Name: ui-command Version: 0.5.4 License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Conrad Parker Maintainer: Conrad Parker Category: Development Synopsis: A framework for friendly commandline programs Description: This is a framework for creating commandline applications. It provides various features which give a polished feel to your application. . It is designed to encourage you to provide clear documentation and working examples. It implements default ''help'' and ''man'' commands for your application, which will layout help text and generate Unix-style man pages. . It provides special handling for applications of the form ''program command args'', the style of interaction common in revision control systems. It will dispatch to handler functions that you provide for each command, and also provide command-specific help to the user. Stability: experimental Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 ------------------------------------------------------------ library Build-Depends: base < 5, mtl >= && < 3, time, old-locale, data-default Exposed-modules: UI.Command Other-modules: UI.Command.App UI.Command.Application UI.Command.Command UI.Command.Doc UI.Command.Main UI.Command.Render ------------------------------------------------------------ -- hello example -- Executable ui-cmd-hello Main-Is: ui-cmd-hello.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: ., examples