module UI.Command.Application ( Application (..), ) where import Data.Default import System.Console.GetOpt (OptDescr) import UI.Command.Command ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Application class -- -- | It is often simpler to use the default implementation of Application, and -- override it with the details you choose to use. -- For example, an implementation of the ''hello'' command: -- -- > hello = def { -- > appName = "hello", -- > appVersion = "0.1", -- > appAuthors = ["Joe R. Hacker"], -- > appBugEmail = "", -- > appShortDesc = "UI.Command example program", -- > appLongDesc = longDesc, -- > appCategories = ["Greetings", "Cat Math"], -- > appSeeAlso = ["tractorgen"], -- > appProject = "Haskell", -- > appCmds = [world, times] -- > } -- > -- > longDesc = "a demonstration program for the UI.Command framework." -- data (Default opts, Default config) => Application opts config = Application { -- | Name of the program appName :: String, -- | Software version appVersion :: String, -- | Email address to report bugs to appBugEmail :: String, -- | Names of authors appAuthors :: [String], -- | One-line description of the command appShortDesc :: String, -- | Long description of the command appLongDesc :: String, -- | Categories to show in help text, in order of appearance appCategories :: [String], -- | Project that this command is part of appProject :: String, -- | Related commands appSeeAlso :: [String], -- | The actual commands appCmds :: [Command config], -- | Union of all options accepted by the application's commands. -- Note that options '-h', '-?', '--help', '-V', '--version' will -- be automatically added and handled by UI.Command appOptions :: [OptDescr opts], -- | Function to process options appProcessConfig :: config -> [opts] -> IO config } instance (Default opts, Default config) => Default (Application opts config) where def = Application "<undocumented command>" "0.0" def def def def def def def def def def