{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances, FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes #-}

-- Combinators for a compile run

module UHC.Util.CompileRun
  ( CompileRunState(..)
  , CompileRun(..)

  , CompilePhase
  , CompilePhaseT
  , CompileUnit(..)
  , CompileUnitState(..)
  , CompileRunError(..)
  , CompileModName(..)
  , CompileRunStateInfo(..)

  , CompileParticipation(..)

  , FileLocatable(..)

  , mkEmptyCompileRun

  , crCU, crMbCU
  , ppCR

  , cpUpdStateInfo, cpUpdSI

  , cpUpdCU, cpUpdCUWithKey
  , cpSetFail, cpSetStop, cpSetStopSeq, cpSetStopAllSeq
  , cpSetOk, cpSetErrs, cpSetLimitErrs, cpSetLimitErrsWhen, cpSetInfos, cpSetCompileOrder

  , cpSeq, cpSeqWhen
  , cpEmpty

  , cpFindFileForNameOrFPath
  , cpFindFilesForFPathInLocations, cpFindFilesForFPath, cpFindFileForFPath
  , cpImportGather, cpImportGatherFromMods, cpImportGatherFromModsWithImp
  , cpPP, cpPPMsg

  , forgetM

import Data.Maybe
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error as ME
import Control.Monad.State
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import UHC.Util.Pretty
import UHC.Util.Utils
import UHC.Util.FPath

-- Utility

-- forget result
forgetM :: Monad m => m a -> m ()
forgetM m
  = do { _ <- m
       ; return ()

-- The way a CompileUnit can participate

data CompileParticipation
  = CompileParticipation_NoImport
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- Interfacing with actual state info

class CompileModName n where
  mkCMNm      	:: String -> n

class CompileUnitState s where
  cusDefault  		:: s
  cusUnk      		:: s
  cusIsUnk      	:: s -> Bool
  cusIsImpKnown		:: s -> Bool

class CompileUnit u n l s | u -> n l s where
  cuDefault 		:: u
  cuFPath   		:: u -> FPath
  cuUpdFPath    	:: FPath -> u -> u
  cuLocation		:: u -> l
  cuUpdLocation 	:: l -> u -> u
  cuKey     		:: u -> n
  cuUpdKey      	:: n -> u -> u
  cuState   		:: u -> s
  cuUpdState    	:: s -> u -> u
  cuImports     	:: u -> [n]
  cuParticipation 	:: u -> [CompileParticipation]

  -- defaults
  cuParticipation _	=  []

class FPathError e => CompileRunError e p | e -> p where
  crePPErrL         :: [e] -> PP_Doc
  creMkNotFoundErrL :: p -> String -> [String] -> [FileSuffix] -> [e]
  creAreFatal       :: [e] -> Bool

  -- defaults
  crePPErrL         _       = empty
  creMkNotFoundErrL _ _ _ _ = []
  creAreFatal       _       = True

class CompileRunStateInfo i n p where
  crsiImportPosOfCUKey :: n -> i -> p

-- Instances

instance CompileRunError String ()

-- Locatable

class FileLocatable x loc | loc -> x where		-- funcdep has unlogical direction, but well...
  fileLocation   :: x -> loc
  noFileLocation :: loc

-- State

data CompileRunState err
  = CRSOk									-- continue
  | CRSFail									-- fail and stop
  | CRSFailMsg String						-- fail with a message and stop
  | CRSStopSeq								-- stop current cpSeq
  | CRSStopAllSeq							-- stop current cpSeq, but also the surrounding ones
  | CRSStop									-- stop completely
  | CRSFailErrL String [err] (Maybe Int)	-- fail with errors and stop
  | CRSErrInfoL String Bool [err]			-- just errors, continue

data CompileRun nm unit info err
  = CompileRun
      { crCUCache       :: Map.Map nm unit
      , crCompileOrder  :: [[nm]]
      , crTopModNm      :: nm
      , crState         :: CompileRunState err
      , crStateInfo     :: info

instance Error (CompileRunState err) where
  noMsg = CRSOk
  strMsg = CRSFailMsg
instance Show (CompileRunState err) where
  show CRSOk				= "CRSOk"
  show CRSFail				= "CRSFail"
  show (CRSFailMsg s)		= "CRSFail: " ++ s
  show CRSStopSeq			= "CRSStopSeq"
  show CRSStopAllSeq		= "CRSStopAllSeq"
  show CRSStop				= "CRSStop"
  show (CRSFailErrL _ _ _)	= "CRSFailErrL"
  show (CRSErrInfoL _ _ _)	= "CRSErrInfoL"

mkEmptyCompileRun :: n -> i -> CompileRun n u i e
mkEmptyCompileRun nm info
  = CompileRun
      { crCUCache		= Map.empty
      , crCompileOrder	= []
      , crTopModNm      = nm
      , crState			= CRSOk
      , crStateInfo		= info

-- Monad impl (20140804 AD, not (yet?) put into action, too much code still breaks)

-- type CompilePhase n u i e a = CompilePhaseT n u i e (StateT (CompileRun n u i e) (ErrorT (CompileRunState e) IO)) a
-- type CompilePhase n u i e a = CompilePhase_S_E_IO n u i e a
type CompilePhase n u i e a = StateT (CompileRun n u i e) IO a

type CompilePhase_S_E_T_State n u i e = CompileRun n u i e
type CompilePhase_S_E_T_Error n u i e = CompileRunState e

newtype CompilePhase_S_E_T n u i e m a
  = CompilePhase_S_E_T { runCompilePhase_S_E_T :: StateT (CompilePhase_S_E_T_State n u i e) (ErrorT (CompilePhase_S_E_T_Error n u i e) m) a }

type CompilePhase_S_E_IO n u i e a = CompilePhase_S_E_T n u i e IO a
  -- = CompilePhase_S_E_IO { runCompilePhase_S_E_IO :: StateT (CompilePhase_S_E_IO_State n u i e) (ErrorT (CompilePhase_S_E_IO_Error n u i e) IO) a }

instance CompileRunError e p => Monad (CompilePhase_S_E_T n u i e IO) where
  return x = CompilePhase_S_E_T $ return x -- \cr -> return (x, cr)
  cp >>= f = CompilePhase_S_E_T $ do -- \cr1 -> do
        x <- runCompilePhase_S_E_T cp -- (x,cr2) <- runCompilePhase_S_E_T cp cr1
        let modf f = do {modify f ; return x}
        cr <- get
        case crState cr of
          CRSFailErrL about es mbLim
            -> do { let (showErrs,omitErrs) = maybe (es,[]) (flip splitAt es) mbLim
                  ; liftIO (unless (null about) (hPutPPLn stderr (pp about)))
                  ; liftIO $ unless (null showErrs) $ 
                           do { hPutPPLn stderr (crePPErrL showErrs)
                              ; unless (null omitErrs) $ hPutStrLn stderr "... and more errors"
                              ; hFlush stderr
                  ; if creAreFatal es then liftIO exitFailure else modf crSetOk
          CRSErrInfoL about doPrint is
            -> do { if null is
                    then return x
                    else liftIO (do { hFlush stdout
                                    ; hPutPPLn stderr (about >#< "found errors" >-< e)
                                    ; return x
                  ; if not (null is) then liftIO exitFailure else return x
            where e = empty -- if doPrint then crePPErrL is else empty
          CRSFailMsg msg
            -> do { liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr msg
                  ; liftIO exitFailure
            -> do { liftIO exitFailure
            -> do { liftIO $ exitWith ExitSuccess
          _ -> return x
        cr <- get
        case crState cr of
          CRSOk         -> runCompilePhase_S_E_T (f x)
          CRSStopSeq    -> do { modf crSetOk ; ME.throwError CRSStopSeq }
          CRSStopAllSeq -> do { modf crSetStopAllSeq ; ME.throwError CRSStopAllSeq }
          crs           -> ME.throwError crs

instance CompileRunError e p => MonadIO (CompilePhase_S_E_T n u i e IO) where
  liftIO = CompilePhase_S_E_T . liftIO

instance MonadTrans (CompilePhase_S_E_T n u i e) where
  lift = CompilePhase_S_E_T . lift . lift

instance CompileRunError e p => MonadState (CompilePhase_S_E_T_State n u i e) (CompilePhase_S_E_T n u i e IO) where
  get = CompilePhase_S_E_T get
  put = CompilePhase_S_E_T . put

-- | 'CompileRun' as state in specific StateT variant with non standard >>=
-- newtype CompilePhaseT n u i e m a = CompilePhaseT {runCompilePhaseT :: CompileRun n u i e -> m (a, CompileRun n u i e)}
newtype CompilePhaseT n u i e m a
  = CompilePhaseT {runCompilePhaseT :: m a}

instance ( Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadError (CompileRunState e) m, MonadState (CompileRun n u i e) m
         , CompileRunError e p
         ) => Monad (CompilePhaseT n u i e m) where
  return x = CompilePhaseT $ return x -- \cr -> return (x, cr)
  cp >>= f = CompilePhaseT $ do -- \cr1 -> do
        x <- runCompilePhaseT cp -- (x,cr2) <- runCompilePhaseT cp cr1
        let modf f = do {modify f ; return x}
        cr <- get
        case crState cr of
          CRSFailErrL about es mbLim
            -> do { let (showErrs,omitErrs) = maybe (es,[]) (flip splitAt es) mbLim
                  ; liftIO (unless (null about) (hPutPPLn stderr (pp about)))
                  ; liftIO $ unless (null showErrs) $ 
                           do { hPutPPLn stderr (crePPErrL showErrs)
                              ; unless (null omitErrs) $ hPutStrLn stderr "... and more errors"
                              ; hFlush stderr
                  ; if creAreFatal es then liftIO exitFailure else modf crSetOk
          CRSErrInfoL about doPrint is
            -> do { if null is
                    then return x
                    else liftIO (do { hFlush stdout
                                    ; hPutPPLn stderr (about >#< "found errors" >-< e)
                                    ; return x
                  ; if not (null is) then liftIO exitFailure else return x
            where e = empty -- if doPrint then crePPErrL is else empty
          CRSFailMsg msg
            -> do { liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr msg
                  ; liftIO exitFailure
            -> do { liftIO exitFailure
            -> do { liftIO $ exitWith ExitSuccess
          _ -> return x
        cr <- get
        case crState cr of
          CRSOk         -> runCompilePhaseT (f x)
          CRSStopSeq    -> do { modf crSetOk ; ME.throwError CRSStopSeq }
          CRSStopAllSeq -> do { modf crSetStopAllSeq ; ME.throwError CRSStopAllSeq }
          crs           -> ME.throwError crs

instance MonadTrans (CompilePhaseT n u i e) where
  lift = CompilePhaseT

instance MonadError m => MonadError (CompilePhaseT n u i e m) where
  liftIO = CompilePhaseT . liftIO

instance (Monad m, MonadIO m, Monad (CompilePhaseT n u i e m)) => MonadIO (CompilePhaseT n u i e m) where
  liftIO = lift . liftIO

-- Pretty printing

ppCR :: (PP n,PP u) => CompileRun n u i e -> PP_Doc
ppCR cr
  = "CR" >#< show (crState cr) >|< ":" >#<
      (   (ppBracketsCommasBlock $ map (\(n,u) -> pp n >#< "->" >#< pp u) $ Map.toList $ crCUCache $ cr)
      >-< ppBracketsCommas (map ppBracketsCommas $ crCompileOrder $ cr)

crPP :: (PP n,PP u) => String -> CompileRun n u i e -> IO (CompileRun n u i e)
crPP m cr = do { hPutStrLn stderr (m ++ ":") ; hPutPPLn stderr (ppCR cr) ; hFlush stderr ; return cr }

crPPMsg :: (PP m) => m -> CompileRun n u i e -> IO (CompileRun n u i e)
crPPMsg m cr = do { hPutPPLn stdout (pp m) ; return cr }

cpPP :: (PP n,PP u) => String -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpPP m
 = do { liftIO (hPutStrLn stderr (m ++ ":"))
      ; cr <- get
      ; liftIO (hPutPPLn stderr (ppCR cr))
      ; liftIO (hFlush stderr)
      ; return ()

cpPPMsg :: (PP m) => m -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpPPMsg m
 = do { liftIO (hPutPPLn stdout (pp m))
      ; return ()

-- State manipulation, sequencing: compile unit

crMbCU :: Ord n => n -> CompileRun n u i e -> Maybe u
crMbCU modNm cr = Map.lookup modNm (crCUCache cr)

crCU :: (Show n,Ord n) => n -> CompileRun n u i e -> u
crCU modNm = panicJust ("crCU: " ++ show modNm) . crMbCU modNm

-- State manipulation, sequencing: non monadic

crSetOk :: CompileRun n u i e -> CompileRun n u i e
crSetOk cr = cr {crState = CRSOk}

crSetFail :: CompileRun n u i e -> CompileRun n u i e
crSetFail cr = cr {crState = CRSFail}

crSetStop :: CompileRun n u i e -> CompileRun n u i e
crSetStop cr = cr {crState = CRSStop}

crSetStopSeq :: CompileRun n u i e -> CompileRun n u i e
crSetStopSeq cr = cr {crState = CRSStopSeq}

crSetStopAllSeq :: CompileRun n u i e -> CompileRun n u i e
crSetStopAllSeq cr = cr {crState = CRSStopAllSeq}

crSetErrs' :: Maybe Int -> String -> [e] -> CompileRun n u i e -> CompileRun n u i e
crSetErrs' limit about es cr
  = case es of
      [] -> cr
      _  -> cr {crState = CRSFailErrL about es limit}

crSetInfos' :: String -> Bool -> [e] -> CompileRun n u i e -> CompileRun n u i e
crSetInfos' msg dp is cr
  = case is of
      [] -> cr
      _  -> cr {crState = CRSErrInfoL msg dp is}

-- Compile unit observations

crCUState :: (Ord n,CompileUnit u n l s,CompileUnitState s) => n -> CompileRun n u i e -> s
crCUState modNm cr = maybe cusUnk cuState (crMbCU modNm cr)

crCUFPath :: (Ord n,CompileUnit u n l s) => n -> CompileRun n u i e -> FPath
crCUFPath modNm cr = maybe emptyFPath cuFPath (crMbCU modNm cr)

crCULocation :: (Ord n,FileLocatable u loc) => n -> CompileRun n u i e -> loc
crCULocation modNm cr = maybe noFileLocation fileLocation (crMbCU modNm cr)

-- Find file for FPath

cpFindFileForNameOrFPath :: (FPATH n) => String -> n -> FPath -> [(String,FPath)]
cpFindFileForNameOrFPath loc _ fp = searchFPathFromLoc loc fp

  :: ( Ord n
     , FPATH n, FileLocatable u loc, Show loc
     , CompileUnitState s,CompileRunError e p,CompileUnit u n loc s,CompileModName n,CompileRunStateInfo i n p
     ) => (loc -> n -> FPath -> [(loc,FPath,[e])]) -> ((FPath,loc,[e]) -> res)
          -> Bool -> [(FileSuffix,s)] -> [loc] -> Maybe n -> Maybe FPath -> CompilePhase n u i e [res]
cpFindFilesForFPathInLocations getfp putres stopAtFirst suffs locs mbModNm mbFp
  = do { cr <- get
       ; let cus = maybe cusUnk (flip crCUState cr) mbModNm
       ; if cusIsUnk cus
          then do { let fp = maybe (mkFPath $ panicJust ("cpFindFileForFPath") $ mbModNm) id mbFp
                        modNm = maybe (mkCMNm $ fpathBase $ fp) id mbModNm
                        suffs' = map fst suffs
                  ; fpsFound <- liftIO (searchLocationsForReadableFiles (\l f -> getfp l modNm f)
                                                                        stopAtFirst locs suffs' fp
                  ; case fpsFound of
                        -> do { cpSetErrs (creMkNotFoundErrL (crsiImportPosOfCUKey modNm (crStateInfo cr)) (fpathToStr fp) (map show locs) suffs')
                              ; return []
                        -> do { cpSetErrs e
                              ; return []
                        -> do { cpUpdCU modNm (cuUpdLocation loc . cuUpdFPath ff . cuUpdState cus . cuUpdKey modNm)
                              ; return (map putres ffs)
                        where cus = case lookup (Just $ fpathSuff ff) suffs of
                                      Just c  -> c
                                      Nothing -> case lookup (Just "*") suffs of
                                                   Just c  -> c
                                                   Nothing -> cusUnk
          else return (maybe [] (\nm -> [putres (crCUFPath nm cr,crCULocation nm cr,[])]) mbModNm)

  :: forall e n u p i s .
     ( Ord n
     , FPATH n, FileLocatable u String
     , CompileUnitState s,CompileRunError e p,CompileUnit u n String s,CompileModName n,CompileRunStateInfo i n p
     ) => Bool -> [(FileSuffix,s)] -> [String] -> Maybe n -> Maybe FPath -> CompilePhase n u i e [FPath]
  = cpFindFilesForFPathInLocations (\l n f -> map (tup12to123 ([]::[e])) $ cpFindFileForNameOrFPath l n f) tup123to1

  :: ( Ord n
     , FPATH n, FileLocatable u String
     , CompileUnitState s,CompileRunError e p,CompileUnit u n String s,CompileModName n,CompileRunStateInfo i n p
     ) => [(FileSuffix,s)] -> [String] -> Maybe n -> Maybe FPath -> CompilePhase n u i e (Maybe FPath)
cpFindFileForFPath suffs sp mbModNm mbFp
  = do { fps <- cpFindFilesForFPath True suffs sp mbModNm mbFp
       ; return (listToMaybe fps)

-- Gather all imports

-- | recursively extract imported modules, providing a way to import + do the import
  :: (Show n, Ord n, CompileUnit u n l s, CompileRunError e p, CompileUnitState s)
     => (u -> [n])														-- get imports
     -> (Maybe prev -> n -> CompilePhase n u i e (x,Maybe prev))		-- extract imports from 1 module
     -> [n]																-- to be imported modules
     -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpImportGatherFromModsWithImp getImports imp1Mod modNmL
  = do { cr <- get
       ; cpSeq (   [ one Nothing modNm | modNm <- modNmL ]
                ++ [ cpImportScc ]
  where one prev modNm
          = do { (_,new) <- imp1Mod prev modNm
               ; cpHandleErr
               ; cr <- get
               ; if CompileParticipation_NoImport `elem` cuParticipation (crCU modNm cr)
                 then cpDelCU modNm
                 else imps new modNm
        imps prev m
          = do { cr <- get
               ; let impL m = [ i | i <- getImports (crCU m cr), not (cusIsImpKnown (crCUState i cr)) ]
               ; cpSeq (map (\n -> one prev n) (impL m))

-- | recursively extract imported modules
  :: (Show n, Ord n, CompileUnit u n l s, CompileRunError e p, CompileUnitState s)
     => (Maybe prev -> n -> CompilePhase n u i e (x,Maybe prev))		-- extract imports from 1 module
     -> [n]																-- to be imported modules
     -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpImportGatherFromMods = cpImportGatherFromModsWithImp cuImports

-- | Abbreviation for cpImportGatherFromMods for 1 module
  :: (Show n,Ord n,CompileUnit u n l s,CompileRunError e p,CompileUnitState s)
       => (n -> CompilePhase n u i e ()) -> n -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpImportGather imp1Mod modNm
  = cpImportGatherFromMods
      (\_ n -> do { r <- imp1Mod n
                  ; return (r,Nothing)

crImportDepL :: (CompileUnit u n l s) => CompileRun n u i e -> [(n,[n])]
crImportDepL = map (\cu -> (cuKey cu,cuImports cu)) . Map.elems . crCUCache

cpImportScc :: (Ord n,CompileUnit u n l s) => CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpImportScc = modify (\cr -> (cr {crCompileOrder = scc (crImportDepL cr)}))

-- State manipulation, state update (Monadic)

cpUpdStateInfo, cpUpdSI :: (i -> i) -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpUpdStateInfo upd
  = do { cr <- get
       ; put (cr {crStateInfo = upd (crStateInfo cr)})

cpUpdSI = cpUpdStateInfo

-- State manipulation, compile unit update (Monadic)

cpUpdCUM :: (Ord n,CompileUnit u n l s) => n -> (u -> IO u) -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpUpdCUM modNm upd
  = do { cr <- get
       ; cu <- liftIO (maybe (upd cuDefault) upd (crMbCU modNm cr))
       ; put (cr {crCUCache = Map.insert modNm cu (crCUCache cr)})

cpUpdCUWithKey :: (Ord n,CompileUnit u n l s) => n -> (n -> u -> (n,u)) -> CompilePhase n u i e n
cpUpdCUWithKey modNm upd
  = do { cr <- get
       ; let (modNm',cu) = (maybe (upd modNm cuDefault) (upd modNm) (crMbCU modNm cr))
       ; put (cr {crCUCache = Map.insert modNm' cu $ Map.delete modNm $ crCUCache cr})
       ; return modNm'

cpUpdCU :: (Ord n,CompileUnit u n l s) => n -> (u -> u) -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpUpdCU modNm upd
  = do { cpUpdCUWithKey modNm (\k u -> (k, upd u))
       ; return ()

-- | delete unit
cpDelCU :: (Ord n,CompileUnit u n l s) => n -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpDelCU modNm
  = do { modify (\cr -> cr {crCUCache = Map.delete modNm $ crCUCache cr})
  = do { cr <- get
       ; let cu = (maybe (upd cuDefault) upd (crMbCU modNm cr))
       ; put (cr {crCUCache = Map.insert modNm cu (crCUCache cr)})
cpUpdCU modNm upd
 = cpUpdCUM modNm (return . upd)

-- State manipulation, sequencing (Monadic)

cpSetErrs :: [e] -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpSetErrs es
 = modify (crSetErrs' Nothing "" es)

cpSetInfos :: String -> Bool -> [e] -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpSetInfos msg dp is
 = modify (crSetInfos' msg dp is)

cpSetFail :: CompilePhase n u i e ()
 = modify crSetFail

cpSetStop :: CompilePhase n u i e ()
 = modify crSetStop

cpSetStopSeq :: CompilePhase n u i e ()
 = modify crSetStopSeq

cpSetStopAllSeq :: CompilePhase n u i e ()
 = modify crSetStopAllSeq

cpSetOk :: CompilePhase n u i e ()
 = modify (\cr -> (cr {crState = CRSOk}))

cpSetCompileOrder :: [[n]] -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpSetCompileOrder nameLL
 = modify (\cr -> (cr {crCompileOrder = nameLL}))

cpSetLimitErrs, cpSetLimitErrsWhen :: Int -> String -> [e] -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpSetLimitErrs l a e
 = modify (crSetErrs' (Just l) a e)

cpSetLimitErrsWhen l a e
 = do { when (not (null e))
             (cpSetLimitErrs l a e)

cpEmpty :: CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpEmpty = return ()

-- sequence of phases, each may stop the whole sequencing
cpSeq :: CompileRunError e p => [CompilePhase n u i e ()] -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpSeq = sequence_
cpSeq []     = return ()
cpSeq (a:as) = do { a
                  ; cpHandleErr
                  ; cr <- get
                  ; case crState cr of
                      CRSOk         -> cpSeq as
                      CRSStopSeq    -> cpSetOk
                      CRSStopAllSeq -> cpSetStopAllSeq
                      _             -> return ()

-- conditional sequence
cpSeqWhen :: CompileRunError e p => Bool -> [CompilePhase n u i e ()] -> CompilePhase n u i e ()
cpSeqWhen True as = cpSeq as
cpSeqWhen _    _  = return ()

-- handle possible error in sequence
cpHandleErr :: CompileRunError e p => CompilePhase n u i e ()
  = do { cr <- get
       ; case crState cr of
           CRSFailErrL about es (Just lim)
             -> do { let (showErrs,omitErrs) = splitAt lim es
                   ; liftIO (unless (null about) (hPutPPLn stderr (pp about)))
                   ; liftIO (putErr' (if null omitErrs then return () else hPutStrLn stderr "... and more errors") showErrs)
                   ; failOrNot es
           CRSFailErrL about es Nothing
             -> do { liftIO (unless (null about) (hPutPPLn stderr (pp about)))
                   ; liftIO (putErr' (return ()) es)
                   ; failOrNot es
           CRSErrInfoL about doPrint is
             -> do { if null is
                     then return ()
                     else liftIO (do { hFlush stdout
                                     ; hPutPPLn stderr (about >#< "found errors" >-< e)
                   ; if not (null is) then liftIO exitFailure else return ()
             where e = empty -- if doPrint then crePPErrL is else empty
             -> do { liftIO exitFailure
             -> do { liftIO $ exitWith ExitSuccess
           _ -> return ()
  where putErr' m e   = if null e
                        then return ()
                        else do { hPutPPLn stderr (crePPErrL e)
                                ; m
                                ; hFlush stderr
        failOrNot es = if creAreFatal es then liftIO exitFailure else cpSetOk