typedquery ========== Parser for SQL augmented with types This package provides base parsing facilities for possibly all *-simple database packages converting them into *-simpel-typed * https://github.com/tolysz/mysql-simple-typed * https://github.com/tolysz/sqlite-simple-typed * https://github.com/tolysz/postgresql-simple-typed example: https://github.com/tolysz/sqlite-simple-typed/blob/master/example/src/Main.hs The basic idea is to start using SQL again, but use comemnts (`--`) to hide haskell annotation. This started as `QuasiQuotes` excercise with the TH inpired `printf`. * `genJsonQuery` produces `[Value]` * `genTypedQuery` produces `[(T1,...,Tn)]` tuples, `[T]` or `()` all depending on the `SQL` query If you do not provide value (or a mean to get on inside query you need to give it outside. They do the same: $(genJsonQuery "SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = ? ") conn (10000 :: Int) $(genJsonQuery "SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = ? -- Int ") conn 10000 $(genJsonQuery "SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = ? -- Int -- < 1000 ") conn $(genJsonQuery "SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = ? -- < (1000 :: Int) ") conn There is a basic syntax, and the base idea is to have a nice easy for eye syntax. It fires the correct `execute` or `query` with or without `_` depending on the actual `SQL` syntax The parser is not complete, I will try to add as many issues there are and try to fix it. Adnotations start with `-- ` as otherwise `HeidiSQL` was complaining, then `>` `<` `~` or just text. | syntax | equivalent | ------------------------- | ------------------------------ | `bal -- Type` | `(\v -> v :: Bla)` | | `bla -- > f` | `(\v -> f bla )` | | `bla -- Type -- > f` | `(\v -> (f bla):: Type )` | | `? -- Type -- < var` | `??` | | `? -- < var` | `??` | | `? -- < var` | `??` | | `? -- ~ verbatim` | `??` | Eg. $(genJsonQuery [qq| insert into some_table ( timeAsSQLfunction -- ~ now () , someInputfromAesonViaLens -- Int -- < v ^? (key "coolValue" . _Integral) ^. non 3 , someUserName -- Text -- < someNameFromContext ) |]) conn Translates to execute conn [qq| insert into some_table ( timeAsSQLfunction, someInputfromAesonViaLens, someUserName ) values ( now (), ?, ?) |] [( (v ^? (key "coolValue" . _Integral) ^. non 3 ) :: Int, someNameFromContext Text)]