{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

{- |
Module          : Tubes
Description     : All-encompassing module.
Copyright       : (c) 2014, 2016 Gatlin Johnson <gatlin@niltag.net>

License         : GPL-3
Maintainer      : gatlin@niltag.net
Stability       : experimental

Write effect-ful stream processing functions and compose them into a series of

module Tubes
-- * Tube
-- $tubeintro
, yield
, await
, (><)
, runTube
, halt
-- * Sources
, Source(..)
, reduce
, merge
-- * Sinks
, Sink(..)
-- * Channels
, Channel(..)
, tee
-- * Pump
, Pump(..)
, send
, recv
, pumpT
, lfold
-- * Utilities
, stream
, streamM
, Tubes.Util.cat
, Tubes.Util.for
, Tubes.Util.each
, Tubes.Util.every
, Tubes.Util.map
, Tubes.Util.drop
, Tubes.Util.take
, Tubes.Util.takeWhile
, Tubes.Util.filter
, Tubes.Util.unyield
, Tubes.Util.pass
, Tubes.Util.mapM
, Tubes.Util.sequence
, Tubes.Util.stop
-- * Miscellaneous
, prompt
, display
-- * Re-exports
, liftT
, runFreeT
-- * Example
-- $tubeexample

import Tubes.Core
import Tubes.Util
import Tubes.Source
import Tubes.Sink
import Tubes.Channel

import System.IO
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad (unless, forever)

{- $tubeintro
A 'Tube' is a computation which may 'await' values from an upstream source,
'yield' values to a downstream receiver, or both. 'Tube's may be composed in
series to build complex stream processors using the '(><)' operator.

'Tube's are also monad transformers so you can add stream processing
capabilities to any base monad.

There are three varieties of 'Tube's which have different properties:
'Source's, 'Sink's, and 'Channel's. They each restrict the 'Tube' type in
different ways to guarantee correctness while still allowing them to be
composed. More information is provided with their respective definitions.

The dual to 'Tube' is 'Pump'. It is a comonad which endows another base comonad
with the ability to 'send' and 'recv' values.

Several useful 'Tube' functions - like 'runTube', 'reduce', and 'stream' - are
implemented in terms of 'Pump'. Beyond simply evaluating 'Tube's they have
other uses. The 'lfold' function, for instance, constructs a resumable left fold

This library is inspired in large part by 'pipes', 'conduit', and others. While
it intends to be efficient and useful in its own right it began as an exercise
in implementing the basics of those other libraries with comonads and dualities
in mind.

{- $tubeexample

Code is worth a thousand words. This program ...

    import Prelude hiding (map)
    import qualified Prelude as P

    import Data.Semigroup
    import Control.Monad (forever)

    import Tubes

    srcA :: MonadIO m => Source m String
    srcA = Source $ each ["line A1", "line A2", "line A3"]

    srcB :: MonadIO m => Source m String
    srcB = Source $ each ["line B1", "line B2", "line B3", "line B4"]

    -- Synchronously merge input
    srcAB :: MonadIO m => Source m String
    srcAB = srcA `merge` srcB

    writeToFile :: MonadIO m => Sink m String
    writeToFile = Sink $ do
        line <- await
        liftIO . putStrLn $ "Totally writing this to a file: " ++ line

    writeToConsole :: MonadIO m => Sink m String
    writeToConsole = Sink $ do
        line <- await
        liftIO . putStrLn $ "Console out: " ++ line

    -- Merge outputs together
    writeOut :: MonadIO m => Sink m String
    writeOut = writeToFile <> writeToConsole

    -- And make outputs re-forward their input data
    writeOut' :: MonadIO m => Channel m String String
    writeOut' = tee writeOut

    main :: IO ()
    main = runTube $ sample srcAB
                  >< tune writeOut'
                  >< pour display

... gives this output:

    Totally writing this to a file: line A1
    Console out: line A1
    line A1
    Totally writing this to a file: line B1
    Console out: line B1
    line B1
    Totally writing this to a file: line A2
    Console out: line A2
    line A2
    Totally writing this to a file: line B2
    Console out: line B2
    line B2
    Totally writing this to a file: line A3
    Console out: line A3
    line A3
    Totally writing this to a file: line B3
    Console out: line B3
    line B3
    Totally writing this to a file: line B4
    Console out: line B4
    line B4

-- | Source of 'String's from stdin. This is mostly for debugging / ghci example purposes.
prompt :: MonadIO m => Source m String
prompt = Source $ do
    liftIO . putStr $ "> "
    eof <- liftIO isEOF
    unless eof $ do
        str <- liftIO getLine
        yield str
        sample prompt

-- | Sink for 'String's to stdout. This is mostly for debugging / ghci example
-- purposes.
display :: MonadIO m => Sink m String
display = Sink $ forever $ do
    it <- await
    liftIO . putStrLn $ it