uhc-util- UHC utilities

Safe HaskellNone



Derived from work by Gerrit vd Geest, but greatly adapted to use more efficient searching.

Assumptions (to be documented further) - The key [Trie.TrieKey Key] used to lookup a constraint in a CHR should be distinguishing enough to be used for the prevention of the application of a propagation rule for a 2nd time.

This is a polymorphic Solver, i.e. the solver is unaware of the type of constraints, rules, etc. because of this type hidden existentially. Tying stuff together is now done by phantom types for environment and substitution, instantiated/relevant only when solving.



data CHRStore e s Source

A CHR store is a trie structure


chrStoreFromElems :: (Ord (TTKey (CHRConstraint e s)), TTKey (CHRConstraint e s) ~ TrTrKey (CHRConstraint e s)) => [CHRRule e s] -> CHRStore e s Source

Convert from list to store

chrStoreToList :: Ord (TTKey (CHRConstraint e s)) => CHRStore e s -> [(CHRKey (CHRConstraint e s), [CHRRule e s])] Source

data SolveStep' c r s Source

A trace step




stepChr :: r
stepSubst :: s
stepNewTodo :: [c]
stepNewDone :: [c]


stepPP :: PP_Doc


Show (SolveStep' c r s) Source 
(PP r, PP c) => PP (SolveStep' c r s) Source 

type SolveTrace e s = SolveTrace' (CHRConstraint e s) (CHRRule e s) s Source

ppSolveTrace :: (PP r, PP c) => SolveTrace' c r s -> PP_Doc Source

type SolveState e s = SolveState' (CHRConstraint e s) (CHRRule e s) (StoredCHR e s) s Source

emptySolveState :: SolveState' c r sr s Source

solveStateResetDone :: SolveState' c r sr s -> SolveState' c r sr s Source

chrSolveStateDoneConstraints :: SolveState' c r sr s -> [c] Source

chrSolveStateTrace :: SolveState' c r sr s -> SolveTrace' c r s Source

class (VarLookupCmb s s, VarUpdatable s s, CHREmptySubstitution s, TrTrKey (CHRConstraint e s) ~ TTKey (CHRConstraint e s), CHRMatchableKey s ~ TrTrKey (CHRConstraint e s), PP (CHRMatchableKey s), Ord (CHRMatchableKey s)) => IsCHRSolvable e s Source

(Class alias) API for solving requirements

chrSolve' :: forall e c s. (IsCHRSolvable e s, c ~ CHRConstraint e s) => e -> CHRStore e s -> [c] -> ([c], [c], SolveTrace e s) Source


chrSolve'' :: forall e c s. (IsCHRSolvable e s, c ~ CHRConstraint e s) => e -> CHRStore e s -> [c] -> SolveState e s -> SolveState e s Source


chrSolveM :: forall e c s. (IsCHRSolvable e s, c ~ CHRConstraint e s) => e -> CHRStore e s -> [c] -> State (SolveState e s) () Source
