module Database.TxtSushi.ExternalSort (
    defaultMaxOpenFiles) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Int
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.List
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Directory

-- | performs an external sort on the given list using the default resource
--   constraints
externalSort :: (Binary b, Ord b) => [b] -> [b]
externalSort = externalSortBy compare

-- | performs an external sort on the given list using the given comparison
--   function and the default resource constraints
externalSortBy :: (Binary b) => (b -> b -> Ordering) -> [b] -> [b]
externalSortBy = externalSortByConstrained defaultByteQuota defaultMaxOpenFiles

-- | Currently 16 MB. Don't rely on this value staying the same in future
--   releases!
defaultByteQuota :: Int
defaultByteQuota = 16 * 1024 * 1024

-- | Currently 17 files. Don't rely on this value staying the same in future
--   releases!
defaultMaxOpenFiles :: Int
defaultMaxOpenFiles = 17

-- | performs an external sort on the given list using the given resource
--   constraints
{-# NOINLINE externalSortByConstrained #-}
externalSortByConstrained :: (Binary b, Integral i) => i -> i -> (b -> b -> Ordering) -> [b] -> [b]
externalSortByConstrained byteQuota maxOpenFiles cmp xs = unsafePerformIO $ do
    partialSortFiles <- bufferPartialSortsBy (fromIntegral byteQuota) cmp xs
    -- now we must merge together the partial sorts
    externalMergeAllBy (fromIntegral maxOpenFiles) cmp partialSortFiles

-- | merge a list of sorted lists into a single sorted list
mergeAllBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [[a]] -> [a]
mergeAllBy _ [] = []
mergeAllBy _ [singletonList] = singletonList
mergeAllBy cmp (fstList:sndList:[]) = mergeBy cmp fstList sndList
mergeAllBy cmp listList =
    -- recurse after breking the list down by about 1/2 the size
    mergeAllBy cmp (partitionAndMerge 2 cmp listList)

-- TODO add a smart adjustment so that the last partition will not ever
--      be more than 1 element different than the others

-- | partitions the given sorted lists into groupings containing `partitionSize`
--   or fewer lists then merges each of those partitions. So the returned
--   list should normally be shorter than the given list
partitionAndMerge :: Int -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
partitionAndMerge _ _ [] = []
partitionAndMerge partitionSize cmp listList =
    map (mergeAllBy cmp) (regularPartitions partitionSize listList)

-- | chops up the given list at regular intervals
regularPartitions :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
regularPartitions _ [] = []
regularPartitions partitionSize xs =
    let (currPartition, otherXs) = splitAt partitionSize xs
    in  currPartition : regularPartitions partitionSize otherXs

-- | merge two sorted lists into a single sorted list
mergeBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
mergeBy _ []    list2   = list2
mergeBy _ list1 []      = list1
mergeBy comparisonFunction list1@(head1:tail1) list2@(head2:tail2) =
    case head1 `comparisonFunction` head2 of
        GT  -> head2 : mergeBy comparisonFunction list1 tail2
        _   -> head1 : mergeBy comparisonFunction tail1 list2

externalMergePass :: Binary b => Int -> (b -> b -> Ordering) -> [String] -> IO [String]
externalMergePass _ _ [] = return []
externalMergePass maxOpenFiles cmp files = do
    -- we use (maxOpenFiles - 1) because we need to account for the file
    -- handle that we're reading from
    let (mergeNowFiles, mergeLaterFiles) = splitAt (maxOpenFiles - 1) files
    mergeNowBinStrs <- readThenDelBinFiles mergeNowFiles
    let mergeNowBinaries = map decodeAll mergeNowBinStrs
    mergedNowFile <- bufferToTempFile $ mergeAllBy cmp mergeNowBinaries
    mergedLaterFiles <- externalMergePass maxOpenFiles cmp mergeLaterFiles
    return $ mergedNowFile : mergedLaterFiles

externalMergeAllBy :: Binary b => Int -> (b -> b -> Ordering) -> [String] -> IO [b]
externalMergeAllBy _ _ [] = return []
-- TODO do i need to write singleton lists to file in order to keep the max open file promise??
externalMergeAllBy _ _ [singletonFile] =
    readThenDelBinFile singletonFile >>= return . decodeAll
externalMergeAllBy maxOpenFiles cmp files = do
    partiallyMergedFiles <- externalMergePass maxOpenFiles cmp files
    externalMergeAllBy maxOpenFiles cmp partiallyMergedFiles

-- | create a list of parial sorts
bufferPartialSortsBy :: (Binary b) => Int64 -> (b -> b -> Ordering) -> [b] -> IO [String]
bufferPartialSortsBy _ _ [] = return []
bufferPartialSortsBy byteQuota cmp xs = do
    let (sortNowList, sortLaterList) = splitAfterQuota byteQuota xs
        sortedRows = sortBy cmp sortNowList
    sortBuffer <- bufferToTempFile sortedRows
    otherSortBuffers <- bufferPartialSortsBy byteQuota cmp sortLaterList
    return (sortBuffer:otherSortBuffers)

-- TODO not efficiet! we're converting to binary twice so that we don't have
-- the bytestrings buffered to memory during the sort (that would about double
-- our mem usage). I think the right answer is to add a class extending binary
-- that has a sizeOf function
splitAfterQuota :: (Binary b) => Int64 -> [b] -> ([b], [b])
splitAfterQuota _ [] = ([], [])
splitAfterQuota quotaInBytes (binaryHead:binaryTail) =
        quotaRemaining = quotaInBytes - BS.length (encode binaryHead)
        (fstBinsTail, sndBins) = splitAfterQuota quotaRemaining binaryTail
        if quotaRemaining <= 0
        then ([binaryHead], binaryTail)
        else (binaryHead:fstBinsTail, sndBins)

-- | lazily reads then deletes the given files
readThenDelBinFiles :: [String] -> IO [BS.ByteString]
readThenDelBinFiles = sequence . map readThenDelBinFile

-- | lazily reads then deletes the given file after the last byte is read
readThenDelBinFile :: String -> IO BS.ByteString
readThenDelBinFile fileName = do
    binStr <- BS.readFile fileName
    emptyStr <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ removeFile fileName >> return BS.empty
    return $ binStr `BS.append` emptyStr

-- | buffer the binaries to a temporary file and return a handle to that file
bufferToTempFile :: (Binary b) => [b] -> IO String
bufferToTempFile [] = return []
bufferToTempFile xs = do
    tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
    (tempFilePath, tempFileHandle) <- openBinaryTempFile tempDir "sort.txt"
    BS.hPut tempFileHandle (encodeAll xs)
    hClose tempFileHandle
    return tempFilePath

encodeAll :: (Binary b) => [b] -> BS.ByteString
encodeAll = BS.concat . map encode

decodeAll :: (Binary b) => BS.ByteString -> [b]
decodeAll bs
    | BS.null bs = []
    | otherwise =
        let (decodedBin, remainingBs, _) = runGetState get bs 0
        in  decodedBin : decodeAll remainingBs