-- | HTk\'s /line/ canvas item.
-- A line object on a canvas widget.
module HTk.Canvasitems.Line (







) where

import HTk.Kernel.Core
import HTk.Kernel.Configuration
import HTk.Kernel.Geometry(Distance)
import HTk.Canvasitems.CanvasItem
import HTk.Canvasitems.CanvasTag
import HTk.Canvasitems.CanvasItemAux
import Data.Char
import Events.Destructible
import Util.Computation
import Events.Synchronized

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- datatype
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The @Line@ datatype.
newtype Line = Line GUIOBJECT deriving Eq

-- | The @ArrowShape@ datatype.
-- Describes the shape of an arrow at an end of a line.
type ArrowShape = (Distance, Distance, Distance)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- constructor
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Constructs a new line item.
createLine :: Canvas
   -- ^ the parent canvas.
   -> [Config Line]
   -- ^ the list of configuration options for this line item.
   -> IO Line
   -- ^ A line item.
createLine cnv cnf = createCanvasItem cnv LINE Line cnf [(-1,-1),(-1,-1)]

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Instantiations
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Internal.
instance GUIObject Line where
  toGUIObject (Line w) = w
  cname _ = "Line"

-- | A line item can be destroyed.
instance Destroyable Line where
  -- Destroys a line item.
  destroy = destroy . toGUIObject

-- | A line item is a canvas item (any canvas item is an instance of the
-- abstract @class CanvasItem@).
instance CanvasItem Line

-- | A line item can have several tags (handlers for a set of canvas items).
instance TaggedCanvasItem Line

-- | A line item has filling, outline width and stipple configurations.
instance FilledCanvasItem Line where
  -- Dummy.
  outline c w  = return w
  -- Dummy.
  getOutline w = return cdefault

-- | A line is a segmented canvas item. It has a splinesteps and smooth
-- configuration.
instance SegmentedCanvasItem Line

-- | You can synchronize on a line item.
instance Synchronized Line where
  -- Synchronizes on a line item.
  synchronize w = synchronize (toGUIObject w)

-- | You can specify the width of the line.
instance HasSize Line where
  -- Dummy.
  height _ w  = return w
  -- Dummy.
  getHeight _ = return cdefault

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- configuration options
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Sets the style of the arrows at the ends of a line.
arrowstyle :: ArrowHead -> Config Line
arrowstyle d w = cset w "arrow" d

-- | Gets the style of the arrows at the ends of a line.
getArrowstyle :: Line -> IO ArrowHead
getArrowstyle w = cget w "arrow"

-- | Sets the shape of the arrows at the ends of a line.
arrowshape :: ArrowShape -> Config Line
arrowshape (x,y,z) w = cset w "arrowshape" [x, y, z]

-- | Gets the shape of the arrows at the end of a line.
getArrowshape :: Line -> IO ArrowShape
getArrowshape w = cget w "arrowshape" >>= next
  where next (x:y:z:_) = return (x, y, z)
        next _ = return (0, 0, 0)

-- | Sets the capstyle at the ends of a line (butt, projecting or round).
capstyle :: CapStyle -> Config Line
capstyle d w = cset w "capstyle" d

-- | Gets the capstyle at the ends of a line.
getCapstyle :: Line -> IO CapStyle
getCapstyle w = cget w "capstyle"

-- | Sets the joinstyle between the line segments (bevel, miter or round).
joinstyle :: JoinStyle -> Config Line
joinstyle d w = cset w "joinstyle" d

-- | Gets the joinstyle between the line segments.
getJoinstyle :: Line -> IO JoinStyle
getJoinstyle w = cget w "joinstyle"

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  ArrowHead
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The @ArrowHead@ datatype (see @Line.arrowstyle@).
data ArrowHead =
  BothEnds | LastEnd | FirstEnd | NoHead deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum)

-- | Internal.
instance GUIValue ArrowHead where
  cdefault = NoHead

-- | Internal.
instance Read ArrowHead where
  readsPrec p b =
    case dropWhile (isSpace) b of
       'b':'o':'t':'h':xs -> [(BothEnds,xs)]
       'l':'a':'s':'t': xs -> [(LastEnd,xs)]
       'f':'i':'r':'s':'t':xs -> [(FirstEnd,xs)]
       'n':'o':'n':'e':xs -> [(NoHead,xs)]
       _ -> []

-- | Internal.
instance Show ArrowHead where
  showsPrec d p r = (case p of
                       BothEnds -> "both"
                       LastEnd -> "last"
                       FirstEnd -> "first"
                       NoHead -> "none") ++ r

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  CapStyle
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The @CapStyle@ datatype (see @Line.capstyle@).
data CapStyle = CapRound | CapProjecting | CapButt deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum)

-- | Internal.
instance GUIValue CapStyle where
  cdefault = CapButt

-- | Internal.
instance Read CapStyle where
  readsPrec p b =
    case dropWhile (isSpace) b of
       'r':'o':'u':'n':'d':xs -> [(CapRound,xs)]
       'p':'r':'o':'j':'e':'c':'t':'i':'n':'g': xs -> [(CapProjecting,xs)]
       'b':'u':'t':'t':xs -> [(CapButt,xs)]
       _ -> []

-- | Internal.
instance Show CapStyle where
  showsPrec d p r = (case p of
                       CapRound -> "round"
                       CapProjecting -> "projecting"
                       CapButt -> "butt") ++ r

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  JoinStyle
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The @JoinStyle@ datatype (see @Line.joinstyle@).
data JoinStyle = JoinRound | JoinMiter | JoinBevel deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum)

-- | Internal.
instance GUIValue JoinStyle where
  cdefault = JoinMiter

-- | Internal.
instance Read JoinStyle where
  readsPrec p b = case dropWhile (isSpace) b of
                    'r':'o':'u':'n':'d':xs -> [(JoinRound,xs)]
                    'm':'i':'t':'e':'r': xs -> [(JoinMiter,xs)]
                    'b':'e':'v':'e':'l':xs -> [(JoinBevel,xs)]
                    _ -> []

-- | Internal.
instance Show JoinStyle where
   showsPrec d p r = (case p of
                        JoinRound -> "round"
                        JoinMiter -> "miter"
                        JoinBevel -> "bevel") ++ r