{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

Module          : Streaming.UDP
Description     : Simple fire-and-forget UDP components for Streaming library
Copyright       : (c) 2018 Mihai Giurgeanu
Stability       : experimental
Portability     : GHC

module Streaming.UDP
  ( fromUDP,

    -- * Reexports
  ) where

import           Streaming (Of, Stream, lift)
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
import           Network.Socket (Socket,
import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
import           Network.Socket.ByteString (recvFrom,
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource, allocate)
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)

-- | gets an ip adress, a port and stream of strict pairs ('ByteString', 'SockAddr') and
-- sends all the `ByteString`s to the 'SockAddr' from a socet bounded to the give ip and port.
-- /Note/: before this function had a different specification.
-- @since
toUDP :: (MonadResource m) => String -> PortNumber -> Stream (Of (ByteString, SockAddr)) m r -> m r
toUDP host port = toIOSocket (udpSocket host port)

-- | Stream all incoming data to the given connected 'Socket'. Note that this function will
-- not automatically close the 'Socket' when processing completes.
-- /Note/: before this function had a different specification.
-- @since
toSocket :: (MonadIO m) => Socket -> Stream (Of (ByteString, SockAddr)) m r -> m r
toSocket s = S.mapM_ $ liftIO . (\ (m, a) -> sendTo s m a)
             -- since we are sending a datagram, can't use sendAll; ignore the value returned by send

-- | An alternative to 'toSocket'. Instead of taking a pre-opened 'Socket', it
-- takes an action that returns a connected 'Socket' , so that it can open it
-- only when needed and close it as soon as possible.
-- /Note/: before this function had a different specification.
-- @since
toIOSocket :: (MonadResource m) => IO Socket -> Stream (Of (ByteString, SockAddr)) m r -> m r
toIOSocket connectAction str = do
  (_, s) <- allocate connectAction Socket.close
  toSocket s str

-- | Fire-and-forget style UDP source. It will attempt to listen on the
-- specified interface and port, and if it succeeds it can read contents
-- being sent to that interface and port.
-- It streams a pair of (message, source-address) allowing the downstream
-- to know who sent the message. 
fromUDP :: (MonadResource m)
        => String               -- ^ address to bind to
        -> PortNumber           -- ^ port number to bind to
        -> Int                  -- ^ maximum size of a datagram
        -> Stream (Of (ByteString, SockAddr)) m r
fromUDP host port sz =
  fromIOSocket (udpSocket host port) sz

-- | Stream the contents of a bound 'Socket' as binary data. Note that this function will
-- not automatically close the 'Socket' when processing completes, since it did not acquire
-- the 'Socket' in the first place.
fromSocket :: (MonadIO m)
           => Socket                                 -- ^ the socket
           -> Int                                    -- ^ max lenght of a datagram
           -> Stream (Of (ByteString, SockAddr)) m r -- ^ the resulting stream of messages
fromSocket s sz = loop
  where loop = do
          msg <- liftIO $ recvFrom s sz
          S.yield msg

-- | An alternative to 'fromSocket'. Instead of taking a pre-bound 'Socket',
-- it takes an action that opens and binds a Socket, so that it can open it
-- only when needed and close it as soon as possible.
fromIOSocket :: (MonadResource m)
             => IO Socket                              -- ^ the 'IO' action to create the UDP socket
             -> Int                                    -- ^ max length of a datagram
             -> Stream (Of (ByteString, SockAddr)) m r -- ^ the resulting stream of messages
fromIOSocket bindAction sz = do
  (_, s) <- lift $ allocate bindAction Socket.close
  fromSocket s sz

-- | Given a host, port and 'SocketType', create a socket and
-- 'Network.Socket.connect' or 'Network.Socket.bind' to the address pair.
    :: String -- ^ IP address to host
    -> PortNumber
    -> IO Socket
udpSocket host port =  do
    socket <- Socket.socket Socket.AF_INET Socket.Datagram Socket.defaultProtocol
    setSocketOption socket Socket.ReusePort 1
    address <- inet_addr host
    Socket.bind socket (SockAddrInet port address)
    return socket