { appDraw = drawApp opts , appHandleEvent = stepApp opts , appStartEvent = return , appAttrMap = const $ attrMap defAttr [] , appChooseCursor = neverShowCursor } appMain :: Options -> BChan () -> IO AppState appMain opts updEv = customMain (mkVty defaultConfig) (Just updEv) (myApp opts) initState -- | A loop that continuously looks for events in the 'TVar' and runs the given -- action whenever there's an event that occurred more than -- 'stabilization' seconds ago. Then the 'TVar' is emptied. If the event -- occurred less time ago, it will remain in the 'TVar' and processed in a later -- iteration (unless overwritten by another event meanwhile). delayedUpdate :: Options -> TVar (Maybe FSNotify.Event) -- ^ Variable holding the last file event that has not yet been processed -> IO () -- ^ Action to perform when the file event has stabilized -> IO () delayedUpdate Options {..} lastFSEv action = forever $ do threadDelay loopPeriod t <- getCurrentTime act <- atomically $ do mfsEv <- readTVar lastFSEv case mfsEv of Nothing -> return False Just fsEv -> do let stable = diffUTCTime t (eventTime fsEv) >= stabilization when stable $ writeTVar lastFSEv Nothing return stable when act action where loopPeriod = max 10000 $ round (stabilization * 1e6 / 5) -- Cap at 10 ms to avoid making the loop too busy when the stabilization -- period is small. main = do opts@Options {..} <- getOptions lastFSEv <- newTVarIO Nothing -- Channel holding the last file event updEv <- newBChan 1 -- Channel for GUI update events let setEvent ev = atomically $ writeTVar lastFSEv $ Just ev update = writeBChan updEv () update -- Force initial GUI update case watchDir of Nothing -> void $ appMain opts updEv Just (path, depth) -> do tid <- forkIO $ delayedUpdate opts lastFSEv update withManager $ \m -> do void $ case depth of Single -> FSNotify.watchDir m path (const True) setEvent Recursive -> watchTree m path (const True) setEvent void $ appMain opts updEv killThread tid -- Note: The "debouncing" option of fsnotify makes it so that only the *first* -- in a tight series of events is reported. However, this is problematic since -- it means that the GUI may miss file events. This can happen if a Git command -- performs multiple file system operations (which is usually the case) and the -- command take more time than updating the GUI (e.g. due to the repository -- being large). It can of course also happen if a Git command is issued just -- after another one. -- -- In contrast, the approach taken here is to react to the *last* in a tight -- sequence of events. A tight sequence is defined as a sequence in which each -- consecutive pair of events have a time distance of less than -- `stabilization` seconds. And since `delayedUpdate` runs continuously, there's -- never a risk that an event will be missed.