-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Tuple.Ops.Internal
-- Description :  various operations on n-ary tuples via GHC.Generics
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2018 Jiasen Wu
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Jiasen Wu <jiasenwu@hotmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module defins operations to manipulate the generic 
-- representation of tuple.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Data.Tuple.Ops.Internal where

import GHC.Generics ((:*:)(..), Rec0, D1, S1, Meta(..), SourceUnpackedness(..), SourceStrictness(..), DecidedStrictness(..))
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Combinator
import Data.Type.Product
import Type.Family.List
import Type.Class.Witness
import qualified Type.Family.Nat as Nat

-- 'TupleR' is an injective type that @TupleR f x == TupleR g y ---> f == g && x == y@
newtype TupleR (f :: [* -> *]) x = TupleR { unTupleR :: Tuple (f <&> x)}

-- | prove that @(a ++ b) <&> x == a <&> x ++ b <&> x@
class AppDistributive (a :: [* -> *]) where
    appDistrWit :: (Proxy a, Proxy b, Proxy x) -> Wit (((a ++ b) <&> x) ~ ((a <&> x) ++ (b <&> x)))
-- | inductive proof on @a@
-- case 1. @a@ is @[]@
instance AppDistributive '[] where
    appDistrWit _ = Wit
-- | case 2. @a@ is @_ :< _@
instance AppDistributive as => AppDistributive (a :< as) where
    appDistrWit (_ :: Proxy (a :< as), pb, px) = 
        case appDistrWit (Proxy :: Proxy as, pb, px) of 
            Wit -> Wit

-- | utility function to call 'appDistrWit'
appDistrWitPassArg :: (f :*: g) x -> (Proxy (L f), Proxy (L g), Proxy x)
appDistrWitPassArg _ = (Proxy, Proxy, Proxy)

-- | Representation of tuple are shaped in a balanced tree. 
-- 'L' transforms the tree into a list, for further manipulation.
class Linearize (t :: * -> *) where
  type L t :: [* -> *]
  linearize :: t x -> TupleR (L t) x

-- | base case. sinleton
instance Linearize (S1 MetaS (Rec0 t)) where
    type L (S1 MetaS (Rec0 t)) = '[S1 MetaS (Rec0 t)]
    linearize = TupleR . only . I

-- | inductive case. preppend a product with what ever
instance (Linearize v, Linearize u, AppDistributive (L u)) => Linearize (u :*: v) where
    type L (u :*: v) = L u ++ L v
    linearize (a :*: b) = 
        case appDistrWit (appDistrWitPassArg (a :*: b)) of
            Wit -> TupleR $ append' (unTupleR $ linearize a) (unTupleR $ linearize b)

length' :: TupleR a x -> Proxy (Nat.Len a)
length' _ = Proxy

-- | calculate the half
type family Half (a :: Nat.N) :: Nat.N where
    Half ('Nat.S 'Nat.Z) = 'Nat.Z
    Half ('Nat.S ('Nat.S 'Nat.Z)) = 'Nat.S 'Nat.Z
    Half ('Nat.S ('Nat.S n)) = 'Nat.S (Half n)
-- | calculate the half
half :: Proxy n -> Proxy (Half n)
half _ = Proxy

-- | take the first n elements from a product
class Take (n :: Nat.N) (a :: [* -> *]) where
    type T n a :: [* -> *]
    take' :: Proxy n -> TupleR a x -> TupleR (T n a) x

-- | base case. take one out of singleton
instance Take 'Nat.Z xs where
    type T 'Nat.Z xs = '[]
    take' _ _ = TupleR Ø

-- | inductive case. take (n+1) elements
instance Take n as => Take ('Nat.S n) (a : as) where
    type T ('Nat.S n) (a : as) = a : T n as
    take' (_ :: Proxy ('Nat.S n)) (TupleR (a :< as) :: TupleR (a : as) x) = 
        let as' = unTupleR $ take' (Proxy :: Proxy n) (TupleR as :: TupleR as x)
        in TupleR (a :< as')

-- | drop the first n elements from a product
class Drop (n :: Nat.N) (a :: [* -> *]) where
    type D n a :: [* -> *]
    drop' :: Proxy n -> TupleR a x -> TupleR (D n a) x

-- | base case. drop one from product
instance Drop 'Nat.Z as where
    type D 'Nat.Z as = as
    drop' _ a = a

-- | inductive case. drop (n+1) elements
instance Drop n as => Drop ('Nat.S n) (a : as) where
    type D ('Nat.S n) (a : as) = D n as
    drop' (_ :: Proxy ('Nat.S n)) (TupleR (a :< as) :: TupleR (a : as) x) = 
        drop' (Proxy :: Proxy n) (TupleR as :: TupleR as x)

-- | 'Normalize' converts a linear product back into a balanced tree.
class Normalize (a :: [* -> *]) where
    type N a :: * -> *
    normalize :: TupleR a x -> N a x

-- | base case. singleton
instance Normalize '[S1 MetaS (Rec0 t)] where
    type N '[S1 MetaS (Rec0 t)] = S1 MetaS (Rec0 t)
    normalize a = getI $ head' $ unTupleR a

-- | inductive case. product
instance (Take (Half (Nat.N2 Nat.+ Nat.Len c)) (a :< b :< c),
          Drop (Half (Nat.N2 Nat.+ Nat.Len c)) (a :< b :< c),
          Normalize (T (Half (Nat.N2 Nat.+ Nat.Len c)) (a :< b :< c)), 
          Normalize (D (Half (Nat.N2 Nat.+ Nat.Len c)) (a :< b :< c))) 
    => Normalize (a :< b :< c) where
    type N (a :< b :< c) = N (T (Half (Nat.N2 Nat.+ Nat.Len c)) (a :< b :< c)) :*: 
                           N (D (Half (Nat.N2 Nat.+ Nat.Len c)) (a :< b :< c))
    normalize v = let n = half (length' v)
                  in normalize (take' n v) :*: normalize (drop' n v)

type MetaS = 'MetaSel 'Nothing 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy
-- | utility type function to trim the Rec0 
type family UnRec0 t where
    UnRec0 (Rec0 t) = t
-- | utility type function to trim the S1
type family UnS1 t where
    UnS1 (S1 _ t) = t
-- | utility type function to trim the D1
type family UnD1 t where
    UnD1 (D1 _ t) = t
-- | utility type function to extract the meta information
type family MetaOfD1 t where
    MetaOfD1 (D1 m _) = m