-- Tasty makes it easy to test your code. It is a test framework that can -- combine many different types of tests into one suite. See its website for -- help: . --{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hlint-test #-} import Test.Tasty import TPolynomial.TMonomial import TPolynomial.TPrelude import TArithmetic.TNumbers import TArithmetic.TMatrix import TGeometry.TConvexHull2 import TGeometry.TConvexHull3 import TGeometry.TPolyhedral import TGeometry.TPolytope import TPolynomial.THypersurface main :: IO () main = defaultMain allTests allTests :: TestTree allTests = testGroup "Tasty tests" [ testGroup "List of tests:" [ testsNumbers, testsMatrices, testsMonomial, testsPrelude, testsConvexHull2, testsConvexHull3, testsPolyhedral, testsPolytope, testsHypersurface] ]