--Module       : Type.Set
--Author       : Daniel Schüssler
--License      : BSD3
--Copyright    : Daniel Schüssler
--Maintainer   : Daniel Schüssler
--Stability    : Experimental
--Portability  : Uses various GHC extensions
--Description  : 

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fwarn-missing-signatures #-}

-- |
-- * Sets are encoded as certain types of kind @* -> *@
-- * A value of type @S X@ is a proof that the type @X@ is a member of @S@
module Type.Set where
import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Logic
import Type.Dummies
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
import Helper
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Typeable.Extras
import Data.Data hiding (DataType)

emacs snippets for the funny characters (move behind the final parenthesis, press C-x C-e)

 (yas/define 'haskell-mode "subs" ":⊆:")
 (yas/define 'haskell-mode "union" ":∪:")
 (yas/define 'haskell-mode "inter" ":∩:")
 (yas/define 'haskell-mode "times" ":×:")
 (yas/define 'haskell-mode "elt" ":∈:")
 (yas/define 'haskell-mode "elt1" "::∈:")
 (yas/define 'haskell-mode "circ" ":○:")
 (yas/define 'haskell-mode "Sigma" "Σ")
 (yas/define 'haskell-mode "Pi" "Π")
 (yas/define 'haskell-mode "-->" ":~>:")
 (yas/define 'haskell-mode "--->" ":~~>:")


#include "../Defs.hs"

-- * Subsets, equality

type a :: set = set a

infix 4 ::

-- | Represents a proof that @set1@ is a subset of @set2@
data (set1 :: SET) :: (set2 :: SET) where
       Subset :: (forall a. a :: set1 -> a :: set2) -> set1 :: set2

-- | Coercion from subset to superset
scoerce :: (set1 :: set2) -> a :: set1 -> a :: set2 
scoerce (Subset x) = x
infix 4 ::
type Subset = (::)

-- | Extensional equality of sets
data (set1 :: (SET)) :==: (set2 :: (SET)) = SetEq (set1 :: set2) (set2 :: set1)
infix 4 :==:

instance Fact (set1 :: set2 -> a :: set1 -> a :: set2) where auto = scoerce
-- | Coercion using a set equality
ecoerce :: (s1 :==: s2) -> a :: s1 -> a :: s2
ecoerce (SetEq p _) = scoerce p

-- | Coercion using a set equality (flipped)
ecoerceFlip :: (s1 :==: s2) -> a :: s2 -> a :: s1
ecoerceFlip (SetEq _ q) = scoerce q

subsetRefl :: s :: s
subsetRefl = Subset id                      

subsetTrans :: (s1 :: s2 -> s2 :: s3 -> s1 :: s3);
subsetTrans p1 p2 = Subset (scoerce p2 . scoerce p1)

setEqRefl :: s :==: s;
setEqRefl = SetEq subsetRefl subsetRefl

setEqSym :: s1 :==: s2 -> s2 :==: s1;
setEqSym (SetEq p1 p2) = SetEq p2 p1
setEqTrans :: (s1 :==: s2 -> s2 :==: s3 -> s1 :==: s3);
setEqTrans (SetEq p1 p2) (SetEq q1 q2) = SetEq
                                       (p1 `subsetTrans` q1)
                                       (q2 `subsetTrans` p2)
type Singleton a = (:=:) a
instance Fact (Singleton a a) where auto = Refl
instance (Fact (a :: set)) => (Fact (Singleton a :: set)) where
    auto = Subset (\Refl -> auto)
-- * Union, intersection, difference

-- | Binary union
data (s1 :: SET) :: (s2 :: SET) :: SET where 
    Union :: Either (a :: s1) (a :: s2) -> (s1 :: s2) a

elimUnion :: a :: (s1 :: s2) -> Either (a :: s1) (a :: s2)
elimUnion (Union x) = x
infixr 5 ::
type Union = (::)
unionL :: s1 :: (s1 :: s2)
unionL = Subset (Union . Left)
unionR :: s2 :: (s1 :: s2)
unionR = Subset (Union . Right)

unionMinimal :: s1 :: t -> s2 :: t -> (s1 :: s2) :: t
unionMinimal p1 p2 = Subset (\(Union q) -> case q of
                                            Left  q1 -> scoerce p1 q1
                                            Right q2 -> scoerce p2 q2)

unionIdempotent :: s :: s :==: s
unionIdempotent = SetEq (unionMinimal auto auto) unionL
instance (Fact (s1 :: t), Fact (s2 :: t)) => Fact (s1 :: s2 :: t) where
    auto = unionMinimal auto auto

-- | Binary intersection
data ((s1 :: SET) :: (s2 :: SET)) :: SET where
    Inter :: a :: s1 -> a :: s2 -> (s1 :: s2) a
elimInter :: a :: (s1 :: s2) -> (a :: s1, a :: s2)
elimInter (Inter x y) = (x,y)
interFst :: (s1 :: s2) :: s1
interFst = Subset (fst . elimInter)
interSnd :: (s1 :: s2) :: s2
interSnd = Subset (snd . elimInter)
infixr 6 ::
type Inter = (::)

interMaximal :: (t :: s1 -> t :: s2 -> t :: (s1 :: s2))
interMaximal p1 p2 = Subset (\q -> Inter (scoerce p1 q) (scoerce p2 q))
instance (Fact (t :: s1), Fact (t :: s2)) => Fact (t :: (s1 :: s2)) where 
    auto = interMaximal auto auto
interIdempotent :: s :: s :==: s
interIdempotent = SetEq interFst (interMaximal auto auto)
-- | Union of a family
data Unions (fam :: SET) :: SET where
                          Unions :: Lower s :: fam -> a :: s -> Unions fam a
elimUnions :: Unions fam a -> (forall s. Lower s :: fam -> a :: s -> r) -> r
elimUnions (Unions p1 p2) k = k p1 p2
instance Fact (Lower s :: fam -> s :: (Unions fam)) where auto p = Subset (Unions p)

-- | Dependent sum
data Σ (fam :: SET) :: SET where
        Σ :: Lower s :: fam -> 
            a :: s -> 
            Σ fam (Lower s, a)

type DependentSum = Σ


-- | Intersection of a family
data Inters (fam :: SET) :: SET where
      Inters :: (forall s. (Lower s) :: fam -> a :: s) -> Inters fam a
elimInters :: Inters fam a -> (Lower s) :: fam -> s a 
elimInters (Inters x) = x
instance Fact ((Lower s) :: fam -> (Inters fam) :: s ) where 
    auto p = Subset (($ p) . elimInters)
-- | Complement
data Complement (s :: SET) :: SET where 
    Complement :: Not (a :: s) -> Complement s a

elimComplement :: a :: Complement s -> Not (a :: s)
elimComplement (Complement x) = x
type Disjoint s1 s2 = (s1 :: s2) :: Empty
complContradiction :: Not (s a, Complement s a)
complContradiction (p, Complement q) = q p
complEmpty :: Disjoint s (Complement s)
complEmpty = Subset (elimFalsity . complContradiction . elimInter)
complMaximal :: Disjoint s t -> (t :: Complement s)
complMaximal p = Subset (\q -> Complement (\r -> elimEmpty (p `scoerce` (Inter r q))))
-- | Set difference
data Diff (s :: SET) (t :: SET) :: SET where
                                Diff :: a :: s -> Not (a :: t) -> Diff s t a 

elimDiff :: a :: Diff s t -> (a :: s, Not (a :: t))
elimDiff (Diff x y) = (x,y)
-- * Products

-- | Binary products
data (s1 :: SET) :×: (s2 :: SET) :: SET where
    (:×:) :: a :: s1 -> b :: s2 -> (s1 :×: s2) (a, b)
infixr 6 :×:
type Prod = (:×:)
fstPrf :: (a, b) :: (s1 :×: s2) -> a :: s1;
fstPrf (p :×: _) = p
sndPrf :: (a, b) :: (s1 :×: s2) -> b :: s2;
sndPrf (_ :×: q) = q
-- | Product is monotonic wrt. subset inclusion
prodMonotonic :: s1 :: t1 
              -> s2 :: t2 
              -> s1 :×: s2 :: t1 :×: t2;

prodMonotonic p1 p2 = Subset (\(q1 :×: q2) -> scoerce p1 q1 :×: scoerce p2 q2)

-- * Particular sets
-- | Empty set (barring cheating with 'undefined')
data Empty :: SET where 
             Empty :: (forall b. b) -> Empty a

elimEmpty :: Empty a -> b
elimEmpty (Empty x) = x
emptySubset :: (Empty :: s)
emptySubset = Subset elimEmpty
-- | Set of /all/ types of kind *
data Univ :: SET where Univ :: Univ a
univSubset :: (s :: Univ) 
univSubset = Subset (const Univ)
data FunctionType :: SET where
                    FunctionType :: FunctionType (a -> b)
functionType :: (a -> b) :: FunctionType
functionType = FunctionType

data KleisliType m :: SET where
                    KleisliType :: KleisliType m (a -> m b)
kleisliType :: (a -> m b) :: (KleisliType m)
kleisliType = KleisliType

data CoKleisliType w :: SET where
                       CoKleisliType :: CoKleisliType w (w a -> b)
coKleisliType :: (w a -> b) :: (CoKleisliType w)
coKleisliType = CoKleisliType
-- *** Sets from common typeclasses

-- (yas/define 'haskell-mode "class-set" "data $1Type :: SET where $1Type :: $1 a => $1Type a\ninstance $1 a => Fact (a :∈: $1Type) where auto = $1Type\n$0")

-- (yas/define 'haskell-mode "class-set1" "data $1Type :: SET where $1Type :: $1 a => $1Type (Lower a)\ninstance $1 a => Fact (Lower a :∈: $1Type) where auto = $1Type\n$0")

data ShowType :: SET where ShowType :: Show a => ShowType a
instance Show a => Fact (a :: ShowType) where auto = ShowType
-- data ReflectShow a = ReflectShow (ShowType a) a
-- instance Show (ReflectShow a) where show (ReflectShow ShowType a) = show a

-- | Example application
getShow :: a :: ShowType -> a -> String
getShow ShowType = show                           

data ReadType :: SET where ReadType :: Read a => ReadType a
instance Read a => Fact (a :: ReadType) where auto = ReadType
data EqType :: SET where EqType :: Eq a => EqType a
instance Eq a => Fact (a :: EqType) where auto = EqType
getEq :: a :: EqType -> a -> a -> Bool
getEq EqType = (==)                           
data OrdType :: SET where OrdType :: Ord a => OrdType a
instance Ord a => Fact (a :: OrdType) where auto = OrdType
getCompare :: a :: OrdType -> a -> a -> Ordering
getCompare OrdType = compare                           
data EnumType :: SET where EnumType :: Enum a => EnumType a
instance Enum a => Fact (a :: EnumType) where auto = EnumType
data BoundedType :: SET where BoundedType :: Bounded a => BoundedType a
instance Bounded a => Fact (a :: BoundedType) where auto = BoundedType
data NumType :: SET where NumType :: Num a => NumType a
instance Num a => Fact (a :: NumType) where auto = NumType
data IntegralType :: SET where IntegralType :: Integral a => IntegralType a
instance Integral a => Fact (a :: IntegralType) where auto = IntegralType
data MonoidType :: SET where MonoidType :: Monoid a => MonoidType a
instance Monoid a => Fact (a :: MonoidType) where auto = MonoidType
data FractionalType :: SET where FractionalType :: Fractional a => FractionalType a
instance Fractional a => Fact (a :: FractionalType) where auto = FractionalType
data TypeableType :: SET where TypeableType :: Typeable a => TypeableType a
instance Typeable a => Fact (a :: TypeableType) where auto = TypeableType

data DataType :: SET where DataType :: Data a => DataType a
instance Data a => Fact (a :: DataType) where auto = DataType

-- ** Kind (* -> *)

data FunctorType :: SET where FunctorType :: Functor a => FunctorType (Lower a)
instance Functor a => Fact (Lower a :: FunctorType) where auto = FunctorType
getFmap :: Lower f :: FunctorType -> (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)
getFmap FunctorType = fmap
data MonadType :: SET where MonadType :: Monad a => MonadType (Lower a)
instance Monad a => Fact (Lower a :: MonadType) where auto = MonadType

data MonadPlusType :: SET where MonadPlusType :: MonadPlus a => MonadPlusType (Lower a)
instance MonadPlus a => Fact (Lower a :: MonadPlusType) where auto = MonadPlusType

data ApplicativeType :: SET where ApplicativeType :: Applicative a => ApplicativeType (Lower a)
instance Applicative a => Fact (Lower a :: ApplicativeType) where auto = ApplicativeType

-- * Powerset

-- | Membership of a set in a set representing a set of sets
type a ::: set = set (Lower a)

infix 4 :::

-- (yas/define 'haskell-mode "k2" "SET -> *")

-- | Powerset
data (Powerset (u :: SET)) :: SET where
                     Powerset :: s :: u -> Powerset u (Lower s)
powersetWholeset :: u ::: Powerset u
powersetWholeset = Powerset subsetRefl
powersetEmpty :: Empty ::: Powerset u
powersetEmpty = Powerset emptySubset
powersetUnion :: s1 ::: Powerset u -> s2 ::: Powerset u -> (s1 :: s2) ::: Powerset u
powersetUnion (Powerset p1) (Powerset p2) = Powerset (unionMinimal p1 p2)
powersetInter :: s1 ::: Powerset u -> s2 ::: Powerset u -> (s1 :: s2) ::: Powerset u
powersetInter (Powerset p1) (Powerset _) = Powerset (subsetTrans auto p1)
powersetMonotonic :: (u1 :: u2) -> s ::: Powerset u1 -> s ::: Powerset u2
powersetMonotonic p (Powerset q) = Powerset (Subset (scoerce p . scoerce q))
powersetClosedDownwards :: (s1 :: s2) -> s2 ::: Powerset u -> s1 ::: Powerset u
powersetClosedDownwards p (Powerset q) = Powerset (Subset (scoerce q . scoerce p))
-- * Misc                                  
autosubset :: Fact (s :: t) => s :: t
autosubset = auto

autoequality :: Fact (s :==: t) => s :==: t
autoequality = auto
data ProofSet (s :: SET) :: SET where
                          ProofSet :: s x -> ProofSet s (s x)

#define SUBCLASS(X,Y)\
        instance Fact (X :: Y) where\
            auto = Subset (\ X -> Y )


-- instance ( Fact1 (s1 :⊆: s2)
--          , Fact1 (s2 :⊆: s3))

--     =>      Fact (s1 :⊆: s3) where
--         auto = subsetTrans auto auto

-- * Unique existence of sets

-- | Unique existence, unlowered
data ExUniq1 (p :: SET -> *) where
    ExUniq1 :: p b -> (forall b'. p b' -> b :==: b') -> ExUniq1 p

-- * From sets to the value level

-- | @V s@ is the sum of all types @x@ such that @s x@ is provable.
data V (s :: SET) where
    V :: s x -> x -> V s

liftEq :: (s :: EqType) -> (s :: TypeableType) -> (V s -> V s -> Bool)
liftEq s s2 (V px x) (V py y) = 
    case ( s  `scoerce` px
         , s  `scoerce` py
         , s2 `scoerce` px
         , s2 `scoerce` py) of
      (EqType, EqType, TypeableType, TypeableType) -> dynEq x y

instance ( ( Fact (s :: EqType)
           , Fact (s :: TypeableType) )
           => Eq (V s) )
                 (==) = liftEq auto auto

liftCompare :: (s :: OrdType) -> (s :: TypeableType) -> (V s -> V s -> Ordering)
liftCompare s s2 (V px x) (V py y) = 
    case ( s  `scoerce` px
         , s  `scoerce` py
         , s2 `scoerce` px
         , s2 `scoerce` py) of
      (OrdType, OrdType, TypeableType, TypeableType) -> dynCompare x y

instance ( ( Fact (s :: OrdType)
           , Fact (s :: TypeableType) 
           , Eq (V s) )
           => Ord (V s) )
                 compare = liftCompare auto auto

liftShowsPrec :: Typeable1 s => (s :: ShowType) -> (s :: TypeableType) -> (Int -> V s -> ShowS)
liftShowsPrec s s2 prec (V px x) =
    case ( s  `scoerce` px
         , s2 `scoerce` px ) of
      (ShowType, TypeableType) ->
          showParen (prec > 10)
          (showString "V " .
           showString "<< proof of " . shows (typeOf px) .
           showString " >> " .
           showsPrec 11 x)

$(lemmata ''Fact 
                 [ 'fstPrf,'sndPrf,'prodMonotonic
                 , 'complEmpty, 'complContradiction
                 , 'elimEmpty, 'emptySubset
                 , 'ecoerce,'ecoerceFlip
                 , 'subsetRefl
                 , 'subsetTrans,'setEqRefl,'setEqSym,'setEqTrans
                 , 'univSubset, 'complMaximal
                 , 'powersetClosedDownwards
                 , 'powersetMonotonic
                 , 'interMaximal, 'unionMinimal
                 , 'functionType, 'kleisliType, 'coKleisliType
                 , 'interFst, 'interSnd