treeviz-0.0.4: Visualization of computation decomposition trees.

Safe HaskellNone








:: [(Int, Bool)]

Decomposition modes : (radix, DIF_flag).

-> [a]

Values for populating the tree.

-> TreeData a

Resultant data structure for passing to tree constructor.

Build a data structure suitable for passing to a tree constructor.

Example: tData = newTreeData [(2, False), (2, False)] [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Note) For now, all booleans in the list should contain the same value, either True or False.

dotLogTree :: (Show a, Eq a, LogTree t a) => Either String t -> (String, String)Source

Converts a GenericLogTree to a GraphViz dot diagram.

buildTree :: TreeBuilder t -> LogTree t a => TreeData a -> Either String tSource

Tree builder

Example: tree = buildTree newFFTTree tData

newFFTTree :: TreeBuilder FFTTreeSource

Returns a tree builder suitable for constructing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) decomposition trees of arbitrary radices and either decimation style (i.e. - DIT or DIF).

getLevels :: Either t (Tree a) -> [[a]]Source

getFlatten :: Either t (Tree a) -> [[a]]Source

getEval :: LogTree (GenericLogTree a) a => Either t (GenericLogTree a) -> [a]Source

modes :: TreeData a -> [(Int, Bool)]Source

values :: TreeData a -> [a]Source