module Main where import Control.Monad (liftM, when) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Data.Default import Data.List (intersperse) import UI.Command ------------------------------------------------------------ -- world -- world :: Command () world = defCmd { cmdName = "world", cmdHandler = worldHandler, cmdCategory = "Greetings", cmdShortDesc = "An implementation of the standard software greeting." } worldHandler = liftIO $ putStrLn "Hello world!" ------------------------------------------------------------ -- times -- times = defCmd { cmdName = "times", cmdHandler = timesHandler, cmdCategory = "Cat Math", cmdShortDesc = "A repetition of salutation", cmdExamples = [("Say hello 7 times", "7"), ("Say hello 3 times", "3")] } timesHandler = do args <- appArgs when (args == []) $ return () liftIO $ putStrLn $ concat . intersperse " " $ take (read $ head args) (repeat "hello") ------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Application -- hello :: Application () () hello = def { appName = "hello", appVersion = "0.1", appAuthors = ["Joe R. Hacker"], appBugEmail = "", appShortDesc = "UI.Command example program", appLongDesc = longDesc, appCategories = ["Greetings", "Cat Math"], appSeeAlso = ["tractorgen"], appProject = "Haskell", appCmds = [world, times] } longDesc = "a demonstration program for the UI.Command framework." ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Main -- main :: IO () main = appMain hello