module UHC.Light.Compiler.Deriving ( DerivCls (..), DerivClsFld (..), DerivClsMp , emptyDerivCls , dccMkTy , mkDerivClsMp ) where import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.HsName.Builtin import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Common import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.TermLike import UHC.Light.Compiler.Opts import UHC.Light.Compiler.Gam.Full import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty import UHC.Light.Compiler.Core import UHC.Light.Compiler.Core.Utils import UHC.Light.Compiler.AbstractCore import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List import UHC.Util.Utils import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.FitsInCommon2 import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty.Trf.Canonic {-# LINE 25 "src/ehc/Deriving.chs" #-} data DerivClsExtraCtxt = DerivClsExtraCtxt_Fixed -- fixed predicate, independent of type over which is derived { dccClsClNm :: !HsName -- class name , dccClsTyNm :: !HsName -- and its type arg } data DerivCls = DerivCls { dclNm :: !HsName -- name of class , dclFldL :: ![DerivClsFld] -- field info , dclExtraCtxt :: ![DerivClsExtraCtxt] -- additional instances to prove (and use) } data DerivClsFld = DerivClsFld { dcfNm :: !HsName -- name of class field , dcfTy :: !Ty -- type of class field, expanded w.r.t. type synonyms , dcfMkCPat :: -- make the pattern for each alternative Int -- index of alternative (the actual Enum ordering) -> CTag -- tag -> Int -- arity -> Maybe [HsName] -- optional list of names for constituents -> CPat , dcfInitialArgL :: ![HsName] -- initial arguments for function, passed to dcfFoldSubsCExpr , dcfInitialSubArgL :: DataTagInfo -> [CExpr] -- initial arguments for constituents , dcfNrOmitTailArg :: !Int -- nr of args not passed, i.e. how much to omit for partial app , dcfFoldSubsCExpr :: UID -- construct out of constituents -> RCEEnv -> DataTagInfo -- this tag info -> (Int,Int) -- (index (a la toEnum), nr of alts) -> [HsName] -- names of initial args (usually same as dcfInitialArgL) -> [CExpr] -- constituents -> CExpr , dcfNoArgSubsCExpr :: RCEEnv -> [(DataTagInfo,[CExpr])] -- all tag info + sub calls parameterized with appropriate instance -> Int -- nr of alts -> CExpr -- instance under construction -> [CExpr] -- instances corresponding to dclExtraCtxt -> [HsName] -- names of initial args (usually same as dcfInitialArgL) -> CExpr -- when class member takes no args , dcfAllTagLtCExpr :: !CExpr -- when tags are < previous , dcfAllTagGtCExpr :: !CExpr -- when tags are > previous , dcfWrapCase :: -- wrap case expr in derived function EHCOpts -> DataGamInfo -- info of data ty -> Int -- nr of alts -> HsName -- name of expr inspected by case expr -> [HsName] -- names of initial args (usually same as dcfInitialArgL) -> CExpr -- case expr -> CExpr } type DerivClsMp = Map.Map HsName DerivCls {-# LINE 81 "src/ehc/Deriving.chs" #-} emptyDerivCls :: DerivCls emptyDerivCls = DerivCls hsnUnknown [] [] {-# LINE 86 "src/ehc/Deriving.chs" #-} dccMkTy :: DerivClsExtraCtxt -> Ty dccMkTy (DerivClsExtraCtxt_Fixed clNm tyNm) = appConApp clNm [appCon tyNm] {-# LINE 93 "src/ehc/Deriving.chs" #-} mkDerivClsMp :: FIEnv -> ValGam -> DataGam -> DerivClsMp mkDerivClsMp fe valGam dataGam = Map.unions $ map (uncurry Map.singleton) $ [ -- Eq {- -} mkc ehbnClassEq [] [ -- Eq((==)) mkf ehbnClassEqFldEq Nothing -- only data constructor patterns [] Nothing -- no extra args for recursion on constituents 0 (\_ _ _ _ _ vs -> case vs of [] -> true _ -> foldr1 and vs ) Nothing -- no zero arg false false nowrap ] -- Ord , mkc ehbnClassOrd [] [ -- Ord(compare) mkf ehbnClassOrdFldCompare Nothing -- only data constructor patterns [] Nothing -- no extra args for recursion on constituents 0 (\uniq env _ _ _ vs -> case vs of [] -> eq _ -> foldr1 (\l r -> acoreStrictSatCaseTy env (Just (nStrict,acoreTyErr "")) l [ acoreAlt (acorePatTagArityMbNms (rceEHCOpts env) (orderingTag eqNm) 0 Nothing) r , acoreAlt (acorePatTagArityMbNms (rceEHCOpts env) (orderingTag ltNm) 0 Nothing) lt , acoreAlt (acorePatTagArityMbNms (rceEHCOpts env) (orderingTag gtNm) 0 Nothing) gt ] ) vs where n = mkHNm uniq nStrict = hsnUniqifyEval n ) Nothing -- no zero arg gt lt nowrap ] -- Enum , mkc ehbnClassEnum [DerivClsExtraCtxt_Fixed (fn ehbnClassEnum) hsnInt] [ -- Enum(enumFrom) mkf ehbnClassEnumFldEnumFrom Nothing -- only data constructor patterns (take 1 hsnLclSupply) Nothing -- no extra args for recursion on constituents 0 nononzeroargs (Just $ \_ dtiSubs nrOfAlts self _ [argFrom] -> let (dti,_) = last' (panic "Deriving.Enum.enumFrom.dtiSubs") dtiSubs in acoreBuiltinApp opts ehbnClassEnumFldEnumFromTo [self,acoreVar argFrom,CExpr_Tup (dtiCTag dti)] ) undef undef nowrap -- Enum(enumFromThen) , mkf ehbnClassEnumFldEnumFromThen Nothing -- only data constructor patterns (take 2 hsnLclSupply) Nothing -- no extra args for recursion on constituents 0 nononzeroargs (Just $ \_ dtiSubs nrOfAlts self _ [argFrom,argThen] -> let (dti1,_) = head dtiSubs (dti2,_) = last' (panic "Deriving.Enum.enumFromThen.dtiSubs") dtiSubs in acoreBuiltinApp opts ehbnClassEnumFldEnumFromThenTo [ self , acoreVar argFrom , acoreVar argThen , acoreIf opts Nothing (acoreBuiltinApp opts ehbnPrimGtInt [ acoreBuiltinApp opts ehbnClassEnumFldFromEnum [self, acoreVar argFrom] , acoreBuiltinApp opts ehbnClassEnumFldFromEnum [self, acoreVar argThen] ] ) (CExpr_Tup (dtiCTag dti1)) (CExpr_Tup (dtiCTag dti2)) ] ) undef undef nowrap -- Enum(fromEnum) , mkf ehbnClassEnumFldFromEnum Nothing -- only data constructor patterns [] Nothing -- no extra args for recursion on constituents 0 (\_ env _ (altInx,_) _ [] -> acoreInt opts altInx ) Nothing -- no zero arg undef undef nowrap -- Enum(toEnum) , mkf ehbnClassEnumFldToEnum (Just $ \altInx _ _ _ -> CPat_Int altInx) [] Nothing -- no extra args for recursion on constituents 0 (\_ _ dti _ _ [] -> CExpr_Tup (dtiCTag dti) ) Nothing -- no zero arg undef undef (\opts dgi nrOfAlts cNm _ body -> let cNmv = acoreVar cNm cNm1 = hsnUniqifyStr HsNameUniqifier_Evaluated "boundCheck" cNm in acoreIf opts (Just cNm1) (acoreBuiltinApp opts ehbnPrimGtInt [cNmv,acoreInt opts (nrOfAlts-1)]) (acoreBuiltinError opts $ "too high for toEnum to " ++ show (dgiTyNm dgi)) (acoreIf opts (Just cNm1) (acoreBuiltinApp opts ehbnPrimGtInt [acoreInt opts 0,cNmv]) (acoreBuiltinError opts $ "too low for toEnum to " ++ show (dgiTyNm dgi)) body ) ) -- Enum(succ) , mkf ehbnClassEnumFldSucc Nothing -- only data constructor patterns [] Nothing -- no extra args for recursion on constituents 0 (\_ env dti (altInx,nrOfAlts) _ [] -> if altInx < nrOfAlts - 1 then acoreInt opts $ altInx + 1 else acoreBuiltinError opts $ "cannot succ last constructor: " ++ show (dtiConNm dti) ) Nothing -- no zero arg undef undef nowrap -- Enum(pred) , mkf ehbnClassEnumFldPred Nothing -- only data constructor patterns [] Nothing -- no extra args for recursion on constituents 0 (\_ env dti (altInx,_) _ [] -> if altInx > 0 then acoreInt opts $ altInx - 1 else acoreBuiltinError opts $ "cannot pred first constructor: " ++ show (dtiConNm dti) ) Nothing -- no zero arg undef undef nowrap ] -- Bounded {- -} , mkc ehbnClassBounded [] [ -- Bounded(maxBound) mkf ehbnClassBoundedFldMaxBound Nothing -- only data constructor patterns [] Nothing -- no extra args for recursion on constituents 0 nononzeroargs (Just $ \_ dtiSubs _ _ _ _ -> let (dti,subs) = last dtiSubs in acoreTagTup (dtiCTag dti) subs ) undef undef nowrap -- Bounded(minBound) , mkf ehbnClassBoundedFldMinBound Nothing -- only data constructor patterns [] Nothing -- no extra args for recursion on constituents 0 nononzeroargs (Just $ \_ dtiSubs _ _ _ _ -> let (dti,subs) = head dtiSubs in acoreTagTup (dtiCTag dti) subs ) undef undef nowrap ] -- Show , mkc ehbnClassShow [] [ -- Show(showsPrec) mkf ehbnClassShowFldShowsPrec Nothing -- only data constructor patterns [precDepthNm] (Just $ \dti -> [acoreInt opts $ maybe (fixityAppPrio + 1) ((+1) . fst) $ dtiMbFixityPrio dti]) 1 (\_ _ dti _ [dNm] vs -> let mk needParen v = acoreApp (acoreVar $ fn ehbnPrelShowParen) [needParen,v] in case (vs,dtiMbFixityPrio dti) of ([],_) -> showString $ tag2str (dtiCTag dti) ([v1,v2],Just (p,_)) -> mk (acoreBuiltinGtInt opts (acoreVar dNm) p) $ foldr1 compose ([v1] ++ [ showString $ " " ++ tag2str (dtiCTag dti) ++ " " ] ++ [v2]) _ -> mk (acoreBuiltinGtInt opts (acoreVar dNm) fixityAppPrio) $ foldr1 compose ([showString $ tag2str (dtiCTag dti) ++ " "] ++ intersperse (showString " ") vs) ) Nothing -- no zero arg undef undef nowrap ] -- Ix {- -} , mkc ehbnClassIx [] [ -- Ix(range) -- Ix(index) -- Ix(inRange) ] -- Read , mkc ehbnClassRead [] [ -- Read(readsPrec) mkf ehbnClassReadFldReadsPrec Nothing -- only data constructor patterns [precDepthNm,remInputNm] Nothing -- no extra args for recursion on constituents 0 nononzeroargs (Just $ \env dtiSubs _ _ _ [dNm,rNm] -> let mkSub (dti,subCalls) = acoreApp (acoreVar $ fn ehbnPrelReadParen) [needParen,v,acoreVar rNm] where nSub = length subCalls nms seed = take (nSub+1) $ hsnLclSupplyWith $ mkHNmHidden seed remNmL = nms "v" nmL = zip4 (nms "uv") (rNm:remNmL) (nms "u") remNmL nmLRemFinal = last' (panic "Deriving.nmLRemFinal") remNmL mkLamTup x res rem cont = acoreLam1Ty x (acoreTyErr "Deriving.Read.mkLamTup.lam") $ acoreMatchTupleTy env [res,rem] (acoreTyErr "Deriving.Read.mkLamTup.tup") cont (acoreVar x) mkLamStr str x res rem cont = mkLamTup x res rem $ acoreMatchStringTy env str (acoreTyErr "Deriving.Read.mkLamStr.match") cont nil (acoreVar res) mkConcatMapTup lam prio rem subCall = acoreApp (acoreVar $ fn ehbnPrelConcatMap) [lam,acoreApp subCall [prio,acoreVar rem]] mkConcatMapStr lam rem = acoreApp (acoreVar $ fn ehbnPrelConcatMap) [lam,acoreApp (acoreVar $ fn ehbnPrelLex) [acoreVar rem]] mkPrio prio = acoreInt opts (prio + 1) mkRes resL rem = acoreBuiltinListSingleton opts $ acoreTup [acoreTagTup (dtiCTag dti) $ map acoreVar resL,acoreVar rem] mkConRead (resrem,remprev,res,rem) = \cont -> mkConcatMapStr (mkLamStr (tag2str (dtiCTag dti)) resrem res rem cont) remprev mkSubReads tlNmL subCalls = [ (\cont -> mkConcatMapTup (mkLamTup resrem res rem cont) (mkPrio fixityAppPrio) remPrev subCall, res) | ((resrem,remPrev,res,rem),subCall) <- zip tlNmL subCalls ] (needParen,v) = case (subCalls,dtiMbFixityPrio dti,nmL) of ([subCall1,subCall2],Just (p,_),(subNms1:conNms:subNms2:_)) -> ( acoreBuiltinGtInt opts (acoreVar dNm) p , acoreLam1Ty rNm (acoreTyErr "Deriving.Read.") $ sub1 $ mkConRead conNms $ sub2 $ mkRes subResNmL nmLRemFinal ) where ([sub1,sub2],subResNmL) = unzip $ mkSubReads [subNms1,subNms2] subCalls (_,_,(conNms:subNmsL)) -> ( acoreBuiltinGtInt opts (acoreVar dNm) fixityAppPrio , acoreLam1Ty rNm (acoreTyErr "Deriving.Read.") $ foldr ($) (mkRes subResNmL nmLRemFinal) (mkConRead conNms : subs) ) where (subs,subResNmL) = unzip $ mkSubReads subNmsL subCalls in foldr1 (\ds e -> acoreApp (acoreVar $ fn ehbnPrelConcat2) [ds,e]) $ map mkSub dtiSubs ) undef undef nowrap ] ] where mkc c extraCtxt flds = (c', DerivCls c' flds extraCtxt) where c' = fn c mkf f mbMkPat as mbAsSubs omTl cAllMatch mbCNoArg cLT cGT wrap = DerivClsFld f' (tyCanonic (emptyTyBetaRedEnv' fe) t) mkPat as asSubs omTl cAllMatch cNoArg cLT cGT wrap where f' = fn f (t,_) = valGamLookupTy f' valGam mkPat = maybe (const $ acorePatTagArityMbNms opts) id mbMkPat asSubs = maybe (const []) id mbAsSubs cNoArg = maybe (\_ _ _ _ _ _ -> undef) id mbCNoArg fn f = ehcOptBuiltin opts f false, true :: CExpr false = acoreVar $ fn ehbnBoolFalse true = acoreVar $ fn ehbnBoolTrue nil = CExpr_Tup $ ctagNil opts and l r = (acoreVar $ fn ehbnBoolAnd) `acoreApp` [l,r] compose l r = (acoreVar $ fn ehbnPrelCompose) `acoreApp` [l,r] showString s = (acoreVar $ fn ehbnPrelShowString) `acoreApp` [acoreBuiltinString opts s] eq = acoreVar eqNm lt = acoreVar ltNm gt = acoreVar gtNm undef = acoreBuiltinUndefined opts tag2str = show . hsnQualified . ctagNm orderingTag conNm = dtiCTag $ dgiDtiOfCon conNm $ panicJust "mkDerivClsMp.dataGamLookup" $ dataGamLookup (fn ehbnDataOrdering) dataGam nowrap _ _ _ _ _ x = x nononzeroargs _ _ _ _ _ _ = undef opts = feEHCOpts fe eqNm = fn ehbnDataOrderingAltEQ ltNm = fn ehbnDataOrderingAltLT gtNm = fn ehbnDataOrderingAltGT precDepthNm = mkHNm "d" remInputNm = mkHNm "r"