{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, CPP, ConstraintKinds, UndecidableInstances, DeriveFunctor, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Twee.Base(
  Symbolic(..), terms, subst, TermOf, TermListOf, SubstOf, BuilderOf, FunOf,
  vars, isGround, funs, occ, canonicalise,
  Minimal(..), minimalTerm, isMinimal,
  Skolem(..), Arity(..), Sized(..), Ordered(..), Strictness(..), Function, Extended(..), extended, unextended,
  module Twee.Term, module Twee.Pretty) where

#include "errors.h"
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.DList as DList
import Twee.Term hiding (subst, canonicalise)
import qualified Twee.Term as Term
import Twee.Pretty
import Twee.Constraints hiding (funs)
import Data.DList(DList)

-- Generalisation of term functionality to things that contain terms.
class Symbolic a where
  type ConstantOf a

  term    :: a -> TermOf a
  termsDL :: a -> DList (TermListOf a)
  replace :: (TermListOf a -> BuilderOf a) -> a -> a

terms :: Symbolic a => a -> [TermListOf a]
terms = DList.toList . termsDL

{-# INLINE subst #-}
subst :: (Symbolic a, Substitution (ConstantOf a) s) => s -> a -> a
subst sub x = replace (substList sub) x

type TermOf a = Term (ConstantOf a)
type TermListOf a = TermList (ConstantOf a)
type SubstOf a = Subst (ConstantOf a)
type BuilderOf a = Builder (ConstantOf a)
type FunOf a = Fun (ConstantOf a)

instance Symbolic (Term f) where
  type ConstantOf (Term f) = f
  term      = id
  termsDL   = return . singleton
  replace f = build . f . singleton

instance Symbolic (TermList f) where
  type ConstantOf (TermList f) = f
  term      = __
  termsDL   = return
  replace f = buildList . f

instance (ConstantOf a ~ ConstantOf b,
          Symbolic a, Symbolic b) => Symbolic (a, b) where
  type ConstantOf (a, b) = ConstantOf a
  term (x, _) = term x
  termsDL (x, y) = termsDL x `mplus` termsDL y
  replace f (x, y) = (replace f x, replace f y)

instance (ConstantOf a ~ ConstantOf b,
          ConstantOf a ~ ConstantOf c,
          Symbolic a, Symbolic b, Symbolic c) => Symbolic (a, b, c) where
  type ConstantOf (a, b, c) = ConstantOf a
  term (x, _, _) = term x
  termsDL (x, y, z) = termsDL x `mplus` termsDL y `mplus` termsDL z
  replace f (x, y, z) = (replace f x, replace f y, replace f z)

instance Symbolic a => Symbolic [a] where
  type ConstantOf [a] = ConstantOf a
  term _ = __
  termsDL = msum . map termsDL
  replace f = map (replace f)

{-# INLINE vars #-}
vars :: Symbolic a => a -> [Var]
vars x = [ v | t <- DList.toList (termsDL x), Var v <- subtermsList t ]

{-# INLINE isGround #-}
isGround :: Symbolic a => a -> Bool
isGround = null . vars

{-# INLINE funs #-}
funs :: Symbolic a => a -> [FunOf a]
funs x = [ f | t <- DList.toList (termsDL x), Fun f _ <- subtermsList t ]

{-# INLINE occ #-}
occ :: Symbolic a => FunOf a -> a -> Int
occ x t = length (filter (== x) (funs t))

canonicalise :: Symbolic a => a -> a
canonicalise t = replace (Term.substList sub) t
    sub = Term.canonicalise (DList.toList (termsDL t))

isMinimal :: (Numbered f, Minimal f) => Term f -> Bool
isMinimal (Fun f Empty) | f == minimal = True
isMinimal _ = False

minimalTerm :: (Numbered f, Minimal f) => Term f
minimalTerm = build (con minimal)

class Skolem f where
  skolem  :: Var -> f

instance (Numbered f, Skolem f) => Skolem (Fun f) where
  skolem = toFun . skolem

class Arity f where
  arity :: f -> Int

instance (Numbered f, Arity f) => Arity (Fun f) where
  arity = arity . fromFun

class Sized a where
  size  :: a -> Int

instance (Sized f, Numbered f) => Sized (Fun f) where
  size = size . fromFun

instance (Sized f, Numbered f) => Sized (TermList f) where
  size = aux 0
      aux n Empty = n
      aux n (ConsSym (Fun f _) t) = aux (n+size f) t
      aux n (Cons (Var _) t) = aux (n+1) t

instance (Sized f, Numbered f) => Sized (Term f) where
  size = size . singleton

class    (Numbered f, Ordered f, Arity f, Sized f, Minimal f, Skolem f, PrettyTerm f) => Function f
instance (Numbered f, Ordered f, Arity f, Sized f, Minimal f, Skolem f, PrettyTerm f) => Function f

data Extended f =
  | Skolem Int
  | Function f
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor)

instance Minimal (Extended f) where
  minimal = Minimal

instance Skolem (Extended f) where
  skolem (MkVar x) = Skolem x

instance Numbered f => Numbered (Extended f) where
  fromInt 0 = Minimal
  fromInt n
    | odd n     = Skolem ((n-1) `div` 2)
    | otherwise = Function (fromInt ((n-2) `div` 2))

  toInt Minimal = 0
  toInt (Skolem n) = 2*n+1
  toInt (Function f) = 2*toInt f+2

instance Pretty f => Pretty (Extended f) where
  pPrintPrec _ _ Minimal = text "⊥"
  pPrintPrec _ _ (Skolem n) = text "sk" <> pPrint n
  pPrintPrec l p (Function f) = pPrintPrec l p f

instance PrettyTerm f => PrettyTerm (Extended f) where
  termStyle (Function f) = termStyle f
  termStyle _ = uncurried

instance Sized f => Sized (Extended f) where
  size (Function f) = size f
  size _ = 1

instance Arity f => Arity (Extended f) where
  arity (Function f) = arity f
  arity _ = 0

{-# INLINEABLE extended #-}
extended :: Numbered f => TermList f -> Builder (Extended f)
extended Empty = mempty
extended (Cons (Var x) ts) = var x `mappend` extended ts
extended (Cons (Fun f ts) us) =
  fun (toFun (Function (fromFun f))) (extended ts) `mappend`
  extended us

{-# INLINEABLE unextended #-}
unextended :: Numbered f => TermList (Extended f) -> Builder f
unextended Empty = mempty
unextended (Cons (Var x) ts) = var x `mappend` unextended ts
unextended (Cons (Fun f ts) us) =
  case fromFun f of
    Function g -> fun (toFun g) (unextended ts) `mappend` unextended us
    Minimal    -> var (MkVar 0) `mappend` unextended us
    Skolem n   -> var (MkVar n) `mappend` unextended us