{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
    Module containing typechecking functions and data structures.

module Control.Typecheckable (
    -- * Typeclasses for Typechecking and Inference
    , Inferable(..)
    -- * Typing context and Type error structures
    -- ** General use
    , Typecheck
    , runTypecheck
    , expression
    , environment
    , (<><>)
    -- ** ErrorContext
    , ErrorContext(..)
    , ErrorContext'
    , throwErrorContext
    , throwErrorContexts
    , errorOfContext
    , appendExprToEContexts
) where

import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Control.Monad.Except
import           Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Map            as Map
import qualified Data.Set            as Set
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty  as NE
import           Control.Lens
import           Data.Tree           as Tree

    Data type for an error context, holding the expression where
    the error occurred, the environment when it did, and the error
data ErrorContext env expr err = ErrorContext {
      _expression     :: [expr]
      -- ^ A stack of expressions leading the the expression that
      -- caused the error as the final element.
    , _environment    :: env
      -- ^ The environment's state at the time of error.
    , _errorOfContext :: err
      -- ^ The error that occurred.
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

makeLenses ''ErrorContext

    ErrorContext but the environment is assumed to be the TypingContext of @t@.
type ErrorContext' term t err = ErrorContext (TypingContext term t) (term t) err

instance Functor (ErrorContext env expr) where
    fmap f = errorOfContext %~ f

    Throw an error in an 'ErrorContext'.
throwErrorContext exprStack err = throwErrorContexts [(exprStack, err)]

    Throw a list of errors in `ErrorContext`'s.
throwErrorContexts exprsAndErrs = do
    -- Get the current environment at the time of the errors.
    env <- get
    -- For every error, create an ErrorContext with the environment 'env' and the given error
    -- error and expression stack.
    throwError ((\(exprStack, err) -> ErrorContext exprStack env err) <$> exprsAndErrs)

    If there have been any errors, add the given expression to the head of
    all the error contexts' expression stacks.
appendExprToEContexts expr = flip catchError (throwError . fmap (expression %~ (expr :)))

    A validation semigroup on Eithers, combining Left values when two appear.
(<><>) :: (Semigroup s1, Semigroup s2) => Either s1 s2 -> Either s1 s2 -> Either s1 s2
(<><>) = curry $ \case
    (Left a, Left b) -> Left (a <> b)
    (a, b)           -> (<>) <$> a <*> b

    Typechecking type, uses the TypingContext as state and TypeError as an exception type.
type Typecheck term t = ExceptT [TypeError term t] (State (TypingContext term t))

-- | runs a `Typecheck` action
runTypecheck :: st -> ExceptT e (State st) t -> Either e (st, t)
runTypecheck env = (\(e, st) -> (,) st <$> e ) . flip runState env . runExceptT

    A typeclass for typechecking terms (@term@) with a typesystem (@t@).
class Typecheckable (term :: * -> *) t where
        The typing context, in type theory this is usually shown as 𝚪.

        For a basic typechecker of the simply-typed lambda calculus this might contain
        a mapping of variable and constant names to their types. This is left to be defined
        for the implementer though as other typesystems might need extra information
        in their contexts.
    type TypingContext term t :: *

        The type error representation.
    type TypeError term t :: *

        Given a typing context, typecheck an expression and either return a typeerror or the
        type of the expression that was passed.
    typecheck :: TypingContext term t            -- ^ The given context
              -> term t                          -- ^ The expression to typecheck
              -> Either [TypeError term t]
                        (TypingContext term t, t) -- ^ The result

class (Typecheckable term t) => Inferable term t where

        The inference context, has a similar function to `TypingContext`
    type InferenceContext term t :: *

        The inference error representation.
    type InferError term t :: *

    infer :: InferenceContext term t                  -- ^ The given context
          -> term (Maybe t)                           -- ^ The expression to infer from
          -> Either [InferError term t]
                    (InferenceContext term t, term t) -- ^ The result

        Get a typing context from an inference context.
    typingContext :: InferenceContext term t -> TypingContext term t