{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | Examples is meant to contain examples of using events which
-- are too small to go into their own module.
module Events.Examples(
   EventSet, -- These encode a set of events
   emptyEventSet, -- :: EventSet a
   addToEventSet, -- :: EventSet a -> Event a -> EventSet a
   fromEventSet, -- :: EventSet a -> Event (a,EventSet a)
   isEmptyEventSet, -- :: EventSet a -> Bool

   watch, -- :: Event a -> IO (Event a,IO ())
   -- watch is used for events which can be dropped occasionally.

   spawnRepeatedEvent, -- :: Event () -> IO (IO ())
   -- spawnRepeatedEvent concurrently syncs on the event until the
   -- given action is used; it is somewhat safer than spawnEvent.

   ) where

import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap

import Events.Events
import Events.Channels

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Event Sets
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------

data EventSet a = EventSet Int (IntMap.IntMap (Event a))

emptyEventSet :: EventSet a
emptyEventSet = EventSet 0 IntMap.empty

addToEventSet :: EventSet a -> Event a -> EventSet a
addToEventSet (EventSet next fmap) event =
   EventSet (next+1) (IntMap.insert next event fmap)

fromEventSet :: EventSet a -> Event (a,EventSet a)
-- fromEventSet turns the event set into an event which
-- waits for one of the events to happen, and then returns
-- the value, plus the event set containing the remaining events.
fromEventSet (EventSet next fmap) =
         (\ (key,event) ->
            event >>>=
              (\ a -> return (a,EventSet next (IntMap.delete key fmap)))
         (IntMap.toList fmap)

isEmptyEventSet :: EventSet a -> Bool
isEmptyEventSet (EventSet _ fmap) = IntMap.null fmap

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Watchers
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | watch is used for events like mouse motion events where
-- if we can\'t find time we don\'t want them queued.
-- The event returned waits until the original event next happens and
-- returns it.  A worker thread is needed to run this; the attached action
-- should be used to stop that thread when we are no longer interested.
watch :: Event a -> IO (Event a,IO ())
watch (event :: Event a) =
      channel <- newChannel
      dieChannel <- newChannel
         die = receive dieChannel

         waitForNext :: Event ()
         waitForNext =
                  next <- event
                  passOn next
            +> die
         passOn :: a -> Event ()
         passOn val =
            +> (do
                  send channel val
            +> die

      _ <- spawnEvent waitForNext

      return (receive channel,sync(send dieChannel ()))

-- | spawnRepeatedEvent concurrently syncs on the event until the
-- given action is used; it is somewhat safer than spawnEvent.
-- It also never interrupts the handler event attached to
-- the event.
spawnRepeatedEvent :: Event () -> IO (IO ())
spawnRepeatedEvent event =
      dieChannel <- newChannel

         die = receive dieChannel

         handleEvent =
            +> (do
      _ <- spawnEvent handleEvent
      return (sync(noWait(send dieChannel ())))