{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- | A Broadcaster/SimpleBroadcaster is a variable Source/SimpleSource paired
-- with its update function
module Util.Broadcaster(
   -- instances of HasSource (and so CanAddSinks)

   newBroadcaster, -- :: x -> IO (Broadcaster x d)
   newSimpleBroadcaster, -- :: x -> IO (SimpleBroadcaster x)
   newGeneralBroadcaster, -- :: x -> IO (GeneralBroadcaster x d)

      -- sends an update to a broadcaster.

   applySimpleUpdate, -- :: SimpleBroadcaster x -> (x -> x) -> IO ()
   applySimpleUpdate', -- :: SimpleBroadcaster x -> (x -> (x,y)) -> IO y

   applyUpdate, -- :: Broadcaster x d -> (x -> (x,[d])) -> IO ()

   applyGeneralUpdate, -- :: GeneralBroadcaster x d -> (x -> (x,[d],extra)) -> IO extra

      -- :: SimpleSource a -> IO (SimpleSource a,IO (IO ()))
      -- Replace a SimpleSource by another which comes with a switch-off
      -- function, which temporarily blocks further updates.
      -- The action returned by the switch-off function switches the source
      -- again.

      -- :: SimpleSource a -> IO (SimpleSource a,IO ())
      -- Replace a SimpleSource by another which mirrors it, but only copies
      -- from it once, hopefully saving CPU time.
      -- The IO action stops the mirroring.

      -- :: Delayer -> (a -> IO ()) -> SimpleSource a
      -- -> IO (SimpleSource a,IO ())
      -- Replace a SimpleSource by another which mirrors it, but only copies
      -- from it once, hopefully saving CPU time.  In addition, block all
      -- update while the Delayer is delaying things.

   ) where

import Data.IORef
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar
import System.IO.Unsafe

import Util.Sink
import Util.Sources
import Util.Delayer
import Util.Debug(debug)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Datatypes
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------

data GeneralBroadcaster x d = GeneralBroadcaster {
   source' :: Source x d,
   updater :: Updater x d

data Broadcaster x d = Broadcaster {
   source :: Source x d,
   updateAct :: (x -> (x,[d])) -> IO ()

data SimpleBroadcaster x = SimpleBroadcaster {
   simpleSource :: SimpleSource x,
   updateAct3 :: (forall y . (x -> (x,y)) -> IO y)

-- | old field name, preserved here for compatibility.
updateAct2 :: SimpleBroadcaster x -> (x -> x) -> IO ()
updateAct2 broadcaster fn =
   updateAct3 broadcaster (\ x -> (fn x,()))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Creation
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------

newBroadcaster :: x -> IO (Broadcaster x d)
newBroadcaster x =
      (source,updateAct) <- variableSource x
      return (Broadcaster {source = source,updateAct = updateAct})

newSimpleBroadcaster :: x -> IO (SimpleBroadcaster x)
newSimpleBroadcaster (x :: x) =
      (source,updater :: Updater x x) <- variableGeneralSource x
         updateAct3 :: (x -> (x,y)) -> IO y
         updateAct3 fn = applyToUpdater updater
            (\ x0 ->
                  (x1,y) = fn x0
      return (SimpleBroadcaster {simpleSource = SimpleSource source,
         updateAct3 = updateAct3})

newGeneralBroadcaster :: x -> IO (GeneralBroadcaster x d)
newGeneralBroadcaster x =
      (source,updater) <- variableGeneralSource x
      return (GeneralBroadcaster {source' = source,updater = updater})

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Sending values
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------

class BroadcasterClass broadcaster value | broadcaster -> value where
   broadcast :: broadcaster -> value -> IO ()

instance BroadcasterClass (Broadcaster x d) (x,[d]) where
   broadcast (Broadcaster {updateAct = updateAct}) (x,ds) =
      updateAct (\ _ -> (x,ds))

instance BroadcasterClass (SimpleBroadcaster x) x where
   broadcast broadcaster x =
      updateAct2 broadcaster (\ _ -> x)

applySimpleUpdate :: SimpleBroadcaster x -> (x -> x) -> IO ()
applySimpleUpdate simpleBroadcaster updateFn =
   updateAct2 simpleBroadcaster updateFn

applySimpleUpdate' :: SimpleBroadcaster x -> (x -> (x,y)) -> IO y
applySimpleUpdate' simpleBroadcaster updateFn =
   updateAct3 simpleBroadcaster updateFn

applyUpdate :: Broadcaster x d -> (x -> (x,[d])) -> IO ()
applyUpdate (Broadcaster {updateAct = updateAct}) updateFn =
   updateAct updateFn

applyGeneralUpdate :: GeneralBroadcaster x d -> (x -> (x,[d],extra)) -> IO extra
applyGeneralUpdate (GeneralBroadcaster {updater = updater}) updateAct =
   applyToUpdater updater updateAct

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Instances of HasSource and HasSimpleSource
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------

instance HasSource (Broadcaster x d) x d where
   toSource broadcaster = source broadcaster

instance HasSource (SimpleBroadcaster x) x x where
   toSource broadcaster = toSource . toSimpleSource $ broadcaster

instance HasSource (GeneralBroadcaster x d) x d where
   toSource generalBroadcaster = source' generalBroadcaster

instance HasSimpleSource (SimpleBroadcaster x) x where
   toSimpleSource simpleBroadcaster = simpleSource simpleBroadcaster

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- switchOffSimpleSource
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Replace a SimpleSource by another which comes with a switch-off function,
-- which temporarily blocks further updates.
-- The action returned by the switch-off function switches the source back on
-- again.
switchOffSimpleSource :: SimpleSource a -> IO (SimpleSource a,IO (IO ()))
switchOffSimpleSource simpleSource =
      broadcaster <- newSimpleBroadcaster simpleSource
         switchOffSource = staticSimpleSourceIO (readContents simpleSource)

         switchOff =
               broadcast broadcaster switchOffSource
               return (broadcast broadcaster simpleSource)

         newSource =
               source <- toSimpleSource broadcaster
      return (newSource,switchOff)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- mirrorSimpleSource and mirrorSimpleSourceWithDelayer
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Replace a SimpleSource by another which mirrors it, but only copies
-- from it once, hopefully saving CPU time.
-- The IO action stops the mirroring.
mirrorSimpleSource :: SimpleSource a -> IO (SimpleSource a,IO ())
mirrorSimpleSource (simpleSource :: SimpleSource a) =
      (sourceMVar :: MVar.MVar (Maybe (SimpleSource a)))
         <- MVar.newMVar Nothing
      sinkId <- newSinkID

         getSource :: IO (SimpleSource a)
         getSource = MVar.modifyMVar sourceMVar
            (\ sourceOpt -> case sourceOpt of
               Just source -> return (sourceOpt,source)
               Nothing ->
                     parallelX <- newParallelExec
                     broadcaster <- newSimpleBroadcaster
                        (error "mirrorSimpleSource: 1")
                     initialised <- MVar.newEmptyMVar

                        writeX a =
                              broadcast broadcaster a
                              MVar.putMVar initialised ()
                        writeD a =
                              broadcast broadcaster a

                     addNewSourceActions (toSource simpleSource) writeX writeD
                        sinkId parallelX
                     MVar.takeMVar initialised
                        source = toSimpleSource broadcaster
                     return (Just source,source)

      source <- getSource

      return (source,invalidate sinkId)

-- | Replace a SimpleSource by another which mirrors it, but only copies
-- from it once, hopefully saving CPU time.  In addition, block all
-- update while the Delayer is delaying things.
mirrorSimpleSourceWithDelayer :: Delayer -> SimpleSource a -> IO (SimpleSource a,IO ())
mirrorSimpleSourceWithDelayer delayer (simpleSource :: SimpleSource a) =
      sinkId <- newSinkID
      parallelX <- newParallelExec
         -- emergencyRead should not be used too often I hope.
         emergencyRead =
               debug "Broadcaster: emergency read"
               readContents simpleSource

      broadcaster <- newSimpleBroadcaster (unsafePerformIO emergencyRead)
      ref <- newIORef (error "mirrorSimpleSource: 3")

         writeAct val = writeIORef ref val

         bumpAct =
               val <- readIORef ref
               broadcast broadcaster val

      delayedBumpAct <- newDelayedAction bumpAct

         updateAct val =
               writeAct val
               delayedAct delayer delayedBumpAct

      addNewSourceActions (toSource simpleSource)
         (broadcast broadcaster) updateAct sinkId parallelX

      return (toSimpleSource broadcaster,invalidate sinkId)