uni-htk- Graphical User Interface for Haskell Programs



HTk's scale widget. A simple slider in a through representing a range of numeric values.



class (Num a, GUIValue a) => ScaleValue a whereSource

Values associated with a scale instansiate the class ScaleValue.


ScaleValue Double

A double value is a scale value.

data Scale a Source

The Scale datatype.


Eq (Scale a)


Destroyable (Scale a)

A scale widget can be destroyed.

Synchronized (Scale a)

You can synchronize on a scale widget.

GUIObject (Scale a)


HasEnable (Scale a)

A scale widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasOrientation (Scale a)

A scale widget's orientation can either be vertical or horizontal.

HasFont (Scale a)

A scale widget has a configureable font.

HasBorder (Scale a)

A scale widget has a configureable border.

HasSize (Slider (Scale a))

A scale's slider has a configureable size.

HasSize (Scale a)

A scale widget has a configureable size.

HasColour (Scale a)

A scale widget has a configureable foreground, background and activebackground colour.

HasTooltip (Scale a)

A scale widget can have a tooltip.

Widget (Scale a)

A scale widget has standard widget properties (concerning focus, cursor).

HasSlider (Scale a)

A scale widget has a configureable slider.

ScaleValue a => HasIncrement (Slider (Scale a)) a

A scale's slider has a configureable resulution.

ScaleValue a => HasIncrement (Scale a) a

A scale widget has a configureable incrementation interval.

GUIValue v => HasText (Scale a) v

A scale widget has a text label.



:: (GUIValue a, ScaleValue a, Container par) 
=> par

the parent widget, which has to be a container widget.

-> [Config (Scale a)]

the list of configuration options for this scale widget.

-> IO (Scale a)

A scale widget.

Constructs a new scale widget and returns a handler.

digits :: Int -> Config (Scale a)Source

Sets the number of significant values in the scale widget.

getDigits :: Scale a -> IO IntSource

Gets the number of significant values in the scale widget.

interval :: ScaleValue a => (a, a) -> Config (Scale a)Source

Sets the scale widgets maximum and minumum value.

getInterval :: ScaleValue a => Scale a -> IO (a, a)Source

Gets the scale widgets maximum and minumum value.

intervalTo :: ScaleValue a => a -> Config (Scale a)Source

Sets the maximum value of the scale widget.

getIntervalTo :: ScaleValue a => Scale a -> IO aSource

Gets the maximum value of the scale widget.

intervalFrom :: ScaleValue a => a -> Config (Scale a)Source

Sets the minimum value of the scale widget.

getIntervalFrom :: ScaleValue a => Scale a -> IO aSource

Gets the minimum value of the scale widget.

bigIncrement :: ScaleValue a => a -> Config (Slider (Scale a))Source

Sets the coarse grain slider adjustment value.

getBigIncrement :: ScaleValue a => Slider (Scale a) -> IO aSource

Gets the coarse grain slider adjustment value.

showValue :: Toggle -> Config (Slider (Scale a))Source

Shows the sliders value when set.

getShowValue :: Slider (Scale a) -> IO ToggleSource

Gets the current showvalue setting.