#!/bin/bash # An example of using TxtSushi to query one of the MGI (mouse genome informatics) # database reports # # Selects accession ID, Symbol, chromosome, ID and centimorgan position (without # the "trim" we end up with extra spaces). # Only select chromosomes 1, 8 and 19 and look for "N/A" positions # Sort the rows by chromosome (the "+0" coerces the chromosome from text to an # integer) then symbol wget -q -O - ftp://ftp.informatics.jax.org/pub/reports/MRK_List2.rpt \ | ../dist/build/tabtocsv/tabtocsv - \ | ../dist/build/tssql/tssql -table mgi - \ 'select substring(`MGI Accession ID` from 5), substring(`MGI Accession ID` from 5 for 3), `MGI Accession ID`, Symbol, Chr, trim(`cM Position`) from mgi where (Chr = 1 or Chr = 8 or Chr = 19) and trim(`cM Position`) = "N/A" order by Chr+0, Symbol' \ | ../dist/build/csvtopretty/csvtopretty -