module Main where import qualified RFC2616 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Test.Hspec import Text.Trifecta -- Just [(Request {requestMethod = "GET", requestUri = "", requestProtocol = "1.1"},[Header {headerName = "foo", headerValue = ["this is a test"]}]),(Request {requestMethod = "GET", requestUri = "", requestProtocol = "1.0"},[Header {headerName = "foo", headerValue = ["of the emergency broadcast system"]}])] main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "RFC2616.hs should be able to parse RFC2616" $ do it "parses the RFC2616.txt file successfully" $ do -- result :: Maybe [(RFC2616.Request, [RFC2616.Header])] -- Tests are intended to be run from the top level. result <- liftIO $ parseFromFile RFC2616.requests "RFC2616.txt" print result result `shouldNotBe` Nothing