{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface,
             CPP #-}
module Network.TUNTAP (



) where

import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception

data TAPDesc
data EthernetFrame

-- | A DevMAC is a hardware address 48 bits long.
type DevMAC = [Word8]

-- | Expects a single argument -- a list 6 Word8's long
mkDevMAC :: [Word8] -> [Word8]
mkDevMAC m = case length m of
                   6 -> m
                   _ -> error "A DevMAC is 6 bytes! No more! No less!"

-- A TAP device desciptor
newtype TAP = TAP (Ptr TAPDesc)
    deriving (Show)

maxPktSize :: Int
maxPktSize = 1560

-- | Read/Written to the TUN/TAP device.
type Packet = BS.ByteString
-- |Allocate a TAP resource
start :: IO TAP
start = init_tap_ffi >>= (return . TAP)

-- |Deallocate a TAP resource
finish :: TAP -> IO CInt
finish (TAP p) = finish_tap_ffi p

-- |Open the TAP device
openTAP :: TAP -> String -> IO CInt
openTAP (TAP p) n = withCString n (\s -> open_tap_ffi p s)

-- |Close the TAP device
closeTAP :: TAP -> IO CInt
closeTAP (TAP p) = close_tap_ffi p

-- |Bring up the TAP device
bringUp :: TAP -> IO CInt
bringUp (TAP p) = bring_up_tap_ffi p

-- |Set the MTU of the TAP device
setMTU :: TAP -> Int -> IO CInt
setMTU (TAP p) m = set_mtu_ffi p (fromIntegral m)

-- |Set the IPv4 address of the TAP device
setIP :: TAP -> Word32 -> IO CInt
setIP (TAP p) a = set_ip_ffi p (fromIntegral a)

-- |Set the network mask of the TAP device
setMask :: TAP -> Word32 -> IO CInt
setMask (TAP p) m = set_mask_ffi p (fromIntegral m)

-- |Get the MAC address assigned to the TAP device
getMAC :: TAP -> IO DevMAC
getMAC (TAP p) = allocaArray 6 g
    where g m = do get_mac_ffi p m
                   peekArray 6 m >>= (return . mkDevMAC . (map fromIntegral))

-- |Read a packet from the TAP device
readTAP :: TAP -> IO Packet
readTAP (TAP t) = do
    pkt <- mallocForeignPtrBytes maxPktSize
    len <- go pkt
    return $ mk pkt len
          go pkt = do
            len <- block $ withForeignPtr pkt $ \pkt' -> read_tap_ffi t pkt' mps
            case len of
                0 -> go pkt
                _ -> return len
          mk p l = let p' = castForeignPtr p
                       l' = fromIntegral l
                   in BI.fromForeignPtr p' 0 l'
          mps = fromIntegral maxPktSize

-- |Write a packet to the TAP device
writeTAP :: TAP -> Packet -> IO CInt
writeTAP (TAP t) p = withForeignPtr pkt $ \pkt' -> do
    wlen <- write_tap_ffi t pkt' (fromIntegral len)
    return wlen
    where (pkt,len) = let (p',o,l) = BI.toForeignPtr p
                      in case o of
                              0 -> error $ "Got an offset of " ++ show o
                              _ -> (castForeignPtr p',l)

-- Some bracketing functions
-- |Accept an action and an MTU. Allocate a TAP and
-- pass it to the action. Clean up when finished with
-- the action.
withTAP :: Int -> (TAP -> IO a) -> IO ()
withTAP m a = do
    tap <- start

    openTAP tap "scurry0"
    setMTU tap m
    bringUp tap
    a tap -- the passed action
    closeTAP tap
    finish tap

    return ()

-- tap_desc_t * init_tap();
foreign import CALLCONV safe "help.h init_tap" init_tap_ffi :: IO (Ptr TAPDesc)

-- void finish_tap(tap_desc_t * td);
foreign import CALLCONV safe "help.h finish_tap" finish_tap_ffi   :: (Ptr TAPDesc) -> IO CInt

-- int32_t open_tap(tap_desc_t * td);
foreign import CALLCONV safe "help.h open_tap" open_tap_ffi :: (Ptr TAPDesc) -> CString -> IO CInt

-- int32_t close_tap(tap_desc_t * td);
foreign import CALLCONV safe "help.h close_tap" close_tap_ffi :: (Ptr TAPDesc) -> IO CInt

-- int32_t bring_up_tap(tap_desc_t * td);
foreign import CALLCONV safe "help.h bring_up_tap" bring_up_tap_ffi :: (Ptr TAPDesc) -> IO CInt

-- int32_t set_mtu(tap_desc_t * td, uint32_t mtu);
foreign import CALLCONV safe "help.h set_mtu" set_mtu_ffi :: (Ptr TAPDesc) -> CUInt -> IO CInt

-- int32_t set_ip(tap_desc_t * td, uint32_t ip);
foreign import CALLCONV safe "help.h set_ip" set_ip_ffi :: (Ptr TAPDesc) -> CUInt -> IO CInt

-- int32_t set_mask(tap_desc_t * td, uint32_t mask);
foreign import CALLCONV safe "help.h set_mask" set_mask_ffi :: (Ptr TAPDesc) -> CUInt -> IO CInt

-- int32_t get_mac(tap_desc_t * td, DevMAC mac);
foreign import CALLCONV safe "help.h get_mac" get_mac_ffi :: (Ptr TAPDesc) -> (Ptr CUChar) -> IO CInt

-- int32_t read_tap(tap_desc_t * td, int8_t * buf, int32_t len)
foreign import CALLCONV safe "help.h read_tap" read_tap_ffi :: (Ptr TAPDesc) -> (Ptr EthernetFrame) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- int32_t write_tap(tap_desc_t * td, const int8_t * buf, int32_t len)
foreign import CALLCONV safe "help.h write_tap" write_tap_ffi :: (Ptr TAPDesc) -> (Ptr EthernetFrame) -> CInt -> IO CInt