

-- Module      :  Transient.Move

-- Copyright   :

-- License     :  MIT


-- Maintainer  :  agocorona@gmail.com

-- Stability   :

-- Portability :


-- | @transient-universe@ extends the seamless composability of concurrent

-- multi-threaded programs provided by

-- <https://github.com/transient-haskell/transient transient>

-- to a multi-node cloud.  Distributed concurrent programs are created and

-- composed seamlessly and effortlessly as if they were written for a single

-- node.  @transient-universe@ has diverse applications from simple distributed

-- applications to massively parallel and distributed map-reduce problems.  If

-- you are considering Apache Spark or Cloud Haskell then transient might be a

-- simpler yet better solution for you.


-- Transient makes it easy to write composable, distributed event driven

-- reactive UI applications with client side and server side code composed

-- freely in the same application. For example,

-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/axiom Axiom> is a transient based

-- unified client and server side web application framework that provides a

-- better programming model and composability compared to frameworks like

-- ReactJS.


-- = Overview


-- The 'Cloud' monad adds the following facilities to complement the 'TransIO'

-- monad:


-- * Create a distributed compute cluster of nodes

-- * Move computations across nodes at any point during computation

-- * Run computations on multiple nodes in parallel


-- = Further Reading


-- * <https://github.com/transient-haskell/transient/wiki/Transient-tutorial Tutorial>

-- * <https://github.com/transient-haskell/transient-examples Examples>

-- * <https://www.fpcomplete.com/user/agocorona/moving-haskell-processes-between-nodes-transient-effects-iv Blog post>




module Transient.Move(

-- * Running the Monad

Cloud(..),runCloud, runCloudIO, runCloudIO',

-- * Node & Cluster Management

-- $cluster


-- ** Creating nodes

Service(), createNodeServ, createNode, createWebNode,

-- ** Joining the cluster

Transient.Move.Internals.connect, connect', listen,

-- Low level APIs

addNodes, shuffleNodes,

--Connection(..), ConnectionData(..), defConnection,

-- ** Querying nodes

getMyNode, getWebServerNode, getNodes, nodeList, isBrowserInstance,

-- * Running Local Computations

local, onAll, lazy, fixRemote, loggedc, lliftIO, localIO, fullStop, 

-- * Moving Computations

wormhole, teleport, copyData, fixClosure,

-- * Running at a Remote Node

beamTo, forkTo, callTo, runAt, atRemote,

-- * Running at Multiple Nodes

clustered, mclustered, callNodes,

-- * Messaging

putMailbox, putMailbox',getMailbox,getMailbox',cleanMailbox,cleanMailbox',

-- * Thread Control

single, unique,

#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS

-- * Buffering Control

setBuffSize, getBuffSize,


#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS


api, HTTPMethod(..), PostParams,


) where

import Transient.Move.Internals

-- $cluster


-- To join the cluster a node 'connect's to a well known node already part of

-- the cluster.


-- @

-- import Transient.Move (runCloudIO, lliftIO, createNode, connect, getNodes, onAll)


-- main = runCloudIO $ do

--     this   <- lliftIO (createNode "" 8000)

--     master <- lliftIO (createNode "" 8000)

--     connect this master

--     onAll getNodes >>= lliftIO . putStrLn . show

-- @
