{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}

-- | Classes for the various heaps, mainly to avoid name clashing.
module Data.Queue.Class

import           Data.List (unfoldr)
import           Data.Function (on)
import           Data.Coerce (Coercible,coerce)

import           Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

-- | A class for queues. Conforming members can have their own
-- definition of order on their contents. (i.e., 'Ord' is not required)
class Queue h a where

    {-# MINIMAL minView , insert , empty #-}

    -- | Return the first element, and the remaining elements,
    -- or 'Nothing' if the queue is empty. For most queues,
    -- this will be the minimal element
        :: h a -> Maybe (a, h a)

    -- | Insert an element into the queue.
        :: a -> h a -> h a

    -- | The empty queue.
        :: h a

    -- | A queue with one element.
        :: a -> h a
    singleton = flip insert empty

    -- | Return a list of the contents of the queue, in order, from
    -- smallest to largest.
    toList :: h a -> [a]
    toList = unfoldr minView

    -- | Create a heap from a list.
    fromList :: [a] -> h a
    fromList = foldr insert empty

    -- | Perform heap sort on a list of items.
    heapSort :: p h -> [a] -> [a]
    heapSort (_ :: p h) = toList . (fromList :: [a] -> h a)

-- | A class for meldable queues. Conforming members should
-- form a monoid under 'merge' and 'empty'.
class Queue h a => MeldableQueue h a where

    {-# MINIMAL merge #-}
    -- | Merge two heaps. This operation is associative, and has the
    -- identity of 'empty'.
    -- @'merge' x ('merge' y z) = 'merge' ('merge' x y) z@
    -- @'merge' x 'empty' = 'merge' 'empty' x = x@
    merge :: h a -> h a -> h a

    -- | Create a heap from a 'Foldable' container. This operation is
    -- provided to allow the use of 'foldMap', which may be
    -- asymptotically more efficient. The default definition uses
    -- 'foldMap'.
    fromFoldable :: (Foldable f) => f a -> h a
    fromFoldable = runQueueWrapper #. foldMap (QueueWrapper #. singleton)

newtype QueueWrapper h a = QueueWrapper
    { runQueueWrapper :: h a

instance MeldableQueue h a =>
         Monoid (QueueWrapper h a) where
    mempty = QueueWrapper empty
    mappend =
        (coerce :: (h a -> h a -> h a) -> QueueWrapper h a -> QueueWrapper h a -> QueueWrapper h a)
    {-# INLINE mempty #-}
    {-# INLINE mappend #-}

-- | A default definition for 'showsPrec'.
showsPrecQueue :: (Queue h a, Show a) => Int -> h a -> ShowS
showsPrecQueue d xs =
    showParen (d >= 11) (showString "fromList " . showList (toList xs))

-- | A default definition for 'readsPrec'.
  :: (Read a, Queue h a) => Int -> ReadS (h a)
readPrecQueue d =
        (d > 10)
        (\xs ->
              [ (fromList x, zs)
              | ("fromList",ys) <- lex xs
              , (x,zs) <- readList ys ])

-- | A default definition of '=='.
eqQueue :: (Eq a, Queue h a) => h a -> h a -> Bool
eqQueue = (==) `on` toList

-- | A default definition of 'compare'.
cmpQueue :: (Ord a, Queue h a) => h a -> h a -> Ordering
cmpQueue = compare `on` toList

infixr 9 #.
(#.) :: Coercible b c => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(#.) _ = coerce

instance Ord a => Queue Set a where
    insert = Set.insert
    empty = Set.empty
    fromList = Set.fromList
    singleton = Set.singleton
    minView = Set.minView
    toList = Set.toList

instance Ord a => MeldableQueue Set a where
    merge = Set.union

instance Queue [] a where
    insert = (:)
    empty = []
    fromList = id
    singleton = (:[])
    minView [] = Nothing
    minView (x:xs) = Just (x,xs)
    toList = id

instance MeldableQueue [] a where
    merge = (++)
    fromFoldable = foldr (:) []