-- | Pretty-printing of terms and assorted other values.

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Twee.Pretty(module Twee.Pretty, module Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass, Pretty(..)) where

import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map(Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set(Set)
import Data.Ratio
import Twee.Term

-- * Miscellaneous 'Pretty' instances and utilities.

prettyPrint :: Pretty a => a -> IO ()
prettyPrint x = putStrLn (prettyShow x)

pPrintParen :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
pPrintParen True  d = parens d
pPrintParen False d = d

instance Pretty Doc where pPrint = id

pPrintTuple :: [Doc] -> Doc
pPrintTuple = parens . fsep . punctuate comma

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Set a) where
  pPrint = pPrintSet . map pPrint . Set.toList

pPrintSet :: [Doc] -> Doc
pPrintSet = braces . fsep . punctuate comma

instance Pretty Var where
  pPrint (MkVar x) = text "X" <> pPrint (x+1)

instance (Pretty k, Pretty v) => Pretty (Map k v) where
  pPrint = pPrintSet . map binding . Map.toList
      binding (x, v) = hang (pPrint x <+> text "=>") 2 (pPrint v)

instance (Eq a, Integral a, Pretty a) => Pretty (Ratio a) where
  pPrint a
    | denominator a == 1 = pPrint (numerator a)
    | otherwise = text "(" <+> pPrint (numerator a) <> text "/" <> pPrint (denominator a) <+> text ")"

-- | Generate a list of candidate names for pretty-printing.
supply :: [String] -> [String]
supply names =
  names ++
  [ name ++ show i | i <- [2..], name <- names ]

-- * Pretty-printing of terms.

instance (Numbered f, Pretty f) => Pretty (Fun f) where
  pPrintPrec l p = pPrintPrec l p . fromFun

instance (Numbered f, PrettyTerm f) => Pretty (Term f) where
  pPrintPrec l p (Var x) = pPrintPrec l p x
  pPrintPrec l p (Fun f xs) =
    pPrintTerm (termStyle (fromFun f)) l p (pPrint f) (termListToList xs)

instance (Numbered f, PrettyTerm f) => Pretty (TermList f) where
  pPrintPrec _ _ = pPrint . termListToList

instance (Numbered f, PrettyTerm f) => Pretty (Subst f) where
  pPrint sub = text "{" <> fsep (punctuate (text ",") docs) <> text "}"
      docs =
        [ hang (pPrint x <+> text "->") 2 (pPrint t)
        | (x, t) <- listSubst sub ]

-- | A class for customising the printing of function symbols.
class Pretty f => PrettyTerm f where
  termStyle :: f -> TermStyle
  termStyle _ = curried

-- | Defines how to print out a function symbol.
newtype TermStyle =
  TermStyle {
    -- | Takes the pretty-printing level, precedence,
    -- pretty-printed function symbol and list of arguments and prints the term.
    pPrintTerm :: forall a. Pretty a => PrettyLevel -> Rational -> Doc -> [a] -> Doc }

invisible, curried, uncurried, prefix, postfix :: TermStyle

-- | For operators like @$@ that should be printed as a blank space.
invisible =
  TermStyle $ \l p d ->
      f [] = d
      f [t] = pPrintPrec l p t
      f (t:ts) =
        pPrintParen (p > 10) $
          pPrint t <+>
            (hsep (map (pPrintPrec l 11) ts))
    in f

-- | For functions that should be printed curried.
curried =
  TermStyle $ \l p d ->
      f [] = d
      f xs =
        pPrintParen (p > 10) $
          d <+>
            (hsep (map (pPrintPrec l 11) xs))
    in f

-- | For functions that should be printed uncurried.
uncurried =
  TermStyle $ \l _ d ->
      f [] = d
      f xs =
        d <> parens (hsep (punctuate comma (map (pPrintPrec l 0) xs)))
    in f

-- | A helper function that deals with under- and oversaturated applications.
fixedArity :: Int -> TermStyle -> TermStyle
fixedArity arity style =
  TermStyle $ \l p d ->
      f xs
        | length xs < arity = pPrintTerm curried l p (parens d) xs
        | length xs > arity =
            pPrintParen (p > 10) $
              hsep (parens (pPrintTerm style l 0 d ys):
                    map (pPrintPrec l 11) zs)
        | otherwise = pPrintTerm style l p d xs
          (ys, zs) = splitAt arity xs
    in f

-- | A helper function that drops a certain number of arguments.
implicitArguments :: Int -> TermStyle -> TermStyle
implicitArguments n (TermStyle pp) =
  TermStyle $ \l p d xs -> pp l p d (drop n xs)

-- | For prefix operators.
prefix =
  fixedArity 1 $
  TermStyle $ \l _ d [x] ->
    d <> pPrintPrec l 11 x

-- | For postfix operators.
postfix =
  fixedArity 1 $
  TermStyle $ \l _ d [x] ->
    pPrintPrec l 11 x <> d

-- | For infix operators.
infixStyle :: Int -> TermStyle
infixStyle pOp =
  fixedArity 2 $
  TermStyle $ \l p d [x, y] ->
    pPrintParen (p > fromIntegral pOp) $
      pPrintPrec l (fromIntegral pOp+1) x <+> d <+>
      pPrintPrec l (fromIntegral pOp+1) y

-- | For tuples.
tupleStyle :: TermStyle
tupleStyle =
  TermStyle $ \l _ _ xs ->
    parens (hsep (punctuate comma (map (pPrintPrec l 0) xs)))