{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | The removeAncestors function in this module (actually an IO action) takes
-- a graph G and a list of nodes N and computes N' = { n in N |
--    there does not exist an m in N and a non-trivial path n -> m }.
-- This is required for graph merging.
module Graphs.RemoveAncestors(
   ) where

import Control.Monad.Identity
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Graphs.Graph

-- | Takes a graph G and a list of nodes N and computes N' = { n in N |
-- there does not exist an m in N and a non-trivial path n -> m }.
removeAncestors :: Graph graph =>
   graph nodeLabel nodeTypeLabel arcLabel arcTypeLabel
   -> [Node]
   -> IO [Node]
removeAncestors graph nodes =
         getChildren node =
               arcsOut <- getArcsOut graph node
                  (\ arc -> getTarget graph arc)

      removeAncestorsBy getChildren nodes

-- | General removeAncestors function, which takes as argument the action
-- computing a Node\'s successors.
removeAncestorsBy :: (Ord node,Monad m)
   => (node -> m [node]) -> [node] -> m [node]
removeAncestorsBy (getChildren :: node -> m [node]) (nodes :: [node]) =
      -- We maintain a state of type (Map.Map node NodeState) to express
      -- what is currently known about each node.  We also maintain
      -- a set containing the target nodes.

      -- compute initial map
         state0 = Map.fromList (map (\ node -> (node,Yes)) nodes)

         uniqueNodes = map fst (Map.toList state0)

         -- Return True if there is a, possibly trivial, path from this node
         -- to one of the target set, also transforming the state.
         -- EXCEPTION - we don't search down nodes which have Cycle set,
         -- and in that case return False.
         nodeIsAncestor :: node -> Map.Map node NodeState
            -> m (Bool,Map.Map node NodeState)
         nodeIsAncestor node state0 =
            case Map.lookup node state0 of
               Just Yes -> return (True,state0)
               Just No -> return (False,state0)
               Just Cycle -> return (False,state0)
               Nothing ->
                        state1 = Map.insert node Cycle state0

                     children <- getChildren node
                     (isAncestor,state2) <- anyNodeIsAncestor children state1
                        state3 = Map.insert node
                           (if isAncestor then Yes else No) state2
                     return (isAncestor,state3)

         -- Returns True if there is a, possibly trivial, path from any
         -- of the given nodes to one of the target nodes.
         anyNodeIsAncestor :: [node] -> Map.Map node NodeState
            -> m (Bool,Map.Map node NodeState)
         anyNodeIsAncestor [] state0 = return (False,state0)
         anyNodeIsAncestor (node : nodes) state0 =
               (thisIsAncestor,state1) <-  nodeIsAncestor node state0
               if thisIsAncestor
                     return (True,state1)
                     anyNodeIsAncestor nodes state1

         -- Returns True if there is a non-trivial path from the given node
         -- to one of the target nodes.
         nodeIsNonTrivialAncestor :: node -> Map.Map node NodeState
            -> m (Bool,Map.Map node NodeState)
         nodeIsNonTrivialAncestor node state0 =
               children <- getChildren node
               anyNodeIsAncestor children state0

      (list :: [node],finalState :: Map.Map node NodeState) <- foldM
         (\ (listSoFar,state0) node ->
               (isAncestor,state1) <- nodeIsNonTrivialAncestor node state0
               return (if isAncestor then (listSoFar,state1)
                  else (node:listSoFar,state1))

      return list

-- | Pure version of 'removeAncestorsBy'.
removeAncestorsByPure :: Ord node => (node -> [node]) -> [node] -> [node]
removeAncestorsByPure (toParents0 :: node -> [node]) nodes =
      toParents1 :: node -> Identity [node]
      toParents1 = Identity . toParents0
      runIdentity (removeAncestorsBy toParents1 nodes)

-- | This describes the information kept about a node during the course of
-- removeAncestorsBy
data NodeState =
      Yes -- ^ there is a, possibly trivial, path from here to an element
          -- of the target set.
   |  No  -- ^ the opposite of Yes.
   |  Cycle -- ^ we are already searching from this element.

{- SPECIALIZE removeAncestorsBy
   ::  (Node -> IO [Node]) -> [Node] -> IO [Node] -}