user_agent_parsers: #### SPECIAL CASES TOP #### # @note: iOS / OSX Applications - regex: '(CFNetwork)(?:/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?(\d+)?)?' family_replacement: 'CFNetwork' # Pingdom - regex: '(Pingdom.com_bot_version_)(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'PingdomBot' # 'Mozilla/5.0 (Unknown; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/534.34 (KHTML, like Gecko) PingdomTMS/0.8.5 Safari/534.34' - regex: '(PingdomTMS)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'PingdomBot' #StatusCake - regex: '(\(StatusCake\))' family_replacement: 'StatusCakeBot' # Facebook - regex: '(facebookexternalhit)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'FacebookBot' # Google Plus - regex: 'Google.*/\+/web/snippet' family_replacement: 'GooglePlusBot' # Gmail - regex: 'via GoogleImageProxy' family_replacement: 'GmailImageProxy' # Twitter - regex: '(Twitterbot)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'TwitterBot' # Bots Pattern '/name-0.0' - regex: '/((?:Ant-)?Nutch|[A-z]+[Bb]ot|[A-z]+[Ss]pider|Axtaris|fetchurl|Isara|ShopSalad|Tailsweep)[ \-](\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?' # Bots Pattern 'name/0.0' - regex: '\b(008|Altresium|Argus|BaiduMobaider|BoardReader|DNSGroup|DataparkSearch|EDI|Goodzer|Grub|INGRID|Infohelfer|LinkedInBot|LOOQ|Nutch|PathDefender|Peew|PostPost|Steeler|Twitterbot|VSE|WebCrunch|WebZIP|Y!J-BR[A-Z]|YahooSeeker|envolk|sproose|wminer)/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?' # MSIECrawler - regex: '(MSIE) (\d+)\.(\d+)([a-z]\d?)?;.* MSIECrawler' family_replacement: 'MSIECrawler' # Downloader ... - regex: '(Google-HTTP-Java-Client|Apache-HttpClient|http%20client|Python-urllib|HttpMonitor|TLSProber|WinHTTP|JNLP|okhttp)(?:[ /](\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?' # Bots - regex: '(1470\.net crawler|50\.nu|8bo Crawler Bot|Aboundex|Accoona-[A-z]+-Agent|AdsBot-Google(?:-[a-z]+)?|altavista|AppEngine-Google|archive.*?\.org_bot|archiver|Ask Jeeves|[Bb]ai[Dd]u[Ss]pider(?:-[A-Za-z]+)*|bingbot|BingPreview|blitzbot|BlogBridge|Bloglovin|BoardReader(?: [A-Za-z]+)*||BotSeer|\b\w*favicon\w*\b|\bYeti(?:-[a-z]+)?|Catchpoint(?: bot)?|[Cc]harlotte|Checklinks|clumboot|Comodo HTTP\(S\) Crawler|Comodo-Webinspector-Crawler|ConveraCrawler|CRAWL-E|CrawlConvera|Daumoa(?:-feedfetcher)?|Feed Seeker Bot|Feedbin|findlinks|Flamingo_SearchEngine|FollowSite Bot|furlbot|Genieo|gigabot|GomezAgent|gonzo1|(?:[a-zA-Z]+-)?Googlebot(?:-[a-zA-Z]+)?|Google SketchUp|grub-client|gsa-crawler|heritrix|HiddenMarket|holmes|HooWWWer|htdig|ia_archiver|ICC-Crawler|Icarus6j|ichiro(?:/mobile)?|IconSurf|IlTrovatore(?:-Setaccio)?|InfuzApp|Innovazion Crawler|InternetArchive|IP2[a-z]+Bot|jbot\b|KaloogaBot|Kraken|Kurzor|larbin|LEIA|LesnikBot|Linguee Bot|LinkAider|LinkedInBot|Lite Bot|Llaut|lycos|Mail\.RU_Bot|masscan|masidani_bot|Mediapartners-Google|Microsoft .*? Bot|mogimogi|mozDex|MJ12bot|msnbot(?:-media *)?|msrbot|Mtps Feed Aggregation System|netresearch|Netvibes|NewsGator[^/]*|^NING|Nutch[^/]*|Nymesis|ObjectsSearch|Orbiter|OOZBOT|PagePeeker|PagesInventory|PaxleFramework|Peeplo Screenshot Bot|PlantyNet_WebRobot|Pompos|Qwantify|Read%20Later|Reaper|RedCarpet|Retreiver|Riddler|Rival IQ|scooter|Scrapy|Scrubby|searchsight|seekbot|semanticdiscovery|Simpy|SimplePie|SEOstats|SimpleRSS|SiteCon|Slackbot-LinkExpanding|Slack-ImgProxy|Slurp|snappy|Speedy Spider|Squrl Java|Stringer|TheUsefulbot|ThumbShotsBot|Thumbshots\.ru|Tiny Tiny RSS|TwitterBot|WhatsApp|URL2PNG|Vagabondo|VoilaBot|^vortex|Votay bot|^voyager|WASALive.Bot|Web-sniffer|WebThumb|WeSEE:[A-z]+|WhatWeb|WIRE|WordPress|Wotbox|www\.almaden\.ibm\.com|Xenu(?:.s)? Link Sleuth|Xerka [A-z]+Bot|yacy(?:bot)?|Yahoo[a-z]*Seeker|Yahoo! Slurp|Yandex\w+|YodaoBot(?:-[A-z]+)?|YottaaMonitor|Yowedo|^Zao|^Zao-Crawler|ZeBot_www\.ze\.bz|ZooShot|ZyBorg)(?:[ /]v?(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?' # Bots General matcher 'name/0.0' - regex: '(?:\/[A-Za-z0-9\.]+)? *([A-Za-z0-9 \-_\!\[\]:]*(?:[Aa]rchiver|[Ii]ndexer|[Ss]craper|[Bb]ot|[Ss]pider|[Cc]rawl[a-z]*))/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?' # Bots General matcher 'name 0.0' - regex: '(?:\/[A-Za-z0-9\.]+)? *([A-Za-z0-9 _\!\[\]:]*(?:[Aa]rchiver|[Ii]ndexer|[Ss]craper|[Bb]ot|[Ss]pider|[Cc]rawl[a-z]*)) (\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?' # Bots containing spider|scrape|bot(but not CUBOT)|Crawl - regex: '((?:[A-z0-9]+|[A-z\-]+ ?)?(?: the )?(?:[Ss][Pp][Ii][Dd][Ee][Rr]|[Ss]crape|[A-Za-z0-9-]*(?:[^C][^Uu])[Bb]ot|[Cc][Rr][Aa][Ww][Ll])[A-z0-9]*)(?:(?:[ /]| v)(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?' # HbbTV standard defines what features the browser should understand. # but it's like targeting "HTML5 browsers", effective browser support depends on the model # See os_parsers if you want to target a specific TV - regex: '(HbbTV)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+) \(' # must go before Firefox to catch Chimera/SeaMonkey/Camino - regex: '(Chimera|SeaMonkey|Camino)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?([ab]?\d+[a-z]*)?' # Social Networks # Facebook - regex: '\[FB.*;(FBAV)/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d)+)?)?' family_replacement: 'Facebook' # Pinterest - regex: '\[(Pinterest)/[^\]]+\]' - regex: '(Pinterest)(?: for Android(?: Tablet)?)?/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d)+)?)?' # Pale Moon - regex: '(PaleMoon)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?(\d+)?' family_replacement: 'Pale Moon' # Firefox - regex: '(Fennec)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?([ab]?\d+[a-z]*)' family_replacement: 'Firefox Mobile' - regex: '(Fennec)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(pre)' family_replacement: 'Firefox Mobile' - regex: '(Fennec)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Firefox Mobile' - regex: '(?:Mobile|Tablet);.*(Firefox)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Firefox Mobile' - regex: '(Namoroka|Shiretoko|Minefield)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+(?:pre)?)' family_replacement: 'Firefox ($1)' - regex: '(Firefox)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(a\d+[a-z]*)' family_replacement: 'Firefox Alpha' - regex: '(Firefox)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(b\d+[a-z]*)' family_replacement: 'Firefox Beta' - regex: '(Firefox)-(?:\d+\.\d+)?/(\d+)\.(\d+)(a\d+[a-z]*)' family_replacement: 'Firefox Alpha' - regex: '(Firefox)-(?:\d+\.\d+)?/(\d+)\.(\d+)(b\d+[a-z]*)' family_replacement: 'Firefox Beta' - regex: '(Namoroka|Shiretoko|Minefield)/(\d+)\.(\d+)([ab]\d+[a-z]*)?' family_replacement: 'Firefox ($1)' - regex: '(Firefox).*Tablet browser (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'MicroB' - regex: '(MozillaDeveloperPreview)/(\d+)\.(\d+)([ab]\d+[a-z]*)?' - regex: '(FxiOS)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?(\.(\d+))?' family_replacement: 'Firefox iOS' # e.g.: Flock/2.0b2 - regex: '(Flock)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(b\d+?)' # RockMelt - regex: '(RockMelt)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' # e.g.: Fennec/0.9pre - regex: '(Navigator)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Netscape' - regex: '(Navigator)/(\d+)\.(\d+)([ab]\d+)' family_replacement: 'Netscape' - regex: '(Netscape6)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?([ab]?\d+)?' family_replacement: 'Netscape' - regex: '(MyIBrow)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'My Internet Browser' # UC Browser # we need check it before opera. In other case case UC Browser detected look like Opera Mini - regex: '(UC? ?Browser|UCWEB|U3)[ /]?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'UC Browser' # Opera will stop at 9.80 and hide the real version in the Version string. # see: - regex: '(Opera Tablet).*Version/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' - regex: '(Opera Mini)(?:/att)?/?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?' - regex: '(Opera)/.+Opera Mobi.+Version/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Opera Mobile' - regex: '(Opera)/(\d+)\.(\d+).+Opera Mobi' family_replacement: 'Opera Mobile' - regex: 'Opera Mobi.+(Opera)(?:/|\s+)(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Opera Mobile' - regex: 'Opera Mobi' family_replacement: 'Opera Mobile' - regex: '(Opera)/9.80.*Version/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' # Opera 14 for Android uses a WebKit render engine. - regex: '(?:Mobile Safari).*(OPR)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Opera Mobile' # Opera >=15 for Desktop is similar to Chrome but includes an "OPR" Version string. - regex: '(?:Chrome).*(OPR)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Opera' # Opera Coast - regex: '(Coast)/(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Opera Coast' # Opera Mini for iOS (from version 8.0.0) - regex: '(OPiOS)/(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Opera Mini' # Opera Neon - regex: 'Chrome/.+( MMS)/(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Opera Neon' # Palm WebOS looks a lot like Safari. - regex: '(hpw|web)OS/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' family_replacement: 'webOS Browser' # LuaKit has no version info. # - regex: '(luakit)' family_replacement: 'LuaKit' # Snowshoe - regex: '(Snowshoe)/(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)' # Lightning (for Thunderbird) # - regex: 'Gecko/\d+ (Lightning)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?((?:[ab]?\d+[a-z]*)|(?:\d*))' # Swiftfox - regex: '(Firefox)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+(?:pre)?) \(Swiftfox\)' family_replacement: 'Swiftfox' - regex: '(Firefox)/(\d+)\.(\d+)([ab]\d+[a-z]*)? \(Swiftfox\)' family_replacement: 'Swiftfox' # Rekonq - regex: '(rekonq)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?(\d+)? Safari' family_replacement: 'Rekonq' - regex: 'rekonq' family_replacement: 'Rekonq' # Conkeror lowercase/uppercase # - regex: '(conkeror|Conkeror)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?(\d+)?' family_replacement: 'Conkeror' # catches lower case konqueror - regex: '(konqueror)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Konqueror' - regex: '(WeTab)-Browser' - regex: '(Comodo_Dragon)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Comodo Dragon' - regex: '(Symphony) (\d+).(\d+)' - regex: 'PLAYSTATION 3.+WebKit' family_replacement: 'NetFront NX' - regex: 'PLAYSTATION 3' family_replacement: 'NetFront' - regex: '(PlayStation Portable)' family_replacement: 'NetFront' - regex: '(PlayStation Vita)' family_replacement: 'NetFront NX' - regex: 'AppleWebKit.+ (NX)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'NetFront NX' - regex: '(Nintendo 3DS)' family_replacement: 'NetFront NX' # Amazon Silk, should go before Safari and Chrome Mobile - regex: '(Silk)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.([0-9\-]+))?' family_replacement: 'Amazon Silk' # @ref: - regex: '(Puffin)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' # Edge Mobile - regex: 'Windows Phone .*(Edge)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Edge Mobile' # Samsung Internet (based on Chrome, but lacking some features) - regex: '(SamsungBrowser)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Samsung Internet' # browser (based on WebKit) - regex: '(SznProhlizec)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' family_replacement: '' # Coc Coc browser, based on Chrome (used in Vietnam) - regex: '(coc_coc_browser)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' family_replacement: 'Coc Coc' # Baidu Browsers (desktop spoofs chrome & IE, explorer is mobile) - regex: '(baidubrowser)[/\s](\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?' family_replacement: 'Baidu Browser' - regex: '(FlyFlow)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Baidu Explorer' # MxBrowser is Maxthon. Must go before Mobile Chrome for Android - regex: '(MxBrowser)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' family_replacement: 'Maxthon' # Crosswalk must go before Mobile Chrome for Android - regex: '(Crosswalk)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' # Chrome Mobile - regex: '; wv\).+(Chrome)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Chrome Mobile WebView' - regex: '(CrMo)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Chrome Mobile' - regex: '(CriOS)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Chrome Mobile iOS' - regex: '(Chrome)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+) Mobile(?:[ /]|$)' family_replacement: 'Chrome Mobile' - regex: ' Mobile .*(Chrome)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Chrome Mobile' # Chrome Frame must come before MSIE. - regex: '(chromeframe)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Chrome Frame' # Tizen Browser (second case included in browser/major.minor regex) - regex: '(SLP Browser)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Tizen Browser' # Sogou Explorer 2.X - regex: '(SE 2\.X) MetaSr (\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Sogou Explorer' # QQ Browsers - regex: '(MQQBrowser/Mini)(?:(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?' family_replacement: 'QQ Browser Mini' - regex: '(MQQBrowser)(?:/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?' family_replacement: 'QQ Browser Mobile' - regex: '(QQBrowser)(?:/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?' family_replacement: 'QQ Browser' # Rackspace Monitoring - regex: '(Rackspace Monitoring)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'RackspaceBot' # PyAMF - regex: '(PyAMF)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' # Yandex Browser - regex: '(YaBrowser)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Yandex Browser' # Amigo/Internet Browser (Chromium-based) - regex: '(Chrome)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+).* MRCHROME' family_replacement: ' Chromium Browser' # AOL Browser (IE-based) - regex: '(AOL) (\d+)\.(\d+); AOLBuild (\d+)' #### END SPECIAL CASES TOP #### #### MAIN CASES - this catches > 50% of all browsers #### # Slack desktop client (needs to be before Apple Mail, Electron, and Chrome as it gets wrongly detected on Mac OS otherwise) - regex: '(Slack_SSB)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Slack Desktop Client' # HipChat provides a version on Mac, but not on Windows. # Needs to be before Chrome on Windows, and AppleMail on Mac. - regex: '(HipChat)/?(\d+)?' family_replacement: 'HipChat Desktop Client' # Browser/major_version.minor_version.beta_version - regex: '\b(MobileIron|FireWeb|Jasmine|ANTGalio|Midori|Fresco|Lobo|PaleMoon|Maxthon|Lynx|OmniWeb|Dillo|Camino|Demeter|Fluid|Fennec|Epiphany|Shiira|Sunrise|Spotify|Flock|Netscape|Lunascape|WebPilot|NetFront|Netfront|Konqueror|SeaMonkey|Kazehakase|Vienna|Iceape|Iceweasel|IceWeasel|Iron|K-Meleon|Sleipnir|Galeon|GranParadiso|Opera Mini|iCab|NetNewsWire|ThunderBrowse|Iris|UP\.Browser|Bunjalloo|Google Earth|Raven for Mac|Openwave|MacOutlook|Electron)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' # Outlook 2007 - regex: 'Microsoft Office Outlook 12\.\d+\.\d+|MSOffice 12' family_replacement: 'Outlook' v1_replacement: '2007' # Outlook 2010 - regex: 'Microsoft Outlook 14\.\d+\.\d+|MSOffice 14' family_replacement: 'Outlook' v1_replacement: '2010' # Outlook 2013 - regex: 'Microsoft Outlook 15\.\d+\.\d+' family_replacement: 'Outlook' v1_replacement: '2013' # Outlook 2016 - regex: 'Microsoft Outlook (?:Mail )?16\.\d+\.\d+' family_replacement: 'Outlook' v1_replacement: '2016' # Windows Live Mail - regex: 'Outlook-Express\/7\.0.*' family_replacement: 'Windows Live Mail' # Apple Air Mail - regex: '(Airmail) (\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' # Thunderbird - regex: '(Thunderbird)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+(?:pre)?))?' family_replacement: 'Thunderbird' # Postbox - regex: '(Postbox)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Postbox' # Barca - regex: '(Barca(?:Pro)?)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' family_replacement: 'Barca' # Lotus Notes - regex: '(Lotus-Notes)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' family_replacement: 'Lotus Notes' # Vivaldi uses "Vivaldi" - regex: '(Vivaldi)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' # Edge/major_version.minor_version - regex: '(Edge)/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' # Brave Browser - regex: '(brave)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+) Chrome' family_replacement: 'Brave' # Iron Browser ~since version 50 - regex: '(Chrome)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)[\d.]* Iron[^/]' family_replacement: 'Iron' # Dolphin Browser # @ref: - regex: '\b(Dolphin)(?: |HDCN/|/INT\-)(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?(\d+)?' # Headless Chrome # # Currently only available on Linux - regex: 'HeadlessChrome' family_replacement: 'HeadlessChrome' # Browser/major_version.minor_version - regex: '(bingbot|Bolt|AdobeAIR|Jasmine|IceCat|Skyfire|Midori|Maxthon|Lynx|Arora|IBrowse|Dillo|Camino|Shiira|Fennec|Phoenix|Flock|Netscape|Lunascape|Epiphany|WebPilot|Opera Mini|Opera|NetFront|Netfront|Konqueror|Googlebot|SeaMonkey|Kazehakase|Vienna|Iceape|Iceweasel|IceWeasel|Iron|K-Meleon|Sleipnir|Galeon|GranParadiso|iCab|iTunes|MacAppStore|NetNewsWire|Space Bison|Stainless|Orca|Dolfin|BOLT|Minimo|Tizen Browser|Polaris|Abrowser|Planetweb|ICE Browser|mDolphin|qutebrowser|Otter|QupZilla|MailBar|kmail2|YahooMobileMail|ExchangeWebServices|ExchangeServicesClient|Dragon|Outlook-iOS-Android)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' # Chrome/Chromium/major_version.minor_version - regex: '(Chromium|Chrome)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' ########## # IE Mobile needs to happen before Android to catch cases such as: # Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 920)... # Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 920; ANZ821)... # Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 920; Orange)... # Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 920; Vodafone)... ########## # IE Mobile - regex: '(IEMobile)[ /](\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'IE Mobile' # Baca Berita App News Reader - regex: '(BacaBerita App)\/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' # Browser major_version.minor_version.beta_version (space instead of slash) - regex: '(iRider|Crazy Browser|SkipStone|iCab|Lunascape|Sleipnir|Maemo Browser) (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' # Browser major_version.minor_version (space instead of slash) - regex: '(iCab|Lunascape|Opera|Android|Jasmine|Polaris|Microsoft SkyDriveSync|The Bat!) (\d+)\.(\d+)\.?(\d+)?' # Kindle WebKit - regex: '(Kindle)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' # weird android UAs - regex: '(Android) Donut' v1_replacement: '1' v2_replacement: '2' - regex: '(Android) Eclair' v1_replacement: '2' v2_replacement: '1' - regex: '(Android) Froyo' v1_replacement: '2' v2_replacement: '2' - regex: '(Android) Gingerbread' v1_replacement: '2' v2_replacement: '3' - regex: '(Android) Honeycomb' v1_replacement: '3' # desktop mode # - regex: '(MSIE) (\d+)\.(\d+).*XBLWP7' family_replacement: 'IE Large Screen' #### END MAIN CASES #### #### SPECIAL CASES #### - regex: '(Obigo)InternetBrowser' - regex: '(Obigo)\-Browser' - regex: '(Obigo|OBIGO)[^\d]*(\d+)(?:.(\d+))?' family_replacement: 'Obigo' - regex: '(MAXTHON|Maxthon) (\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Maxthon' - regex: '(Maxthon|MyIE2|Uzbl|Shiira)' v1_replacement: '0' - regex: '(BrowseX) \((\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' - regex: '(NCSA_Mosaic)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'NCSA Mosaic' # Polaris/d.d is above - regex: '(POLARIS)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Polaris' - regex: '(Embider)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Polaris' - regex: '(BonEcho)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?([ab]?\d+)?' family_replacement: 'Bon Echo' # @note: iOS / OSX Applications - regex: '(iPod|iPhone|iPad).+Version/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?.*[ +]Safari' family_replacement: 'Mobile Safari' - regex: '(iPod|iPhone|iPad).+Version/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' family_replacement: 'Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView' - regex: '(iPod|iPod touch|iPhone|iPad);.*CPU.*OS[ +](\d+)_(\d+)(?:_(\d+))?.*Mobile.*[ +]Safari' family_replacement: 'Mobile Safari' - regex: '(iPod|iPod touch|iPhone|iPad);.*CPU.*OS[ +](\d+)_(\d+)(?:_(\d+))?.*Mobile' family_replacement: 'Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView' - regex: '(iPod|iPhone|iPad).* Safari' family_replacement: 'Mobile Safari' - regex: '(iPod|iPhone|iPad)' family_replacement: 'Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView' - regex: '(AvantGo) (\d+).(\d+)' - regex: '(OneBrowser)/(\d+).(\d+)' family_replacement: 'ONE Browser' - regex: '(Avant)' v1_replacement: '1' # This is the Tesla Model S (see similar entry in device parsers) - regex: '(QtCarBrowser)' v1_replacement: '1' - regex: '^(iBrowser/Mini)(\d+).(\d+)' family_replacement: 'iBrowser Mini' - regex: '^(iBrowser|iRAPP)/(\d+).(\d+)' # nokia browsers # based on: - regex: '^(Nokia)' family_replacement: 'Nokia Services (WAP) Browser' - regex: '(NokiaBrowser)/(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Nokia Browser' - regex: '(NokiaBrowser)/(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Nokia Browser' - regex: '(NokiaBrowser)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Nokia Browser' - regex: '(BrowserNG)/(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Nokia Browser' - regex: '(Series60)/5\.0' family_replacement: 'Nokia Browser' v1_replacement: '7' v2_replacement: '0' - regex: '(Series60)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Nokia OSS Browser' - regex: '(S40OviBrowser)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Ovi Browser' - regex: '(Nokia)[EN]?(\d+)' # BlackBerry devices - regex: '(PlayBook).+RIM Tablet OS (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'BlackBerry WebKit' - regex: '(Black[bB]erry|BB10).+Version/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'BlackBerry WebKit' - regex: '(Black[bB]erry)\s?(\d+)' family_replacement: 'BlackBerry' - regex: '(OmniWeb)/v(\d+)\.(\d+)' - regex: '(Blazer)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Palm Blazer' - regex: '(Pre)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Palm Pre' # fork of Links - regex: '(ELinks)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' - regex: '(ELinks) \((\d+)\.(\d+)' - regex: '(Links) \((\d+)\.(\d+)' - regex: '(QtWeb) Internet Browser/(\d+)\.(\d+)' #- regex: '\(iPad;.+(Version)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?.*Safari/' # family_replacement: 'iPad' # Phantomjs, should go before Safari - regex: '(PhantomJS)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' # WebKit Nightly - regex: '(AppleWebKit)/(\d+)\.?(\d+)?\+ .* Safari' family_replacement: 'WebKit Nightly' # Safari - regex: '(Version)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?.*Safari/' family_replacement: 'Safari' # Safari didn't provide "Version/d.d.d" prior to 3.0 - regex: '(Safari)/\d+' - regex: '(OLPC)/Update(\d+)\.(\d+)' - regex: '(OLPC)/Update()\.(\d+)' v1_replacement: '0' - regex: '(SEMC\-Browser)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' - regex: '(Teleca)' family_replacement: 'Teleca Browser' - regex: '(Phantom)/V(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Phantom Browser' - regex: 'Trident(.*)rv.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'IE' # Espial - regex: '(Espial)/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?' # Apple Mail # apple mail - not directly detectable, have it after Safari stuff - regex: '(AppleWebKit)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Apple Mail' # AFTER THE EDGE CASES ABOVE! # AFTER IE11 # BEFORE all other IE - regex: '(Firefox)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' - regex: '(Firefox)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(pre|[ab]\d+[a-z]*)?' - regex: '([MS]?IE) (\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'IE' - regex: '(python-requests)/(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Python Requests' # headless user-agents - regex: '\b(Windows-Update-Agent|Microsoft-CryptoAPI|SophosUpdateManager|SophosAgent|Debian APT-HTTP|Ubuntu APT-HTTP|libcurl-agent|libwww-perl|urlgrabber|curl|Wget|OpenBSD ftp|jupdate)(?:[ /](\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?' - regex: '(Java)[/ ]{0,1}\d+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)[_-]*([a-zA-Z0-9]+)*' # Roku Digital-Video-Players - regex: '^(Roku)/DVP-(\d+)\.(\d+)' # Kurio App News Reader - regex: '(Kurio)\/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' family_replacement: 'Kurio App' os_parsers: ########## # HbbTV vendors ########## # starts with the easy one : Panasonic seems consistent across years, hope it will continue #HbbTV/1.1.1 (;Panasonic;VIERA 2011;f.532;0071-0802 2000-0000;) #HbbTV/1.1.1 (;Panasonic;VIERA 2012;1.261;0071-3103 2000-0000;) #HbbTV/1.2.1 (;Panasonic;VIERA 2013;3.672;4101-0003 0002-0000;) #- regex: 'HbbTV/\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \(;(Panasonic);VIERA ([0-9]{4});' # Sony is consistent too but do not place year like the other # Opera/9.80 (Linux armv7l; HbbTV/1.1.1 (; Sony; KDL32W650A; PKG3.211EUA; 2013;); ) Presto/2.12.362 Version/12.11 # Opera/9.80 (Linux mips; U; HbbTV/1.1.1 (; Sony; KDL40HX751; PKG1.902EUA; 2012;);; en) Presto/2.10.250 Version/11.60 # Opera/9.80 (Linux mips; U; HbbTV/1.1.1 (; Sony; KDL22EX320; PKG4.017EUA; 2011;);; en) Presto/2.7.61 Version/11.00 #- regex: 'HbbTV/\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \(; (Sony);.*;.*; ([0-9]{4});\)' # LG is consistent too, but we need to add manually the year model #Mozilla/5.0 (Unknown; Linux armv7l) AppleWebKit/537.1+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/537.1+ HbbTV/1.1.1 ( ;LGE ;NetCast 4.0 ;03.20.30 ;1.0M ;) #Mozilla/5.0 (DirectFB; Linux armv7l) AppleWebKit/534.26+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/534.26+ HbbTV/1.1.1 ( ;LGE ;NetCast 3.0 ;1.0 ;1.0M ;) - regex: 'HbbTV/\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \( ;(LG)E ;NetCast 4.0' os_v1_replacement: '2013' - regex: 'HbbTV/\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \( ;(LG)E ;NetCast 3.0' os_v1_replacement: '2012' # Samsung is on its way of normalizing their user-agent # HbbTV/1.1.1 (;Samsung;SmartTV2013;T-FXPDEUC-1102.2;;) WebKit # HbbTV/1.1.1 (;Samsung;SmartTV2013;T-MST12DEUC-1102.1;;) WebKit # HbbTV/1.1.1 (;Samsung;SmartTV2012;;;) WebKit # HbbTV/1.1.1 (;;;;;) Maple_2011 - regex: 'HbbTV/1.1.1 \(;;;;;\) Maple_2011' os_replacement: 'Samsung' os_v1_replacement: '2011' # manage the two models of 2013 - regex: 'HbbTV/\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \(;(Samsung);SmartTV([0-9]{4});.*FXPDEUC' os_v2_replacement: 'UE40F7000' - regex: 'HbbTV/\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \(;(Samsung);SmartTV([0-9]{4});.*MST12DEUC' os_v2_replacement: 'UE32F4500' # generic Samsung (works starting in 2012) #- regex: 'HbbTV/\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \(;(Samsung);SmartTV([0-9]{4});' # Philips : not found any other way than a manual mapping # Opera/9.80 (Linux mips; U; HbbTV/1.1.1 (; Philips; ; ; ; ) CE-HTML/1.0 NETTV/4.1.3 PHILIPSTV/1.1.1; en) Presto/2.10.250 Version/11.60 # Opera/9.80 (Linux mips ; U; HbbTV/1.1.1 (; Philips; ; ; ; ) CE-HTML/1.0 NETTV/3.2.1; en) Presto/2.6.33 Version/10.70 - regex: 'HbbTV/1.1.1 \(; (Philips);.*NETTV/4' os_v1_replacement: '2013' - regex: 'HbbTV/1.1.1 \(; (Philips);.*NETTV/3' os_v1_replacement: '2012' - regex: 'HbbTV/1.1.1 \(; (Philips);.*NETTV/2' os_v1_replacement: '2011' # the HbbTV emulator developers use HbbTV/1.1.1 (;;;;;) firetv-firefox-plugin 1.1.20 - regex: 'HbbTV/\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*(firetv)-firefox-plugin (\d+).(\d+).(\d+)' os_replacement: 'FireHbbTV' # generic HbbTV, hoping to catch manufacturer name (always after 2nd comma) and the first string that looks like a 2011-2019 year - regex: 'HbbTV/\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \(.*; ?([a-zA-Z]+) ?;.*(201[1-9]).*\)' ########## # @note: Windows Phone needs to come before Windows NT 6.1 *and* before Android to catch cases such as: # Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 920)... # Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 920; ANZ821)... # Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 920; Orange)... # Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 920; Vodafone)... ########## - regex: '(Windows Phone) (?:OS[ /])?(\d+)\.(\d+)' # Again a MS-special one: iPhone.*Outlook-iOS-Android/x.x is erroneously detected as Android - regex: '(CPU[ +]OS|iPhone[ +]OS|CPU[ +]iPhone)[ +]+(\d+)[_\.](\d+)(?:[_\.](\d+))?.*Outlook-iOS-Android' os_replacement: 'iOS' ########## # Android # can actually detect rooted android os. do we care? ########## - regex: '(Android)[ \-/](\d+)\.(\d+)(?:[.\-]([a-z0-9]+))?' - regex: '(Android) Donut' os_v1_replacement: '1' os_v2_replacement: '2' - regex: '(Android) Eclair' os_v1_replacement: '2' os_v2_replacement: '1' - regex: '(Android) Froyo' os_v1_replacement: '2' os_v2_replacement: '2' - regex: '(Android) Gingerbread' os_v1_replacement: '2' os_v2_replacement: '3' - regex: '(Android) Honeycomb' os_v1_replacement: '3' # UCWEB - regex: '^UCWEB.*; (Adr) (\d+)\.(\d+)(?:[.\-]([a-z0-9]+))?;' os_replacement: 'Android' - regex: '^UCWEB.*; (iPad|iPh|iPd) OS (\d+)_(\d+)(?:_(\d+))?;' os_replacement: 'iOS' - regex: '^UCWEB.*; (wds) (\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?;' os_replacement: 'Windows Phone' # JUC - regex: '^(JUC).*; ?U; ?(?:Android)?(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:[\.\-]([a-z0-9]+))?' os_replacement: 'Android' ########## # Kindle Android ########## - regex: '(Silk-Accelerated=[a-z]{4,5})' os_replacement: 'Android' ########## # Windows # # possibility of false positive when different marketing names share same NT kernel # e.g. windows server 2003 and windows xp # lots of ua strings have Windows NT 4.1 !?!?!?!? !?!? !? !????!?! !!! ??? !?!?! ? # (very) roughly ordered in terms of frequency of occurence of regex (win xp currently most frequent, etc) ########## # ie mobile desktop mode # spoofs nt 6.1. must come before windows 7 - regex: '(XBLWP7)' os_replacement: 'Windows Phone' # @note: This needs to come before Windows NT 6.1 - regex: '(Windows ?Mobile)' os_replacement: 'Windows Mobile' - regex: '(Windows (?:NT 5\.2|NT 5\.1))' os_replacement: 'Windows XP' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.1)' os_replacement: 'Windows 7' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.0)' os_replacement: 'Windows Vista' - regex: '(Win 9x 4\.90)' os_replacement: 'Windows ME' - regex: '(Windows 98|Windows XP|Windows ME|Windows 95|Windows CE|Windows 7|Windows NT 4\.0|Windows Vista|Windows 2000|Windows 3.1)' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.2; ARM;)' os_replacement: 'Windows RT' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.2)' os_replacement: 'Windows 8' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.3; ARM;)' os_replacement: 'Windows RT 8.1' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.3)' os_replacement: 'Windows 8.1' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.4)' os_replacement: 'Windows 10' - regex: '(Windows NT 10\.0)' os_replacement: 'Windows 10' - regex: '(Windows NT 5\.0)' os_replacement: 'Windows 2000' - regex: '(WinNT4.0)' os_replacement: 'Windows NT 4.0' - regex: '(Windows ?CE)' os_replacement: 'Windows CE' - regex: 'Win ?(95|98|3.1|NT|ME|2000)' os_replacement: 'Windows $1' - regex: 'Win16' os_replacement: 'Windows 3.1' - regex: 'Win32' os_replacement: 'Windows 95' ########## # Tizen OS from Samsung # spoofs Android so pushing it above ########## - regex: '(Tizen)[/ ](\d+)\.(\d+)' ########## # Mac OS # @ref: # @ref: ########## - regex: '((?:Mac[ +]?|; )OS[ +]X)[\s+/](?:(\d+)[_.](\d+)(?:[_.](\d+))?|Mach-O)' os_replacement: 'Mac OS X' # Leopard - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(9).(\d+).*\((?:i386|x86_64|Power Macintosh)\)' os_replacement: 'Mac OS X' os_v1_replacement: '10' os_v2_replacement: '5' # Snow Leopard - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(10).(\d+).*\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' os_replacement: 'Mac OS X' os_v1_replacement: '10' os_v2_replacement: '6' # Lion - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(11).(\d+).*\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' os_replacement: 'Mac OS X' os_v1_replacement: '10' os_v2_replacement: '7' # Mountain Lion - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(12).(\d+).*\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' os_replacement: 'Mac OS X' os_v1_replacement: '10' os_v2_replacement: '8' # Mavericks - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(13).(\d+).*\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' os_replacement: 'Mac OS X' os_v1_replacement: '10' os_v2_replacement: '9' # Yosemite is Darwin/14.x but patch versions are inconsistent in the Darwin string; # more accurately covered by CFNetwork regexes downstream # IE on Mac doesn't specify version number - regex: 'Mac_PowerPC' os_replacement: 'Mac OS' # builds before tiger don't seem to specify version? # ios devices spoof (mac os x), so including intel/ppc prefixes - regex: '(?:PPC|Intel) (Mac OS X)' ########## # iOS # ########## # keep this above generic iOS, since AppleTV UAs contain 'CPU OS' - regex: '(Apple\s?TV)(?:/(\d+)\.(\d+))?' os_replacement: 'ATV OS X' - regex: '(CPU[ +]OS|iPhone[ +]OS|CPU[ +]iPhone|CPU IPhone OS)[ +]+(\d+)[_\.](\d+)(?:[_\.](\d+))?' os_replacement: 'iOS' # remaining cases are mostly only opera uas, so catch opera as to not catch iphone spoofs - regex: '(iPhone|iPad|iPod); Opera' os_replacement: 'iOS' # few more stragglers - regex: '(iPhone|iPad|iPod).*Mac OS X.*Version/(\d+)\.(\d+)' os_replacement: 'iOS' # CFNetwork/Darwin - The specific CFNetwork or Darwin version determines # whether the os maps to Mac OS, or iOS, or just Darwin. # See: - regex: '(CFNetwork)/(5)48\.0\.3.* Darwin/11\.0\.0' os_replacement: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/(5)48\.(0)\.4.* Darwin/(1)1\.0\.0' os_replacement: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/(5)48\.(1)\.4' os_replacement: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/(4)85\.1(3)\.9' os_replacement: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/(6)09\.(1)\.4' os_replacement: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/(6)(0)9' os_replacement: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/6(7)2\.(1)\.13' os_replacement: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/6(7)2\.(1)\.(1)4' os_replacement: 'iOS' - regex: '(CF)(Network)/6(7)(2)\.1\.15' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '7' os_v2_replacement: '1' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/6(7)2\.(0)\.(?:2|8)' os_replacement: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/709\.1' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '8' os_v2_replacement: '0.b5' - regex: '(CF)(Network)/711\.(\d)' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '8' - regex: '(CF)(Network)/(720)\.(\d)' os_replacement: 'Mac OS X' os_v1_replacement: '10' os_v2_replacement: '10' - regex: '(CF)(Network)/(760)\.(\d)' os_replacement: 'Mac OS X' os_v1_replacement: '10' os_v2_replacement: '11' - regex: '(CF)(Network)/758\.(\d)' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '9' - regex: '(CF)(Network)/808\.(\d)' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '10' ########## # CFNetwork macOS Apps (must be before CFNetwork iOS Apps # @ref: ########## - regex: 'CFNetwork/.* Darwin/16\.\d+.*\(x86_64\)' os_replacement: 'Mac OS X' os_v1_replacement: '10' os_v2_replacement: '12' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.* Darwin/15\.\d+.*\(x86_64\)' os_replacement: 'Mac OS X' os_v1_replacement: '10' os_v2_replacement: '11' ########## # CFNetwork iOS Apps # @ref: ########## - regex: 'CFNetwork/.* Darwin/(9)\.\d+' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '1' - regex: 'CFNetwork/.* Darwin/(10)\.\d+' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '4' - regex: 'CFNetwork/.* Darwin/(11)\.\d+' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '5' - regex: 'CFNetwork/.* Darwin/(13)\.\d+' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '6' - regex: 'CFNetwork/6.* Darwin/(14)\.\d+' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '7' - regex: 'CFNetwork/7.* Darwin/(14)\.\d+' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '8' os_v2_replacement: '0' - regex: 'CFNetwork/7.* Darwin/(15)\.\d+' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '9' os_v2_replacement: '0' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.* Darwin/(16)\.\d+' os_replacement: 'iOS' os_v1_replacement: '10' # iOS Apps - regex: '\b(iOS[ /]|iOS; |iPhone(?:/| v|[ _]OS[/,]|; | OS : |\d,\d/|\d,\d; )|iPad/)(\d{1,2})[_\.](\d{1,2})(?:[_\.](\d+))?' os_replacement: 'iOS' - regex: '\((iOS);' ########## # Apple TV ########## - regex: '(tvOS)/(\d+).(\d+)' os_replacement: 'tvOS' ########## # Chrome OS # if version 0.0.0, probably this stuff: # # ########## - regex: '(CrOS) [a-z0-9_]+ (\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' os_replacement: 'Chrome OS' ########## # Linux distros ########## - regex: '([Dd]ebian)' os_replacement: 'Debian' - regex: '(Linux Mint)(?:/(\d+))?' - regex: '(Mandriva)(?: Linux)?/(?:[\d.-]+m[a-z]{2}(\d+).(\d))?' ########## # Symbian + Symbian OS # ########## - regex: '(Symbian[Oo][Ss])[/ ](\d+)\.(\d+)' os_replacement: 'Symbian OS' - regex: '(Symbian/3).+NokiaBrowser/7\.3' os_replacement: 'Symbian^3 Anna' - regex: '(Symbian/3).+NokiaBrowser/7\.4' os_replacement: 'Symbian^3 Belle' - regex: '(Symbian/3)' os_replacement: 'Symbian^3' - regex: '\b(Series 60|SymbOS|S60Version|S60V\d|S60\b)' os_replacement: 'Symbian OS' - regex: '(MeeGo)' - regex: 'Symbian [Oo][Ss]' os_replacement: 'Symbian OS' - regex: 'Series40;' os_replacement: 'Nokia Series 40' - regex: 'Series30Plus;' os_replacement: 'Nokia Series 30 Plus' ########## # BlackBerry devices ########## - regex: '(BB10);.+Version/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' os_replacement: 'BlackBerry OS' - regex: '(Black[Bb]erry)[0-9a-z]+/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' os_replacement: 'BlackBerry OS' - regex: '(Black[Bb]erry).+Version/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' os_replacement: 'BlackBerry OS' - regex: '(RIM Tablet OS) (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' os_replacement: 'BlackBerry Tablet OS' - regex: '(Play[Bb]ook)' os_replacement: 'BlackBerry Tablet OS' - regex: '(Black[Bb]erry)' os_replacement: 'BlackBerry OS' ########## # Firefox OS ########## - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.+Gecko/18.0 Firefox/\d+\.\d+' os_replacement: 'Firefox OS' os_v1_replacement: '1' os_v2_replacement: '0' os_v3_replacement: '1' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.+Gecko/18.1 Firefox/\d+\.\d+' os_replacement: 'Firefox OS' os_v1_replacement: '1' os_v2_replacement: '1' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.+Gecko/26.0 Firefox/\d+\.\d+' os_replacement: 'Firefox OS' os_v1_replacement: '1' os_v2_replacement: '2' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.+Gecko/28.0 Firefox/\d+\.\d+' os_replacement: 'Firefox OS' os_v1_replacement: '1' os_v2_replacement: '3' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.+Gecko/30.0 Firefox/\d+\.\d+' os_replacement: 'Firefox OS' os_v1_replacement: '1' os_v2_replacement: '4' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.+Gecko/32.0 Firefox/\d+\.\d+' os_replacement: 'Firefox OS' os_v1_replacement: '2' os_v2_replacement: '0' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.+Gecko/34.0 Firefox/\d+\.\d+' os_replacement: 'Firefox OS' os_v1_replacement: '2' os_v2_replacement: '1' # Firefox OS Generic - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.+Firefox/\d+\.\d+' os_replacement: 'Firefox OS' ########## # BREW # yes, Brew is lower-cased for Brew MP ########## - regex: '(BREW)[ /](\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' - regex: '(BREW);' - regex: '(Brew MP|BMP)[ /](\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' os_replacement: 'Brew MP' - regex: 'BMP;' os_replacement: 'Brew MP' ########## # Google TV ########## - regex: '(GoogleTV)(?: (\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?|/[\da-z]+)' - regex: '(WebTV)/(\d+).(\d+)' ########## # Chromecast ########## - regex: '(CrKey)(?:[/](\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?' os_replacement: 'Chromecast' ########## # Misc mobile ########## - regex: '(hpw|web)OS/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?' os_replacement: 'webOS' - regex: '(VRE);' ########## # Generic patterns # since the majority of os cases are very specific, these go last ########## - regex: '(Fedora|Red Hat|PCLinuxOS|Puppy|Ubuntu|Kindle|Bada|Lubuntu|BackTrack|Slackware|(?:Free|Open|Net|\b)BSD)[/ ](\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?' # Gentoo Linux + Kernel Version - regex: '(Linux)[ /](\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?.*gentoo' os_replacement: 'Gentoo' # Opera Mini Bada - regex: '\((Bada);' # just os - regex: '(Windows|Android|WeTab|Maemo|Web0S)' - regex: '(Ubuntu|Kubuntu|Arch Linux|CentOS|Slackware|Gentoo|openSUSE|SUSE|Red Hat|Fedora|PCLinuxOS|Mageia|(?:Free|Open|Net|\b)BSD)' # Linux + Kernel Version - regex: '(Linux)(?:[ /](\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?' - regex: 'SunOS' os_replacement: 'Solaris' # Roku Digital-Video-Players - regex: '^(Roku)/DVP-(\d+)\.(\d+)' device_parsers: ######### # Mobile Spiders # Catch the mobile crawler before checking for iPhones / Androids. ######### - regex: '(?:(?:iPhone|Windows CE|Windows Phone|Android).*(?:(?:Bot|Yeti)-Mobile|YRSpider|BingPreview|bots?/\d|(?:bot|spider)\.html)|AdsBot-Google-Mobile.*iPhone)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Spider' brand_replacement: 'Spider' model_replacement: 'Smartphone' - regex: '(?:DoCoMo|\bMOT\b|\bLG\b|Nokia|Samsung|SonyEricsson).*(?:(?:Bot|Yeti)-Mobile|bots?/\d|(?:bot|crawler)\.html|(?:jump|google|Wukong)bot|ichiro/mobile|/spider|YahooSeeker)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Spider' brand_replacement: 'Spider' model_replacement: 'Feature Phone' ######### # WebBrowser for SmartWatch # @ref: ######### - regex: '\bSmartWatch *\( *([^;]+) *; *([^;]+) *;' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' ###################################################################### # Android parsers # # @ref: ###################################################################### # Android Application - regex: 'Android Application[^\-]+ - (Sony) ?(Ericsson)? (.+) \w+ - ' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1$2' model_replacement: '$3' - regex: 'Android Application[^\-]+ - (?:HTC|HUAWEI|LGE|LENOVO|MEDION|TCT) (HTC|HUAWEI|LG|LENOVO|MEDION|ALCATEL)[ _\-](.+) \w+ - ' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: 'Android Application[^\-]+ - ([^ ]+) (.+) \w+ - ' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # 3Q # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *([BLRQ]C\d{4}[A-Z]+) +Build/' device_replacement: '3Q $1' brand_replacement: '3Q' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:3Q_)([^;/]+) +Build' device_replacement: '3Q $1' brand_replacement: '3Q' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Acer # @ref: ######### - regex: 'Android [34].*; *(A100|A101|A110|A200|A210|A211|A500|A501|A510|A511|A700(?: Lite| 3G)?|A701|B1-A71|A1-\d{3}|B1-\d{3}|V360|V370|W500|W500P|W501|W501P|W510|W511|W700|Slider SL101|DA22[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Acer' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *Acer Iconia Tab ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Acer' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(Z1[1235]0|E320[^/]*|S500|S510|Liquid[^;/]*|Iconia A\d+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Acer' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(Acer |ACER )([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Acer' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Advent # @ref: # @note: VegaBean and VegaComb (names derived from jellybean, honeycomb) are # custom ROM builds for Vega ######### - regex: '; *(Advent )?(Vega(?:Bean|Comb)?).* Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Advent' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Ainol # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Ainol )?((?:NOVO|[Nn]ovo)[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Ainol' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Airis # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *AIRIS[ _\-]?([^/;\)]+) *(?:;|\)|Build)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Airis' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(OnePAD[^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Airis' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Airpad # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; *Airpad[ \-]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Airpad $1' brand_replacement: 'Airpad' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Alcatel - TCT # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(one ?touch) (EVO7|T10|T20) Build' device_replacement: 'Alcatel One Touch $2' brand_replacement: 'Alcatel' model_replacement: 'One Touch $2' - regex: '; *(?:alcatel[ _])?(?:(?:one[ _]?touch[ _])|ot[ \-])([^;/]+);? Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Alcatel One Touch $1' brand_replacement: 'Alcatel' model_replacement: 'One Touch $1' - regex: '; *(TCL)[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' # operator specific models - regex: '; *(Vodafone Smart II|Optimus_Madrid) Build' device_replacement: 'Alcatel $1' brand_replacement: 'Alcatel' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *BASE_Lutea_3 Build' device_replacement: 'Alcatel One Touch 998' brand_replacement: 'Alcatel' model_replacement: 'One Touch 998' - regex: '; *BASE_Varia Build' device_replacement: 'Alcatel One Touch 918D' brand_replacement: 'Alcatel' model_replacement: 'One Touch 918D' ######### # Allfine # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((?:FINE|Fine)\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Allfine' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Allview # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(ALLVIEW[ _]?|Allview[ _]?)((?:Speed|SPEED).*) Build/' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Allview' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(ALLVIEW[ _]?|Allview[ _]?)?(AX1_Shine|AX2_Frenzy) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Allview' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(ALLVIEW[ _]?|Allview[ _]?)([^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Allview' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Allwinner # @ref: # @models: A31 (13.3"),A20,A10, ######### - regex: '; *(A13-MID) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Allwinner' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(Allwinner)[ _\-]?([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Allwinner' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Amaway # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(A651|A701B?|A702|A703|A705|A706|A707|A711|A712|A713|A717|A722|A785|A801|A802|A803|A901|A902|A1002|A1003|A1006|A1007|A9701|A9703|Q710|Q80) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Amaway' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Amoi # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:AMOI|Amoi)[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Amoi $1' brand_replacement: 'Amoi' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '^(?:AMOI|Amoi)[ _]([^;/]+) Linux' device_replacement: 'Amoi $1' brand_replacement: 'Amoi' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Aoc # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(MW(?:0[789]|10)[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Aoc' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Aoson # @ref: # @ref: # @note: brand owned by luckystar ######### - regex: '; *(G7|M1013|M1015G|M11[CG]?|M-?12[B]?|M15|M19[G]?|M30[ACQ]?|M31[GQ]|M32|M33[GQ]|M36|M37|M38|M701T|M710|M712B|M713|M715G|M716G|M71(?:G|GS|T)?|M72[T]?|M73[T]?|M75[GT]?|M77G|M79T|M7L|M7LN|M81|M810|M81T|M82|M92|M92KS|M92S|M717G|M721|M722G|M723|M725G|M739|M785|M791|M92SK|M93D) Build' device_replacement: 'Aoson $1' brand_replacement: 'Aoson' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *Aoson ([^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Aoson $1' brand_replacement: 'Aoson' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Apanda # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *[Aa]panda[ _\-]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Apanda $1' brand_replacement: 'Apanda' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Archos # @ref: # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:ARCHOS|Archos) ?(GAMEPAD.*?)(?: Build|[;/\(\)\-])' device_replacement: 'Archos $1' brand_replacement: 'Archos' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'ARCHOS; GOGI; ([^;]+);' device_replacement: 'Archos $1' brand_replacement: 'Archos' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '(?:ARCHOS|Archos)[ _]?(.*?)(?: Build|[;/\(\)\-]|$)' device_replacement: 'Archos $1' brand_replacement: 'Archos' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(AN(?:7|8|9|10|13)[A-Z0-9]{1,4}) Build' device_replacement: 'Archos $1' brand_replacement: 'Archos' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(A28|A32|A43|A70(?:BHT|CHT|HB|S|X)|A101(?:B|C|IT)|A7EB|A7EB-WK|101G9|80G9) Build' device_replacement: 'Archos $1' brand_replacement: 'Archos' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # A-rival # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(PAD-FMD[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Arival' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(BioniQ) ?([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Arival' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ######### # Arnova # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(AN\d[^;/]+|ARCHM\d+) Build' device_replacement: 'Arnova $1' brand_replacement: 'Arnova' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:ARNOVA|Arnova) ?([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Arnova $1' brand_replacement: 'Arnova' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Assistant # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:ASSISTANT )?(AP)-?([1789]\d{2}[A-Z]{0,2}|80104) Build' device_replacement: 'Assistant $1-$2' brand_replacement: 'Assistant' model_replacement: '$1-$2' ######### # Asus # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(ME17\d[^;/]*|ME3\d{2}[^;/]+|K00[A-Z]|Nexus 10|Nexus 7(?: 2013)?|PadFone[^;/]*|Transformer[^;/]*|TF\d{3}[^;/]*|eeepc) Build' device_replacement: 'Asus $1' brand_replacement: 'Asus' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *ASUS[ _]*([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Asus $1' brand_replacement: 'Asus' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Garmin-Asus ######### - regex: '; *Garmin-Asus ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Garmin-Asus $1' brand_replacement: 'Garmin-Asus' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(Garminfone) Build' device_replacement: 'Garmin $1' brand_replacement: 'Garmin-Asus' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Attab # @ref: ######### - regex: '; (@TAB-[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Attab' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Audiosonic # @ref: ?? # @note: Take care with Docomo T-01 Toshiba ######### - regex: '; *(T-(?:07|[^0]\d)[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Audiosonic' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Axioo # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:Axioo[ _\-]([^;/]+)|(picopad)[ _\-]([^;/]+)) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Axioo $1$2 $3' brand_replacement: 'Axioo' model_replacement: '$1$2 $3' ######### # Azend # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(V(?:100|700|800)[^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Azend' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Bak # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(IBAK\-[^;/]*) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Bak' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Bedove # @ref: # @models: HY6501|HY5001|X12|X21|I5 ######### - regex: '; *(HY5001|HY6501|X12|X21|I5) Build' device_replacement: 'Bedove $1' brand_replacement: 'Bedove' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Benss # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(JC-[^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: 'Benss $1' brand_replacement: 'Benss' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Blackberry # @ref: # @note: Android Apps seams to be used here ######### - regex: '; *(BB) ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Blackberry' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Blackbird # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(BlackBird)[ _](I8.*) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(BlackBird)[ _](.*) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Blaupunkt # @ref: ######### # Endeavour - regex: '; *([0-9]+BP[EM][^;/]*|Endeavour[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Blaupunkt $1' brand_replacement: 'Blaupunkt' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Blu # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((?:BLU|Blu)[ _\-])([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Blu' model_replacement: '$2' # BMOBILE = operator branded device - regex: '; *(?:BMOBILE )?(Blu|BLU|DASH [^;/]+|VIVO 4\.3|TANK 4\.5) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Blu' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Blusens # @ref: ######### # tablet - regex: '; *(TOUCH\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Blusens' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Bmobile # @ref: # @note: Might collide with Maxx as AX is used also there. ######### # smartphone - regex: '; *(AX5\d+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Bmobile' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # bq # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *([Bb]q) ([^;/]+);? Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'bq' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(Maxwell [^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'bq' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Braun Phototechnik # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((?:B-Tab|B-TAB) ?\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Braun' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Broncho # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Broncho) ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Captiva # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *CAPTIVA ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Captiva $1' brand_replacement: 'Captiva' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Casio # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(C771|CAL21|IS11CA) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Casio' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Cat # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:Cat|CAT) ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Cat $1' brand_replacement: 'Cat' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:Cat)(Nova.*) Build' device_replacement: 'Cat $1' brand_replacement: 'Cat' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(INM8002KP|ADM8000KP_[AB]) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Cat' model_replacement: 'Tablet PHOENIX 8.1J0' ######### # Celkon # @ref: # @models: A10, A19Q, A101, A105, A107, A107\+, A112, A118, A119, A119Q, A15, A19, A20, A200, A220, A225, A22 Race, A27, A58, A59, A60, A62, A63, A64, A66, A67, A69, A75, A77, A79, A8\+, A83, A85, A86, A87, A89 Ultima, A9\+, A90, A900, A95, A97i, A98, AR 40, AR 45, AR 50, ML5 ######### - regex: '; *(?:[Cc]elkon[ _\*]|CELKON[ _\*])([^;/\)]+) ?(?:Build|;|\))' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Celkon' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'Build/(?:[Cc]elkon)+_?([^;/_\)]+)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Celkon' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(CT)-?(\d+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Celkon' model_replacement: '$1$2' # smartphones - regex: '; *(A19|A19Q|A105|A107[^;/\)]*) ?(?:Build|;|\))' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Celkon' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # ChangJia # @ref: # @brief: China manufacturer makes tablets for different small brands # (eg. ######### - regex: '; *(TPC[0-9]{4,5}) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'ChangJia' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Cloudfone # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Cloudfone)[ _](Excite)([^ ][^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2 $3' brand_replacement: 'Cloudfone' model_replacement: '$1 $2 $3' - regex: '; *(Excite|ICE)[ _](\d+[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Cloudfone $1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Cloudfone' model_replacement: 'Cloudfone $1 $2' - regex: '; *(Cloudfone|CloudPad)[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Cloudfone' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ######### # Cmx # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((?:Aquila|Clanga|Rapax)[^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Cmx' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # CobyKyros # @ref: # @note: Be careful with MID\d{3} from MpMan or Manta ######### - regex: '; *(?:CFW-|Kyros )?(MID[0-9]{4}(?:[ABC]|SR|TV)?)(\(3G\)-4G| GB 8K| 3G| 8K| GB)? *(?:Build|[;\)])' device_replacement: 'CobyKyros $1$2' brand_replacement: 'CobyKyros' model_replacement: '$1$2' ######### # Coolpad # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; *([^;/]*)Coolpad[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Coolpad' model_replacement: '$1$2' ######### # Cube # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(CUBE[ _])?([KU][0-9]+ ?GT.*|A5300) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Cube' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Cubot # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *CUBOT ([^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Cubot' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(BOBBY) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Cubot' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Danew # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Dslide [^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Danew' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Dell # @ref: # @ref: # @ref: # @ref: # @ref: # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(XCD)[ _]?(28|35) Build' device_replacement: 'Dell $1$2' brand_replacement: 'Dell' model_replacement: '$1$2' - regex: '; *(001DL) Build' device_replacement: 'Dell $1' brand_replacement: 'Dell' model_replacement: 'Streak' - regex: '; *(?:Dell|DELL) (Streak) Build' device_replacement: 'Dell $1' brand_replacement: 'Dell' model_replacement: 'Streak' - regex: '; *(101DL|GS01|Streak Pro[^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: 'Dell $1' brand_replacement: 'Dell' model_replacement: 'Streak Pro' - regex: '; *([Ss]treak ?7) Build' device_replacement: 'Dell $1' brand_replacement: 'Dell' model_replacement: 'Streak 7' - regex: '; *(Mini-3iX) Build' device_replacement: 'Dell $1' brand_replacement: 'Dell' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:Dell|DELL)[ _](Aero|Venue|Thunder|Mini.*|Streak[ _]Pro) Build' device_replacement: 'Dell $1' brand_replacement: 'Dell' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *Dell[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Dell $1' brand_replacement: 'Dell' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *Dell ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Dell $1' brand_replacement: 'Dell' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Denver # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(TA[CD]-\d+[^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Denver' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Dex # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(iP[789]\d{2}(?:-3G)?|IP10\d{2}(?:-8GB)?) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Dex' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # DNS AirTab # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(AirTab)[ _\-]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'DNS' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ######### # Docomo (Operator Branded Device) # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(F\-\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Fujitsu' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(HT-03A) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: 'Magic' - regex: '; *(HT\-\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(L\-\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(N\-\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Nec' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(P\-\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Panasonic' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(SC\-\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(SH\-\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Sharp' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(SO\-\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'SonyEricsson' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(T\-0[12][^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Toshiba' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # DOOV # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(DOOV)[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'DOOV' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Enot # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Enot|ENOT)[ -]?([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Enot' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Evercoss # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *[^;/]+ Build/(?:CROSS|Cross)+[ _\-]([^\)]+)' device_replacement: 'CROSS $1' brand_replacement: 'Evercoss' model_replacement: 'Cross $1' - regex: '; *(CROSS|Cross)[ _\-]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Evercoss' model_replacement: 'Cross $2' ######### # Explay # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *Explay[_ ](.+?)(?:[\)]| Build)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Explay' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Fly # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(IQ.*) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Fly' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(Fly|FLY)[ _](IQ[^;]+|F[34]\d+[^;]*);? Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Fly' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Fujitsu # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(M532|Q572|FJL21) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Fujitsu' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Galapad # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(G1) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Galapad' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Geeksphone # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Geeksphone) ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Gfive # @ref: ######### #- regex: '; *(G\'?FIVE) ([^;/]+) Build' # there is a problem with python yaml parser here - regex: '; *(G[^F]?FIVE) ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Gfive' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Gionee # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Gionee)[ _\-]([^;/]+)(?:/[^;/]+)? Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Gionee' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(GN\d+[A-Z]?|INFINITY_PASSION|Ctrl_V1) Build' device_replacement: 'Gionee $1' brand_replacement: 'Gionee' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(E3) Build/JOP40D' device_replacement: 'Gionee $1' brand_replacement: 'Gionee' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # GoClever # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((?:FONE|QUANTUM|INSIGNIA) \d+[^;/]*|PLAYTAB) Build' device_replacement: 'GoClever $1' brand_replacement: 'GoClever' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *GOCLEVER ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'GoClever $1' brand_replacement: 'GoClever' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Google # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Glass \d+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Google' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(Pixel \w+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Google' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Gigabyte # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(GSmart)[ -]([^/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Gigabyte' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ######### # Freescale development boards # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(imx5[13]_[^/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Freescale $1' brand_replacement: 'Freescale' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Haier # @ref: # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *Haier[ _\-]([^/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Haier $1' brand_replacement: 'Haier' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(PAD1016) Build' device_replacement: 'Haipad $1' brand_replacement: 'Haipad' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Haipad # @ref: # @models: V7P|M7SM7S|M9XM9X|M7XM7X|M9|M8|M7-M|M1002|M7|M701 ######### - regex: '; *(M701|M7|M8|M9) Build' device_replacement: 'Haipad $1' brand_replacement: 'Haipad' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Hannspree # @ref: # @models: SN10T1|SN10T2|SN70T31B|SN70T32W ######### - regex: '; *(SN\d+T[^;\)/]*)(?: Build|[;\)])' device_replacement: 'Hannspree $1' brand_replacement: 'Hannspree' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # HCLme # @ref: ######### - regex: 'Build/HCL ME Tablet ([^;\)]+)[\);]' device_replacement: 'HCLme $1' brand_replacement: 'HCLme' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *([^;\/]+) Build/HCL' device_replacement: 'HCLme $1' brand_replacement: 'HCLme' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Hena # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(MID-?\d{4}C[EM]) Build' device_replacement: 'Hena $1' brand_replacement: 'Hena' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Hisense # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(EG\d{2,}|HS-[^;/]+|MIRA[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Hisense $1' brand_replacement: 'Hisense' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(andromax[^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Hisense $1' brand_replacement: 'Hisense' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # hitech # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:AMAZE[ _](S\d+)|(S\d+)[ _]AMAZE) Build' device_replacement: 'AMAZE $1$2' brand_replacement: 'hitech' model_replacement: 'AMAZE $1$2' ######### # HP # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(PlayBook) Build' device_replacement: 'HP $1' brand_replacement: 'HP' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *HP ([^/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'HP $1' brand_replacement: 'HP' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *([^/]+_tenderloin) Build' device_replacement: 'HP TouchPad' brand_replacement: 'HP' model_replacement: 'TouchPad' ######### # Huawei # @ref: # @note: Needs to be before HTC due to Desire HD Build on U8815 ######### - regex: '; *(HUAWEI |Huawei-)?([UY][^;/]+) Build/(?:Huawei|HUAWEI)([UY][^\);]+)\)' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *([^;/]+) Build[/ ]Huawei(MT1-U06|[A-Z]+\d+[^\);]+)[^\);]*\)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(S7|M860) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *((?:HUAWEI|Huawei)[ \-]?)(MediaPad) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *((?:HUAWEI[ _]?|Huawei[ _])?Ascend[ _])([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *((?:HUAWEI|Huawei)[ _\-]?)((?:G700-|MT-)[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *((?:HUAWEI|Huawei)[ _\-]?)([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(MediaPad[^;]+|SpringBoard) Build/Huawei' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *([^;]+) Build/(?:Huawei|HUAWEI)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *([Uu])([89]\d{3}) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: 'U$2' - regex: '; *(?:Ideos |IDEOS )(S7) Build' device_replacement: 'Huawei Ideos$1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: 'Ideos$1' - regex: '; *(?:Ideos |IDEOS )([^;/]+\s*|\s*)Build' device_replacement: 'Huawei Ideos$1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: 'Ideos$1' - regex: '; *(Orange Daytona|Pulse|Pulse Mini|Vodafone 858|C8500|C8600|C8650|C8660|Nexus 6P|ATH-.+?) Build[/ ]' device_replacement: 'Huawei $1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # HTC # @ref: # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *HTC[ _]([^;]+); Windows Phone' device_replacement: 'HTC $1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1' # Android HTC with Version Number matcher # ; HTC_0P3Z11/ Build # ;HTC_A3335 V2.38.841.1 Build - regex: '; *(?:HTC[ _/])+([^ _/]+)(?:[/\\]1\.0 | V|/| +)\d+\.\d[\d\.]*(?: *Build|\))' device_replacement: 'HTC $1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:HTC[ _/])+([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ _/]+))?(?:[/\\]1\.0 | V|/| +)\d+\.\d[\d\.]*(?: *Build|\))' device_replacement: 'HTC $1 $2' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1 $2' - regex: '; *(?:HTC[ _/])+([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ _/]+))?)?(?:[/\\]1\.0 | V|/| +)\d+\.\d[\d\.]*(?: *Build|\))' device_replacement: 'HTC $1 $2 $3' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1 $2 $3' - regex: '; *(?:HTC[ _/])+([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ _/]+))?)?)?(?:[/\\]1\.0 | V|/| +)\d+\.\d[\d\.]*(?: *Build|\))' device_replacement: 'HTC $1 $2 $3 $4' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1 $2 $3 $4' # Android HTC without Version Number matcher - regex: '; *(?:(?:HTC|htc)(?:_blocked)*[ _/])+([^ _/;]+)(?: *Build|[;\)]| - )' device_replacement: 'HTC $1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:(?:HTC|htc)(?:_blocked)*[ _/])+([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ _/;\)]+))?(?: *Build|[;\)]| - )' device_replacement: 'HTC $1 $2' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1 $2' - regex: '; *(?:(?:HTC|htc)(?:_blocked)*[ _/])+([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ _/;\)]+))?)?(?: *Build|[;\)]| - )' device_replacement: 'HTC $1 $2 $3' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1 $2 $3' - regex: '; *(?:(?:HTC|htc)(?:_blocked)*[ _/])+([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ _/]+)(?:[ _/]([^ /;]+))?)?)?(?: *Build|[;\)]| - )' device_replacement: 'HTC $1 $2 $3 $4' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1 $2 $3 $4' # HTC Streaming Player - regex: 'HTC Streaming Player [^\/]*/[^\/]*/ htc_([^/]+) /' device_replacement: 'HTC $1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1' # general matcher for anything else - regex: '(?:[;,] *|^)(?:htccn_chs-)?HTC[ _-]?([^;]+?)(?: *Build|clay|Android|-?Mozilla| Opera| Profile| UNTRUSTED|[;/\(\)]|$)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'HTC $1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1' # Android matchers without HTC - regex: '; *(A6277|ADR6200|ADR6300|ADR6350|ADR6400[A-Z]*|ADR6425[A-Z]*|APX515CKT|ARIA|Desire[^_ ]*|Dream|EndeavorU|Eris|Evo|Flyer|HD2|Hero|HERO200|Hero CDMA|HTL21|Incredible|Inspire[A-Z0-9]*|Legend|Liberty|Nexus ?(?:One|HD2)|One|One S C2|One[ _]?(?:S|V|X\+?)\w*|PC36100|PG06100|PG86100|S31HT|Sensation|Wildfire)(?: Build|[/;\(\)])' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'HTC $1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(ADR6200|ADR6400L|ADR6425LVW|Amaze|DesireS?|EndeavorU|Eris|EVO|Evo\d[A-Z]+|HD2|IncredibleS?|Inspire[A-Z0-9]*|Inspire[A-Z0-9]*|Sensation[A-Z0-9]*|Wildfire)[ _-](.+?)(?:[/;\)]|Build|MIUI|1\.0)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'HTC $1 $2' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ######### # Hyundai # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *HYUNDAI (T\d[^/]*) Build' device_replacement: 'Hyundai $1' brand_replacement: 'Hyundai' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *HYUNDAI ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Hyundai $1' brand_replacement: 'Hyundai' model_replacement: '$1' # X900? - regex: '; *(X700|Hold X|MB-6900) Build' device_replacement: 'Hyundai $1' brand_replacement: 'Hyundai' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # iBall # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:iBall[ _\-])?(Andi)[ _]?(\d[^;/]*) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'iBall' model_replacement: '$1 $2' - regex: '; *(IBall)(?:[ _]([^;/]+)|) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'iBall' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # IconBIT # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(NT-\d+[^ ;/]*|Net[Tt]AB [^;/]+|Mercury [A-Z]+|iconBIT)(?: S/N:[^;/]+)? Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'IconBIT' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # IMO # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(IMO)[ _]([^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'IMO' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # i-mobile # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *i-?mobile[ _]([^/]+) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'i-mobile $1' brand_replacement: 'imobile' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(i-(?:style|note)[^/]*) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'i-mobile $1' brand_replacement: 'imobile' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Impression # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(ImPAD) ?(\d+(?:.)*) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Impression' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ######### # Infinix # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Infinix)[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Infinix' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Informer # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; *(Informer)[ \-]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Informer' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Intenso # @ref: # @models: 7":TAB 714,TAB 724;8":TAB 814,TAB 824;10":TAB 1004 ######### - regex: '; *(TAB) ?([78][12]4) Build' device_replacement: 'Intenso $1' brand_replacement: 'Intenso' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ######### # Intex # @ref: # @note: Zync also offers a "Cloud Z5" device ######### # smartphones - regex: '; *(?:Intex[ _])?(AQUA|Aqua)([ _\.\-])([^;/]+) *(?:Build|;)' device_replacement: '$1$2$3' brand_replacement: 'Intex' model_replacement: '$1 $3' # matches "INTEX CLOUD X1" - regex: '; *(?:INTEX|Intex)(?:[_ ]([^\ _;/]+))(?:[_ ]([^\ _;/]+))? *(?:Build|;)' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Intex' model_replacement: '$1 $2' # tablets - regex: '; *([iI]Buddy)[ _]?(Connect)(?:_|\?_| )?([^;/]*) *(?:Build|;)' device_replacement: '$1 $2 $3' brand_replacement: 'Intex' model_replacement: 'iBuddy $2 $3' - regex: '; *(I-Buddy)[ _]([^;/]+) *(?:Build|;)' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Intex' model_replacement: 'iBuddy $2' ######### # iOCEAN # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(iOCEAN) ([^/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'iOCEAN' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # i.onik # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(TP\d+(?:\.\d+)?\-\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'ionik $1' brand_replacement: 'ionik' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(M702pro) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Iru' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Ivio # @ref: # @models: DG80,DG20,DE38,DE88,MD70 ######### - regex: '; *(DE88Plus|MD70) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Ivio' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *IVIO[_\-]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Ivio' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Jaytech # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(TPC-\d+|JAY-TECH) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Jaytech' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Jiayu # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(JY-[^;/]+|G[234]S?) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Jiayu' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # JXD # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(JXD)[ _\-]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'JXD' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Karbonn # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *Karbonn[ _]?([^;/]+) *(?:Build|;)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Karbonn' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *([^;]+) Build/Karbonn' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Karbonn' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(A11|A39|A37|A34|ST8|ST10|ST7|Smart Tab3|Smart Tab2|Titanium S\d) +Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Karbonn' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # KDDI (Operator Branded Device) # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(IS01|IS03|IS05|IS\d{2}SH) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Sharp' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(IS04) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Regza' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(IS06|IS\d{2}PT) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Pantech' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(IS11S) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'SonyEricsson' model_replacement: 'Xperia Acro' - regex: '; *(IS11CA) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Casio' model_replacement: 'GzOne $1' - regex: '; *(IS11LG) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: 'Optimus X' - regex: '; *(IS11N) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Medias' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(IS11PT) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Pantech' model_replacement: 'MIRACH' - regex: '; *(IS12F) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Fujitsu' model_replacement: 'Arrows ES' # @ref: - regex: '; *(IS12M) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: 'XT909' - regex: '; *(IS12S) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'SonyEricsson' model_replacement: 'Xperia Acro HD' - regex: '; *(ISW11F) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Fujitsu' model_replacement: 'Arrowz Z' - regex: '; *(ISW11HT) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: 'EVO' - regex: '; *(ISW11K) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Kyocera' model_replacement: 'DIGNO' - regex: '; *(ISW11M) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: 'Photon' - regex: '; *(ISW11SC) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: 'GALAXY S II WiMAX' - regex: '; *(ISW12HT) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: 'EVO 3D' - regex: '; *(ISW13HT) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: 'J' - regex: '; *(ISW?[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{0,2}) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'KDDI' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(INFOBAR [^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'KDDI' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Kingcom # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(JOYPAD|Joypad)[ _]([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Kingcom' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ######### # Kobo # @ref: # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Vox|VOX|Arc|K080) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Kobo' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '\b(Kobo Touch)\b' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Kobo' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # K-Touch # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; *(K-Touch)[ _]([^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Ktouch' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # KT Tech # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((?:EV|KM)-S\d+[A-Z]?) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'KTtech' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Kyocera # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Zio|Hydro|Torque|Event|EVENT|Echo|Milano|Rise|URBANO PROGRESSO|WX04K|WX06K|WX10K|KYL21|101K|C5[12]\d{2}) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Kyocera' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Lava # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:LAVA[ _])?IRIS[ _\-]?([^/;\)]+) *(?:;|\)|Build)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Iris $1' brand_replacement: 'Lava' model_replacement: 'Iris $1' - regex: '; *LAVA[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Lava' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Lemon # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:(Aspire A1)|(?:LEMON|Lemon)[ _]([^;/]+))_? Build' device_replacement: 'Lemon $1$2' brand_replacement: 'Lemon' model_replacement: '$1$2' ######### # Lenco # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(TAB-1012) Build/' device_replacement: 'Lenco $1' brand_replacement: 'Lenco' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; Lenco ([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: 'Lenco $1' brand_replacement: 'Lenco' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Lenovo # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(A1_07|A2107A-H|S2005A-H|S1-37AH0) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Lenovo' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(Idea[Tp]ab)[ _]([^;/]+);? Build' device_replacement: 'Lenovo $1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Lenovo' model_replacement: '$1 $2' - regex: '; *(Idea(?:Tab|pad)) ?([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Lenovo $1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Lenovo' model_replacement: '$1 $2' - regex: '; *(ThinkPad) ?(Tablet) Build/' device_replacement: 'Lenovo $1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Lenovo' model_replacement: '$1 $2' - regex: '; *(?:LNV-)?(?:=?[Ll]enovo[ _\-]?|LENOVO[ _])+(.+?)(?:Build|[;/\)])' device_replacement: 'Lenovo $1' brand_replacement: 'Lenovo' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '[;,] (?:Vodafone )?(SmartTab) ?(II) ?(\d+) Build/' device_replacement: 'Lenovo $1 $2 $3' brand_replacement: 'Lenovo' model_replacement: '$1 $2 $3' - regex: '; *(?:Ideapad )?K1 Build/' device_replacement: 'Lenovo Ideapad K1' brand_replacement: 'Lenovo' model_replacement: 'Ideapad K1' - regex: '; *(3GC101|3GW10[01]|A390) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Lenovo' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '\b(?:Lenovo|LENOVO)+[ _\-]?([^,;:/ ]+)' device_replacement: 'Lenovo $1' brand_replacement: 'Lenovo' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Lexibook # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(MFC\d+)[A-Z]{2}([^;,/]*),? Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Lexibook' model_replacement: '$1$2' ######### # LG # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(E[34][0-9]{2}|LS[6-8][0-9]{2}|VS[6-9][0-9]+[^;/]+|Nexus 4|Nexus 5X?|GT540f?|Optimus (?:2X|G|4X HD)|OptimusX4HD) *(?:Build|;)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '[;:] *(L-\d+[A-Z]|LGL\d+[A-Z]?)(?:/V\d+)? *(?:Build|[;\)])' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(LG-)([A-Z]{1,2}\d{2,}[^,;/\)\(]*?)(?:Build| V\d+|[,;/\)\(]|$)' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(LG[ \-]|LG)([^;/]+)[;/]? Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '^(LG)-([^;/]+)/ Mozilla/.*; Android' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '(Web0S); Linux/(SmartTV)' device_replacement: 'LG $1 $2' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ######### # Malata # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((?:SMB|smb)[^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Malata' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:Malata|MALATA) ([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Malata' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Manta # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(MS[45][0-9]{3}|MID0[568][NS]?|MID[1-9]|MID[78]0[1-9]|MID970[1-9]|MID100[1-9]) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Manta' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Match # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(M1052|M806|M9000|M9100|M9701|MID100|MID120|MID125|MID130|MID135|MID140|MID701|MID710|MID713|MID727|MID728|MID731|MID732|MID733|MID735|MID736|MID737|MID760|MID800|MID810|MID820|MID830|MID833|MID835|MID860|MID900|MID930|MID933|MID960|MID980) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Match' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Maxx # @ref: # @models: Maxx MSD7-Play, Maxx MX245+ Trance, Maxx AX8 Race, Maxx MSD7 3G- AX50, Maxx Genx Droid 7 - AX40, Maxx AX5 Duo, # Maxx AX3 Duo, Maxx AX3, Maxx AX8 Note II (Note 2), Maxx AX8 Note I, Maxx AX8, Maxx AX5 Plus, Maxx MSD7 Smarty, # Maxx AX9Z Race, # Maxx MT150, Maxx MQ601, Maxx M2020, Maxx Sleek MX463neo, Maxx MX525, Maxx MX192-Tune, Maxx Genx Droid 7 AX353, # @note: Need more User-Agents!!! ######### - regex: '; *(GenxDroid7|MSD7.*|AX\d.*|Tab 701|Tab 722) Build/' device_replacement: 'Maxx $1' brand_replacement: 'Maxx' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Mediacom # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(M-PP[^;/]+|PhonePad ?\d{2,}[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Mediacom $1' brand_replacement: 'Mediacom' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(M-MP[^;/]+|SmartPad ?\d{2,}[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Mediacom $1' brand_replacement: 'Mediacom' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Medion # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:MD_)?LIFETAB[ _]([^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Medion Lifetab $1' brand_replacement: 'Medion' model_replacement: 'Lifetab $1' - regex: '; *MEDION ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Medion $1' brand_replacement: 'Medion' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Meizu # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(M030|M031|M035|M040|M065|m9) Build' device_replacement: 'Meizu $1' brand_replacement: 'Meizu' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:meizu_|MEIZU )(.+?) *(?:Build|[;\)])' device_replacement: 'Meizu $1' brand_replacement: 'Meizu' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Micromax # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:Micromax[ _](A111|A240)|(A111|A240)) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Micromax $1$2' brand_replacement: 'Micromax' model_replacement: '$1$2' - regex: '; *Micromax[ _](A\d{2,3}[^;/]*) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Micromax $1' brand_replacement: 'Micromax' model_replacement: '$1' # be carefull here with Acer e.g. A500 - regex: '; *(A\d{2}|A[12]\d{2}|A90S|A110Q) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Micromax $1' brand_replacement: 'Micromax' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *Micromax[ _](P\d{3}[^;/]*) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Micromax $1' brand_replacement: 'Micromax' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(P\d{3}|P\d{3}\(Funbook\)) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Micromax $1' brand_replacement: 'Micromax' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Mito # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(MITO)[ _\-]?([^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Mito' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Mobistel # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Cynus)[ _](F5|T\d|.+?) *(?:Build|[;/\)])' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Mobistel' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ######### # Modecom # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(MODECOM )?(FreeTab) ?([^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1$2 $3' brand_replacement: 'Modecom' model_replacement: '$2 $3' - regex: '; *(MODECOM )([^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Modecom' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Motorola # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(MZ\d{3}\+?|MZ\d{3} 4G|Xoom|XOOM[^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: 'Motorola $1' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(Milestone )(XT[^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: 'Motorola $1$2' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(Motoroi ?x|Droid X|DROIDX) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Motorola $1' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: 'DROID X' - regex: '; *(Droid[^;/]*|DROID[^;/]*|Milestone[^;/]*|Photon|Triumph|Devour|Titanium) Build' device_replacement: 'Motorola $1' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(A555|A85[34][^;/]*|A95[356]|ME[58]\d{2}\+?|ME600|ME632|ME722|MB\d{3}\+?|MT680|MT710|MT870|MT887|MT917|WX435|WX453|WX44[25]|XT\d{3,4}[A-Z\+]*|CL[iI]Q|CL[iI]Q XT) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(Motorola MOT-|Motorola[ _\-]|MOT\-?)([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(Moto[_ ]?|MOT\-)([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # MpMan # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((?:MP[DQ]C|MPG\d{1,4}|MP\d{3,4}|MID(?:(?:10[234]|114|43|7[247]|8[24]|7)C|8[01]1))[^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Mpman' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # MSI # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:MSI[ _])?(Primo\d+|Enjoy[ _\-][^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Msi' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Multilaser # ######### - regex: '; *Multilaser[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Multilaser' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # MyPhone # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(My)[_]?(Pad)[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2 $3' brand_replacement: 'MyPhone' model_replacement: '$1$2 $3' - regex: '; *(My)\|?(Phone)[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2 $3' brand_replacement: 'MyPhone' model_replacement: '$3' - regex: '; *(A\d+)[ _](Duo)? Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'MyPhone' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ######### # Mytab # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(myTab[^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Mytab' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Nabi # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(NABI2?-)([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Nabi' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Nec Medias # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(N-\d+[CDE]) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Nec' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; ?(NEC-)(.*) Build/' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Nec' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(LT-NA7) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Nec' model_replacement: 'Lifetouch Note' ######### # Nextbook # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(NXM\d+[A-z0-9_]*|Next\d[A-z0-9_ \-]*|NEXT\d[A-z0-9_ \-]*|Nextbook [A-z0-9_ ]*|DATAM803HC|M805)(?: Build|[\);])' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Nextbook' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Nokia # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Nokia)([ _\-]*)([^;/]*) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1$2$3' brand_replacement: 'Nokia' model_replacement: '$3' ######### # Nook # @ref: # TODO nook browser/1.0 ######### - regex: '; *(Nook ?|Barnes & Noble Nook |BN )([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Nook' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(NOOK )?(BNRV200|BNRV200A|BNTV250|BNTV250A|BNTV400|BNTV600|LogicPD Zoom2) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Nook' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; Build/(Nook)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Nook' model_replacement: 'Tablet' ######### # Olivetti # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(OP110|OliPad[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Olivetti $1' brand_replacement: 'Olivetti' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Omega # @ref: # @note: MID tablets might get matched by CobyKyros first # @models: (T107|MID(?:700[2-5]|7031|7108|7132|750[02]|8001|8500|9001|971[12]) ######### - regex: '; *OMEGA[ _\-](MID[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Omega $1' brand_replacement: 'Omega' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '^(MID7500|MID\d+) Mozilla/5\.0 \(iPad;' device_replacement: 'Omega $1' brand_replacement: 'Omega' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # OpenPeak # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((?:CIUS|cius)[^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: 'Openpeak $1' brand_replacement: 'Openpeak' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Oppo # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Find ?(?:5|7a)|R8[012]\d{1,2}|T703\d{0,1}|U70\d{1,2}T?|X90\d{1,2}) Build' device_replacement: 'Oppo $1' brand_replacement: 'Oppo' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *OPPO ?([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: 'Oppo $1' brand_replacement: 'Oppo' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Odys # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:Odys\-|ODYS\-|ODYS )([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Odys $1' brand_replacement: 'Odys' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(SELECT) ?(7) Build' device_replacement: 'Odys $1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Odys' model_replacement: '$1 $2' - regex: '; *(PEDI)_(PLUS)_(W) Build' device_replacement: 'Odys $1 $2 $3' brand_replacement: 'Odys' model_replacement: '$1 $2 $3' # Weltbild - Tablet PC 4 = Cat Phoenix = Odys Tablet PC 4? - regex: '; *(AEON|BRAVIO|FUSION|FUSION2IN1|Genio|EOS10|IEOS[^;/]*|IRON|Loox|LOOX|LOOX Plus|Motion|NOON|NOON_PRO|NEXT|OPOS|PEDI[^;/]*|PRIME[^;/]*|STUDYTAB|TABLO|Tablet-PC-4|UNO_X8|XELIO[^;/]*|Xelio ?\d+ ?[Pp]ro|XENO10|XPRESS PRO) Build' device_replacement: 'Odys $1' brand_replacement: 'Odys' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # OnePlus # @ref ######### - regex: '; (ONE [a-zA-Z]\d+) Build/' device_replacement: 'OnePlus $1' brand_replacement: 'OnePlus' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; (ONEPLUS [a-zA-Z]\d+) Build/' device_replacement: 'OnePlus $1' brand_replacement: 'OnePlus' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Orion # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(TP-\d+) Build/' device_replacement: 'Orion $1' brand_replacement: 'Orion' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # PackardBell # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(G100W?) Build/' device_replacement: 'PackardBell $1' brand_replacement: 'PackardBell' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Panasonic # @ref: # @models: T11, T21, T31, P11, P51, Eluga Power, Eluga DL1 # @models: (tab) Toughpad FZ-A1, Toughpad JT-B1 ######### - regex: '; *(Panasonic)[_ ]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' # Toughpad - regex: '; *(FZ-A1B|JT-B1) Build' device_replacement: 'Panasonic $1' brand_replacement: 'Panasonic' model_replacement: '$1' # Eluga Power - regex: '; *(dL1|DL1) Build' device_replacement: 'Panasonic $1' brand_replacement: 'Panasonic' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Pantech # @href: # @href: # @models: ADR8995, ADR910L, ADR930VW, C790, CDM8992, CDM8999, IS06, IS11PT, P2000, P2020, P2030, P4100, P5000, P6010, P6020, P6030, P7000, P7040, P8000, P8010, P9020, P9050, P9060, P9070, P9090, PT001, PT002, PT003, TXT8040, TXT8045, VEGA PTL21 ######### - regex: '; *(SKY[ _])?(IM\-[AT]\d{3}[^;/]+).* Build/' device_replacement: 'Pantech $1$2' brand_replacement: 'Pantech' model_replacement: '$1$2' - regex: '; *((?:ADR8995|ADR910L|ADR930L|ADR930VW|PTL21|P8000)(?: 4G)?) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Pantech' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *Pantech([^;/]+).* Build/' device_replacement: 'Pantech $1' brand_replacement: 'Pantech' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Papayre # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(papyre)[ _\-]([^;/]+) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Papyre' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Pearl # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:Touchlet )?(X10\.[^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: 'Pearl $1' brand_replacement: 'Pearl' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Phicomm # @ref: ######### - regex: '; PHICOMM (i800) Build/' device_replacement: 'Phicomm $1' brand_replacement: 'Phicomm' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; PHICOMM ([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: 'Phicomm $1' brand_replacement: 'Phicomm' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(FWS\d{3}[^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: 'Phicomm $1' brand_replacement: 'Phicomm' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Philips # @ref: # @TODO: Philips Tablets User-Agents missing! # @ref: ######### # @note: this a best guess according to available philips models. Need more User-Agents - regex: '; *(D633|D822|D833|T539|T939|V726|W335|W336|W337|W3568|W536|W5510|W626|W632|W6350|W6360|W6500|W732|W736|W737|W7376|W820|W832|W8355|W8500|W8510|W930) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Philips' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:Philips|PHILIPS)[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Philips $1' brand_replacement: 'Philips' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Pipo # @ref: ######### - regex: 'Android 4\..*; *(M[12356789]|U[12368]|S[123])\ ?(pro)? Build' device_replacement: 'Pipo $1$2' brand_replacement: 'Pipo' model_replacement: '$1$2' ######### # Ployer # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(MOMO[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Ployer' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Polaroid/ Acho # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:Polaroid[ _])?((?:MIDC\d{3,}|PMID\d{2,}|PTAB\d{3,})[^;/]*)(\/[^;/]*)? Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Polaroid' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:Polaroid )(Tablet) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Polaroid' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Pomp # @ref: ######### #~ TODO - regex: '; *(POMP)[ _\-](.+?) *(?:Build|[;/\)])' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Pomp' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Positivo # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(TB07STA|TB10STA|TB07FTA|TB10FTA) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Positivo' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:Positivo )?((?:YPY|Ypy)[^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Positivo' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # POV # @ref: # @TODO: Smartphone Models MOB-3515, MOB-5045-B missing ######### - regex: '; *(MOB-[^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'POV' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *POV[ _\-]([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: 'POV $1' brand_replacement: 'POV' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *((?:TAB-PLAYTAB|TAB-PROTAB|PROTAB|PlayTabPro|Mobii[ _\-]|TAB-P)[^;/]*) Build/' device_replacement: 'POV $1' brand_replacement: 'POV' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Prestigio # @ref: # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:Prestigio )?((?:PAP|PMP)\d[^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: 'Prestigio $1' brand_replacement: 'Prestigio' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Proscan # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(PLT[0-9]{4}.*) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Proscan' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # QMobile # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(A2|A5|A8|A900)_?(Classic)? Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Qmobile' model_replacement: '$1 $2' - regex: '; *(Q[Mm]obile)_([^_]+)_([^_]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Qmobile $2 $3' brand_replacement: 'Qmobile' model_replacement: '$2 $3' - regex: '; *(Q\-?[Mm]obile)[_ ](A[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Qmobile $2' brand_replacement: 'Qmobile' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Qmobilevn # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Q\-Smart)[ _]([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Qmobilevn' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(Q\-?[Mm]obile)[ _\-](S[^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Qmobilevn' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Quanta # @ref: ? ######### - regex: '; *(TA1013) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Quanta' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # RCA # @ref: ######### - regex: '; (RCT\w+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'RCA' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Rockchip # @ref: # @note: manufacturer sells chipsets - I assume that these UAs are dev-boards ######### - regex: '; *(RK\d+),? Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Rockchip' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: ' Build/(RK\d+)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Rockchip' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Samsung Android Devices # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(SAMSUNG |Samsung )?((?:Galaxy (?:Note II|S\d)|GT-I9082|GT-I9205|GT-N7\d{3}|SM-N9005)[^;/]*)\/?[^;/]* Build/' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1$2' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(Google )?(Nexus [Ss](?: 4G)?) Build/' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1$2' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(SAMSUNG |Samsung )([^\/]*)\/[^ ]* Build/' device_replacement: 'Samsung $2' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(Galaxy(?: Ace| Nexus| S ?II+|Nexus S| with MCR 1.2| Mini Plus 4G)?) Build/' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(SAMSUNG[ _\-] *)+([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Samsung $2' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(SAMSUNG-)?(GT\-[BINPS]\d{4}[^\/]*)(\/[^ ]*) Build' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1$2$3' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '(?:; *|^)((?:GT\-[BIiNPS]\d{4}|I9\d{2}0[A-Za-z\+]?\b)[^;/\)]*?)(?:Build|Linux|MIUI|[;/\)])' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; (SAMSUNG-)([A-Za-z0-9\-]+).* Build/' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1$2' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *((?:SCH|SGH|SHV|SHW|SPH|SC|SM)\-[A-Za-z0-9 ]+)(/?[^ ]*)? Build' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: ' ((?:SCH)\-[A-Za-z0-9 ]+)(/?[^ ]*)? Build' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(Behold ?(?:2|II)|YP\-G[^;/]+|EK-GC100|SCL21|I9300) Build' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Sharp # @ref: # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(SH\-?\d\d[^;/]+|SBM\d[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Sharp' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(SHARP[ -])([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Sharp' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Simvalley # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(SPX[_\-]\d[^;/]*) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Simvalley' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(SX7\-PEARL\.GmbH) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Simvalley' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(SP[T]?\-\d{2}[^;/]*) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Simvalley' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # SK Telesys # @ref: # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(SK\-.*) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'SKtelesys' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Skytex # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:SKYTEX|SX)-([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Skytex' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(IMAGINE [^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Skytex' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # SmartQ # @ref: # @models: Z8, X7, U7H, U7, T30, T20, Ten3, V5-II, T7-3G, SmartQ5, K7, S7, Q8, T19, Ten2, Ten, R10, T7, R7, V5, V7, SmartQ7 ######### - regex: '; *(SmartQ) ?([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Smartbitt # @ref: # @missing: SBT Useragents ######### - regex: '; *(WF7C|WF10C|SBT[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Smartbitt' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Softbank (Operator Branded Devices) # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(SBM(?:003SH|005SH|006SH|007SH|102SH)) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Sharp' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(003P|101P|101P11C|102P) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Panasonic' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(00\dZ) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; HTC(X06HT) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(001HT|X06HT) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(201M) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: 'XT902' ######### # Trekstor # @ref: # @note: Must come before SonyEricsson ######### - regex: '; *(ST\d{4}.*)Build/ST' device_replacement: 'Trekstor $1' brand_replacement: 'Trekstor' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(ST\d{4}.*) Build/' device_replacement: 'Trekstor $1' brand_replacement: 'Trekstor' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # SonyEricsson # @note: Must come before nokia since they also use symbian # @ref: # @TODO: type! ######### # android matchers - regex: '; *(Sony ?Ericsson ?)([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'SonyEricsson' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *((?:SK|ST|E|X|LT|MK|MT|WT)\d{2}[a-z0-9]*(?:-o)?|R800i|U20i) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'SonyEricsson' model_replacement: '$1' # TODO X\d+ is wrong - regex: '; *(Xperia (?:A8|Arc|Acro|Active|Live with Walkman|Mini|Neo|Play|Pro|Ray|X\d+)[^;/]*) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'SonyEricsson' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Sony # @ref: # @ref: # @ref: ######### - regex: '; Sony (Tablet[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Sony $1' brand_replacement: 'Sony' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; Sony ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Sony $1' brand_replacement: 'Sony' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(Sony)([A-Za-z0-9\-]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(Xperia [^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Sony' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(C(?:1[0-9]|2[0-9]|53|55|6[0-9])[0-9]{2}|D[25]\d{3}|D6[56]\d{2}) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Sony' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(SGP\d{3}|SGPT\d{2}) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Sony' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(NW-Z1000Series) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Sony' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Sony PlayStation # @ref: # The Vita spoofs the Kindle ########## - regex: 'PLAYSTATION 3' device_replacement: 'PlayStation 3' brand_replacement: 'Sony' model_replacement: 'PlayStation 3' - regex: '(PlayStation (?:Portable|Vita|\d+))' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Sony' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Spice # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((?:CSL_Spice|Spice|SPICE|CSL)[ _\-]?)?([Mm][Ii])([ _\-])?(\d{3}[^;/]*) Build/' device_replacement: '$1$2$3$4' brand_replacement: 'Spice' model_replacement: 'Mi$4' ######### # Sprint (Operator Branded Devices) # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Sprint )(.+?) *(?:Build|[;/])' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Sprint' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '\b(Sprint)[: ]([^;,/ ]+)' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Sprint' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Tagi # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; *(TAGI[ ]?)(MID) ?([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1$2$3' brand_replacement: 'Tagi' model_replacement: '$2$3' ######### # Tecmobile # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Oyster500|Opal 800) Build' device_replacement: 'Tecmobile $1' brand_replacement: 'Tecmobile' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Tecno # @ref:‎ ######### - regex: '; *(TECNO[ _])([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Tecno' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Telechips, Techvision evaluation boards # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *Android for (Telechips|Techvision) ([^ ]+) ' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Telstra # @ref: # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(T-Hub2) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Telstra' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Terra # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(PAD) ?(100[12]) Build/' device_replacement: 'Terra $1$2' brand_replacement: 'Terra' model_replacement: '$1$2' ######### # Texet # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(T[BM]-\d{3}[^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Texet' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Thalia # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(tolino [^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Thalia' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *Build/.* (TOLINO_BROWSER)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Thalia' model_replacement: 'Tolino Shine' ######### # Thl # @ref: # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:CJ[ -])?(ThL|THL)[ -]([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Thl' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(T100|T200|T5|W100|W200|W8s) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Thl' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # T-Mobile (Operator Branded Devices) ######### # @ref: - regex: '; *(T-Mobile[ _]G2[ _]Touch) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: 'Hero' # @ref: - regex: '; *(T-Mobile[ _]G2) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: 'Desire Z' - regex: '; *(T-Mobile myTouch Q) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: 'U8730' - regex: '; *(T-Mobile myTouch) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: 'U8680' - regex: '; *(T-Mobile_Espresso) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: 'Espresso' - regex: '; *(T-Mobile G1) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: 'Dream' - regex: '\b(T-Mobile ?)?(myTouch)[ _]?([34]G)[ _]?([^\/]*) (?:Mozilla|Build)' device_replacement: '$1$2 $3 $4' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$2 $3 $4' - regex: '\b(T-Mobile)_([^_]+)_(.*) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2 $3' brand_replacement: 'Tmobile' model_replacement: '$2 $3' - regex: '\b(T-Mobile)[_ ]?(.*?)Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Tmobile' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Tomtec # @ref: ######### - regex: ' (ATP[0-9]{4}) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Tomtec' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Tooky # @ref: ######### - regex: ' *(TOOKY)[ _\-]([^;/]+) ?(?:Build|;)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Tooky' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Toshiba # @ref: # @missing: LT170, Thrive 7, TOSHIBA STB10 ######### - regex: '\b(TOSHIBA_AC_AND_AZ|TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A|FOLIO_AND_A)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Toshiba' model_replacement: 'Folio 100' - regex: '; *([Ff]olio ?100) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Toshiba' model_replacement: 'Folio 100' - regex: '; *(AT[0-9]{2,3}(?:\-A|LE\-A|PE\-A|SE|a)?|AT7-A|AT1S0|Hikari-iFrame/WDPF-[^;/]+|THRiVE|Thrive) Build/' device_replacement: 'Toshiba $1' brand_replacement: 'Toshiba' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Touchmate # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(TM-MID\d+[^;/]+|TOUCHMATE|MID-750) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Touchmate' model_replacement: '$1' # @todo: needs verification user-agents missing - regex: '; *(TM-SM\d+[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Touchmate' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Treq # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(A10 [Bb]asic2?) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Treq' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(TREQ[ _\-])([^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Treq' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Umeox # @ref: # @models: A936|A603|X-5|X-3 ######### # @todo: guessed markers - regex: '; *(X-?5|X-?3) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Umeox' model_replacement: '$1' # @todo: guessed markers - regex: '; *(A502\+?|A936|A603|X1|X2) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Umeox' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Versus # @ref: ######### - regex: '(TOUCH(?:TAB|PAD).+?) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Versus $1' brand_replacement: 'Versus' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Vertu # @ref: ######### - regex: '(VERTU) ([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Vertu' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Videocon # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(Videocon)[ _\-]([^;/]+) *(?:Build|;)' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'Videocon' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: ' (VT\d{2}[A-Za-z]*) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Videocon' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Viewsonic # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((?:ViewPad|ViewPhone|VSD)[^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Viewsonic' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(ViewSonic-)([^;/]+) Build/' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'Viewsonic' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(GTablet.*) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Viewsonic' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # vivo # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *([Vv]ivo)[ _]([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'vivo' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Vodafone (Operator Branded Devices) # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '(Vodafone) (.*) Build/' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Walton # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:Walton[ _\-])?(Primo[ _\-][^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Walton $1' brand_replacement: 'Walton' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Wiko # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:WIKO[ \-])?(CINK\+?|BARRY|BLOOM|DARKFULL|DARKMOON|DARKNIGHT|DARKSIDE|FIZZ|HIGHWAY|IGGY|OZZY|RAINBOW|STAIRWAY|SUBLIM|WAX|CINK [^;/]+) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Wiko $1' brand_replacement: 'Wiko' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # WellcoM # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; *WellcoM-([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Wellcom $1' brand_replacement: 'Wellcom' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # WeTab # @ref: ########## - regex: '(?:(WeTab)-Browser|; (wetab) Build)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'WeTab' model_replacement: 'WeTab' ######### # Wolfgang # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(AT-AS[^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Wolfgang $1' brand_replacement: 'Wolfgang' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Woxter # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:Woxter|Wxt) ([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'Woxter $1' brand_replacement: 'Woxter' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Yarvik Zania # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:Xenta |Luna )?(TAB[234][0-9]{2}|TAB0[78]-\d{3}|TAB0?9-\d{3}|TAB1[03]-\d{3}|SMP\d{2}-\d{3}) Build/' device_replacement: 'Yarvik $1' brand_replacement: 'Yarvik' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Yifang # @note: Needs to be at the very last as manufacturer builds for other brands. # @ref: # @models: M1010, M1011, M1007, M1008, M1005, M899, M899LP, M909, M8000, # M8001, M8002, M8003, M849, M815, M816, M819, M805, M878, M780LPW, # M778, M7000, M7000AD, M7000NBD, M7001, M7002, M7002KBD, M777, M767, # M789, M799, M769, M757, M755, M753, M752, M739, M729, M723, M712, M727 ######### - regex: '; *([A-Z]{2,4})(M\d{3,}[A-Z]{2})([^;\)\/]*)(?: Build|[;\)])' device_replacement: 'Yifang $1$2$3' brand_replacement: 'Yifang' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # XiaoMi # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *((MI|HM|MI-ONE|Redmi)[ -](NOTE |Note )?[^;/]*) (Build|MIUI)/' device_replacement: 'XiaoMi $1' brand_replacement: 'XiaoMi' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Xolo # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *XOLO[ _]([^;/]*tab.*) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Xolo $1' brand_replacement: 'Xolo' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *XOLO[ _]([^;/]+) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Xolo $1' brand_replacement: 'Xolo' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(q\d0{2,3}[a-z]?) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Xolo $1' brand_replacement: 'Xolo' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Xoro # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(PAD ?[79]\d+[^;/]*|TelePAD\d+[^;/]) Build' device_replacement: 'Xoro $1' brand_replacement: 'Xoro' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Zopo # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(?:(?:ZOPO|Zopo)[ _]([^;/]+)|(ZP ?(?:\d{2}[^;/]+|C2))|(C[2379])) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2$3' brand_replacement: 'Zopo' model_replacement: '$1$2$3' ######### # ZiiLabs # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(ZiiLABS) (Zii[^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'ZiiLabs' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: '; *(Zii)_([^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'ZiiLabs' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # ZTE # @ref: ######### - regex: '; *(ARIZONA|(?:ATLAS|Atlas) W|D930|Grand (?:[SX][^;]*|Era|Memo[^;]*)|JOE|(?:Kis|KIS)\b[^;]*|Libra|Light [^;]*|N8[056][01]|N850L|N8000|N9[15]\d{2}|N9810|NX501|Optik|(?:Vip )Racer[^;]*|RacerII|RACERII|San Francisco[^;]*|V9[AC]|V55|V881|Z[679][0-9]{2}[A-z]?) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *([A-Z]\d+)_USA_[^;]* Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(SmartTab\d+)[^;]* Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(?:Blade|BLADE|ZTE-BLADE)([^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: 'ZTE Blade$1' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: 'Blade$1' - regex: '; *(?:Skate|SKATE|ZTE-SKATE)([^;/]*) Build' device_replacement: 'ZTE Skate$1' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: 'Skate$1' - regex: '; *(Orange |Optimus )(Monte Carlo|San Francisco) Build' device_replacement: '$1$2' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: '$1$2' - regex: '; *(?:ZXY-ZTE_|ZTE\-U |ZTE[\- _]|ZTE-C[_ ])([^;/]+) Build' device_replacement: 'ZTE $1' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: '$1' # operator specific - regex: '; (BASE) (lutea|Lutea 2|Tab[^;]*) Build' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: '$1 $2' - regex: '; (Avea inTouch 2|soft stone|tmn smart a7|Movistar[ _]Link) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(vp9plus)\)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Zync # @ref: ########## - regex: '; ?(Cloud[ _]Z5|z1000|Z99 2G|z99|z930|z999|z990|z909|Z919|z900) Build/' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Zync' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Kindle # @note: Needs to be after Sony Playstation Vita as this UA contains Silk/3.2 # @ref: # @ref: ########## - regex: '; ?(KFOT|Kindle Fire) Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle Fire' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle Fire' - regex: '; ?(KFOTE|Amazon Kindle Fire2) Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle Fire 2' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle Fire 2' - regex: '; ?(KFTT) Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HD' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HD 7"' - regex: '; ?(KFJWI) Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HD 8.9" WiFi' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HD 8.9" WiFi' - regex: '; ?(KFJWA) Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HD 8.9" 4G' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HD 8.9" 4G' - regex: '; ?(KFSOWI) Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HD 7" WiFi' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HD 7" WiFi' - regex: '; ?(KFTHWI) Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7" WiFi' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7" WiFi' - regex: '; ?(KFTHWA) Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7" 4G' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7" 4G' - regex: '; ?(KFAPWI) Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" WiFi' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" WiFi' - regex: '; ?(KFAPWA) Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" 4G' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" 4G' - regex: '; ?Amazon ([^;/]+) Build\b' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; ?(Kindle) Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle' - regex: '; ?(Silk)/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.([0-9\-]+))? Build\b' device_replacement: 'Kindle Fire' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle Fire$2' - regex: ' (Kindle)/(\d+\.\d+)' device_replacement: 'Kindle' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: '$1 $2' - regex: ' (Silk|Kindle)/(\d+)\.' device_replacement: 'Kindle' brand_replacement: 'Amazon' model_replacement: 'Kindle' ######### # Devices from chinese manufacturer(s) # @note: identified by x-wap-profile* ######### - regex: '(sprd)\-([^/]+)/' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' # @ref: - regex: '; *(H\d{2}00\+?) Build' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Hero' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(iphone|iPhone5) Build/' device_replacement: 'Xianghe $1' brand_replacement: 'Xianghe' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; *(e\d{4}[a-z]?_?v\d+|v89_[^;/]+)[^;/]+ Build/' device_replacement: 'Xianghe $1' brand_replacement: 'Xianghe' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Cellular # @ref: # @note: Operator branded devices ######### - regex: '\bUSCC[_\-]?([^ ;/\)]+)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Cellular' model_replacement: '$1' ###################################################################### # Windows Phone Parsers ###################################################################### ######### # Alcatel Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?)?(?:ALCATEL)[^;]*; *([^;,\)]+)' device_replacement: 'Alcatel $1' brand_replacement: 'Alcatel' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Asus Windows Phones ######### #~ - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?)?(?:ASUS|Asus)[^;]*; *([^;,\)]+)' - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?)?(?:ASUS|Asus)[^;]*; *([^;,\)]+)' device_replacement: 'Asus $1' brand_replacement: 'Asus' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Dell Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?)?(?:DELL|Dell)[^;]*; *([^;,\)]+)' device_replacement: 'Dell $1' brand_replacement: 'Dell' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # HTC Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?)?(?:HTC|Htc|HTC_blocked[^;]*)[^;]*; *(?:HTC)?([^;,\)]+)' device_replacement: 'HTC $1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Huawei Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?)?(?:HUAWEI)[^;]*; *(?:HUAWEI )?([^;,\)]+)' device_replacement: 'Huawei $1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # LG Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?)?(?:LG|Lg)[^;]*; *(?:LG[ \-])?([^;,\)]+)' device_replacement: 'LG $1' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Noka Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?)?(?:rv:11; )?(?:NOKIA|Nokia)[^;]*; *(?:NOKIA ?|Nokia ?|LUMIA ?|[Ll]umia ?)*(\d{3,}[^;\)]*)' device_replacement: 'Lumia $1' brand_replacement: 'Nokia' model_replacement: 'Lumia $1' - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?)?(?:NOKIA|Nokia)[^;]*; *(RM-\d{3,})' device_replacement: 'Nokia $1' brand_replacement: 'Nokia' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '(?:Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)]|WPDesktop;) ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?)?(?:NOKIA|Nokia)[^;]*; *(?:NOKIA ?|Nokia ?|LUMIA ?|[Ll]umia ?)*([^;\)]+)' device_replacement: 'Nokia $1' brand_replacement: 'Nokia' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Microsoft Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?)?(?:Microsoft(?: Corporation)?)[^;]*; *([^;,\)]+)' device_replacement: 'Microsoft $1' brand_replacement: 'Microsoft' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Samsung Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?)?(?:SAMSUNG)[^;]*; *(?:SAMSUNG )?([^;,\.\)]+)' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Toshiba Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?)?(?:TOSHIBA|FujitsuToshibaMobileCommun)[^;]*; *([^;,\)]+)' device_replacement: 'Toshiba $1' brand_replacement: 'Toshiba' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Generic Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]+; .*?IEMobile/[^;\)]+[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?)?([^;]+); *([^;,\)]+)' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' ###################################################################### # Other Devices Parser ###################################################################### ######### # Samsung Bada Phones ######### - regex: '(?:^|; )SAMSUNG\-([A-Za-z0-9\-]+).* Bada/' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' ######### # Firefox OS ######### - regex: '\(Mobile; ALCATEL ?(One|ONE) ?(Touch|TOUCH) ?([^;/]+)(?:/[^;]+)?; rv:[^\)]+\) Gecko/[^\/]+ Firefox/' device_replacement: 'Alcatel $1 $2 $3' brand_replacement: 'Alcatel' model_replacement: 'One Touch $3' - regex: '\(Mobile; (?:ZTE([^;]+)|(OpenC)); rv:[^\)]+\) Gecko/[^\/]+ Firefox/' device_replacement: 'ZTE $1$2' brand_replacement: 'ZTE' model_replacement: '$1$2' ########## # NOKIA # @note: NokiaN8-00 comes before iphone. Sometimes spoofs iphone ########## - regex: 'Nokia(N[0-9]+)([A-z_\-][A-z0-9_\-]*)' device_replacement: 'Nokia $1' brand_replacement: 'Nokia' model_replacement: '$1$2' - regex: '(?:NOKIA|Nokia)(?:\-| *)(?:([A-Za-z0-9]+)\-[0-9a-f]{32}|([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)(?:UCBrowser)|([A-Za-z0-9\-]+))' device_replacement: 'Nokia $1$2$3' brand_replacement: 'Nokia' model_replacement: '$1$2$3' - regex: 'Lumia ([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)' device_replacement: 'Lumia $1' brand_replacement: 'Nokia' model_replacement: 'Lumia $1' # UCWEB Browser on Symbian - regex: '\(Symbian; U; S60 V5; [A-z]{2}\-[A-z]{2}; (SonyEricsson|Samsung|Nokia|LG)([^;/]+)\)' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' # Nokia Symbian - regex: '\(Symbian(?:/3)?; U; ([^;]+);' device_replacement: 'Nokia $1' brand_replacement: 'Nokia' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # BlackBerry # @ref: ########## - regex: 'BB10; ([A-Za-z0-9\- ]+)\)' device_replacement: 'BlackBerry $1' brand_replacement: 'BlackBerry' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'Play[Bb]ook.+RIM Tablet OS' device_replacement: 'BlackBerry Playbook' brand_replacement: 'BlackBerry' model_replacement: 'Playbook' - regex: 'Black[Bb]erry ([0-9]+);' device_replacement: 'BlackBerry $1' brand_replacement: 'BlackBerry' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'Black[Bb]erry([0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'BlackBerry $1' brand_replacement: 'BlackBerry' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'Black[Bb]erry;' device_replacement: 'BlackBerry' brand_replacement: 'BlackBerry' ########## # PALM / HP # @note: some palm devices must come before iphone. sometimes spoofs iphone in ua ########## - regex: '(Pre|Pixi)/\d+\.\d+' device_replacement: 'Palm $1' brand_replacement: 'Palm' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'Palm([0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Palm $1' brand_replacement: 'Palm' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'Treo([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Palm Treo $1' brand_replacement: 'Palm' model_replacement: 'Treo $1' - regex: 'webOS.*(P160U(?:NA)?)/(\d+).(\d+)' device_replacement: 'HP Veer' brand_replacement: 'HP' model_replacement: 'Veer' - regex: '(Touch[Pp]ad)/\d+\.\d+' device_replacement: 'HP TouchPad' brand_replacement: 'HP' model_replacement: 'TouchPad' - regex: 'HPiPAQ([A-Za-z0-9]+)/\d+.\d+' device_replacement: 'HP iPAQ $1' brand_replacement: 'HP' model_replacement: 'iPAQ $1' - regex: 'PDA; (PalmOS)/sony/model ([a-z]+)/Revision' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Sony' model_replacement: '$1 $2' ########## # AppleTV # No built in browser that I can tell # Stack Overflow indicated iTunes-AppleTV/4.1 as a known UA for app available and I'm seeing it in live traffic ########## - regex: '(Apple\s?TV)' device_replacement: 'AppleTV' brand_replacement: 'Apple' model_replacement: 'AppleTV' ######### # Tesla Model S ######### - regex: '(QtCarBrowser)' device_replacement: 'Tesla Model S' brand_replacement: 'Tesla' model_replacement: 'Model S' ########## # iSTUFF # @note: complete but probably catches spoofs # ipad and ipod must be parsed before iphone # cannot determine specific device type from ua string. (3g, 3gs, 4, etc) ########## # @note: on some ua the device can be identified e.g. iPhone5,1 - regex: '(iPhone|iPad|iPod)(\d+,\d+)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Apple' model_replacement: '$1$2' # @note: iPad needs to be before iPhone - regex: '(iPad)(?:;| Simulator;)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Apple' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '(iPod)(?:;| touch;| Simulator;)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Apple' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '(iPhone)(?:;| Simulator;)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Apple' model_replacement: '$1' # @note: desktop applications show device info - regex: 'CFNetwork/.* Darwin/\d.*\(((?:Mac|iMac|PowerMac|PowerBook)[^\d]*)(\d+)(?:,|%2C)(\d+)' device_replacement: '$1$2,$3' brand_replacement: 'Apple' model_replacement: '$1$2,$3' # @note: newer desktop applications don't show device info # This is here so as to not have them recorded as iOS-Device - regex: 'CFNetwork/.* Darwin/\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \(x86_64\)' device_replacement: 'Mac' brand_replacement: 'Apple' model_replacement: 'Mac' # @note: iOS applications do not show device info - regex: 'CFNetwork/.* Darwin/\d' device_replacement: 'iOS-Device' brand_replacement: 'Apple' model_replacement: 'iOS-Device' ########## # Acer ########## - regex: 'acer_([A-Za-z0-9]+)_' device_replacement: 'Acer $1' brand_replacement: 'Acer' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Alcatel ########## - regex: '(?:ALCATEL|Alcatel)-([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)' device_replacement: 'Alcatel $1' brand_replacement: 'Alcatel' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Amoi ########## - regex: '(?:Amoi|AMOI)\-([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Amoi $1' brand_replacement: 'Amoi' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Asus ########## - regex: '(?:; |\/|^)((?:Transformer (?:Pad|Prime) |Transformer |PadFone[ _]?)[A-Za-z0-9]*)' device_replacement: 'Asus $1' brand_replacement: 'Asus' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '(?:asus.*?ASUS|Asus|ASUS|asus)[\- ;]*((?:Transformer (?:Pad|Prime) |Transformer |Padfone |Nexus[ _])?[A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Asus $1' brand_replacement: 'Asus' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Bird ########## - regex: '\bBIRD[ \-\.]([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Bird $1' brand_replacement: 'Bird' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Dell ########## - regex: '\bDell ([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Dell $1' brand_replacement: 'Dell' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # DoCoMo ########## - regex: 'DoCoMo/2\.0 ([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'DoCoMo $1' brand_replacement: 'DoCoMo' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '([A-Za-z0-9]+)_W;FOMA' device_replacement: 'DoCoMo $1' brand_replacement: 'DoCoMo' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '([A-Za-z0-9]+);FOMA' device_replacement: 'DoCoMo $1' brand_replacement: 'DoCoMo' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # htc ########## - regex: '\b(?:HTC/|HTC/[a-z0-9]+/)?HTC[ _\-;]? *(.*?)(?:-?Mozilla|fingerPrint|[;/\(\)]|$)' device_replacement: 'HTC $1' brand_replacement: 'HTC' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Huawei ########## - regex: 'Huawei([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Huawei $1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'HUAWEI-([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Huawei $1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'vodafone([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Huawei Vodafone $1' brand_replacement: 'Huawei' model_replacement: 'Vodafone $1' ########## # i-mate ########## - regex: 'i\-mate ([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'i-mate $1' brand_replacement: 'i-mate' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # kyocera ########## - regex: 'Kyocera\-([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Kyocera $1' brand_replacement: 'Kyocera' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'KWC\-([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Kyocera $1' brand_replacement: 'Kyocera' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # lenovo ########## - regex: 'Lenovo[_\-]([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Lenovo $1' brand_replacement: 'Lenovo' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # HbbTV (European and Australian standard) # written before the LG regexes, as LG is making HbbTV too ########## - regex: '(HbbTV)/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ \([^;]*; *(LG)E *; *([^;]*) *;[^;]*;[^;]*;\)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: '$2' model_replacement: '$3' - regex: '(HbbTV)/1\.1\.1.*CE-HTML/1\.\d;(Vendor/)*(THOM[^;]*?)[;\s](?:.*SW-Version/.*)*(LF[^;]+);?' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Thomson' model_replacement: '$4' - regex: '(HbbTV)(?:/1\.1\.1)?(?: ?\(;;;;;\))?; *CE-HTML(?:/1\.\d)?; *([^ ]+) ([^;]+);' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: '$2' model_replacement: '$3' - regex: '(HbbTV)/1\.1\.1 \(;;;;;\) Maple_2011' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' - regex: '(HbbTV)/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ \([^;]*; *(?:CUS:([^;]*)|([^;]+)) *; *([^;]*) *;.*;' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: '$2$3' model_replacement: '$4' - regex: '(HbbTV)/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' device_replacement: '$1' ########## # LGE NetCast TV ########## - regex: 'LGE; (?:Media\/)?([^;]*);[^;]*;[^;]*;?\); "?LG NetCast(\.TV|\.Media|)-\d+' device_replacement: 'NetCast$2' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # InettvBrowser ########## - regex: 'InettvBrowser/[0-9]+\.[0-9A-Z]+ \([^;]*;(Sony)([^;]*);[^;]*;[^\)]*\)' device_replacement: 'Inettv' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' - regex: 'InettvBrowser/[0-9]+\.[0-9A-Z]+ \([^;]*;([^;]*);[^;]*;[^\)]*\)' device_replacement: 'Inettv' brand_replacement: 'Generic_Inettv' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '(?:InettvBrowser|TSBNetTV|NETTV|HBBTV)' device_replacement: 'Inettv' brand_replacement: 'Generic_Inettv' ########## # lg ########## # LG Symbian Phones - regex: 'Series60/\d\.\d (LG)[\-]?([A-Za-z0-9 \-]+)' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' # other LG phones - regex: '\b(?:LGE[ \-]LG\-(?:AX)?|LGE |LGE?-LG|LGE?[ \-]|LG[ /\-]|lg[\-])([A-Za-z0-9]+)\b' device_replacement: 'LG $1' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '(?:^LG[\-]?|^LGE[\-/]?)([A-Za-z]+[0-9]+[A-Za-z]*)' device_replacement: 'LG $1' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '^LG([0-9]+[A-Za-z]*)' device_replacement: 'LG $1' brand_replacement: 'LG' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # microsoft ########## - regex: '(KIN\.[^ ]+) (\d+)\.(\d+)' device_replacement: 'Microsoft $1' brand_replacement: 'Microsoft' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '(?:MSIE|XBMC).*\b(Xbox)\b' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Microsoft' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '; ARM; Trident/6\.0; Touch[\);]' device_replacement: 'Microsoft Surface RT' brand_replacement: 'Microsoft' model_replacement: 'Surface RT' ########## # motorola ########## - regex: 'Motorola\-([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Motorola $1' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'MOTO\-([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Motorola $1' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'MOT\-([A-z0-9][A-z0-9\-]*)' device_replacement: 'Motorola $1' brand_replacement: 'Motorola' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # nintendo ########## - regex: 'Nintendo WiiU' device_replacement: 'Nintendo Wii U' brand_replacement: 'Nintendo' model_replacement: 'Wii U' - regex: 'Nintendo (DS|3DS|DSi|Wii);' device_replacement: 'Nintendo $1' brand_replacement: 'Nintendo' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # pantech ########## - regex: '(?:Pantech|PANTECH)[ _-]?([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)' device_replacement: 'Pantech $1' brand_replacement: 'Pantech' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # philips ########## - regex: 'Philips([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Philips $1' brand_replacement: 'Philips' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'Philips ([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Philips $1' brand_replacement: 'Philips' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Samsung ########## # Samsung Smart-TV - regex: '(SMART-TV); .* Tizen ' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' # Samsung Symbian Devices - regex: 'SymbianOS/9\.\d.* Samsung[/\-]([A-Za-z0-9 \-]+)' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '(Samsung)(SGH)(i[0-9]+)' device_replacement: '$1 $2$3' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2-$3' - regex: 'SAMSUNG-ANDROID-MMS/([^;/]+)' device_replacement: '$1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' # Other Samsung #- regex: 'SAMSUNG(?:; |-)([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)' - regex: 'SAMSUNG(?:; |[ -/])([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Samsung $1' brand_replacement: 'Samsung' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Sega ########## - regex: '(Dreamcast)' device_replacement: 'Sega $1' brand_replacement: 'Sega' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Siemens mobile ########## - regex: '^SIE-([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Siemens $1' brand_replacement: 'Siemens' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Softbank ########## - regex: 'Softbank/[12]\.0/([A-Za-z0-9]+)' device_replacement: 'Softbank $1' brand_replacement: 'Softbank' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # SonyEricsson ########## - regex: 'SonyEricsson ?([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)' device_replacement: 'Ericsson $1' brand_replacement: 'SonyEricsson' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Sony ########## - regex: 'Android [^;]+; ([^ ]+) (Sony)/' device_replacement: '$2 $1' brand_replacement: '$2' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: '(Sony)(?:BDP\/|\/)?([^ /;\)]+)[ /;\)]' device_replacement: '$1 $2' brand_replacement: '$1' model_replacement: '$2' ######### # Puffin Browser Device detect # A=Android, I=iOS, P=Phone, T=Tablet # AT=Android+Tablet ######### - regex: 'Puffin/[\d\.]+IT' device_replacement: 'iPad' brand_replacement: 'Apple' model_replacement: 'iPad' - regex: 'Puffin/[\d\.]+IP' device_replacement: 'iPhone' brand_replacement: 'Apple' model_replacement: 'iPhone' - regex: 'Puffin/[\d\.]+AT' device_replacement: 'Generic Tablet' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Tablet' - regex: 'Puffin/[\d\.]+AP' device_replacement: 'Generic Smartphone' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Smartphone' ######### # Android General Device Matching (far from perfect) ######### - regex: 'Android[\- ][\d]+\.[\d]+; [A-Za-z]{2}\-[A-Za-z]{0,2}; WOWMobile (.+) Build[/ ]' brand_replacement: 'Generic_Android' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'Android[\- ][\d]+\.[\d]+\-update1; [A-Za-z]{2}\-[A-Za-z]{0,2} *; *(.+?) Build[/ ]' brand_replacement: 'Generic_Android' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'Android[\- ][\d]+(?:\.[\d]+){1,2}; *[A-Za-z]{2}[_\-][A-Za-z]{0,2}\-? *; *(.+?) Build[/ ]' brand_replacement: 'Generic_Android' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'Android[\- ][\d]+(?:\.[\d]+){1,2}; *[A-Za-z]{0,2}\- *; *(.+?) Build[/ ]' brand_replacement: 'Generic_Android' model_replacement: '$1' # No build info at all - "Build" follows locale immediately - regex: 'Android[\- ][\d]+(?:\.[\d]+){1,2}; *[a-z]{0,2}[_\-]?[A-Za-z]{0,2};? Build[/ ]' device_replacement: 'Generic Smartphone' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Smartphone' - regex: 'Android[\- ][\d]+(?:\.[\d]+){1,2}; *\-?[A-Za-z]{2}; *(.+?) Build[/ ]' brand_replacement: 'Generic_Android' model_replacement: '$1' - regex: 'Android[\- ][\d]+(?:\.[\d]+){1,2}(?:;.*)?; *(.+?) Build[/ ]' brand_replacement: 'Generic_Android' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Google TV ########## - regex: '(GoogleTV)' brand_replacement: 'Generic_Inettv' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # WebTV ########## - regex: '(WebTV)/\d+.\d+' brand_replacement: 'Generic_Inettv' model_replacement: '$1' # Roku Digital-Video-Players - regex: '^(Roku)/DVP-\d+\.\d+' brand_replacement: 'Generic_Inettv' model_replacement: '$1' ########## # Generic Tablet ########## - regex: '(Android 3\.\d|Opera Tablet|Tablet; .+Firefox/|Android.*(?:Tab|Pad))' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Generic Tablet' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Tablet' ########## # Generic Smart Phone ########## - regex: '(Symbian|\bS60(Version|V\d)|\bS60\b|\((Series 60|Windows Mobile|Palm OS|Bada); Opera Mini|Windows CE|Opera Mobi|BREW|Brew|Mobile; .+Firefox/|iPhone OS|Android|MobileSafari|Windows *Phone|\(webOS/|PalmOS)' device_replacement: 'Generic Smartphone' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Smartphone' - regex: '(hiptop|avantgo|plucker|xiino|blazer|elaine)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Generic Smartphone' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Smartphone' ########## # Spiders (this is hack...) ########## - regex: '(bot|zao|borg|DBot|oegp|silk|Xenu|zeal|^NING|CCBot|crawl|htdig|lycos|slurp|teoma|voila|yahoo|Sogou|CiBra|Nutch|^Java/|^JNLP/|Daumoa|Genieo|ichiro|larbin|pompos|Scrapy|snappy|speedy|spider|msnbot|msrbot|vortex|^vortex|crawler|favicon|indexer|Riddler|scooter|scraper|scrubby|WhatWeb|WinHTTP|bingbot|BingPreview|openbot|gigabot|furlbot|polybot|seekbot|^voyager|archiver|Icarus6j|mogimogi|Netvibes|blitzbot|altavista|charlotte|findlinks|Retreiver|TLSProber|WordPress|SeznamBot|ProoXiBot|wsr\-agent|Squrl Java|EtaoSpider|PaperLiBot|SputnikBot|A6\-Indexer|netresearch|searchsight|baiduspider|YisouSpider|ICC\-Crawler|http%20client|Python-urllib|dataparksearch|converacrawler|Screaming Frog|AppEngine-Google|YahooCacheSystem|fast\-webcrawler|Sogou Pic Spider|semanticdiscovery|Innovazion Crawler|facebookexternalhit|Google.*/\+/web/snippet|Google-HTTP-Java-Client|BlogBridge|IlTrovatore-Setaccio|InternetArchive|GomezAgent|WebThumbnail|heritrix|NewsGator|PagePeeker|Reaper|ZooShot|holmes|NL-Crawler|Pingdom|StatusCake|WhatsApp|masscan|Google Web Preview|Qwantify)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Spider' brand_replacement: 'Spider' model_replacement: 'Desktop' ########## # Generic Feature Phone # take care to do case insensitive matching ########## - regex: '^(1207|3gso|4thp|501i|502i|503i|504i|505i|506i|6310|6590|770s|802s|a wa|acer|acs\-|airn|alav|asus|attw|au\-m|aur |aus |abac|acoo|aiko|alco|alca|amoi|anex|anny|anyw|aptu|arch|argo|bmobile|bell|bird|bw\-n|bw\-u|beck|benq|bilb|blac|c55/|cdm\-|chtm|capi|comp|cond|dall|dbte|dc\-s|dica|ds\-d|ds12|dait|devi|dmob|doco|dopo|dorado|el(?:38|39|48|49|50|55|58|68)|el[3456]\d{2}dual|erk0|esl8|ex300|ez40|ez60|ez70|ezos|ezze|elai|emul|eric|ezwa|fake|fly\-|fly_|g\-mo|g1 u|g560|gf\-5|grun|gene|go.w|good|grad|hcit|hd\-m|hd\-p|hd\-t|hei\-|hp i|hpip|hs\-c|htc |htc\-|htca|htcg)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Generic Feature Phone' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Feature Phone' - regex: '^(htcp|htcs|htct|htc_|haie|hita|huaw|hutc|i\-20|i\-go|i\-ma|i\-mobile|i230|iac|iac\-|iac/|ig01|im1k|inno|iris|jata|kddi|kgt|kgt/|kpt |kwc\-|klon|lexi|lg g|lg\-a|lg\-b|lg\-c|lg\-d|lg\-f|lg\-g|lg\-k|lg\-l|lg\-m|lg\-o|lg\-p|lg\-s|lg\-t|lg\-u|lg\-w|lg/k|lg/l|lg/u|lg50|lg54|lge\-|lge/|leno|m1\-w|m3ga|m50/|maui|mc01|mc21|mcca|medi|meri|mio8|mioa|mo01|mo02|mode|modo|mot |mot\-|mt50|mtp1|mtv |mate|maxo|merc|mits|mobi|motv|mozz|n100|n101|n102|n202|n203|n300|n302|n500|n502|n505|n700|n701|n710|nec\-|nem\-|newg|neon)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Generic Feature Phone' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Feature Phone' - regex: '^(netf|noki|nzph|o2 x|o2\-x|opwv|owg1|opti|oran|ot\-s|p800|pand|pg\-1|pg\-2|pg\-3|pg\-6|pg\-8|pg\-c|pg13|phil|pn\-2|pt\-g|palm|pana|pire|pock|pose|psio|qa\-a|qc\-2|qc\-3|qc\-5|qc\-7|qc07|qc12|qc21|qc32|qc60|qci\-|qwap|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|rove|s55/|sage|sams|sc01|sch\-|scp\-|sdk/|se47|sec\-|sec0|sec1|semc|sgh\-|shar|sie\-|sk\-0|sl45|slid|smb3|smt5|sp01|sph\-|spv |spv\-|sy01|samm|sany|sava|scoo|send|siem|smar|smit|soft|sony|t\-mo|t218|t250|t600|t610|t618|tcl\-|tdg\-|telm|tim\-|ts70|tsm\-|tsm3|tsm5|tx\-9|tagt)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Generic Feature Phone' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Feature Phone' - regex: '^(talk|teli|topl|tosh|up.b|upg1|utst|v400|v750|veri|vk\-v|vk40|vk50|vk52|vk53|vm40|vx98|virg|vertu|vite|voda|vulc|w3c |w3c\-|wapj|wapp|wapu|wapm|wig |wapi|wapr|wapv|wapy|wapa|waps|wapt|winc|winw|wonu|x700|xda2|xdag|yas\-|your|zte\-|zeto|aste|audi|avan|blaz|brew|brvw|bumb|ccwa|cell|cldc|cmd\-|dang|eml2|fetc|hipt|http|ibro|idea|ikom|ipaq|jbro|jemu|jigs|keji|kyoc|kyok|libw|m\-cr|midp|mmef|moto|mwbp|mywa|newt|nok6|o2im|pant|pdxg|play|pluc|port|prox|rozo|sama|seri|smal|symb|treo|upsi|vx52|vx53|vx60|vx61|vx70|vx80|vx81|vx83|vx85|wap\-|webc|whit|wmlb|xda\-|xda_)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Generic Feature Phone' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Feature Phone' - regex: '^(Ice)$' device_replacement: 'Generic Feature Phone' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Feature Phone' - regex: '(wap[\-\ ]browser|maui|netfront|obigo|teleca|up\.browser|midp|Opera Mini)' regex_flag: 'i' device_replacement: 'Generic Feature Phone' brand_replacement: 'Generic' model_replacement: 'Feature Phone'