-- | This module provides useful tools for writing better type-errors. For
-- a quickstart guide to the underlying 'GHC.TypeLits.TypeError' machinery,
-- check out Dmitrii Kovanikov's excellent blog post
-- <https://chshersh.github.io/type-errors A story told by Type Errors>.
module Type.Errors
  ( -- * Generating Error Messages
    ErrorMessage (..)
  , PrettyPrintList
  , ShowTypeQuoted

    -- * Emitting Error Messages
  , TypeError
  , DelayError
  , DelayErrorFcf
  , NoError
  , NoErrorFcf

  -- * Observing Stuckness
  , IfStuck
  , WhenStuck
  , UnlessStuck

    -- * Running Magic Stuck Type Families
  , te

    -- * Observing Phantomness
  , UnlessPhantom

    -- * Performing Type Substitutions
  , Subst
  , VAR
  , SubstVar

    -- * Working With Fcfs
  , Exp
  , Eval
  , Pure
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.Coerce
import           Data.Generics
import           Data.Kind
import           Fcf
import           GHC.TypeLits
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Type, Exp)

-- $setup
-- >>> :m +Data.Kind
-- >>> :m +Data.Proxy
-- >>> import GHC.Generics (Generic (..))
-- >>> :def! show_error (\msg -> pure $ "let foo :: DelayError (" ++ msg ++ ") => (); foo = (); in foo")
-- >>> :def! eval_error (\msg -> pure $ "let foo :: (" ++ msg ++ ") => (); foo = (); in foo")
-- >>> :{
-- data HasNoRep = HasNoRep
-- :}

-- | Pretty print a list.
-- >>> :show_error PrettyPrintList '[Bool]
-- ...
-- ... 'Bool'
-- ...
-- >>> :show_error PrettyPrintList '[1, 2]
-- ...
-- ... '1', and '2'
-- ...
-- >>> :show_error PrettyPrintList '["hello", "world", "cool"]
-- ...
-- ... "hello", "world", and "cool"
-- ...
-- @since
type family PrettyPrintList (vs :: [k]) :: ErrorMessage where
  PrettyPrintList '[]       = 'Text ""
  PrettyPrintList '[a]      = ShowTypeQuoted a
  PrettyPrintList '[a, b]   = ShowTypeQuoted a ':<>: 'Text ", and " ':<>: ShowTypeQuoted b
  PrettyPrintList (a ': vs) = ShowTypeQuoted a ':<>: 'Text ", " ':<>: PrettyPrintList vs

-- | Like 'ShowType', but quotes the type if necessary.
-- >>> :show_error ShowTypeQuoted Int
-- ...
-- ... 'Int'
-- ...
-- >>> :show_error ShowTypeQuoted "symbols aren't quoted"
-- ...
-- ... "symbols aren't quoted"
-- ...
-- @since
type family ShowTypeQuoted (t :: k) :: ErrorMessage where
  ShowTypeQuoted (t :: Symbol) = 'ShowType t
  ShowTypeQuoted t             = 'Text "'" ':<>: 'ShowType t ':<>: 'Text "'"

-- | Error messages produced via 'TypeError' are often /too strict/, and will
-- be emitted sooner than you'd like. The solution is to use 'DelayError',
-- which will switch the error messages to being consumed lazily.
-- >>> :{
-- foo :: TypeError ('Text "Too eager; prevents compilation") => ()
-- foo = ()
-- :}
-- ...
-- ... Too eager; prevents compilation
-- ...
-- >>> :{
-- foo :: DelayError ('Text "Lazy; emitted on use") => ()
-- foo = ()
-- :}
-- >>> foo
-- ...
-- ... Lazy; emitted on use
-- ...
-- @since
type DelayError err = Eval (DelayErrorFcf err)

-- | Like 'DelayError', but implemented as a first-class family.
-- 'DelayErrorFcf' is useful when used as the last argument to 'IfStuck' and
-- 'UnlessStuck'.
-- @since
data DelayErrorFcf :: ErrorMessage -> Exp k
type instance Eval (DelayErrorFcf a) = TypeError a

-- | A helper definition that /doesn't/ emit a type error. This is
-- occassionally useful to leave as the residual constraint in 'IfStuck' when
-- you only want to observe if an expression /isn't/ stuck.
-- @since
type NoError = (() :: Constraint)

-- | Like 'NoError', but implemented as a first-class family.  'NoErrorFcf' is
-- useful when used as the last argument to 'IfStuck' and 'UnlessStuck'.
-- @since
type NoErrorFcf = Pure NoError

-- | @'IfStuck' expr b c@ leaves @b@ in the residual constraints whenever
-- @expr@ is stuck, otherwise it 'Eval'uates @c@.
-- Often you want to leave a 'DelayError' in @b@ in order to report an error
-- when @expr@ is stuck.
-- The @c@ parameter is a first-class family, which allows you to perform
-- arbitrarily-complicated type-level computations whenever @expr@ isn't stuck.
-- For example, you might want to produce a typeclass 'Constraint' here.
-- Alternatively, you can nest calls to 'IfStuck' in order to do subsequent
-- processing.
-- This is a generalization of <https://kcsongor.github.io/ kcsongor>'s @Break@
-- machinery described in
-- <https://kcsongor.github.io/report-stuck-families/ detecting the undetectable>.
-- @since
type family IfStuck (expr :: k) (b :: k1) (c :: Exp k1) :: k1 where
  -- The type pattern @_ Foo@ is interpretered by the compiler as being of
  -- any kind. This is great and exactly what we want here, except that things
  -- like @forall s. Maybe s@ will get stuck on it.
  -- So instead, we just propagate out 100 of these type variables and assume
  -- that 100 type variables ought to be enough for anyone.
  IfStuck (_ AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind AnythingOfAnyKind
             AnythingOfAnyKind) b c = b
  IfStuck a                     b c = Eval c

data AnythingOfAnyKind

-- | Like 'IfStuck', but specialized to the case when you don't want to do
-- anything if @expr@ isn't stuck.
-- >>> :{
-- observe_no_rep
--     :: WhenStuck
--          (Rep t)
--          (DelayError ('Text "No Rep instance for " ':<>: ShowTypeQuoted t))
--     => t
--     -> ()
-- observe_no_rep _ = ()
-- :}
-- >>> observe_no_rep HasNoRep
-- ...
-- ... No Rep instance for 'HasNoRep'
-- ...
-- >>> observe_no_rep True
-- ()
-- @since
type WhenStuck expr b   = IfStuck expr b NoErrorFcf

-- | Like 'IfStuck', but leaves no residual constraint when @expr@ is stuck.
-- This can be used to ensure an expression /isn't/ stuck before analyzing it
-- further.
-- See the example under 'UnlessPhantom' for an example of this use-case.
-- @since
type UnlessStuck expr c = IfStuck expr NoError c

-- | This library provides tools for performing lexical substitutions over
-- types. For example, the function 'UnlessPhantom' asks you to mark phantom
-- variables via 'PHANTOM'.
-- Unfortunately, this substitution cannot reliably be performed via
-- type families, since it will too often get stuck. Instead we provide 'te',
-- which is capable of reasoning about types symbolically.
-- Any type which comes with the warning /"This type family is always stuck."/
-- __must__ be used in the context of 'te' and the magic @[t|@ quasiquoter. To
-- illustrate, the following is stuck:
-- >>> :{
-- foo :: SubstVar VAR Bool
-- foo = True
-- :}
-- ...
-- ... Couldn't match expected type ...SubstVar VAR Bool...
-- ... with actual type ...Bool...
-- ...
-- But running it via 'te' makes everything work:
-- >>> :{
-- foo :: $(te[t| SubstVar VAR Bool |])
-- foo = True
-- :}
-- If you don't want to think about when to use 'te', it's a no-op when used
-- with everyday types:
-- >>> :{
-- bar :: $(te[t| Bool |])
-- bar = True
-- :}
-- @since
te :: Q TH.Type -> Q TH.Type
te = liftA $ everywhere $ mkT parseSubst

replaceWhen :: Data a => TH.Type -> TH.Type -> a -> a
replaceWhen a b = everywhere $ mkT $ \case
  x | x == a -> b
  x -> x

parseSubst :: TH.Type -> TH.Type
parseSubst (ConT phantom `AppT` expr `AppT` msg)
  | phantom == ''UnlessPhantom =
    ConT ''Coercible
      `AppT` (replaceWhen (ConT ''PHANTOM) (ConT ''Stuck) expr)
      `AppT` (replaceWhen (ConT ''PHANTOM)
                          (ConT ''DelayError `AppT` msg)
parseSubst (ConT subst `AppT` t `AppT` a `AppT` b)
  | subst == ''Subst = replaceWhen a b t
parseSubst (ConT subst `AppT` t `AppT` b)
  | subst == ''SubstVar = replaceWhen (ConT ''VAR) b t
parseSubst a = a

-- | __This type family is always stuck. It must be used in the context of 'te'.__
-- A meta-variable for marking which argument should be a phantom when working
-- with 'UnlessPhantom'.
-- 'PHANTOM' is polykinded and can be used in several settings.
-- See 'UnlessPhantom' for examples.
-- @since
type family PHANTOM :: k

-- | __This type family is always stuck. It must be used in the context of 'te'.__
-- @'UnlessPhantom' expr err@ determines if the type described by @expr@
-- is phantom in the variables marked via 'PHANTOM'. If it's not, it produces
-- the error message @err@.
-- For example, consider the definition:
-- >>> :{
-- data Qux a b = Qux b
-- :}
-- which is phantom in @a@:
-- >>> :eval_error $(te[t| UnlessPhantom (Qux PHANTOM Int) ('Text "Ok") |])
-- ()
-- but not in @b@:
-- >>> :eval_error $(te[t| UnlessPhantom (Qux Int PHANTOM) ('Text "Bad!") |])
-- ...
-- ... Bad!
-- ...
-- Unfortunately there is no known way to emit an error message if the variable
-- /is/ a phantom.
-- Often you'll want to guard 'UnlessPhantom' against 'IfStuck', to ensure you
-- don't get errors when things are merely ambiguous. You can do this by
-- writing your own fcf whose implementation is 'UnlessPhantom':
-- >>> :{
-- data NotPhantomErrorFcf :: k -> Exp Constraint
-- type instance Eval (NotPhantomErrorFcf f) =
--   $(te[t| UnlessPhantom (f PHANTOM)
--                         ( ShowTypeQuoted f
--                    ':<>: 'Text " is not phantom in its argument!")
--         |])
-- :}
-- >>> :{
-- observe_phantom
--     :: UnlessStuck
--          f
--          (NotPhantomErrorFcf f)
--     => f p
--     -> ()
-- observe_phantom _ = ()
-- :}
-- We then notice that using @observe_phantom@ against 'Data.Proxy.Proxy'
-- doesn't produce any errors, but against 'Maybe' does:
-- >>> observe_phantom Proxy
-- ()
-- >>> observe_phantom (Just 5)
-- ...
-- ... 'Maybe' is not phantom in its argument!
-- ...
-- Finally, we leave @observe_phantom@ unsaturated, and therefore @f@ isn't yet
-- known. Without guarding the 'UnlessPhantom' behind 'UnlessStuck', this would
-- incorrectly produce the message "'f' is not phantom in its argument!"
-- >>> observe_phantom
-- ...
-- ... No instance for (Show (f0 p0 -> ()))
-- ...
-- @since
type family UnlessPhantom :: k -> ErrorMessage -> Constraint

-- | __This type family is always stuck. It must be used in the context of 'te'.__
-- @'Subst' expr a b@ substitutes all instances of @a@ for @b@ in @expr@.
-- >>> :kind! $(te[t| Subst (Either Int Int) Int Bool |])
-- ...
-- = Either Bool Bool
-- >>> :kind! $(te[t| Subst (Either Int Bool) Int [Char] |])
-- ...
-- = Either [Char] Bool
-- >>> :kind! $(te[t| Subst (Either Int Bool) Either (,) |])
-- ...
-- = (Int, Bool)
-- @since
type family Subst :: k1 -> k1 -> k2 -> k2

-- | __This type family is always stuck. It must be used in the context of 'te'.__
-- 'VAR' is a meta-varaible which marks a substitution in 'SubstVar'. The
-- result of @'SubstVar' expr val@ is @expr[val/'VAR']@.
-- 'VAR' is polykinded and can be used in several settings.
-- See 'SubstVar' for examples.
-- @since
type family VAR :: k

-- | __This type family is always stuck. It must be used in the context of 'te'.__
-- Like 'Subst', but uses the explicit meta-variable 'VAR' to mark substitution
-- points.
-- >>> :kind! $(te[t| SubstVar (Either VAR VAR) Bool |])
-- ...
-- = Either Bool Bool
-- >>> :kind! $(te[t| SubstVar (Either VAR Bool) [Char] |])
-- ...
-- = Either [Char] Bool
-- >>> :kind! $(te[t| SubstVar (VAR Int Bool) (,) |])
-- ...
-- = (Int, Bool)
-- @since
type family SubstVar :: k1 -> k2 -> k2