    Module containing functions related to solving and unifying
    polymorphic type expressions.
module Calculi.Lambda.Cube.Polymorphic.Unification (
    -- * Unification related functions
    , unifyGr
    , ()
    , (\<)
    , hasSubstitutions
    , applyAllSubs
    , applyAllSubsGr
    , unvalidatedApplyAllSubs
    , resolveMutuals
    -- * Substitution validation
    -- ** Substitution error datatypes
    , SubsErr(..)
    , ConflictTree
    -- ** Validation and analysis functions
    , substitutionGraph
    , substitutionGraphGr
    , substitutionGraphM
    , topsortSubs
    , topsortSubsG
    , occursCheck
    , conflicts
) where

import           Calculi.Lambda.Cube.Polymorphic
import           Control.Lens as Lens
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Data.Either.Combinators
import           Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import           Data.Graph.Inductive as Graph hiding ((&))
import           Data.Graph.Inductive.Helper
import           Data.List.Ordered
import           Data.List (group)
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set                       as Set
import           Data.Tree

    We need a way to differeciate between two instances of the same type expression, otherwise
    unifying two instances of the same type expression will frequently return cyclic substitution

    Alternatively, this is fretting over nothing or is something writers of code using this library
    should do themselves.

    Errors in poly type substitution.
data SubsErr gr t p =
      MultipleSubstitutions (ConflictTree t p)
    -- ^ A `ConflictTree` of substitutions leading to `p`
    | CyclicSubstitution (gr t p)
    -- ^ There is a cycle of substitutions.
    | SubsMismatch t t
    -- ^ A substitution between two incompatable type expressions
    -- was attempted. (i.e. @`substitutions` (X) (Y → Y)@)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

    A substitution conflict's root, with a tree of types substituting
    variables as the first element [1] and the second element being the
    type where these clashing substitutions converge.

    [1]: to be read that the first element of the tuple is a forest of
    substitutions leading the final type expression with a substitution conflict.

    TODO: Put a diagram here instead.
type ConflictTree t p = ([Tree (t, [p])], t)

    `substitutions` but takes place in an Either that catches substitution errors.
substitutionsM :: (Polymorphic t, p ~ PolyType t) => t -> t -> Either [SubsErr gr t p] [Substitution t p]
substitutionsM t1 t2 = fmap (uncurry SubsMismatch) `first` substitutions t1 t2

    This module's namesake function.

    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unification_(computer_science) Unification>
    is an important step of typechecking polymorphic lambda calculi, taking two
    type expressions and computing their differences to produce a sequence
    of substitutions needed to make both type expressions equivalent.

    This implementation computes a list of substitutions with the substitutions
    to be applied first at the end of the list and the ones to be applied
    last at the beginning. This is an artifact of how the reordering of the substitutions
    works and can be remedied with a `reverse` if needed.

        * Unifying two compatable type expressions

            >>> unify (forall a. a) (A → B)
            Right [(A → B, a)]

            >>> unify (forall a b c. a → (b → c) → a) (forall x. x → (I → x) → G)
            Right [(G, a), (G, c), (G, x), (I, b)]

        * Unifying incompatable type expressions yeilds errors.

            >>> unify (A) (B)
            Left [SubsMismatch A B]

        * Unifying a poly type with a type expression that contains that poly type yeilds a
          cyclic substitution error.

            >>> unify (a) (F a)
            Left [CyclicSubstitution (mkGraph [(2,(F a))] [(2,2,(a))])]]
            -- The above is a graph showing the cycle of (F a) trying to substitute it's own poly type (a)

        * Unifying equivalent type expressions yeilds empty lists.

            >>> unify (forall a. a → C) (forall x. x → C)
            Right []

            >>> unify (X → Y) (X → Y)
            Right []
unify :: forall gr t p. (Polymorphic t, p ~ PolyType t, DynGraph gr)
      => t -- ^ The first type expression
      -> t -- ^ The second type expression
      -> Either [SubsErr gr t p] [(t, p)] -- ^ The result from trying to unify both type expressions.
unify t1 t2 = do
    -- Find the substitutions and partition them into mutuals and substitutions
    subs <- resolveMutuals <$> substitutionsM t1 t2
    -- validate and order the substitutions
    topsortSubsG <$> substitutionGraph subs

    `unify` with `Gr` as the instance for DynGraph.
unifyGr :: forall t p. (Polymorphic t, p ~ PolyType t)
      => t
      -> t
      -> Either [SubsErr Gr t p] [(t, p)]
unifyGr = unify

    Partition a list of `Substitution`s into it's mutuals (first element of the tuple) and
    it's substitutions (second element).
partitionSubstitutions :: [Substitution t p] -> ([(p, p)], [(t, p)])
partitionSubstitutions =
    partitionEithers . fmap (\case (Mutual x y) -> Left (x, y); (Substitution x y) -> Right (x, y);)

    Test to see if two types have valid substitutions between eachother.
hasSubstitutions :: forall t p. (Polymorphic t, p ~ PolyType t) => t -> t -> Bool
hasSubstitutions t1 t2 = isRight (unify t1 t2 :: Either [SubsErr Gr t p] [(t, p)])

    Given a list of substitutions, resolve all the mutual substitutions and
    return a list of substitutions in the form @(t, p)@.
resolveMutuals :: forall t p. (Polymorphic t, p ~ PolyType t)
               => [Substitution t p] -- ^ The list of mixed (see `Substitution`) substitutions.
               -> [(t, p)] -- ^ The resulting list of substitutions
resolveMutuals subs =
    let (mutuals, subs') = partitionSubstitutions subs
    -- As a mutual substitution (a,b) means that a is b, every substitution
    -- of the form (T, a) must be duplicated to include (T, b), and every
    -- substitution of the form (M, b) must be duplicated to include (M, a).

    -- If a future maintainer changes this to a foldl, they should reverse the
    -- output of sortMutuals (if that's stil a part of this code).
    in foldr expandMutual subs' (sortMutuals subs' mutuals) where
        expandMutual :: (p, p) -> [(t, p)] -> [(t, p)]
        expandMutual (a, b) _subs = do
            -- Get the single substitution
            sub@(term, var) <- _subs
            -- if either a or b are equal to var then duplicate the substitution.
            if a == var || b == var then [(term, a), (term, b)] else return sub

            Reorder the mutuals so that they're resolved in an order that
            doesn't miss out on duplications.

            NOTE: This is a bodge, a proper topsort of these needs to be done as part
                  of a graph transform, probably.
            NOTE: re: above. Extensive tests haven't really come up with a contradiction
                  to this working, so maybe it's okay? I don't trust it though.
        sortMutuals :: [(t, p)] -> [(p, p)] -> [(p, p)]
        sortMutuals _subs = sortOn (\(a, b) -> max (subCount a) (subCount b)) where
            -- Find the number of times a polytype is substituted (Should be 1 or 0, could be more
            -- but that'll be caught by the occurs check later).
            subCount :: p -> Integer
            subCount sub = foldr (\(_, sub') -> if sub' == sub then (+ 1) else id ) 0 _subs

    Type ordering operator, true if the second argument is more specific or equal to
    the first.


    * A type expression with poly types being ordered against one without them.

        >>> (∀ a. a) ⊑ (X → Y)

    * A type expression being ordered against itself, displaying reflexivity.

        >>> (X → X) ⊑ (X → X)

    * All type expressions are more specific than a type expression
      of just a single (bound or unbound) poly type.

        >>> (a) ⊑ (a)

        >>> (a) ⊑ (b)

        >>> (a) ⊑ (X)

        >>> (a) ⊑ (X → Y)

() :: (Polymorphic t) => t -> t -> Bool
t  t' = fromRight False $ do
    subs <- resolveMutuals <$> substitutionsM t' t
    applySubs <- applyAllSubsGr subs
    return (t'  applySubs t)

infix 4 

    Non-unicode @⊑@.
(\<) :: (Polymorphic t) => t -> t -> Bool
(\<) = ()

infix 4 \<

    For a given list of substitutions, either find and report inconsistencies
    through `SubsErr` or compute a topsort by order of substitution such that for
    a list of substitutions @[a, b, c]@ c should be applied, then b, then a.

    This backward application is a product of how the graph used to compute
    the reordering is notated and how topsorting is ordered. In this
    graph for nodes @N, M@ and egde label @p@, @N --p-> M@ notates that
    all instances of @p@ in @M@ will be substituted by @N@. In regular topsort
    this means that @N@ will preceed @M@ in the list, but this doesn't make sense
    when we topsort to tuples of the form @(N, p)@.
topsortSubs :: forall gr t p. (DynGraph gr, Polymorphic t, p ~ PolyType t)
            => [(t, p)]
            -> Either [SubsErr gr t p] [(t, p)]
topsortSubs = fmap topsortSubsG . (substitutionGraph :: [(t, p)] -> Either [SubsErr gr t p] (gr t p))

    A version of `topsortSubs` that takes an already generated graph rather than
    building it's own.

    If given a graph with cycles or nodes with 2 or more inward edges of the same label
    then there's no garuntee that the substitutions will be applied correctly.
topsortSubsG :: forall gr t p. (Graph gr)
             => gr t p
             -> [(t, p)]
topsortSubsG = unvalidatedEdgeyTopsort

    Without validating if the substitutions are consistent, fold them into a single
    function that applies all substitutions to a given type expression.
unvalidatedApplyAllSubs :: (Polymorphic t, p ~ PolyType t)
                        => [(t, p)]
                        -> t
                        -> t
unvalidatedApplyAllSubs = foldr (\sub f -> uncurry applySubstitution sub . f) id

    Validate substitutions and fold them into a single substitution function.
applyAllSubs :: forall gr t p. (Polymorphic t, p ~ PolyType t, DynGraph gr)
             => [(t, p)]
             -> Either [SubsErr gr t p] (t -> t)
applyAllSubs = fmap unvalidatedApplyAllSubs . topsortSubs

    `applyAllSubs` using fgl's `Gr`.
applyAllSubsGr :: (Polymorphic t, p ~ PolyType t)
               => [(t, p)]
               -> Either [SubsErr Gr t p] (t -> t)
applyAllSubsGr = applyAllSubs

    Function that builds a graph representing valid substitutions or reports
    any part of the graph's structure that would make the substitutions invalid.
    :: forall gr t p. (Polymorphic t, p ~ PolyType t, DynGraph gr)
    => [(t, p)]
    -> Either [SubsErr gr t p] (gr t p)
substitutionGraph subs =
    let (errs, (_, graph :: gr t p)) = run empty (substitutionGraphM subs)
    in if null errs then Right graph else Left errs

    `substitutionGraph` using fgl's `Gr`.
substitutionGraphGr :: forall t p. (Polymorphic t, p ~ PolyType t)
              => [(t,p)]
              -> Either [SubsErr Gr t p] (Gr t p)
substitutionGraphGr = substitutionGraph

    A version of `substitutionGraph` that works within fgl's NodeMap state monad.
    :: forall t p gr. -- No haddock documentation for constraints, but putting this here anyway
    ( Polymorphic t   -- The typesystem @t@ is a an instance of Polymorphic
    , p ~ PolyType t  -- @p@ is @t@'s representation of poly types
    , Ord p           -- t's representation of poly types is ordered
    , DynGraph gr     -- the graph representation is an instance of DynGraph
    => [(t, p)]       -- ^ A list of substitutions
    -> NodeMapM t p gr [SubsErr gr t p]
                      -- ^ A nodemap monadic action where the graph's edges are substitutions
                      -- and the nodes are type expressions.
substitutionGraphM subs = do
        Construct the graph so we have something to work with.
    -- Assemble a list of all the type expressions, including the substitution targets
    {- Note: to make this work from a point of theory, all the targets in "subs" are turned into
       type expressions using the polymorphic constructor, allowing all substitutions to
       have at least one edge from the substitutions to the targets. -}
    let typeExprs = nubSort $ subs >>= (\(t, p) -> [t, poly p])
    -- Build a list of type expressions and their poly types.
    let basesList = (\t -> (t, polytypesOf t)) <$> typeExprs
                                -- Why not freeTypeVariables?
                                -- Because during random tests the case where a variable was
                                -- quantified in different areas happened a bunch.
    -- Construct the edges
    let subsEdges = buildEdge <$> subs <*> basesList
    -- Insert the nodes. (crashes if this isn't done first, because fgl!)
    void (insMapNodesM typeExprs)
    -- Insert the edges.
    insMapEdgesM (catMaybes subsEdges)
    -- Compute and return the errors
    gets (occursCheck . snd) where
            Given a substitution pair and pair of a type expression and it's
            base types, check if the substitution's own target appears in those
            base types.
        buildEdge :: (t, p) -> (t, Set.Set t) -> Maybe (t, t, p)
        buildEdge (t1, p) (t2, t2'bases)
            | poly p `Set.member` t2'bases = Just (t1, t2, p)
            | otherwise = Nothing

    From a graph representing substitutions of variables @p@ in terms @t@, where
    edges represent the origin node replacing the variable represented by the edge label
    in the target node.

    e.g. The edge @(N, (x -> x), x)@ corresponds to replacing all instances of the variable @x@ in
    @(x -> x)@ with @N@.
occursCheck :: forall gr t p. (DynGraph gr, Ord p, Ord t) => gr t p -> [SubsErr gr t p]
occursCheck graph =
    let cycles = cyclicSubgraphs graph
        clashes = clashesOfGraph graph
    in if not (null cycles) then
        -- If ther are cycles, return them after passing them through the error constructor.
        CyclicSubstitution <$> cycles
        else if not (null clashes) then
            MultipleSubstitutions <$> clashes
            else [] where
            Generate a list of trees of fully labelled edges,
        clashesOfGraph :: gr t p -> [ConflictTree t p]
        clashesOfGraph graph =
            uncurry (branchConflicts graph) <$> conflicts graph

    Find all contexts with non-unique inward labels, paired with each
    label that wasn't unique.
conflicts :: (DynGraph gr, Ord p, Ord t) => gr t p -> [(p, Graph.Context t p)]
conflicts graph = do
    -- For each node in the graph...
    node <- nodes graph
    --Find it's inward edges and group them by label, filtering any label that appears once.
    conflict <- nub =<< filter hasSome (group (inn graph node <&> (^._3)))
    return (conflict, context graph node)

    Given a graph, a conflicting label, and the node where the label is conflicting;
    branch out towards it's roots.
branchConflicts :: (DynGraph gr, Ord p, Ord t) => gr t p -> p -> Graph.Context t p -> ([Tree (t, [p])], t)
branchConflicts graph lbl ctx@(_,nn,nl,_) = flip (,) nl $ do
    -- Get all the inward edges
    let inward = filter ((== lbl) . (^._3)) (inn graph nn)
    -- Reverse depth-first search to find all the roots, using the contexts
    -- as the tree's value.
    tree <- rdffWith id ((^._1) <$> inward) graph
    -- process the tree,
    return $ processTree ctx tree where
        processTree :: Graph.Context t p -> Tree (Graph.Context t p) -> Tree (t, [p])
        processTree pctx (Node ctx forest) =
            Node (lab' ctx, fst <$> filter ((== node' pctx) . snd) (ctx^._4)) (processTree ctx <$> forest)